State of Washington, et al v. Donald J. Trump, et al

Filing 188

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I %EIVED i" ' El ERK ~f No. 17-35105 MAR t 9 FILED DOCKETED ---DATE In the FN TIAL United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA, PLAINTIFFS- APPELLEES, 0 VS. DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ET ALL Defendants — Appellants. On Appeal from the United States District Court For the Western District of Washington Reply Brief of Real Party in Interest Election Crime / Judicial Branch Victim James J. O'Hagan James J. O'Hagan, Pro Se All Rights & Protections Reserved 2298 Cranberry Rd. Grayland WA 98547 (360) 267-7911 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------II Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Statement of the Case---------------------------------------------------------------1 Summary of Argument -------------------------------------------------------------3 Argument------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Conclusion------------ -------------------------------- ---------------------------------11 Prayer for Re l i ef---------------------------------------------------------------------15 Certificate of Service ---------------------------------------------------------------15 Cases Table of Authorities Pages in re Benny , 29 B.R. 754, 762 (N.D. Cal. 1983-------------------------------------------------------------1 Olmstead v. United States, 277 US 438, 1928--------------------------------------------------8 Authorities Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017 1. Statutes RCW 42.20.100 Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor---------------------------2. RCW 42.52.020 Activities incompatible with public duties------------------------------------2. RCW 42.20.070 Misappropriation and falsification of accounts by public officer--------2. RCW 9.62.020 Instituting suit in name of another-----------------------------------------------2. RCW 9A.68.030 Receiving or granting unlawful compensation------------------------------2,3. RCW 9A.68.040 Trading in public office----------------------------------------------------------3 RCW 9A.68.050 Trading in special influence-----------------------------------------------------3 11 18 USC section 3 Accessory after the fact 18 USC section 4 Misprision of Felony---------------------------------------------------------------------9 RCW 9.81.020 Subversive attacks made felony- penalty-----------------------------------10 RCW 9.82.010 Treason Defined — Penalty ------------------------------------------------------3, 11 111 INTRODUCTION In an effort to protect our country from enemies of our country, our newly elected President, Donald Trump issued Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. The Judicial branch oligarchy has infiltrated our legislative and executive branches and special privileges and immunities to the media and other means. I and my political supporters are witnesses to these acts of treason that the members of our government cannot ignore. Like President Donald Trump I promised if elected I would end the Judicial branch of Washington State's Oligarchy (organized corruption) and remove the members of the judicial branch that are violating the separation of powers by infiltrating our legislative and executive branches of Washington State Government. The members of the Washington State Judicial branch oligarchy retaliated against me to prevent me from getting elected and draining the swamp of corruption just as they have retaliated against President Donald Trump for his efforts to drain the swamp of corruption. STATEMENT OF THE CASE This case is a political power struggle between the oligarchy the judicial branch created for themselves and the executive branch of our government. The Judicial Branch oligarchy is determined to keep the power they have created over decades of habitually, violating the separation of powers and infiltrating our legislative and executive branches of government. This lawsuit is Mr. Ferguson's attempt to prevent President Trump from draining the swamp of corruption involving the judicial branch and force Agenda 21 onto the people of the United States. Mr. Ferguson is attempting to use this lawsuit for social engineering, and force a one world order and Sharia Law onto the people of the United States. It is an attempt by the oligarchy the judicial branch has created, to shift public focus away from their corrupt acts and 1 in re Benny, 29 B.R. 754, 762 (N.D. Cal. 1983 "an unlawful or unauthorized exercise of power does not become legitimated or authorized by reason of habitude" force their oligarchy onto the world in order to protect their power, special privileges and immunity's. In an effort to advance his political career Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson decided on his own, without proper authority of the people of Washington State, to use public funds to provide aid, comfort and immunities to the enemies President Donald Trump was attempting to protect us from, and solicit funding for his political career from these enemies. A Washington State representative has confirmed Mr. Ferguson did not notify the State Legislature before filing this lawsuit2. In doing so Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson violated several Washington State Criminal codes3 and engaged in the act of treason as described in our RCW 42.20.100 Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor. Whenever any duty is enjoined by law upon any public officer or other person holding any public trust or employment, their wilful neglect to perform such duty, except where otherwise specially provided for, shall be a misdemeanor. RCW 42.52.020 Activities incompatible with public duties. No state officer or state employee may have an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in a business or transaction or professional activity, or incur an obligation of any nature, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of the state officer's or state employee's official duties. RCW 42.20.070 Misappropriation and falsification of accounts by public officer. Every public officer, and every other person receiving money on behalf or for or on account of the people of the state or of any department of the state government or of any bureau or fund created by law in which the people are directly or indirectly interested, or for or on account of any county, city, town, or any school, diking, drainage, or irrigation district, who: (1) Appropriates to his or her own use or the use of any person not entitled thereto, without authority of law, any money so received by him or her as such officer or otherwise; or (2) Knowingly keeps any false account, or makes any false entry or erasure in any account, of or relating to any money so received by him or her; or (3) Fraudulently alters, falsifies, conceals, destroys, or obliterates any such account; or (4) Willfully omits or refuses to pay over to the state, its officer or agent authorized by law to receive the same, or to such county, city, town, or such school, diking, drainage, or irrigation district or to the proper officer or authority empowered to demand and receive the same, any money received by him or her as such officer when it is a duty imposed upon him or her by law to pay over and account for the same, is guilty of a class B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than fifteen years. 2 RCW 9.62.020 Instituting suit in name of another. Every person who shall institute or prosecute any action or other proceeding in the name of another, without his or her consent and contrary to law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. RCW 9A.68.030 Receiving or granting unlawful compensation. 3 Washington State Criminal Code in our Revised Statutes of Washington (RCW) 9.82.010 Treason Defined — Penalty Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson engaged in these criminal acts and treason because he was paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to the people that if they elected him, he would "drain the swamp of the corruption that is ruining our country". As a top ranking member of the judicial branch that is leading the corruption and organized crimes of public officials in our state Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson retaliated and engaged in actions to prevent President Donald Trump and me from draining the swamp of corruption. This is a pattern of corrupt activity by Mr. Ferguson and his accomplices. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT When considering the standing Mr. Ferguson had to file this lawsuit (please see "Legal Memorandum On Washington State's Attorney General To Bring Forth Argument, by (1) A person is guilty of receiving or granting unlawful compensation if: (a) Being a public servant, he or she requests, accepts, or agrees to accept compensation for advice or other assistance in preparing a bill, contract, claim, or transaction regarding which he or she knows he or she is likely to have an official discretion to exercise; or (b) He or she knowingly offers, pays, or agrees to pay compensation to a public servant for advice or other assistance in preparing or promoting a bill, contract, claim, or other transaction regarding which the public servant is likely to have an official discretion to exercise. (2) Receiving or granting unlawful compensation is a class C felony. RCW 9A.68.040 Trading in public office. (1) A person is guilty of trading in public office if (a) He or she offers, confers, or agrees to confer any pecuniary benefit upon a public servant pursuant to an agreement or understanding that such actor will or may be appointed to a public office; or (b) Being a public servant, he or she requests, accepts, or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit from another person pursuant to an agreement or understanding that such person will or may be appointed to a public office. (2) Trading in public office is a class C felony. RCW 9A.68.050 Trading in special influence. (1) A person is guilty of trading in special influence if: (a) He or she offers, confers, or agrees to confer any pecuniary benefit upon another person pursuant to an agreement or understanding that such other person will offer or confer a benefit upon a public servant or procure another to do so with intent thereby to secure or attempt to secure a particular result in a particular matter; or (b) He or she requests, accepts, or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit pursuant to an agreement or understanding that he or she will offer or confer a benefit upon a public servant or procure another to do so with intent thereby to secure or attempt to secure a particular result in a particular matter. (2) Trading in special influence is a class C felony. 3 declaration of James O'Hagan" ) and the effect the lawsuit has on our domestic tranquility mature reasonable minds would conclude it is unlawful. The order issued shows it is the intent of this lawsuit to attempt to force the world politics of Agenda 21, a one world order and Sharia Law onto the American people. This lawsuit is a means to provide United States Constitutional Rights that have been reserved for the people of the United States, to the people of the world that will force the burden of carrying out world welfare onto the backs of the American plaintiff's class in the lawsuit (attorneys) will forever capitalize and profit on the attacks to our domestic tranquility they have caused and are causing by bringing this lawsuit. Like few others involved in this argument I studied the arguments and assertions from the mind of a producer of our gross national products that has been victimized by the predators and detrimental parasites of our society. All of the attorneys involved in this argument that is designed to socially engineer and shape the future of our country have bias and prejudicial attitudes that are not "in sync" with the producers of our gross national products thus all of the arguments are "tainted" and projected in a manner that is not the views of the producers of our gross national products. Contrary to Robert Ferguson's argument that the Order effects migrant workers it does not, and Robert Ferguson raised this argument as a last ditch effort to save his own skin. This is the dilemma we the producers of our nation are facing; we are the prey for the predators and we are the only supporters of the detrimental parasites and domestic parasites, which when they out number us is far too great of a burden to place on us and is unsustainable. The attorneys are predators capitalizing on preying off of our lives, liberties and properties, and the top ranking judicial branch members are caught up in a situation that is out of control and are faced with an almost impossible situation to deal with. The state and federal Supreme Court Justices, appellate court justices and judges are all aware of the judicial fraud industry and are involved in it up to their ears, as such they are afraid if they attempt to rein it in, it will turn on them and devour their lives, liberties and properties. The immoral judges simply ignore the problem and feed the predators to keep 4 themselves safe from the predators they have learned from, trained and created as such they have ceased to be beneficial parasites of society and are detrimental parasites of our society. The moral judges are faced with an almost impossible fine line to walk to maintain being a beneficial parasite for our society, and keep from being eaten alive by the predators. Believe me when I testify to you I have an enormous amount of admiration for them as I know how dangerous the predators are, that they have to deal with on a daily basis. It would be, and often privileges and immunities to the predators their industry has trained and created. All of the attorneys involved in the arguments evade the fact that there is a huge American workforce on welfare that is doing nothing but placing an enormous burden on the American producers and our society. The benefits of welfare, has created a huge amount of detrimental parasites in the United States that in turn created an attitude of why should we work for a producer of our gross national products, when we can either go on welfare or disability insurance or become a government employee. All of these "cush" opportunities are far better for lazy, immature, pessimistic individuals than working to support themselves. For many of them it is the only way they have to rebel against government corruption that has ruined their lives. In reality in a government overflowing with corruption that does not support it's producers (taxpayers) who can blame them for being rebellious. I for one cannot blame them, and have accepted the moral obligation that was forced on me to address judicial branch corruption. ARGUMENT As a lifelong optimistic producer of our gross national products (50 + years) I understand better than most individuals (certainly more than most colleague students, immature adults and public officials ) why our gross national debt is so huge and what needs to be done to reduce it to a manageable size. I realistically understand it is impossible to tax our way out of it. The only realistic way to reduce it or rein it in is to reduce the amount of detrimental parasites and predators to a size that creates a social balance. It will be impossible to reduce our national debt in any other way except of an attempt to dispose of it in a world conflict, such as a world 5 war. Please do not do this to our children or the world as mankind has far more important achievements to conquer, such as protecting our mother earth from another major natural catastrophe such as an asteroid strike or inhabiting the vast regions of outer space, which has endless opportunities for mankind if we work together in domestic tranquility to accept those challenges. Just like our early pioneers worked together to build sailing ships or grouped together in wagon trains to pioneer the west, members of our society will have to work together to sail into and pioneer outer space, in order to explore vast new worlds and opportunities. Please do not allow your pessimism or the detrimental parasites and predators of our society to ruin the sailors and pioneers of our future's opportunities as it is far too important to our children and mankind. We are just now coming into the Jetson's age with the opportunity to create GPS guided personal drones and beginning to explore outer space. We cannot allow pessimistic, greedy, egotistic public officials to rob our children and grandchildren of their opportunity to enjoy pioneering it, and prospering from it. It is a fact none of you can avoid as our ever increasing gross nation dept grows our nations opportunities lessens, and our nation will never achieve the domestic tranquility society enjoyed while pioneering the United States, until like then the producers and beneficial parasites outnumber the detrimental parasites and predators. The size of our gross national debt show how far out of balance these factions of our society are. If any of you disagree with me that our domestic tranquility and the health of our nation is dependent upon creating a workable balance between producers, beneficial parasites, detrimental parasites and predators please explain to me your realistic mature workable plan to reduce our national debt and repair our domestic tranquility, as I sincerely want to fix the problem for the sake of my grandchildren and I am open to any and all suggestions responsible, mature adults have that are within reality. If you are going to try and force me to buy into Agenda 21 where it is your desire to reduce the world human population by 80% I will encourage you to be the first to start the movement by sacrificing your own life. I will not accept you sneaking, conniving and conspiring Ii with others to accomplish your desire to take other individual's family members lives and spare your family members lives. I will resist your desire to conspire with other predators to use my tax dollars to take my life, and my fellow producer's lives, who unlike the detrimental parasites and predators of our society are spending most of their time working instead of conspiring how to take the lives, liberties and properties of innocent individuals. My parents were World War II Survivors and mature parents that understood what it took to raise a child to become a mature adult. As Dr. Martin E. Seligman explained it in his book "The Optimistic Child" when immature parents raise children they raise immature children who in most instances fail to become mature adults, and fall into depression and pessimism. Dr. Seligman explains it this way; when the immature parent throws fits and tantrums and attempts to discipline the child when the child throws a fit or tantrum the child fails to understand right from wrong and lives a life filed with confusion, depression and pessimism. In my generation most of our judges could not or would not decipher right from wrong involving public officials and have failed in all instances to follow the law in disciplining bad faith decisions (criminal acts) of public officials. Since the disciplinarians of our country failed to properly discipline criminal acts of public officials they have raised a country full of dishonest, immature unlawful public officials like Robert Ferguson and Judge James Robart who believe they can engage in the most egregious acts against the people and no one can hold them accountable for the criminal decisions they make as top ranking public officials. In fact members of the judicial branch have devised schemes to hold all innocent producers accountable for the criminal bad faith decisions of public officials. These perverted schemes have encouraged bad faith decisions and criminal acts of public officials at all levels of government, as they are profitable for judicial branch members of the judicial fraud industry. I am not proud of the fact during my generation we raised a generation of public officials that in most cases are corrupt, dishonest, immature, pessimistic, egotistic, inhumane, spoiled brats that have enjoyed making bad faith decisions that has ruined our domestic tranquility and forced us into unsustainable debt and overwhelming taxes. Unlike these immature, dishonest, corrupt, pessimistic officials, I raised my children in a manner in which 7 they would become mature, honest, responsible, optimistic adults, and I do not want public officials who are nothing more than corrupt spoiled brats and depressing pessimists ruining their lives and opportunities. The ramification of rewarding bad faith decisions of public officials with further bad faith decisions was well explained in the Anti-Government Movement Guide Book published in 1999 by the National Center For State Courts, "Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subiect to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example." Justice Brandies an extremely beneficial parasite, a hero who was necessary for maintaining our domestic tranquility and our survival. During my generation more anti governments movements have been instigated by dishonest deceiving and conniving judges that constantly fail to follow the laws scrupulously and continually provide special privileges and immunities to public officials that make bad faith decisions, which in turn has instigated a generation of the people of the U.S to have a deep disrespect or resentment for the federal, state and local governments. This generation was literally forced into pessimism, depression, drug and alcohol addictions by our nation's disciplinarians. It is not fair to us or our children to allow them to continue to do this. The disciplinarians of our society that fell off the fine line of being beneficial are the problem and they need to take ownership for the problems they have caused to the people. No doubt they have become detrimental parasites and predators. Individuals like Robert Ferguson has made many bad faith decisions and is highly motivated to shift focus away from his bad faith decisions and place himself in a higher position of power such as the Governor's office to be able to protect himself and his accomplices E3 (accessories after the facto) from their Bad Faith (criminal )decisionss. The filing of the lawsuit did just that. Mr. Ferguson used deceit and deception to shift focus away from our real problems and shift the focus in a manner that is personally beneficial to his political career. This is why all of the spoiled brats involved in the judicial fraud industry love what Robert Ferguson did for them and are excited about engaging in his arguments instead of evaluating his actions. For members of the judicial fraud industry a country full of individuals resisting bad faith indefinitely cash in on until the government in the country is completely ruined. Our Washington state taxpayer dollars would've been far better spent addressing the judicial problem of rewarding bad faith decisions and easing up on the burden this situation is causing the producers of our gross national products instead of creating more problems that places more burdens on the producers of our gross national products. In reality all of these arguments and every individual engaging in the "arguments" that does not consider our domestic tranquility and gross national debt and the effect these arguments (even spending taxpayer dollars to make them) has on the producers of our gross national products are out of touch with reality, immature, inhumane and living in fantasy land. I stipulate the only focus of every mature, responsible individual involved in this is; "what we do we need to do to repair our nation's domestic tranquility", as described in the preamble to our constitution. Anything less is an irresponsible treasonous attack on our constitutional form of government. I stipulate Judge Robart's order attacks our domestic tranquility and increases our gross national debt, and 18 USC section 3 Accessory after the fact. Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact. Except as otherwise expressly provided by any act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one- half to maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding) section 3571) fined not more than one half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years. 5 18 USC section 4 Misprision of Felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 4 01 I compel you to stop needlessly increasing our gross national debt and attacking our domestic tranquility. In my state and county members of the judicial branch infiltrated our legislative and executive branches and created laws that ruined most of the producers businesses throughout our area. After forcing many into bankruptcy and causing the price of real-estate to crash it enabled judicial branch members and government employees to buy up economically vulnerable individuals properties for next to nothing. It was just the opposite of what our constitution stands for and is essentially Sharia Law6 where the takers believe if they can take advantage of the weak they are entitled to do it. It is for this reason members of the judicial branch are desperate to force Sharia Law onto the people of the United States so they can justify their evil attacks on our constitutional law and form of government. Sharia Law collides with our constitutional law and chaos erupts. Every time chaos erupts attorney's profit, thus forcing Sharia Law onto the people of our nation is highly beneficial to the judicial fraud industry. All of it is a felony subversive attack on our constitutional form of government and treason as described in RCW 9.81.020 Subversive attacks made felony- penalty'. 6 Sharia Law — Islamic religious law based on the Koran. RCW 9.81.020 Subversive activities made felony—Penalty. (1) It is a class B felony for any person knowingly and willfully to: (a) Commit, attempt to commit, or aid in the commission of any act intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in the overthrow, destruction or alteration of, the constitutional form of the government of the United States, or of the state of Washington or any political subdivision of either of them, by revolution, force or violence; or (b) Advocate, abet, advise, or teach by any means any person to commit, attempt to commit, or assist in the commission of any such act under such circumstances as to constitute a clear and present danger to the security of the United States, or of the state of Washington or of any political subdivision of either of them; or (c) Conspire with one or more persons to commit any such act; or (d) Assist in the formation or participate in the management or to contribute to the support of any subversive organization or foreign subversive organization knowing the organization to be a subversive organization or a foreign subversive organization; or (e) Destroy any books, records or files, or secrete any funds in this state of a subversive organization or a foreign subversive organization, knowing the organization to be such. (2) Any person upon a plea of guilty or upon conviction of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both, at the discretion of the court. 10 RCW 9.82.010 Treason Defined — Penalty Treason against the people of the state consists in(a) Levying war against the people of the state, or (b) Adhering to its enemies, or (c) Giving them aid and comfort. (3) No person shall be convicted for treason unless upon the testimony of two witnesses, to the same overt act, or by confession in open court. In accordance with RCW 9.82.010 Please see exhibits 1-10 Affidavits of Fact of witnesses accusing Robert Ferguson, Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart engaging in the act of treason as described in RCW 9.82.010. Additionally I have emailed about a hundred of these affidavits out to Washington State Residents asking them to investigate and report these acts of treason. have instructed them to mail them to the Ninth Circuit Court clerk. CONCLUSION As a lifelong producer of our gross national products I am demanding a finding of fact that accurately determines if this action is decreasing our gross national debt and repairing our domestic tranquility or increasing our debt and attacking our domestic tranquility. While evaluating your finding of fact I want you to consider how much public funds are being used by attorneys to enjoy arguing this argument, as it appears both the state and federal attorneys along with Judge Robart are enjoying spending public funds and increasing our gross national debt on this politically motivated argument. In reality Mr. Ferguson is using Washington State's public funds to force the federal branch to use public funds to respond to his argument and unavoidably increase our state and federal debts. By all rights the lawsuit should have been brought by a private party action and the damaged party should've been forced to prove they would not increase our gross nation debt or damage our domestic tranquility but would in fact decrease it and assist in restoring our domestic tranquility instead of attacking it. 11 The only way anything good can come out of any of this is for the court to enter finding of fact and conclusion of law that restores our domestic tranquility and reduces our state and federal debts. As such the court should determine that our gross national debt proves our society is out of balance and in order to rein in our national debt and our domestic tranquility we need to bring our society back into balance by reducing the amount of detrimental parasites and predators and increase the amount of beneficial parasites and producers. Start by a huge start to resolving our problems. We will never have a mature country with domestic tranquility, optimism and prosperity when our disciplinarians reward bad faith decisions of public employees, by bad faith decisions that encourage more bad faith decisions. Our entire country is screaming for our disciplinarians to stop rewarding bad faith decisions like Robert Ferguson's decision to use our taxpayer dollars to stop our president from disciplining public officials bad faith decisions. We want these bad faith decisions stopped now not later, and we want Robert Ferguson and his accomplice's disciplined for their acts of treason. If not now when? So by bringing all of this out of the judges closets and into the light I am forcing all of our judges to decide if they are going to walk the fine line of a beneficial parasite and make good faith moral decisions and or be detrimental parasites and burden our society. I stipulate our judges/ disciplinarians are required by law to take a stand against the predators their fellow judicial branch members have trained and created even if it places them at risk by announcing the judicial branch needs to reduce the amount of predators and detrimental parasites that are being produced. I stipulate those of you who are charged with the ever so important task of disciplining us are required to face the reality our social condition is in, and as such are mandated to take a stand against the bad faith decisions of public officials and the judicial fraud industry of the judicial branch. President Donald Trump, who is also a lifelong producer of our gross national products, has taken courageous and noble steps to protect those of you who have the moral turpitude and courage to rein in the predators and detrimental parasites and restore the domestic 12 tranquility of our nation. I stipulate it is a grave injustice to our domestic tranquility and a subversive attack on our constitutional form of government if you oppose his efforts or fail to take advantage of his support. Each and every one of you who fail to do what you can to reduce our gross national debt, restore our domestic tranquility, our optimism and protect our future, are traitor pessimists who are forcing Agenda 21, a one world order and Sharia Law on us and have determined it is your duty to do what you can to reduce the world population by 80% and The order Judge Robart entered and his colleagues in the Ninth Circuit supported is his way of forcing Agenda 21 a one world order and Sharia Law onto us. Thank God not all of the Ninth Circuit Justices supported him. Again I say each and every person that believes in the nonsense of Agenda 21 in that we should reduce world human population by 80% needs to be the first to step up and start reducing world population not the last. I personally am not quite that pessimistic and I am a little more optimistic than that, and I have raised my children to be eternal optimists instead of depressing pessimists like the supporters of Agenda 21. I, (we) respectfully request you cease and desist these acts of treason and stop using public funds to increase our gross national debt, attack our domestic tranquility and steal opportunities from our children. I ask that you take action to start reducing the predators of our society and start by removing Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices from office and evaluating the actions of every attorney in the United States for supporting the judicial fraud industry and stealing justice and opportunities from any economically vulnerable producer in the nation. As unpopular as it may be to your fellow attorneys it is the morally correct position to take to reduce our gross national debt, restore our domestic tranquility, opportunities, optimism, prosperity and protect us from world conflict. As a nation we cannot have a situation where individuals get wealthy from bad faith decisions and instigating arguments between each other we need to get over this social trend that is only beneficial to attorneys and get on with addressing far more important tasks that are facing mankind. As described in the Anti-Government Movement Guidebook if our governments are unable to stop the immature, inhumane, spoiled brats (traitors) of the judicial branch, the 13 people will be forced to rise up against the government, and regulate the members of the judicial branch who have stolen their country from them by force. Throughout history the people have had to overthrow individuals that abused power and take away everything they have stolen from the people by force. As the disciplinarians of our country it is past time you regulated your industry, that has by violating the separation of powers infiltrated all branches of our governments. If you or the non judicial members of our legislative and executive going to regulate it for you and we guarantee you, you will not appreciate or like the result. The members of the Judicial branch that are the problem are so addicted to the intoxication of power they are in denial of the problems they are causing our country like any other addict. We understand your addiction to power, and what you have done to our country with the power we entrusted you with. As difficult as it may be for you, all of you need to cease and desist your thirst and addiction for power. The judges that are our nation's disciplinarians need to follow the law scrupulously and prosecute every judicial branch member that has violated the separation of powers and infiltrated our legislative and executive branches to create special privileges and immunities for members of the judicial branch. It is your duty to bring the traitors to justice. Like Justice Brandies, the Justice or Justices that do this will go down in history as being our nation's most heroic persons. If not now when, if not you who? PRAYER FOR RELIEF 1. Rescind Judge James Robart's order and enter a new order restricting all members of the judicial branch from interfering with President Donald Trump's efforts to rid our country of public corruption. 2. Hold Robert Ferguson and his accomplices accountable for their criminal acts involved in filing this case including their acts of treason. 3. Cease and desist the judicial branches attacks on our domestic tranquility, end the violations of the separations of powers, by providing a onetime amnesty to all officers of the courts that are holding office in our legislative and executive branches illegally by requiring all members of the judicial branch to decide if they are going to be lifelong 14 politicians or remain officers of the judicial branch and if they refuse to vacate either office remove them permanently from public office. 4. Protect every judge/ disciplinarian that has the courage to openly discuss and address this problem with everything we have including all of our military might and militia as our domestic tranquility and the entire future of our nation depends on it. 5. Do not allow immature pessimistic attitudes to ruin the domestic tranquility, allow the people not the judicial branch to do our Dated this _Jay of March, 2017 socia), engineering. By James J. O'0'agan pó se A'fl Rights & Protections Reserved CERTIFICATE OF SERICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via certified mail and / or via first class mail and / or via email. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 Colleen M. Melody 800 5th Ave. Ste 2000 Seattle WA 98104 U.S. District Court Clerk Robert W. Ferguson 700 Stewart St. Suite 2301 P.O. Box 40100 Seattle WA 98101 Olympia WA 98504-0100 USDOJ Civil Division michelle.bennett@USDOJ.GOV 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20530 President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20500 My Political Supporters My Legislators My Next Friends Washington State Supreme Court Dated thisday of March, 2017. t6 15 L7 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 wiaintitrs-,Appellees, At-HUAVii Ut- rPLi Ur Vs. ) DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) fib l/ J, TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants — Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, 0/7 cake this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 1 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of YUJ\l'1'l\ l'J 117\liT1141 \IIti'i Ill!1J lJl\11111IL111 IC•l11Fl!L f1!1 JIIRRUJ\l!1'l\LUJ\ •lf ' profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate Attorney General Robert Ferguson has interfered with our Republican form of government and has engaged in election crimes as identified in exhibit 1 attached hereto. 12. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. THEREFORE in accordance with RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). 2 IN ACCORDANCE with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to place Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of Dated this flay of March, 2017. State of Washington County of Signed or attested bee me on this day of d/7,bv Signat a of Notary Public, Printe name of Notary Public Expiration date of Notary Public p m 3 James J. O'Hagan 2298 Cranberry Rd. Grayland WA 98547 (360) 267-7911 March 6, 2017 RE; CRIMINAL COMPLAINT as described in 5 USC Section 1502 Influencing Elections TO: President Donald L. Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20500 AND TO; Office of Special Counsel 1730 M St. NW Ste 218 Washington D.C. 20036-4505 AND TO: Merit Systems Protection Board 1615 M St. NW Washington D.C. 20419 AND TO; FBI 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D. C. 20535-6001 AND TO; Joint Chiefs of Staff 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon Washington D.C. 20318-9999 AND TO; Adm. Oversight and Courts, 224 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington D.C. 20510 AND TO; Washington State Patrol via email AND TO; Washington State Supreme Court via email AND TO; Washington State Legislators via email I James J. O'Hagan, swear under the penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge. I was a duly qualified Republican candidate for the position of Washington State Representative for the 19th District of the State of Washington. I won the primary race and I lost the general election by less than ten percent after I was subjected to the type of election crimes described in RCW 29A.84.620 Hindering or Bribing voter, RCW 29A.84.630 Influencing voter to withhold vote, RCW 29A.84.720 Violations Generally and 5 USC section 1502. BACKGROUND I was subjected to fraud upon the courts by officers of the courts. This fraud involved State and U.S. Bankruptcy Courts in Washington and Oregon. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Paul B. Snyder documented the attorney and bankruptcy trustee fraud my family was subjected to. Please see exhibit 1. I am asking for whistleblower protection for the Honorable Paul B. Snyder. After Judge Snyder denied my judgment debtor's discharge of debts he filed 5 more serial bankruptcies. Two bankruptcy judges accepted them and engaged in serial bankruptcy frauds to defraud me of my judgment against the judgment debtor. The judgment debtor's attorney (fraudster)practiced law out of Governor Jay Inslee's law firm. Please review 5 additional serial bankruptcy filings by the judgment debtor including case no. 11-45790 and the FBI's duty to investigate serial bankruptcy filings of absconding debtors. Please review Bankruptcy Judges Philip H. Brandt and Brian D. Lynch's direct involvement in leading the criminal fraud involved. Despite numerous complaints about Judge Philip H. Brandt he was promoted to District Judge. Here in the Ninth District you have to prove that you're a crooked judge to get promoted. The criminal fraud my family was subjected to involved Federal judges, federal bankruptcy trustees, the three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit and FBI criminal investigators in Washington and Oregon. I stipulate under the penalty of perjury that more than 2/3rds of the Federal employees operating in and for the judicial branches in Oregon and Washington are corrupt and Accessories After the Fact (18 USC section 3) that have engaged in criminal conspiracies with attorneys to steal economically vulnerable individual's lives, liberties and properties, and the people are helpless against their criminal organization. The criminal judicial rau industry in Washington and regon is dependent upon corrupt judges practicing in the Ninth Circuit District Courts and appellate courts. It used to be the federal courts protected economically vulnerable litigants from corrupt state courts, but this has not been the case for the last 30 years here in the Ninth Circuit, in fact it has been just the opposite. It has recently been documented that 82% of the Ninth Circuit appeals have been overturned by the Supreme Court. Please consider in the fact that the U.S. Supreme court evaluates less than 10% of the cases submitted to it and most damaged litigants do not have the ability to appeal anything. Any grade school child can figure out that 99% of the litigants in court in the states within the area the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals have never obtained justice for the last 30 years. it is extremely pitiful and shows the courts within the area the Ninth Circuit are completely corrupt and justifies why I was running for public office to clean up the corruption in the Washington state courts for all economically vulnerable individuals. stipulate I will never receive a fair and impartial investigation into these election crimes from criminal investigators of Washington or Oregon, or the judicial branch of the Ninth Circuit. The people we entrusted our justice to, sold out justice to their fellow bar members interests. This injustice has done nothing but increased the amount of court cases and made their fellow bar member's rich off of their judicial fraud industry. All of the public employees involved in these RICO racketeering schemes need to be fired from public employment and prevented from ever holding public office again. The people's courts were established by the people for justice not the judicial fraud industry. The judicial fraud industry has instigated all of the anti- government movements across the country. In order to save our country from the judicial fraud industry the entire country needs to focus its efforts on cleaning up the organized crime involved in the judicial branches, and we will never be able to do it without ending the violations of separation of powers and permanently removing all judicial branch members from our executive and legislative offices. Any true morally correct judicial advocate that places the people's interests before his own interests, would not have a problem with this and would in fact encourage it. The Washington State Patrol conducted a fraud investigation into members of the judicial branch that defrauded me and my family of several million dollars. Please see exhibit 2. Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson did nothing about it except be entertained 2 by the position of power he held to be able to destroy innocent family's. It is for this reason that I decided to run for political office, to clean up the corruption involved in the judicial fraud industry. I studied the situation more than most people ever have and understood that the fox had managed to work himself into a position where he was in charge of the henhouse and was having chicken for dinner every night. That is attorneys have maneuvered the judicial branch into a position where they removed all checks or disciplinary actions over them, by infiltrating and controlling both other branches of our government, and making the judicial branch in control of disciplining the members of the judicial branch, which is exactly what our constitutions were established to prevent. Lssentially I knew going into my campaign the power of the monster I was trying to bring back under control of the people. My campaign to clean up the corruption involved in the judicial branch of Washington State, was focused on educating the people that they needed to end the violations of the separation of powers where members of the judicial branch infiltrated our legislative and executive branches to create special privileges and immunities for the members of the judicial branch. I explained to the people that by violating the separation of powers and infiltrating our legislative and executive branches, the judicial branch created an oligarchy or tyranny that completely controlled our government, and took away all of the checks and balances regarding governing the judicial branch. This created a judicial branch that is completely out of control and created a situation where the members of the judicial branch run a corrupt judicial fraud industry that no one can do anything about. I explained to the people that the judicial fraud industry was stealing every economically vulnerable individual's life, liberty and property. Members of the Judicial branch that have aided and abetted their fellow attorneys to defraud my family were threatened by me campaigning to clean up the corruption involved in their judicial fraud industry, specifically Pacific County Prosecutor Mark McClain, so he posted a wanted poster on the wall of the Pacific County prosecutor's office declaring me as Pacific County's Most Wanted. This was slander as I had not committed any crime and was in fact a victim of judicial branch crimes that he personally assisted in executing against me. Law enforcement officers reported the criminal slander to me and I filed a criminal complaint on Pacific County Prosecutor Mark McClain for slander with the intent to defraud me of the election so he could continue to cover-up his involvement in defrauding me and my family and other families in the area, and a civil lawsuit against him. I am asking for whistleblower protection for these law enforcement officers. An employer of mine was aware of the animosity the judicial branch of Pacific County had for me and decided to use the animosity of the public officials to defraud me of wages and money he owed to me. He refused to pay me what he owed me, knowing I would never be treated fairly by any members of the judicial branch in the area. Unable to get him to pay me was forced to file a civil lawsuit against him to try to get the judicial fraud industry to force him to pay me a considerable amount of wages and money he owed me. He was storing some of his equipment on my property that he had me repair and I refused to allow him to come and get the equipment until he paid me, or agree to a payment plan, or obtained a court order in the civil lawsuit to come onto my property to get his equipment. What else can a nonviolent person do? The entire scenario is evidence the judicial fraud industry is feeding itself and causing more lawsuits, while this is good for attorneys it destroys our domestic tranquility. Instead of defending the civil lawsuit, he the defendant, filed a criminal complaint against me accusing me of stealing his equipment and when a local sheriff deputy came and investigated the situation I provided him a copy of the civil lawsuit. The investigating deputy ended his nv s iga ion in June, 2016 concluding was a civil matter and reTlised to tile a concIudiEigit criminal probable cause statement against me. I am asking for whistleblower protection for this deputy sheriff. CRIMINAL ACTS Just as my campaign was rapidly gaining traction towards the close of the election a very liberal newspaper writer conspired with the Pacific County prosecutor and Lewis County prosecutor Jonathan Meyer and convinced the Lewis County Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer to file criminal theft charges on me, in Pacific County that my employer had accused me of, so she could get the glory of fake and phony news, and atta boys from the judicial branch for solving their problem. I stipulate all of the individuals involved believed the public polls and believed their public corruption crimes were going to be protected by another corrupt President. Before I was even charged she published her story on October 28, 2016, and by doing so she was purchasing and granting pecuniary benefits to the judicial branch and from the judicial branch as identified in RCW 9A.68.050 Trading in Special influence. Please see exhibit 4. These malicious, slanderous fake and phony news stories damaged me, my family members, my friends and political supporters, by subjecting us to public humiliation and ridicule, that will be nearly impossible to repair, without criminal prosecution for everyone involved. In accordance with RCW 36.27.030 Disability of prosecuting attorney, RCW 36.27.040 Appointment of deputies — Special and temporary deputies and RCW 10. 37.050 the Pacific County Prosecutor cannot delegate his authority to the prosecutor of another county. Specifically when a prosecutor has a disability for any reason the Superior Court Judge is the only person who can appoint a special prosecutor. As such the Lewis County prosecutor did not have standing to file a criminal lawsuit against me in Pacific County, and the judges involved lacked jurisdiction, regardless of the fact a criminal lawsuit cannot be filed on top of an ongoing civil lawsuit. In accordance with RCW 36.27.020 Duties. (9) it is the prosecutors duty to report all election crimes to the proper jury ( grand Jury investigation). But it will never happen in my case because it is the prosecutors that are engaging in the election crimes to keep the stranglehold the judicial branch has over taken the other branches in Washington State. Now 4 the judicial branch with control of the other branches, decided they can and need to control the elections to. The monster of the judicial branch is getting to the point where no one will be able to control them. Currently seven Superior Court judges have refused to take the case involving my criminal charges, and the court administrator is having serious difficulty in finding a fair and impartial superior court judge who is willing to sit on the case, because I am doing my level best to expose how criminal it all is. A former public defender, a judicial advocate, Harold Karlsvik who was appointed to me by a court commissioner, informed a new judge pro tem on the case, that it was a politically motivated special case that was toxic fo1 Pc..jIjL County and he could it defend it with his public defender contract. He was allowed to withdraw and the judge pro tem attempted to force me to be tried without counsel. I am asking for whistleblower protection for Harold Karlsvik. A fair and independent investigation will reveal Pacific County Court Commissioners Nancy McAlister, Michael Turner and Judge Pro Tern William Faubion all engaged in criminal acts under color of law, and used their official office to defraud me of my civil case lawsuits against Mark McClain and Brian Conch and to defraud me of my political efforts to clean up the corruption involved in the judicial branch of Washington State. They all used public funds and a public place of business for their personal criminal activity under color of law. There is and was a far better uses for these public funds instead of executing criminal activity of attorneys for attorneys illegal activity. Evidentially if you are a public employee and have a never ending access to public funds you can get creative in how you extort and embezzle the public's money. The 9th circuit is reviewing it, and I have joined the Trump case, as a real party in interest subjected to election crimes by Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson who is suppose be the lead prosecutor involved in prosecuting election crimes. Instead of prosecuting the election crimes he authorized here in Washington he decided to use more public funds illegal without authorization to attack President Trump's election. I and others have accused Mr. Ferguson of the act of treason in State Of Washington vs. President Donald Trump. I am asking for whistleblower protections for the individual's who accused Mr. Ferguson of treason. I will not allow the criminal charges against me to be dismissed without repairing the injury to me as identified in RCW 2.44.020 Appearance without authority— procedure. I am demanding to face my accuser and this is the mess a judge is looking at: Now if anyone has an RV or car in storage and does not want to pay the storage owner they can now file criminal charges against the storage owner and the prosecutor has to prosecutor the storage owner and get the sheriff to take the vehicle owner to the storage and let him have his vehicle or if a person takes his car to a repair shop and does not want to pay the repair bill the car owner can just file criminal charges on the shop owner and get the sheriff to let them have their car and the prosecutor is required to prosecute the shop owner, or if an employer does not want to pay an employee the employer can just have the sheriff arrest any employee and 5 the prosecutor is required to prosecute the employee and assist the employer with his intent to defraud any employee. All of it is a criminal conspiracy involved in interfering with commerce as described in RCW 9A.28.040, and 18 USC section 1951 and a misuse of public funds. All of it is serious felony crimes as described in RCW 29A.84.720. It is extremely ugly and as criminal as criminal gets and all of the public officials involved need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law so others in their position do not try to victimize other innocent economically vulnerable individuals. Most importantly though is that we drain the judicial branch of the stranglehold of corruption (oligarchy) it holds over the Dated this day of March, 2017. By Cc Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 11 1 Judge Brian D. Lynch 2 Location Tacoma WA 3 Hearing Date March 22, 2017 4 Response date March 15, 2107 5 6 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 7 WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 8 In re: ) Debtor 10 Case no. 11-45790 ) OPPOSITION TO SALE BY SINGLE LARGEST CREDITOR JAMES J. O'HAGAN 11 12 13 14 15 I JAMES J. O'HAGAN swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Washington that the following is true and correct. I am the single largest creditor involved in this bankruptcy estate. The order to prevent 16 me from responding to the criminal acts of bankruptcy trustee Brain Budsberg was intended to 17 execute his and his accomplices fraud schemes and should be removed. 18 This is one of 5 serial bankruptcy filings by absconding debtor Kenyon Kelley that he and 19 his former attorney Gregory Ursich and his accomplices devised, 0035769, 09-45780, 09-48719, 20 09-49842 and 11-45790. Please see page 9 lines 17-23 Docket no. 26 of A01-04031 of 21 bankruptcy case no. 00-35769. Please see exhibit 1. Partial transcript of denial of dis-iarge of 22 Kenyon Kelley's debts. 23 All of the fraudsters involved in these bankruptcy fraud schemes were fully aware the 24 three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals were corrupt and would cover their 25 bankruptcy fraud schemes, including bankruptcy Judge Philip H. Brandt, U.S. District Judge 26 Robert J. Bryon, bankruptcy Judge Brian D. Lynch and U.S. District Judge Benjamin H. Settle. All 27 of the Federal Judges involved in these bankruptcy fraud schemes were aware the Ninth Circuit 28 Justices had an 82% reversal rate by the U.S. Supreme Court and that few litigants ever made it 29 to the U.S. Supreme court to have their decisions reviewed, and as such they had knowledge 30 they could engage in criminal fraud without repercussions. All of the fraudsters involved in this 1 1 debtor's attorney's fraud schemes were aware U.S. prosecutor Regan Dunn and Governor Jay 2 Inslee would cover up the fraudulent acts of their fellow law partner Gregory Ursich. 3 Nothing in this bankruptcy case has been equitable or just and everything involved in 4 this case has been an intentional act to defraud my family of our judgment against Kenyon 5 Kelley and damage me in every way so members of the judicial branch could to make an 6 example out of me so they could steal other economically vulnerable individuals lives, liberties 7 and properties at will. 8 9 In accordance with Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures Rule 9014.1 am again contesting the criminal acts of bankruptcy trustee Brian Budsberg and his accomplices and 10 asking for a jury trial as identified in FRBP Rule 9015 to contest all of the criminal fraud actions 11 that occurred in connection with this bankruptcy proceeding, as I have never received a 12 factually correct ruling from Judge Brian D. Lynch and I know I will never receive any kind of 13 factually correct ruling from Judge Brian D. Lynch. 14 As a victim of fraud by the courts I understand the problem very well, there is nothing in 15 place that forces Judge Brian D. Lynch to make factually correct decisions, and he like all other 16 judges is at liberty to defraud anyone he chooses. A simple fix to the problem would be to 17 require all appeals to be presented to a jury to determine if the judges determinations were 18 factually correct or not and if not why. 19 The only problem with this simple fix is, it would ruin the judicial fraud industry of the 20 attorneys and prevent them from stealing every economically vulnerable individuals life, liberty 21 and property. As long as the judge has the right to determine who has access to a jury the judge 22 has the right to determine who is entitled to justice and who is not. The members of the judicial 23 branches in the area of the Ninth Circuit have organized themselves into the biggest organized 24 crime family there is. 25 I object to and contest the sale of Mr. Kelley's small judgment against me as this court 26 and its criminal accomplices stole my judgment against absconding debtor Kenyon Kelley away 27 from me and this is just another effort by attorneys to use the courts illegally under color of law 2 1 to steal another victims life, liberty and property and defraud me more. It is more criminal 2 activity of the judges of the Ninth Circuit. 3 If I am ever given the opportunity to present this to a jury I will prove to the jury this 4 bankruptcy case is a RICO organized crime racketeering group of federal employees using their 5 official offices for criminal activity under color of law so attorneys could profit by stealing 6 property, and nothing else. The state and federal bar licenses were not supposed to be licenses 7 to steal economically vulnerable individuals life, liberty and property but it is what they have 8 evolved into. 9 Dated this _4day of March, 2017. /1 1/' /,'i By `/ _ - James J. O'Hagan to Se All R hts & Protections Reserved 10 CERTIFICATE OF SERICE 11 12 I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail 13 postage prepaid via certified mail and / or via first class mail and / or via email. 14 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 15 16 U.S. District Court Clerk Robert W. Ferguson 700 Stewart St. Suite 2301 P.O. Box 40100 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Seattle WA 98101 17 18 19 20 Colleen M. Melody 800 5th Ave. Ste 2000 Seattle WA 98104 michelle.bennett@USDOJ.GOV USDOJ Civil Division 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20530 21 22 23 24 President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20500 My Political Supporters My Legislators Washington State Supreme Court My Next Friends 25 26 27 28 29 U.S. District Cou Brian Budsberg 1717 Pacific Ave P.O. Box 1489 Tacoma WA 984 Olympia WA 98507 B day of March, 2017. Dated this c 3 r Case 3:12-cv-05446=BHS Document 21 Filed 10/19/12 Page 15 of 36 r TC COM sTATa a DISMC2 OP WMHINGra nor Tea 2 3 4 Debtor. 6 ) 3 7 JAK S and 23BAOM O'BMiM, 3 et al, ) 91a1L titf., ? ) ye. t x3In Ca X. 7V'4Y, B 9 3.0 11 12 DslMids~tt. Mv. fib. 01-04031 i 13 [ or a xZ. T11 Y. I * * 21. 2062 14 15 16 17 is 19 ( ui iu 20 ImamI010r=1~ 22 Cis S144131 Dt'hut 'r A!' Ru 22 T3 Reported byt ilOby 0144w* Piid1.r COM n-m-Lt-036393. 24 25 J fl*ARN i !SSOCUTRl. IHE'ORPORwraD (206) 4O 3812 Case 01-04031-80L Oac 26-1 Fded 03/26102 Entered 03/26/02 11:56:11 Pane I of 21 Appellee's Excerpts of the Record - 70 Case 3:12-cv-05446-BHS Document 21 Filed 10/19/12 Page 16 of 36 1 1 3 4 6 7 • 9 10 i 8!tiOW Liik flICtMtrnr 11 V.S.C. Seatics 127(s) (3t. X' going to skip around a little bit and not take Use ors sequantially. — The harness of 727 ta) (1) is to rinid-ts the debtor to present a tine and complete picture of his or her financial attatrs before a bankruptcy disc8arge is granted. That's in aacosdas a With 904 72d 139k, a lMiz3tb Circuit 1990 dedLstct. The party seeking a denial of discharge has 11 13 13 14 is being inadequate the debtor at justify the 16 n-ezisteucs of the record to preserve his discharge. 17 Ccb[_ v_ Cm.. 41 Pad. 15 19 20 14 the apprativate two-year period prune to Ma bankruptcy, th* debtor xecei?ed 0370,000 gnaw the UII insurance cilia, eels of., the o egc property sad 21 Loa m proceeds fro. Fields Ualisited. The debtor has 72 Provided no records or plaiaible explanation regarding 23 boar this substantial sue of soasy was spent. In tact. 24 after trial test#te0nr and tMa uáod~sato to his 25 petition, it is still unclear, and the debtor testified the burden of pOving the debtor failed to maintain and preset vt adequate rocoEde and that his failure askew it Inpo15ibl5 to ascertain the debtor's financial coeditlae. Sowei r, oaa! the records asr shown as a AHlAft!/. 4 1880CZ1Td8, IPO5ATBD CBRTIfBD COt1RT UPQ&TSR$ 1166) 403-3811 Case 01.04031-BOL Doc 28-1 Filed 03/2802 Enured 03/28!021 t:5&11 Page 70121 Appellee's Excerpts of the Record - 71 Case 3:12-cv-05446-BHS Document 21 Filed 10/19/12 Page 17 of 36 1 Umt is was still unsure, as to the exact smowtt of 2 loan proceeds received f=act Fielder U d i"tsd, how much 3 4 was repaid to Fields 1n11zitsd of tether any further mounts tiers owed to Fields Unlimited. Thsas aze not Minor or insignificant amts 6 of =easy. his failwa to ep ai4 preserve basic 7 retards or otherwise explain the expenditure of this 8 moo*y, as veil as his failure to ke comloto and accurati disclosures is his several scIi1aa and the 9 10 11 statement of affairs -w s not only unreaaonabl., but mss '• deliberate attsewt to and delay 12 O' sgan and the trastes in their .fforti to investigate 13 14 15 the, debtor's financial condition. The debtor has offered only an incoelae. list of check, aisd partial bank ststaerats as his total 16 proof of his considarablo incaaa and expenses. 17 however, this is not a Consumer with only a few 18 transactions a yaax, but a debtor eagagsd .3a a. 19 substantial fazing operation who, ts.dtatly platy to 20 filing bankruptcy and after the entry of sa, adverse 21 )udaent, worked with consultants and attatzbrys to 22 judgateat-proof his estate so th* creditors caald got 23 little or no beasfit fzro bix assets. 24 25 It is not the duty of the plaintiffs to ferret out the debtor's financial position by reviewing 9 A>381k)W * AS8GCI&TZS. IIiC CSRTIPIW UFt1' RSP(7~RT8it$ (206) 40S-3$22 Case 01-04031-BDL Doc26-1 Filed 03/28102 Entered 03126/0211:58:11 Page Sot 21 Appellee's Excerpts of the Record - 72 Case 3:12-cv-05446-BHS Document 21 Filed 10/19/12 Page 18 of 36 1 2 crsditors have been hindered or delayed in recoirering any part of the Judgment; and, (64 that the mar 3 4 received inadequate canaid.rsUoo far the transfer. Wdfi.1J 971t !2d 516 That' in accozd c. with rs g hted plMoin at 535. It's a Mat Circuit 1992 daoiaioss. 6 A later decision supplasssstvd this 7 8 nou-exalusivs list 'with Wretsatioa by the debtor of the property involved in the putative transfer.° It'. 9 2L wag-UU, 34 lad 100 pinpointed at 909. It's "•a Kinth 10 11 Circuit 1454 decision. Most of the above factors a0 prssadt in this 12 case. The debtor lieT'ed almost all 61 hio property in 13 exchange for alleged cash load. slthocio it is 14 rrcogais.d that it did not traces the prop rty out of is his possession. lb. traaseetions tonic place between 16 bin and his iin~pada1 advisor at the tide, Vieida 17 a ginned. is lbS debtor could have used these assets to 19 folly pay his d.btl, but ,a.* afta:fllisg to 60 so. 20 aetwithstat ing a jury verdict to the ctraxr, as he 21 mu clearly dstaeiaad that ha was not going to per 22 23 24 lbs. O•Aagan. It is also significsat that the transfers took place imm.diatsly after a fudges of was rendered 25 against hie and prior to the tiling of the bankruptcy. Its tsinafexs with Di.1ds t 1idtnd left diet 18 AI*Wt a ASSOCATat, X1o0P.PORAT c a'rx htIl:°COuR't a SPORTIRS (201) 405-3512 Case 01-04031-BDL Don 28-1 Red 03126102 Entered X16/02115611 Page 17 of 21 Appellee's Excerpts of the Record - 73 Case 3:12-cv-05446-BHS Document 21 Filed 10/19/12 Page 19 of 36 t. Her hag been uaaDit to 1 unab1s to pay the jud 2 3 establish with ay csr4ih1O avidaaae that ha received adequate consid.ratioa for the graat4 of security or 4 pfpasnt 6 the debtor Continued to ijoy all of the attribataa of 7 ownership is his propeftV aiter the traaaiird to lirlds of proceeds of the nato, di5cOw3t d and sold. i 9 • 3s"ad oa the prune of the abors factors 10 and attar cartes Consideration at the aids ca and 11 testimony presented: in this d6a r, iael 17 rsighing of the 13 vona " that the trustee a O' t has the ury established actual inter an the part- of the debtor to 14 the credibility of tbq debtor 1s. tus Case, 16 or defraud his Qriitors.- no beast.. has establisbsd a basis for denial at the debtor's 17 discharge pursuant to 727(a) (2) (A).. (3) is 1$ hinder, delay That Concludes or decision. (4) and (S). It': v 1! uadarstaudiag that a transcript is baia! prsparad. I' a 20 order denying the discharge under all of the aeCfeiano. iincs a transcript is betri" prepared, ws'11 Just Attach a copy of the, transcript to the dtaisioa and incorporate it by r f r'.1ics. ice. HXLLt Tour Moaor y X ask a clarifying 21 23 23 24 29 going to ask Mr. Ri11 to prepare in 19 (206) 409-3812 Casa Ol-0403i•BDL Doc28-1 Flied 0312WO2 Enteied 03128IQa 11:58:1 t Paps i6 of 21 Appellee's Excerpts of the Record - 74 1 • STATE OF WASHINGTON J WASHINGTON STATE PATROL 1 Werner Road • Bremerton, Washington 98312-3333 - (360) 478-4646 C0cto ier24, 2013 2298 Cranberry Road Grayiand WA 98547 The Washington State Patrol (WSP) Criminal Investigation Division has completed the Investigation of your case. The case number associated with this investigation is 08-13-006659. The case officer is Scott Marlow of the Attorney General's Ofitce. The attorney may be reached at (206) 389-2098 during normal business hours. If the attorney is not available when you call, please leave a message and the attorney will call you back as '. soon as possible. You are receiving this letter because you are either a victim in this case or becauseyou have been identified to us as a point of contact for the affected person(s). The investigation has been completed and referred to the Attorney General'sOffice for a charging decision. The Attorney General makes the decision regarding whether or not to charge a suspect with a crime and what those charge(s) should be. Although the active investigation is complete,the case is not closed until it is adjudicated_ The attorney assigned to this case will continue to work closely with the Attorney General's Office until the case is adjudicated by thecourt. Now that the case has been referred to the Attorney General's Office, further inquiries regarding this case should be directed to the attorney's office for updates and case status inquiries. Sincerely, Captain Charles Leblanc Criminal Investigation Division CL:rg cc: Captain Christopher D Old, Bremerton c Jimi O'Hagan N p0f f j 3 Buy, this photo CHEHALIS — One week before the General Election, James "Jimi" O'Hagan, the litigious Grayland Republican who is challenging Rep. Brian Bake, D-Aberdeen for his 19th Legislative District House seat, has been charged with two felonies — possession of a stolen vehicle, and first-degree possession of stolen property. The charges constitute a new chapter in O'Hagan's already long and colorful history of court proceedings and conflicts, which includes a current effort to sue a Pacific County elected official or as much as $666,666,666,66. Court-dates for anti-court candidate A cranberry grower by trade, O'Hagan has recently enjoyed a growing reputation in antigovernment internet communities for his efforts to act as a self-described "sovereign" citizen and "legal intervener" during the 41-day standoff at Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. His run for Blake's 19th Legislative District House seat has also garnered some attention from citizens who take a special interest in matters of property rights and government interference in private affairs. Running on a platform that focuses almost exclusively on evicting attorneys from. the state legislature, O'Hagan, who also advocates for disbarring all Washington attorneys and dismantling the state Commission on Judicial Conduct, took 39 percent of the vote district-wide in the Primary Election. However, in the small, deeply conservative part of Lewis County that falls within LD19, O'Hagan took 65 percent of the vote. O'Hagan's apparent popularity with Lewis county voters did not prevent Republican Lewis County Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer from filing the charges against O'Hagan on Oct. 31, and issuing a Nov. 1 summons for O'Hagan, 62, to appear in Pacific County Superior Court on Nov. 18. According to documents obtained through a public disclosure request, the charges stem from an ongoing dispute between O'Hagan and Raymond commercial fisherman and environmental consultant Brian Couch, the subject of a Pacific County civil suit initiated by O'Hagan in March 2016. A Chinook Observer reporter left voice messages requesting comment from, Couch and O'Hagan on Nov. 2, and will update the story with their comments on Nov. 7, if they respond. Getting rid of lawyers, holding onto property In spring 2016, O'Hagan, who claims that Couch owes him money, allegedly took Couch's Chevrolet Suburban, and his air boat, which has an estimated value of $30,000. In a Nov. 2 phone interview, Meyer said O'Hagan initially borrowed the Suburban with Couch's permission, and offered to store Couch's boat for him. He took possession of both vehicles before deciding to file a civil suit against Couch. "When they were requested back, he refused to provide them," Meyer explained. "All of a sudden, he refused to return the property." Couch, 52, reportedly asked the Pacific County Sheriff's Office to start an investigation after his own attempts to retrieve the boat and SUV failed. PCSO deputies first contacted O'Hagan on May 14. According to the charging documents, O'Hagan "...admitted to possessing the property ... but refused to return the property until such time as he was paid what he claimed he was owed. The defendant refused, without a court order, to return the property." Deputies spoke with O'Hagan again on June 2 and June 10, telling him on both occasions that if he didn't return the property, he would be charged with theft. During the June 10 visit, O'Hagan allowed the deputies to photograph the items belonging to Couch, but, according to the report, "He again said he understood, but refused to return the property." Sue, and sue alike Meyer said that although it's a Pacific County case, Prosecutor Mark McClain referred it to the Lewis County Prosecutor's Office to prevent a conflict of interest, because O'Hagan has repeatedly accused McClain and numerous other Pacific County officials, including Sheriff Scott Johnson and Superior Court Judge Michael Sullivan, of corruption. "There's some ongoing litigation that Mr. O'Hagan started against Pacific County," Meyer said. Indeed, according to McClain's 2016 motion to have O'Hagan designated as a "vexatious litigant." O'Hagan has also pursued legal action against a county court clerk's office employee, a local drainage district, South Bend attorney Joel Penoyar, the U.S. Department of Justice, state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and the Washington State Bar Association, among many others. A few years ago, O'Hagan's allegations of misconduct in Pacific County government led then deputy-prosecutor McClain to ask the Washington State Patrol to conduct an independent investigation. The WSP concluded that there was no substance to O'Hagan's claims, and the Washington Attorney General's Office ultimately decided not to press charges, according to public records obtained from WSP. Meyer said he filed the charges only recently, because it took several months to gather and review all of the case information. "Because it is a property crime, it's not going to be reviewed as quickly as other crimes. Homicides, assaults or sex crimes — those move to the top of the pile," Meyer said. "... I've been reviewing this one for a quite a while, and we just go ready to charge." 'Evil and the Devil's work' In June, someone writing under the pseudonym "The Reluctant Activist," announced on the anonymously registered website, that O'Hagan had filed a defamation suit against McClain and his "accomplices" in local, state, and federal government. In his complaint, which is embedded in the blog post, O'Hagan alleged that McClain damaged his reputation by including his image in a small display of photographs on the wall of the prosecutor's office. "Their actions were evil and the devil's work, and as such, the damages may exceed $666,666,666.66 — Six hundred sixty six million, six hundred sixty six thousand, six hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six cents," O'Hagan wrote. On Nov. 2, McClain said in a phone interview that the photographs were there to help his office staff identify individuals who potentially posed security concerns. "With Mr. O'Hagan in particular, it involved the Washington State Bar and the Attorney General's office calling to alert us to his potential danger," McClain said. "They had concerns, and wanted to make sure we were aware of it." Alone in a legal wilderness O'Hagan is no stranger to conflict. In the 1990s, he successfully sued a fellow cranberry farmer, Kenyon Kelly, over a water-rights dispute. However, Kelly, who is now deceased, subsequently made several attempts to file for bankruptcy, and O'Hagan never received the sizable judgment awarded to him. In the years since, O'Hagan's unsuccessful attempts to obtain the settlement have galvanized his anti-government convictions, and led to dozens of complex, cascading court proceedings, in which he has generally acted as his own attorney, with limited success. In hundreds of pages of local, state and federal court filings, and social media posts and open letters to public officials, O'Hagan has made increasingly bold claims of corruption and criminal activity among Washington's attorneys, judges and government employees. Among other things, O'Hagan alleges that the State Department of Ecology in 1999 intentionally burned down its own building to cover up illegal activity, and that U.S. Marshals have attempted to intimidate and harass him. In a 42-page document filed with the State Supreme Court in June 2015, O'Hagan accused Pacific County Superior Court Judge Michael Sullivan of"... using his official position to steal over $360,000 from me, and providing it to the judgment debtor, so the judgment debtor could solicit a murder-for-hire plot to murder me..." Thus far, no independent bo i v substantiated y of these allegations. Concerns about revolution Fear that government corruption is paving the way for civil unrest — or even revolution — is a recurring theme in O'Hagan's more recent writings and interviews, including an October Chinook Observer interview, in which he expressed concerns about the inevitability of "some type of world-conflict." Further on in the June 2015 document, O'Hagan said he believed collusion among the state's attorneys, "... has caused our domestic tranquility to be regularly attacked to the point where we have been forced to place armed guards at most of our courthouses and schools in my lifetime, and most of our cities are regularly under attack from the silent majority disguised as protesters." In a separate, May 2015 filing with the state Court of Appeals, O'Hagan argued that "lawyer crime" posed an imminent threat to society. "This type of organized crime and governmental oppression led to the Oklahoma City bombings, the mass murdering of millions of innocent individuals during the Hitler regime, and the deaths of millions of innocent individuals in the struggle for our country to rid itself of `Nobility'.... This type of domestic terrorism, if allowed to go without being addressed will lead to horrendous crimes in our society's future," O'Hagan wrote. An April 2016 CorruptWA post titled, "Will O'Hagan be another Levoy Finnicum — murdered by those who swear to protect him?" included a 2016 document filed in Pacific County Superior Court, in which O'Hagan again hinted that he thought his long-running conflicts with government could ultimately boil down to physical confrontation. "Like my ancestors did several centuries ago, I am going to arm myself with a pitchfork and scythe, and resist the exact same attitudes from individuals who believe they have achieved enough nobility over me to make decisions over me that will affect over my life, liberty and property for generations," O'Hagan wrote. "My ancestors resisted your `Noble Attitude' to achieve a better life for their children, and so will I, so help me God." I UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- Appellees, L)ELLAKAIION OF FACT OF DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants—Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, +Tl:( make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have 2 witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felo y, complicity and omission. Dated thisq= day of March, 2017. By c~ \' /lfl ('fdd)J ,z A sil 1' 0 1-61 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 President Donald Trump Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Olympia WA 98512-5602 Dated this _ day of March 2017. 3 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- Appellees, ) i c. h V A 6 ~.f G d r R DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants — Appellants AND OTHERS Vs. I, IC;' !( A &1'I I I E.Rmake this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of - - .... .. .-u- ~. u.•- • • • •• - profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and ( c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequeoTboming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this 6 day of March, 2017. By PC fOX g7S To 1-eego c v a,• ,1s_', / CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. President Donald Trump Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Olympia WA 98512-5602 Dated this ` day of March 2017. 3 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 plaintitfs-AppelleeS, Plaintiffs- ) Vs. DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) MU K~ i-L, IRADA lJ TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants—Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, iY ul ri' z t- i1 v flfl S make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 1 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences otbecomIng accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this Lu day of March, 2017. By y~~1.,~%m,/~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 President Donald Trump Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Olympia WA 98512-5602 Dated this _ day of March 2017. 3 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Vs. ) No. 17-35105 iG i Ae / DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants — Appellants AND OTHERS I, 1416 j e / I? " ~smake this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this v day of March, 2017. By I3 /~ / c'/ L A4 /fl/Q, vV1, g 6 s' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 Robert W. Ferguson President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Washington D.C. 20500 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Olympia WA 98512-5602 Dated this _ day of March 2017. By UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- Appe1tes, DECRATION OF FACT OF 0L; lJ; A A Ct."QC0NOQ DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants—Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, 0~l~lf V1"\ - O\CC (Y\~ make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. 1 am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and ( c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have 2 witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this day of March, 2017. By (111 Vt('1 .2 1" t • 4t4 OA. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 President Donald Trump Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Olympia WA 98512-5602 Dated this _ day of March 2017. By l? .f1I'1 ';7 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 aintirrs- Hp Vs. DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants—Appellants AND OTHERS I, J) rJAIV ~}-( ,h- F make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 1 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of corruption, bccodi2 they arc supporting schemes that made public corruption *very profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and ( c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have 2 witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of fel Dated this plicity and omission. day of March, 2017 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 Robert W. Ferguson President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Washington D.C. 20500 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Olympia WA 98512-5602 Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Dated this _ day of March 2017 0 3 Jy/ ( Y 6 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- AAppellees, DECLARATION OF FACT OF ) Vs. DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) f n X0,4 D, 61)L (( S TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants — Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, )PA (t,) fl, i) 7/5 make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and ( c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have 2 witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this 7 day of March, 2017. By 2 % - /4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 President Donald Trump Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Olympia WA 98512-5602 Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Dated this _ day of March 2017. 3 7 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- Appellees, Vs. DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants - Appellants AND OTHERS V Loika)-1- I,2J1c& 3 1 make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 1 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of corru schemes that made ublic corruption very profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (c) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or su er t e consequent accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this day of March, 2017. JM By ~~ 4 J~1~13oxA)0" CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. President Donald Trump P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Olympia WA 98512-5602 Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Dated this _ day of March 2017. 3 ILYASCV /9 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT STATE OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) No. 17-35105 Plaintiffs- Appellees, ) DECLARATION OF FACT OF Vs. ) DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States,) L;cf TESTIFYING TO ACTS OF TREASON JAMES J. O'HAGAN, Et All ) BY WAGO ROBERT FERGUSON Defendants—Appellants ) AND OTHERS I, BR~" P®4y0/AS make this affidavit of fact on my own free will. I am over the age of 18 and qualified to testify to the matters stated herein. I swear under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1. I am aware of the continuous power struggle going on in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and the terrorist activities coming out of these countries. 2. I am aware the Department of Defense has identified threats of terrorist activities spreading to other countries from these countries, including the United States. 3. I agree President Donald Trump's Executive Order No. 13,769, 82Fed. Reg. 8977 (2017), Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States was necessary to protect us from enemies of the United States and the State of Washington. 4. I am aware the Public Disclosure Commission shows a considerable amount of big oil money is being used to buy American politicians and military muscle despite the fact Bribery and Corrupt Solicitation is illegal. 5. I am aware of the fact President Donald Trump promised the people he would drain the swamp of corruption. 1 6. I am aware that we have charged the members of the judicial branches with the tasks of being our disciplinarians, as such all public corruption lives, thrives and survives in the judicial branches of our state and federal governments. 7. I am aware that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson, Governor Jay Inslee and Judge James Robart are all members of the judicial branch that are paranoid about President Donald Trump's promise to drain the swamp of corruption, because they are supporting schemes that ma d e public corruption very profitable for them and their fellow attorneys. 8. I stipulate this lawsuit was intended to prevent President Donald Trump from draining the corruption in the judicial branches and placed the Presidents Family and my family members in grave danger from retaliation of individuals from the countries President Trump attempted to limit entry into the United States from. 9. I stipulate Governor Jay Inslee and Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson have solicited funds from oil rich families of these countries. 10. I stipulate Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed this lawsuit to further his political career, and as such he is using public funds and his public office for his personal interests. 11. I stipulate by filing this lawsuit Washington State Attorney General has provided aid and comfort and is adhering to our enemies the department of defense has identified, which is described in RCW 9.82.010 of our Washington State Criminal Code as Treason. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCW 9. 82.010 Treason- Definitions- Penalty, specifically parts (b) and (C) I am a witness that Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and his accomplices including Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Judge James Robart and their supporting personnel have all committed acts of treason as defined in parts (b) and (c). FURTHERMORE In accordance with USC Article II section 4 Impeachment and USC article IV section 1 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC section 3 and 4, the Justices of the Ninth Circuit and law enforcement are required by law to address these acts of treason I and others have witnessed. If the proper authorities fail to address these crimes they are committing the crimes identified in RCW 9A.08.010 Culpability, RCW 9A.08.020 Complicity and RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal Conspiracy. THEREFORE I command the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices to order Washington State Attorney General Robert Ferguson and all of his accomplices be placed under arrest for treason, misappropriation of public funds, bribery and corrupt solicitation and place them on public trial for their criminal acts and acts of treason or suffer the consequences of becoming an accessory after the fact with your acts of misprision of felony, complicity and omission. Dated this 9 day of March, 2017. By___________________________________ eel (Se K (1&5 //M4? Ci~ 9'~'s7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned placed true and correct copies of the foregoing in the U.S. mail postage prepaid via first class mail to the following. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals P.O. Box 193939 San Francisco CA 94119-3939 President Donald Trump Robert W. Ferguson 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW P.O. Box 40100 Washington D.C. 20500 Olympia WA 98504-0100 Federal Bureau of Investigations 1802 Black Lake Bvd. SW Federal Bureau of Investigations 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Olympia WA 98512-5602 Washington D.C. 20535-6001 Dated this _ day of March 2017 3

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