Cox v. Howmedica Osteonics Corporation et al

Filing 5

CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER transferring the case to the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota to be included in MDL No. 2441, In Re: Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation. Signed by Jeffery N. Luthi, Clerk of the Panel, on 8/14/13. (kpr)

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CA SErO 11 3+ md {08 4&L{&WF tEbfi{: * Hdt[Ifn dn$ *O * ffi itddiO I I TW#8 3 M$e ! of 2 TINITE} STATES JUNICIAL PANEL on N,I ULTII}I STRICT LITIGAT1ON IN RE: S'I'RYKIIR RItJtiVItNA'I'll AND AIIG H II' TMPLAN'I' PIIO]}TJC'I'S LIAI}I LT'I'Y LI'T'IGATION It MDL No.244l {sEE ATTACHEI} SCHEDULE) CONDITIONAL TR{I{SFAR ORI}ER {C]TO -10) On June 12,2013, the Piurel gransibrred 28 civil actionis) to the ljnited States District Court {or the District o{'L.'{innesota fcrr coorrlin;rted or corrsoliciated pretrial proceeclings pursuant to 28 1.l.S.Cl. $i407. See _-.F.Supp.2d_ (J.P.h'{.L.2013). Since thiit time, 106 adrlitional actiun(s) have been trernsl'erreil to the District cll'Minnesota. With the consent oI'that court, all such actions have been assigned to the Honorable Donovan W Frank. It appears that the erction('s) orr this conditional transJer order involve cluestions of lnct that are comntorl to the aclir:ns r:reviauslv tri:nsferreil to the District o1'Minnesota anrl iissisned to Jr:dse Frank. Ilursuant to Rule 7.1 o{'the ltules ol'Procedure of'the.United..S:ltug*s..lq.dicial I'anel on h,Ju.kidistrict Litisati.{:t"+-, the action(s) cn the attachecl schedule are transl'erred under 28 {J.S.C. $1407 to the IJistrict of Mimesota lbr the reiisons stated in the order of June 12,2013, and, with the ccnsent o{' that cour1. assignecl to the Honorable Donovan W Fr:ank. -fhis order rloes rxrt hecarne e{'l'ective until it is filecl in the Oilice of the Cler* o{'the tjnited States I)istrict Court ltrrthe District of'Minnesota. The transmiltai of this orderto siiid Clerk shall be sta.ved 7 days finrn the entr.v therecl. If'any par15,,'{iles;r nulice o{ opposition with the Clerk of'the Panel within this 7-day peliod, the stai,'' rvill be continued until lurther orcler of the Panel. FOR THE PANEL: A'aruo priirtecl tcfi'f 111€| g!Oilr ;.t,,,"ri.: i "1 ln tl"i* l''l;litcii 1:ri'l"'" rt:r 1'r'i ;:ip {.1:;;,";, i-i;ir.i"iA *heet(s) Jet1bry N. Lrithi Clerk of'the Panel CAffi@*t84ffild{084444D\ /##tu*\fi e DlffiSfindffi # *{Fnddffi8/ffi*8 2 Ril$e 2 of 2 IN RE: STRYKER R$JIIVNNATE AND ABG II HIP IMPLANT PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION MDL No. 2441 SCHEDULE CTO*10 _ TAG-ALONG ACTIONS DIST DIV. cASn.f,ld\.gr!.flN C.A.NO. ARKANSAS EASTERN ARIj 4 l3-00440 Cox v. Flowmedica Osteonics Corporation et al l3u2,tf t DUle/FCil ILLINOIS CENTRAL ILct 13-0\275 ' Olson v. STRYKER CORPORATION, Individually and dibla,Howmedica Osteonics Corporation and dlbla Srryker Orrhopaedics 3 C"? f pu.rr/p6r.,l | f;g RHODII ISI,ANI) RI 13-005CI8 Lewis v. How:nedioa Osteonics Corporation I 3 cu ? I I G Dwf /flN

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