Nesby et al v. Boyd et al

Filing 7

ORDER, re 6 Notice filed by Rodrigues Jones, the Clerk is directed to mail this Order, as well as a copy of Order 3 to Plaintiff Nesby, 1109 Arkansas Street, Earle, AR 72331, as well as to the Crittenden County Detention Facility. Plaintiff Nesby is reminded of his duty to promptly notify the Court of any change of address & that his failure to do so could result in the dismissal of this action. Signed by Magistrate Judge Beth Deere on 8/26/2010. (jct)

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Nesby et al v. Boyd et al Doc. 7 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT E A S T E R N DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS J O N E S B O R O DIVISION M A R C U S NESBY and R O D R I G U E S JONES V. Z A N E BOYD, et al. ORDER C A S E NO. 3:10CV00197 JLH/BD P L A IN T IF F S DEFENDANTS O n August 25, 2010, Plaintiff Jones filed a notice with the Court indicating that P la in tif f Nesby is longer incarcerated. (Docket entry #6) Plaintiff Jones provided Plaintiff N e s b y's new address. Accordingly, the Clerk of the Court is directed to mail this Order a s well as a copy of docket entry #3 to Plaintiff Nesby, 1109 Arkansas Street, Earle, A rk a n sa s 72331, as well as to the Crittenden County Detention Facility. Plaintiff Nesby is reminded of his duty to promptly notify the Court of any change of address and that his f a ilu re to do so could result in the dismissal of this action. See Local Rule 5.5(c)(2). IT IS SO ORDERED this 26th day of August, 2010. ___________________________________ U N IT E D STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE

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