American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression et al v. Sullivan

Filing 93

DECLARATION of Jonathan Bloom re 87 MOTION for Attorney Fees Plaintiffs' Application for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses by Alaska Library Association, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska, Association of American Publishers, Inc., Book Blizzard LLC, Bosco's, Inc., Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, David & Melissa LLC, Donald R. Douglas, Entertainment Merchants Association, Freedom to Read Foundation. (Bamberger, Michael)

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Michael A. ftiiiihercr (pro hac vice) SNR Den1i T J. .l 1221 Avenuc ol ihc Aincricas cc k, Nc w n rl 10020 D. Jelin \JcI\a\ P1 c mc: l>!itimc: )( )7.l 2 15 Illeka\ Alaska iar 7811117 "1 12-708-0 7/75 () michael .bamiilicicciiu m m[ Law ()!iiccs f). John Mckay 117 I.. ('1)() 1, A\ C. •\mieln n;icc A K 1 Thonmas .i1umi ACLU ol \ hiska Hundation 1057 W. liicvec(l Lane - Suite 207 Anchramc. AK 99503 Phone: Q07, -258-0044 tstenson(a Alaska Isar- No. 0808054 Attorneys br Plain lit/s UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF ALASKA AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS FOUNDATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION, et al. Plaintiffs, Civil No. 3:10-cv-00193-RRB V. JOHN BURNS, in his official capacity as ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, Defendant. DECLARATION OF JONATHAN BLOOM Jonathan Bloom declares as follows: I am counsel to the law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP. I have practiced in the firm's New York office in the area of Media/First Amendment law for more than 19 years. 2. 1 have known and worked with Michael A. Bamberger of SNR Denton US LLP (formerly known as Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP), one of the country's leading First Amendment attorneys, for many years. Specifically, I have participated in the preparation of liii Mr. numerous hricf iii Fftt ..\incndnient is held in the highest iecard in the \\ orld ot cs er the COMM urucatious and eiist I cai mid kno\\ that he aitional law. In particular, he is the nation's leaditi expert on laws eoncernini restrictions on juvenile access to sexually frank material ("harmful to minors" laws), having success liii ly litigated most of the significant eases in that area. 3. 1 and rerierally familiar with the billing rates in this field. To my knowledge, the hill Hi 't , OrlCiRlHiu, New York-based attorneys rate of $600 per hour Idr Mr. Bamber eel (the rate requested in this application) is well within the range of what one would reasonably expect for an attorney of his stature and experience. Indeed. I believe most New York-based litigators with comparable expertise and experience command a billing rate at least that high and in many cases higher. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: July ,2011 JONATHAN BLOOM 2

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