State of Washington, et al v. Donald J. Trump, et al

Filing 150

Filed James O'Hagan motion to intervene. Deficiencies: None. Served on 01/25/2017. [10320161] (CW) [Entered: 02/15/2017 09:20 AM]

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I RECEIVED 1 2 3 4 5 6- MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK U.S. COURT OF APPEALS James J. O'Hagan 2298 Cranberry Rd. Grayland WA 98547 (360) 267-7911 FEB 1 4 2017 =ICED JACKETED DATE 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 10 11 Plaintiff( s) VS 12 13 14 ) WASHINGTON STATE Et All 17 ) Washington State No. 17-cv-00141-JLR ) 9th Circuit No. 17-35105 ) MEMORANDUM OF INTERVENER BY PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP Et All Defendant (s) DECLARATION OF JAMES J. O'HAGAN 15 16 TEXAS NO. JAMES J. O'HAGAN, (Et All) Co- Defendant(s) 18 19 20 21 COMES NOW JAMES J. O'HAGAN an intervener with standing and swears under the penalty of perjury the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Since the Department of Justice Attorneys defending President Donald Trump are 22 actually his adversaries that was appointed by the former President Barrack Obama, they failed 23 to identify significant legal issues, and important facts that should not be ignored. Since their 24 omissions or negligence affects my personal interests and damages me, I'll get right down to 25 identifying their omissions, and strategies of sabotage. 26 "I stipulate" the plaintiff Washington State Attorney General ( AGO) Robert Ferguson 27 lacks standing to bring the matters he is attempting to prosecute whereas he is not a damaged 28 party, and a complaining party has not came to him and hired him for relief. Washington State 29 Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit in a political attempt to maintain 30 democratic power in Washington State, and continue to allow dead people and illegal aliens to 31 vote for the social programs they are using to bribe their voter supporters with. 32 33 I stipulate everything that AGO Robert Ferguson is doing with this case is politically motivated, fraud and a fraudulent use of taxpayers' funds as his actions directly violate Article II 1 1N17 n 0 1 section 41 of our United States Constitution that guarantees us our Republican form of 2 government shall not be infringed upon in Washington State. 3 AGO Robert Ferguson is using taxpayer funds collected ultimately only from the 4 producers of our products developed in Washington State to prosecute this case for his and his 5 accomplices personal political agenda, and infringe upon the legislative and executive branches 6 of our republican form of government. 7 The producers of Washington State's products, the ultimate taxpayers (where all taxes 8 are derived from) have been plagued by decades of social programs that have been created by 9 socialists and communists to bribed voters to vote for people that support their social 10 programs. The people of Washington State, like most of the States in the Ninth Circuit have 11 been denied access to the "Equal Footing Doctrine" that has caused us numerous problems that 12 most states in the United States have not had to deal with. Our "problems" started with a 13 notorious statehood that is largely ignored by the beneficiaries of ignoring the deceptions 14 involving our statehood. We should not continue to ignore the problems out of habitude. The deceptions started when our 1878 Washington State Constitution, that was ratified 15 16 by the United States 50th Congress, second session in Senate miscellaneous documents, 17 Number 55 on January 28th 1889 was switched at the last hour with our fictitious 1889 18 Washington State Constitution. As far as I can tell, and other individuals that have investigated 19 the situation in depthrour 1889 Washington State Constitution was never ratified by the United 20 States congress. This is significant as the 1889 Washington State Constitution had very 21 significant changes that violated the States of the United States "Equal Footing Doctrine". Even though several other individuals have pointed out several other valid violations of 22 23 the "States Equal Footing Doctrine" to me the most significant violation of the "Equal Footing 24 Doctrine" that I have personally been damaged by, and all other economically vulnerable 25 individuals have been damaged by, is identified in Article III of our original 1878 Washington 26 State Constitution that states "Article III Distribution of Power Section 1. The Government of 27 this State shall be divided into three separate distinct departments, to wit, the legislative, the USC Article II section 4 Guarantee of republican Government. The united States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion: and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. 1 2 1 executive, and the judicial. Section 2. No person, or collection of persons, holding any 2 position in or exercising any authority under, one of these departments shall hold any office 3 in, or exercise any authority whatever under, either of the others, except such as may be 4 expressly provided for in this constitution". 5 Here in Washington State we have been continually plagued by violations to the 6 separation of powers where officers of the courts (attorneys) have infiltrated our legislative and 7 executive branches and created laws that provide their fellow judicial branch members 8 (attorneys) pecuniary benefits (untold riches) special privileges and immunities, that has led to 9 them obtaining "nobility" and complete control over all three branches of our Washington 10 State Government. It is described in "Black Law Dictionary" as a tyranny. It should be noted the 11 thirteen original states all have articles in their state constitutions that prohibit the violations of 12 the separations of powers, thus if the equal footing doctrine is applied equally the people of 13 Washington State would be protected from members of the judiciary infiltrating our legislative 14 and executive branches to completely take over the State of Washington for the benefit of their 15 fellow attorneys, which has happened. 16 This tyranny that we live in here in Washington State has converted most beneficial 17 parasites that are surviving off of the lives of our producers into detrimental parasites and 18 predators that are preying on all of our producers. Our "Prosperity" and "Domestic Tranquility" 19 has suffered from the lack of balance between the producers, beneficial parasites, detrimental 20 parasites and predators. Our dependency on debt is evidence of how far out of balance these 21 entities of our society are. In order to rein in our debt and regain our Domestic Tranquility these 22 entities need to be brought back into balance. It is impossible to bring these entities into 23 balance without ending the violations of the separations of powers. 24 This lawsuit is the cause and effect of the tyranny that has been created by generations 25 of judicial branch members continually violating the separation of powers and infiltrating our 26 legislative and executive branches. 27 28 I stipulate this lawsuit is about the corruption involved in the judicial branch of Washington State doing what it needs to do to retain its tyranny in Washington State, and 3 1 nothing else. In accordance with RCW 2.48.220 (6)2 it is grounds for disbarment of Robert 2 Fergusons Washington State Bar license. 3 4 In accordance with "RCW 2.44.020 Appearance without authority—Procedure. If it be alleged by a party for whom an attorney appears, that he or she does so without 5 authority, the court may, at any stage of the proceedings, relieve the party for whom the 6 attorney has assumed to appear from the consequences of his or her act; it may also 7 summarily, upon motion, compel the attorney to repair the injury to either party consequent 8 upon his or her assumption of authority". 9 I am a damaged party of AGO Robert Ferguson who has not granted him any authority to in this case, and as such he has embezzled my tax revenue and has used and is 10 appear for me 11 using it for his personal political gains. 12 13 I am ordering the court to cease and desist all of AGO Robert Ferguson's actions in this case until Washington State Attorney General proves to the court the following: 14 1. Standing: Where a damaged complaining party (a voter of Washington State) came to 15 him and asked him to prosecute this case and explain to the court why he did not 16 identify the complaining party in the caption of the case and him as their attorney. 17 2. Embezzlement of my taxes: AGO Robert Ferguson needs to prove to this court he is not 18 using my tax dollars to promote his and his colleagues in the democratic party personal 19 political interests. 20 3. Fraud by Deception: AGO Robert Ferguson needs to prove to this court that he has not 21 brought this case forward fraudulently to maintain and protect the tyranny the Judicial 22 branch of Washington State has created with the judicial branch of Washington State 23 infiltrating and controlling the executive branch and legislative branch of Washington 24 State . 25 26 4. Subversive activities: Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson needs to prove to the court that he is not the puppet master of Washington State and his deputy 2 RCW 2.48.220 Grounds of disbarment or suspension. An attorney or counselor may be disbarred or suspended for any of the following causes arising after his admission to practice: (6) 6) For the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption, whether the same be committed in the course of his or her relations as an attorney or counselor at law, or otherwise, and whether the same constitute a felony or misdemeanor or not; and if the act constitute a felony or misdemeanor, conviction thereof in a criminal proceeding shall not be a condition precedent to disbarment or suspension from practice therefor. 4 1 AGO's are not instructing the legislators of Washington State how to act, doing what he 2 personally desires to do and telling them what they can and cannot do. 3 4 5. Election crimes: AGO Robert Ferguson needs to prove to this court that he is not using this case to engage in or conceal election crimes and promote his political career. 5 TESTIMONEY OF INTERVENER UNDER PENALITY OF PERJURY 6 I am a "Next Friend" of several economically vulnerable individuals and an economically 7 vulnerable litigant, that has appeared before more than 50 State and Federal judges in 8 Washington, Oregon and Montana over the last 25 years. As such I am a historical witness as to 9 the quality of our judges, the integrity of the people's courts and the problems the judicial 10 branches have created for themselves and the people of these states. 11 I can honestly say I have been before the best judges these states have to offer and the 12 worst judges these states have to offer. The best judges are being harassed, threatened and 13 intimidated by the judicial fraud industry and the State Supreme Court Justices they practice in, 14 the U.S. District Court Judges and the Justices of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The worst 15 judges are the most dishonest disrespectable, deceiving unlawful people I have ever met in my 16 entire life, that regularly engage in inhumane treatment of economically vulnerable individuals. 17 They are obsessed with power and the State Supreme Court Justices encourage their inhumane 18 obsession with power, because they too understand the Ninth circuit Court of Appeals justices 19 have their back and share their obsession to power. The powers these individuals have 20 obtained through generations of violating the separations of powers, with their fellow judicial 21 branch members infiltrating our state's legislative and executive branches was never intended 22 to subject the people to. 23 The desire to obtain total and complete power has developed the judicial branches of 24 Washington and Oregon into nothing more than powerful organized crime families that have 25 overthrown the people's courts and are using the people's courts to steal the lives, liberties and 26 properties of every economically vulnerable individual in Washington and Oregon. The Judicial 27 branches in Washington and Oregon are attacking our prosperity and domestic tranquility for 28 profits. 9 On request of Pacific County Sherriff Scott Johnson the Washington State Patrol 1 2 conducted a white collar criminal fraud investigation into the criminal fraud of several 3 Washington State attorneys and state and federal judges in Washington State. After completing 4 their criminal fraud investigation the Washington State Patrol submitted a charging document 5 to my Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson's office. Not only did Washington 6 State Attorney General Robert Ferguson engage in the criminal act of omission to the fraud 7 crimes of his fellow judicial branch members he and his assistants became accomplices when 8 they directly interfered with my attempts to adjudicate the fraud crimes. Please see exhibit 1. On requests of several of my Next Friends" I decided to run for Washington State 9 10 Representative of my district to address the judicial crime family in Washington state and end 11 the violations of the separation of powers members of the judicial branch are engaging in that 12 has resulted in their tyrannical hold over all of the people of Washington State. As my political 13 campaign to expose and break up the organized crime family of the judicial branch of 14 Washington State grew, members of the judicial branch of Washington State slanderously, and 15 maliciously attacked me, my family and my political supporters with a vengeance. Days before 16 Election Day members of the judicial branch conspired and collaborated with local fake and 17 phony news media to ruin my political campaign and efforts. Please review Pacific County cause 18 no. 16-1-00207-1 State of Washington vs James J. O'Hagan, and contact attorney Harold 19 Karlsvik at Pleased also review U. S. District Court for the Western District of Washington at 20 21 Tacoma no. 3:16-mc-05038-BHS that was sandbagged by an inhumane federal judge that has 22 continually catered to his own personal political agenda instead of justice regarding civil right 23 violations here in Washington State. Please note that I filed several affidavits of prejudice on 24 Judge Benjamin H. Settle and have filed numerous complaints to have him removed as 25 described in 28 USC section 372( c)(1) & (2)3 and he still assumed jurisdiction over my attempt 26 to remove Pacific County cause no. 16-1-00207-1 to federal jurisdiction to address civil rights 28 USC section 372 ( c) (1) Any person alleging that a circuit district, or bankruptcy judge, or magistrate, has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts, or alleging that such a judge or magistrate is unable to discharge the duties of the office by reason of mental or physical disability, may file with the clerk of the court of appeals for the circuit a written complaint containing a brief statement of the facts constituting such conduct..... 3 1 violations involving election crimes. Please also review Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals No 17- 2 35060, that is currently before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals documenting the election 3 crimes I was submitted to by the judicial branch of Washington State. 4 Please review my Washington State Supreme Court Brief I submitted to the Washington 5 State Supreme Court justices and all of my state representatives on January 25, 2017. Please 6 note all of these Judges have engaged in the criminal act of omission to the election crimes that 7 I was subjected to by members of the judicial branch, that are motivated by their desire to 8 maintain power they we never intended to hold, yet through stealthy continual subversive 9 tactics managed to obtain. 10 11 ARGUMENT Washington State Courts' have a long soiled, filthy history of using the U.S. Federal 12 Courts and the Ninth Circuit Justices to support Washington State Judges' patterns of falsities 13 and willful disregards and disrespects for truth and justice. Washington State Judges have 14 disregarded the instructions the National Center for State Courts provided in their 1999 Anti- 15 Government Movement Guidebook, to wit: "Decency, security and liberty alike demand that 16 government officials shall be subject to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the 17 citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to 18 observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For 19 good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example." 20 President Donald Trump stated it honestly and clearly to the world, the judge acted 21 politically with disrespect of the law. If the President of the United States cannot receive 22 lawful treatment from our judges then no economically vulnerable individual has a shadows 23 chance in hell of receiving justice. President Donald Trump has verified my testimony that 24 no-one in the Ninth Circuit has received justice for the last 20 years, and now the world 25 knows it. Now the question for President Donald Trump, our representatives and our military 26 Is; Are the victims of the injustice of the Ninth Circuit entitled to justice, or will the 27 government continue to fail to observe the law scrupulously, and thus fail the people. 28 29 The Judges of the U.S. Federal Courts in Washington and Oregon and the Ninth Circuit Justices have ignored the advice and instructions of the National Center for State Courts and 7 1 not held the State Judges accountable for their patterns of falsities and willful disregards and 2 disrespects for truth and justice. All of the willful patterns of falsities and willful disregards and 3 disrespects for the truth and justice have resulted in subversive attacks on individual's rights, 4 and preying on economically vulnerable individuals. Their combined actions are organized 5 criminal attacks on our constitutions, and our constitutional form of government, that was 6 designed specifically to protect individual rights of economically vulnerable individuals from 7 oppressive governmental practices of our governments. Essentially the State and Federal 8 Judges in the Ninth Circuit have became rogue4 and are operating outside of the law and are 9 using the people's courts to attack every individual's life, liberty and property. The State and Federal Judges in Washington have ignored RCW 2.44.020 Production of 10 11 Authority to Act and have allowed attorneys that were fraudulently before the court to commit 12 fraud, extortion and embezzlement please see Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals No. 13-35324, 13 James J. O'Hagan vs Northwest Farm Credit Services. Attorneys and state and federal Judges in Washington have routinely wrongfully used 14 15 their powers to defraud economically vulnerable individuals in Washington State, and the Ninth 16 Circuit Court of Appeals, has continually supported these injustices. The United States Supreme 17 Court- has been overwhelmed by the patterns of falsities and willful disrespect and disregards of 18 truth and justice the Ninth circuit Court of Appeals Justices engaged in. Please see Order from 19 United States Supreme Court Re: James J. O'Hagan vs Northwest Farm Credit Services no.13- 20 35324. 21 When the judicial branch controls the legislative and executive branches of the state 22 and controls public elections they have successfully converted the constitutional form of 23 government to a communist or monarchy or oligarchy tyranny that holds total and complete 24 power, and the people of the state are defenseless against the whims of the judges holding 25 power they were not intended to hold. 26 The problem is clearly described in the 1999 Anti-Government Movement Guidebook 27 produced by the National Center for State Courts and no-one needs to pretend the problem 28 does not exist or need repairing. The problem is state and federal judges use their judicial ' Rogue: A dishonest or unprincipled person; scoundrel; fraudster 8 1 positions to ignore our laws and create law of which they were not intended to be allowed to 2 do. Essentially it is allowing judges to use the peoples courts for unlawful purposes or political 3 purposes, either of which are the highest forms of crimes of our society whereas using our 4 courts for unlawful purposes undermines the foundation of our governments and using our 5 courts to execute political gains or politics also undermines the foundation of our governments. 6 It essentially all boils down to this; if the judicial branch is going to continue be allowed 7 to ignore the laws we have, create any law or procedure they desire by judicial decisions, then 8 why do we even have the burden of the legislative and executive branches. Are the legislative 9 and executive branches only smoke and mirrors and tools of deception to assist the members 10 of the judicial branches to enslave the people with their quest for " Nobility" In order for the three separate branches of government to operate successfully without 11 12 corrupt influence they need to be separate and distinct with enforceable checks and balances in 13 place. In order for this to occur the people need to have an enforceable method of removing 14 the top ranking judicial members if they become rogue and overstep the laws or disregard their 15 duties. 16 Currently the law professors and political science professors of our state and federally 17 funded universities are instigating student protests because they are afraid President Donald 18 Trump will acknowledge they are the root of the problems that the producers of our gross 19 national products are facing. The problem is these law professors and political science 20 professors are not beneficial parasites of our society they are detrimental parasites of our 21 society and predators and are educating their students to become detrimental parasites and 22 predators to prey on the lives, liberties and properties of our producers and this insanity needs 23 to end, in order to restore our prosperity and domestic tranquility. 24 Instead of bringing these law professors to justice and prosecuting them for instigating 25 riots AGO Robert Ferguson filed this case to encourage these professors and students to 26 support his political career. Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson is as criminal 27 as criminal gets and each and every judge that goes along with him and his accomplices desire 28 to overthrow our government destroy our Domestic Tranquility and interfere with our 29 prosperity as described in 18 USC section 1951 Interference with Commerce should be 1 prosecuted with him for their felony subversive attacks on our republican form of government. 2 It is a fine line all beneficial parasites need to walk to keep themselves from becoming 3 detrimental parasites and predators. 4 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 5 I am instructing the Judges involved in this case to cease and desist using the people's 6 courts and their official positions to execute their personal political agendas, and follow the law 7 scrupulously. 8 9 I am instructing the justices to identify without delay the "injured party" that hired Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson as their attorney to bring this case 10 forward and prosecute this case, and determine if AGO Robert Ferguson can use the taxpayer's 11 funds for his personal political career to damage taxpayers. 12 I am instructing the Judges involved to correctly identify the names of the "individual 13 damaged persons", and explain to me how I am not a damaged person from Robert Ferguson's 14 actions herein. 15 The ethical Judges involved, and those of us who are not members of the judicial branch 16 (attorneys) should closely examine the preamble to our United States Constitution and the last 17 sentence in Article I section 6 Compensation, Privileges, Disabilities regarding a disability to 18 hold office in our U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to wit: and no person holding any 19 office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in 20 office. This clause in our United States Constitution was implemented to insure us that we 21 would be protected from officers of the courts violating the separation of powers and 22 infiltrating our legislative branches to be in a position to create laws to attack our domestic 23 tranquility for profits and power. The problem comes out of habitudes and the fact that no member of the judicial 24 25 branches of our States and United States will ever enforce this section of our United States 26 constitution because members of the judicial branch have derived untold amounts of wealth 27 and power from continually violating it, while sacrificing our nation's domestic tranquility and in re Benny, 29 B.R. 754, 762 (N.D. Cal. 1983 "an unlawful or unauthorized exercise of power does not become legitimated or authorized by reason of habitude" 5 10 1 prosperity. Every time any individual attempts to address it or enforce it they become the arch 2 enemy of the judicial branches and are harassed, threatened and intimidated to death or 3 silenced by the judiciary incarcerating them. 4 The violations of the separation of powers by members of the judiciary (attorneys) 5 infiltrating our legislative and executive branches attacks every economically vulnerable 6 individual's freedom. The lives of untold amounts of our patriots have been wrongfully 7 sacrificed by the members of the judiciary that have engaged in stealthy tactics to steal the 8 people's freedoms. In accordance with 18 USC section 4 Misprision of Felony6 I am personally asking 9 10 President Donald Trump to work with the members of our legislative and executive branches 11 that are not members of the judiciary, our United States Military, our law enforcement, and 12 our militias across our country to take back our House and Senate, and remove every Judicial 13 Branch member from office that has violated the separation of powers and infiltrated our 14 legislative and executive branches or supported judicial members that have violated the 15 separations of powers. The prosperity and domestic tranquility of our nation depends on it. 16 If President Donald Trump decides not to totally drain the swamp of the corruption our 17 nation is drowning in, all he has to do to rid himself (and the rest of our nation) of the problem 18 Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson is causing, is appoint a DOJ official to 19 investigate the fraud crimes and election crimes Robert Ferguson executed against me, my 20 family, my friends and political supporters. If any United States Judge has any ethical integrity the size of a grain of salt, and does 21 22 not want to become an Accessory After the Fact as described in 18 USC section 37, he would 18 USC section 4 Misprision of Felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 18 USC section 3 Accessory After the Fact. Whoever, Knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact. Except as otherwise expressly provided by any act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years. 6 11 1 personally bring Robert Ferguson before him and require him to answer directly to his political 2 motivations, the misuse of public funds, the fraud and election crimes I have addressed herein. 3 It is for these reasons that I have demanded a Jury in this case, to allow the jury to 4 examine the stealthy encroachments of the judiciary by continually violating the separation of 5 powers, creating laws that attack our domestic tranquility for profits, providing their fellow 6 judicial branch members pecuniary benefits, special privileges and immunities and engaging in 7 felony subversive attacks on our constitutional Republican form of Government. 8 God Bless President Donald Trump to have the courage to expose the problems the 9 people are having with the members of the judicial branches of the United States, he is our 10 Hero, for being honest to us and starting discussions abo, improvi g the quality of justice so 11 our oaths of office and pledge of allegiance have meani g nd m 12 Dated this day of February 2017, By 13 James J. O'Hagan, ro se II 14 CERTIFICATE OF ERICE 15 is & Protections Reserved I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail 16 postage prepaid via certified mail and / or via first class mail and / or via email. 17 U.S. District Court Clerk 655 Cesar Chavez Blvd. Rm G65 San Antonio Texas 78206 18 19 U.S. District Court Clerk Robert W. Ferguson 700 Stewart St. Suite 2301 P.O. Box 40100 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Seattle WA 98101 20 21 22 23 Colleen M. Melody 800 5th Ave. Ste 2000 Seattle WA 98104 USDOJ Civil Division michelle.bennett@USDOJ.GOV 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20530 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20500 My Political Supporters My Legislators Washington State Supreme Court My Next Friends General James Mattis 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington DC 20301-1400 9Th Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco, CA 94119-3939 31 32 I asked DOJ attorneys Michelle and Arjun to e 33 Dated this day of February 2017. 8 12 STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE PATROL -, ,t*, I Werner Road • Bremerton, Washington 48312-3333 - (360) 3;8-446 S O { bctdb6r 24, 2013 Mr. James J. O'Hagan 2298 Cranberry Road Grayland WA 98547 The Washington State Patrol (WSP) Criminal Investigation Division has completed the Investigation of your case. The case number associated with this investigation is 08-13-006659. The case officer is Scott Marlow of the Attorney General's Office. The attorney may be reached at (206) 389-2098 during normal business hours. If the attorney is not available when you call, please leave a message and the attorney will call you back as soon as possible. W You are receiving this letter because you are either a victim in this case or becauseyou have been identified to us as a point of contact for the affected person(s). The investigation has been completed and referred to the Attorney General'sOffice for a charging decision. The Attorney General makes the decision regarding whether or not to charge a suspect with a crime and what those charge(s) should be. Although the active investigation is complete,the case is not closed until it is adjudicated. The attorney assigned to this case will continue to work closely with the Attorney General's Office until the case is adjudicated by thecourt. Now that the case has been referred to the Attorney General's Office, further inquiries regarding this case should be directed to the attorney's office for updates and case status inquiries. Sincerely, r!_ Captain Charles Leblanc Criminal Investigation Division CL:rg cc: Captain Christopher D Old, Bremerton £V rr t JZ Washington State Supreme Court 2 3 4 5 Pacific County Superior Court Case no. 16-1-00207-1 6 7 James J. O'Hagan, 8 Appellant 9 Vs. 10 State of Washington 11 Respondents 12 13 14 Opening Brief of Appellant 15 James J. O'Hagan 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 1 2 BRIEF OF APPALANT JAMES J. O'HAGAN Comes now appellant James J. O'Hagan and appeals the decisions of the lower courts to 3 deny him assistance of legal counsel, engage in election fraud and subject him to the judicial 4 fraud industry that was accomplished by subjecting him to unfair biased and prejudiced judges 5 that made dishonest findings of fact and unlawful conclusions of law. 6 7 Appellant James J. O'Hagan asserts he is constitutionally entitled to the same equal protections of law that other litigants in state and federal courts receive. n lSXC1t.1UhIE X 9 Appellant James J. O'Hagan is a victim of the judicial fraud industry (fraud upon the 10 courts by officers of the courts). The judicial fraud industry makes profits for attorneys and 11 others by preying off of economically vulnerable individuals. Judges involved in supporting the 12 judicial fraud industry penalize every pro se litigant that comes before them for not 13 participating in their judicial fraud industry. Judges participating in the judicial fraud industry 14 ignores pro se litigant's evidence and testimony and engages in patterns of falsities with willful 15 disregard and disrespects for the truths. 16 The judicial fraud industry is not a unique problem with appellant James O'Hagan it is a 17 national problem that is well documented in the National Center for State Courts Ant- 18 Government Movement Guidebook and has grown out of members of the judiciary violating 19 the separation of powers and entering into legislative and executive branches of government to 20 create pecuniary benefits, special privileges and immunities for themselves and fellow 21 members of the judiciary. 22 As a victim of the judicial fraud industry appellant James O'Hagan studied how and why 23 the judicial fraud industry (and corruption involved in it) thrives and expands. As a victim of the 24 judicial fraud industry appellant James O'Hagan developed a political strategy to address and 25 end the judicial fraud industry and restore justice to all economically vulnerable individuals. 2 1 The strategy appellant James O'Hagan developed causes the least amount of damages 2 to judicial branch members in restoring justice to economically vulnerable individuals and 3 restores our nation's domestic tranquility. 4 The criminal charges filed against me were an action of voter fraud to prevent me from 5 getting elected and addressing the corruption involved in the judicial branch of Washington 6 State. 7 FACTS 8 The facts are fairly well documented in the court records of this case. The court record 9 shows that the Judges involved already made a considerable amount on fraudulent findings of 10 11 facts that are supporting unlawful interpretations of our laws. The uncontested facts in the court or records, court record are: 12 1. The accused ran for Washington State Representative, for District No. 19 position no. 2. 13 2. The accused campaigned to clean up the corruption involved in the judicial branch 14 specifically the judicial fraud industry that is made up of predators that are profiting_ 15 from preying off of economically vulnerable individuals. 16 3. The accused is a victim of the judicial fraud industry. 17 4. The defendant's temporary public defender stated clearly on the record that the case 18 19 20 21 was a special case that was a politically motivated, toxic case for Pacific County. 5. There was no investigating officer that filed an affidavit of probable cause, it was only judicial members that brought the charges against the accused. 6. The filing of the criminal charges by the prosecutor violates the duties of the prosecutor, 22 and leaves the prosecutor without immunity, as described in Kalina Vs. Fletcher 23 Supreme Court No. 96-792 (1997). 24 25 26 27 7. The criminal charges were brought on top of an ongoing civil action that created a lis pendens action in common law. 8. The filing of criminal charges on top of an ongoing civil action creates a common law action that leaves the prosecutor with limited qualified immunity only, and responsible 3 1 for any and all damages that occurred if the personal matter and subject matter is 2 involved in the civil lawsuit. 3 9. In accordance with RCW 36.27.030 Disability of Prosecuting Attorney and RCW 4 36 27 040 Appointment of Deputies- Special and Temporary Deputies, the Lewis 5 County Prosecutor was not lawfully authorized to act as a Pacific County Prosecutor, and 6 as such he / they were engaging in the criminal act of impersonating a public officer, as 7 identified in RCW 9A.60.040 Criminal impersonation In The First Degree. 8 9 10 10. The unauthorized and illegal acts of the Lewis County Prosecutors, leaves them without any immunity and responsible for all damages the accuser and his supporters suffered as described in RCW 2.44.020. Appearance Without Authority- Procedure. 11 11. Local newspaper writer Natalie St. John conspired with Pacific County and Lewis County 12 prosecutors and instigated the criminal charges for pecuniary benefits, special privileges 13 and immunities. 14 12. The Pacific County Prosecutor and Lewis County Prosecutor conspired with Newspaper 15 reporter Natalie St John in a civil conspiracy with the intent to violate election laws, as 16 described in RCW 29A.84.620 Hindering or bribing voter, RCW 29A.84.630 17 Influencing voter to withhold vote and RCW 29A.84.720 Officers—Violations 18 generally. 19 13. The criminal charges and everything involved in them was an attempt by members of 20 the judicial branch of Washington State to use the people's courts to overthrow their 21 Republican and constitutional form of government as described USC Article II section 4. 22 Guarantee of Republican Government. 23 14. The members of the judicial branch believe it is acceptable to violate individuals' rights 24 and protections of law under the guise it is in the public's interests to do so, and as such 25 they regularly engage in subversive activities as described in RCW 9.81.020 Subversive 26 activities made felony—Penalty. 27 15. Judge pro tern William Faubion violated my right to assistance of counsel because he did 28 not want any attorney present in the courtroom witnessing and documenting the 29 judicial fraud crimes he was engaging in from the bench. 4 1 16. As a judge pro tem, and not an elected Superior Court Judge, William Faubion had a 2 duty to obtain consent from the parties before making any judicial decisions as 3 described in WSC Article IV section 7 Exchange of Judges — Judge Pro Tempore. 4 17. Judge pro tem William Faubion made a fraudulent finding of fact regarding the Lewis 5 6 County prosecutors, unlawful impersonation of a Pacific County prosecutor. 18. Judge pro tem William Faubion ignored the evidence and made a fraudulent finding of 7 facts regarding the fact the case is a special politically motivated, toxic case for Pacific 8 County 9 10 11 19. Judge pro tem William Faubion fraudulently determined the accused did not have the right to assistance of counsel. 20. Judge pro tem William Faubion is a supporter of the judicial fraud industry and as a 12 supporter of the judicial fraud industry, Judge Faubion had a conflict of interest and was 13 motivated to deny the accused, all lawful protections of law and rights of accused 14 persons. 15 21. As a supporter of the judicial fraud industry Judge Pro tem William Faubion was highly 16 motivated to assist the prosecutors in doing everything they could to ruin the political 17 career of the accused James O'Hagan. 18 22. In an effort to conceal and protect their involvement in the judicial fraud industry Pacific 19 County Superior Court personnel violated the lawful protections the accused has in 20 connection with Court commissioners review challenges. 21 23. The entire judicial branch of Washington State has obtained pecuniary benefits, special 22 privileges and immunities from allowing judicial officers to violate the separation of 23 powers and infiltrate the legislative and executive branches of Washington state 24 government. 25 24. The entire judicial branch of Washington State is motivated to do everything in their 26 power to ruin the political efforts and political career of the accused James O'Hagan. 27 25. Since the accused lost the election by less than 10%, we presume adverse publicity that 28 subjected the accused to public ridicule, humiliation, contempt and hatred that 29 stemmed from the slanderous, malicious and vindictive criminal charges interfered with 5 1 his ability to be elected, and clean up the corruption involved in the judicial branch of 2 Washington State. /_TIRRIM illII 3 4 5 The accused relies on the court record, transcripts and the laws attached hereto in appendix A. 6 The judicial fraud industry exists by allowing judges to make fraudulent findings of facts 7 and using those findings of facts to make unlawful conclusions of law. The appellate courts are 8 the backbone of the judicial fraud industry as they inspire fraud and instigate fraud by 9 continually condoning fraud upon the courts by officers of the courts. The appellate Judges use 10 word smithing and creative writing skills to conceal, deceive and cover-up the fraudulent 11 findings of facts and unlawful conclusions of law, the lower judges determine. 12 The sole reason I ran for state office and petitioned for this appeal is to expose to the 13 people that the judicial fraud industry is operating from the top of the judicial branch down the 14 chain of command to the lower court judges. 15 I will not move to dismiss this case without accurate findings of facts tied to lawful 16 conclusions of law, and I will present each and every contested finding of fact to the jury in this 17 case with this appeal and the judges decisions thereof, to expose to the people how the judicial 18 fraud industry operates and why. 19 I am requiring the appellate court judges to cease and desist their judicial fraud industry 20 and refrain from using word smiting and creative writing skills to conceal the fraudulent finding 21 of facts the lower court judges determined. As such I am requiring that each appellate court 22 judge involved in this appeal either agrees or disagrees with the findings of facts I have 23 proposed. I am requiring the judges to make accurate findings of facts, as such their answer to 24 this appeal needs to be free of deceit and deception and I command them to word their 25 findings of facts as follows: 26 FINDINGS OF FACTS X 1 1. The accused ran for Washington State Representative, for District No. 19 position , Agree (initials of appellate judges) 2 no. 2. 3 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 4 in contesting facts) 5 Disagreeing Judge's Initials 6 , (cite reason in record or evidence used , reason 2. The accused campaigned to clean up the corruption involved in the judicial branch 7 specifically the judicial fraud industry that is made up of predators that are profiting 8 from preying off of stealing economically vulnerable individual's life, liberty and 9 property. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 10 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 11 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 13 , cite reason in record for contesting facts 12 , facts 14 15 , cite reason in record for contesting 3. The accused is a victim of the judicial fraud industry. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) , , cite reason in record for contesting 16 17 facts 18 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 19 facts 20 , cite reason in record for contesting 4. The defendant's temporary public defender stated clearly on the record that the 21 case was a special case that was a politically motivated, toxic case for Pacific County. 22 Agree (initials of appellate judges) 23 (Initials of appellate judge) 24 facts 25 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 26 facts 27 , Disagree , cite reason in record for contesting , cite reason in record for contesting 5. There was no investigating officer that filed an affidavit of probable cause, it was 28 only judicial members that brought the charges against the accused. Agree (initials 29 of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of 7 1 appellate judge) 2 , cite reason in record for contesting facts Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) , cite reason in record for contesting facts 6. The filing of the criminal charges by the prosecutor violates the duties of the prosecutor, and leaves the prosecutor without immunity, as described in Kalina Vs. 7 Fletcher. 8 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 9 facts Agree (initials of appellate judges) 10 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 11 , , cite reason in record for contesting facts 12 13 , cite reason in record for contesting 7. The criminal charges were brought on top of an ongoing civil action that created a lis pendens action in common law. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 14 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 15 record or evidence used in contesting 16 facts) 17 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in 18 Disagreeing , reason 8. The filing of criminal charges on top of an ongoing civil action creates a common law 19 action that leaves the prosecutor with limited qualified immunity only, and 20 responsible for any and all damages that occurred if the personal matter and subject 21 matter is involved in the civil lawsuit. Agree (initials of appellate judges) Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 22 23 facts) 25 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting 24 , 26 Disagreeing , reason 9. In accordance with RCW 36.27.030 Disability of Prosecuting Attorney and RCW 27 36.27.040 Appointment of Deputies- Special and Temporary Deputies, the Lewis 28 County Prosecutor was not lawfully authorized to act as a Pacific County Prosecutor, 29 and as such he / they were engaging in the criminal act of impersonating a public 8 1 officer, as identified in RCW 9A.60.040 Criminal impersonation In The First Degree. 2 Agree (initials of appellate judges) 3 (Initials of appellate judge) 4 contesting facts) 5 Disagreeing Judge's Initials , Disagree , (cite reason in record or evidence used in , reason 6 10. The unauthorized and illegal acts of the Lewis County Prosecutors, leaves them 7 without any immunity and responsible for all damages the accuser and his 8 supporters suffered as described in RCW 2.44.020. Appearance Without Authority- 9 Procedure. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 10 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 11 Disagreeing Judge's Initials , , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting facts) 12 , 13 , reason 11. Local newspaper writer Natalie St. John conspired with Pacific County and Lewis 14 County prosecutors and instigated the criminal charges for pecuniary benefits, 15 special privileges and immunities. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 16 17 facts) 19 Judge's Initials reason in record or evidence used in contesting 18 , (cite 20 Disagreeing , reason 12. The Pacific County Prosecutor and Lewis County Prosecutor conspired with 21 Newspaper reporter Natalie St John in a civil conspiracy with the intent to violate 22 election laws, as described in RCW 29A.84.620, RCW 29A.84.630 and RCW 23 29A.84.720. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 24 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 25 in contesting facts) 26 Disagreeing Judge's Initials , , (cite reason in record or evidence used , reason 27 13. The criminal charges and everything involved in them was an attempt by members 28 of the judicial branch of Washington State to use the people's courts to overthrow 29 their Republican and constitutional form of government. Agree (initials of appellate 9 1 judges) 2 , , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting 3 facts) 4 Judge's Initials 5 Disagreeing , reason 14. The members of the judicial branch believe it is acceptable to violate individuals' 6 rights and protections of law under the guise it is in the public's interests to do so, 7 an d as such they regularly engage in subversive activities as described in RCW 8 9.81.020. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 9 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 10 Disagreeing Judge's Initials , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting facts) 11 , , reason 12 15. Judge pro tern William Faubion violated my right to assistance of counsel because he 13 did not want any attorney present in the courtroom witnessing and documenting 14 the judicial fraud crimes he was engaging in from the bench. Agree (initials of 15 appellate judges) 16 appellate judge) 17 facts) 18 Judge's Initials , Disagree (Initials of , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting Disagreeing , reason 19 16. As a judge pro tem, and not an elected Superior Court Judge, William Faubion had a 20 duty to obtain consent from the parties before making any judicial decisions as 21 described in WSC Article IV section 7. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , (cite , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 22 23 reason in record or evidence used in contesting 24 facts) 25 Judge's Initials , Disagreeing , reason 26 17. Judge pro tem William Faubion violated my right to assistance of counsel because he 27 did not want any attorney present in the courtroom witnessing and documenting 28 the judicial fraud crimes he was engaging in from the bench. Agree (initials of 29 appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of 10 1 appellate judge) 2 facts) 3 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting Disagreeing , reason 4 18. Judge pro tern William Faubion ignored the evidence and made a fraudulent finding 5 of fact regarding the fact the case is a special politically motivated toxic case for 6 Pacific County. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 7 8 , , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting 9 , facts) 10 11 12 Disagreeing Judge's Initials , reason 19. Judge pro tern William Faubion fraudulently determined the accused did not have the right to assistance of counsel. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 13 14 record or evidence used in contesting 15 facts) 16 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in 17 Disagreeing , reason 20. Judge pro tern William Faubion is a supporter of the judicial fraud industry and as a 18 supporter of the judicial fraud industry, Judge Faubion had a conflict of interest and 19 was motivated to deny the accused all lawful protections of law and rights of 20 accused persons. Agree (initials of appellate judges) , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 21 22 evidence used in contesting 23 facts) 24 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in record or 25 Disagreeing , reason 21. As a supporter of the judicial fraud industry Judge Pro tern William Faubion was 26 highly motivated to assist the prosecutors in doing everything they could to ruin the 27 political career of the accused James O'Hagan. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 28 29 , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting 1 facts) 2 Judge's Initials 3 Disagreeing , reason 22. In an effort to conceal and protect their involvement in the judicial fraud industry 4 Pacific County Superior Court personnel violated the lawful protections the accused 5 has in connection with Court commissioners review challenges. . Agree (initials of 6 appellate judges) 7 appellate judge) 8 facts) 9 Judge's Initials , Disagree (Initials of , (cite reason in record or evidence used in contesting Disagreeing , reason 10 23. The entire judicial branch of Washington State has obtained pecuniary benefits, 11 special privileges and immunities from allowing judicial officers to violate the 12 separation of powers and infiltrate the legislative and executive branches of 13 Washington state government. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 14 , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 15 record or evidence used in contesting 16 facts) 17 Judge's Initials , (cite reason in Disagreeing , reason 18 24. The entire judicial branch of Washington State is motivated to do everything in their 19 power to ruin the political efforts and political career of the accused James O'Hagan. 20 Agree (initials of appellate judges) 21 Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) 22 in contesting facts) 23 Disagreeing Judge's Initials 24 , (cite reason in record or evidence used , reason 25. Since the accused lost the election by less than 10%, we presume adverse publicity 25 that subjected the accused to public ridicule, humiliation, contempt and hatred that 26 stemmed from the slanderous, malicious and vindictive criminal charges interfered 27 with his ability to be elected, and clean up the corruption involved in the judicial 28 branch of Washington State. Agree (initials of appellate judges) 29 , Disagree (Initials of appellate judge) , (cite reason in 12 1 record or evidence used in contesting 2 facts) 3 Judge's Initials 4 5 Disagreeing , reason CONCLUSIONS OF LAW After determining these accurate findings of facts the appellate Judges involved should 6 be able to make rational, respectful, responsible lawful pnckJsions of law. 7 Dated this/ /Aay of January, 1an*s J. O'Hagan pro se All Rights & Protections Reserved 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 9 10 I, James J. O'Hagan certify that I sent copies of this to the following via U.S. mail and emails. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pacific eunty Superior eurt Clerk Lewis County Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer P.O. Box 67 South Bend WA 98586 345 West Main Street Chehalis WA 98532 Pac ific County Court Commission er William, J.Faubi„n Sh er iff Sco tt Joh n son P.O. Box 27 South Bend WA 98586 P.O. Box 157 Cathlamet WA 98612-0116 19 Washington State Supreme Court Justices Brian Blake Jim Walsh 20 via email 21 22 Cowlitz County Republican Party My Political Supporters & Next Friends 23 Grays Harbor Republican Party via emails 24 Lewis County Republican Party . 25 26 27 Dated this 2 day of January, 2017. BY 28 29 30 / / amps J. O'Hagan 2298 Cranberry Rd Grayland WA 98547 31 32 13

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