Cygnus Systems, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation, et al

Filing 147

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C y g n u s Systems, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation, et al D o c . 147 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 L A W OFFICE OF ROBERT L. MURRAY R o b e r t Louis Murray 2 7 3 0 E. Broadway, Suite 230 T u c s o n , Arizona 85716 ( 5 2 0 ) 320-5045 ( 5 2 0 ) 320-5043 Fax P i m a County Computer No. 65193 A r i z o n a State Bar No. 003341 Attorney for Defend ant UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF ARIZONA U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA ) ) Plaintiff ) ) vs. ) ) DW AYN E FO NZIE MIL LS, ) ) Defend ant. ) ________________________________ ) N O . CR 03-01905-CKJ(HCE) M O T I O N TO MODIFY C O N D I T I O N S OF RELEASE A s s i g n e d to: H o n . Cindy K. Jorgenson Excluda ble delay under 1 8 U.S.C . §3161(h )(I)(f) will occur as a result of this m o t i o n or of an order based thereon. The Defendant, DWAYNE FO N Z I E MILLS, t h r o u g h counsel undersigned, moves this court for an Order Modifying his conditions o f release. Specifically, Defendant requests that the Court allow him to travel to M o b i l e , Alabam a fro m M ond ay, Fe brua ry 26, 2007 through Fri day, March 2, 2007 to a t t e n d a week long management training sponsored by Defendant's employer, Sears, Roeb uck an d Co. C opies o f Def endan t's travel i tinerary are attache d hereto . Defense counsel has contacted both Assistant United States Attorney, Tom Ferraro and Ruben Morales of Pretrial Services, who have no objection to this Motion. F o r the forego ing reason s it is respectfully requested that the Court order the c o n d i t i o n s of release modified allowing D efendan t Dwayne Mills to travel to Mobile, A l a b a m a from February 26, 2007 to March 2, 2007. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 R E S P E C T F U L L Y SUBM I T T E D this 21st day of February, 2007. L A W OFFICE OF ROBERT L. MURRAY Robert L. Murray / s / BY _____________________________ Robert L. Murray COPY of the foregoing Motion to Mod i f y Conditions of Release hand-delivered this 21st day of February, 2007, to: T h e Honorable Cindy K. Jorgenson U NITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 4 0 5 W. Congress T u c s o n , Arizona 85701 D . Thomas Ferraro, Esq. A s s i s t a n t United State's Attorney U NITED STATES ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 4 0 5 West Congress, Suite 4800 T u c s o n , Arizona 85701 D a n i e l l e Peterson U NITED STATES PROBATION 4 0 5 West Congress T u c s o n , Arizona 85701 -2-

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