CSK Partners, LLC v. LG Electronics USA, Inc.

Filing 59

ORDER TO COMPEL; re: 32 Motion to Compel. Full and complete answers are to be offered on or before Monday, 8/30/10. Signed by Honorable James R. Marschewski on August 25, 2010. (lw)

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C S K Partners, LLC v. LG Electronics USA, Inc. D o c . 59 IN THE UNTTED STATESDISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS F O R T SMITH DIVISION C S K P A R T N E R S LLC , CASENO. 2:09-cv-02106-JLH L G ELECTRONICS, U,S.A.,INC., a foteign c o r F o r a t i o n ,NI GROUP, LLC, a foreign corporatio n , and AMERICAN EXPR-ESS BANK, FSB, a foreigtr corporation DEFENDA}ITS PI.AINTIFF ORDEEfOESMPEL ( . i n this 29th day trfJuly, ?010, conreson Fotcorrsidetation I'lairrrifi, CSI{ Pattnets, of L L C ' s , Motion to Compel and the Cor.rtt bcitrgl sufficicntly advisecl finds that thc Scpatatc l J e f e n d a n t , AmL:dcatrExprcss Rank, FSII, shall ptovide to lrlaintiff full artrl complete answets t() fbr a r r t lresponses Ifltelt()gatoticsirtrdRcquests Ptoduction Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, l --), 111-to I / T h e (lflutt flnds lntcrrogdtory No. B is overly broat'lasit cr-rttcfldyplrtastrl, irncltherefcrte i t will lre clerriecl.Howevet, the PlrLintiffrrraytcvisc thc Itrterogatoty in futurc discovtry. 'I'hc Coutt gtatrts Intettogatory No.10. Flowcvct, thc clairns, comPlaiflts, nnd litigariotr u n d e t thc Ftarrd Ptotcction Guatanty will he confincd to two yeats befote the calrscof iicliotl m r d r;nc ycirr aftct. r\ ctclitional)y, the scopc of thc Itrteuogatot'T vill be limitcd to ouly those Dockets.Justia.com claims, compltiflts, lLfldlitigation madc within the Llnited States. W i t h tcspcctto lntcrtog',ttoty Nos. 12, 13, antl 14, the Court finclsthat both patticswill c o r r i p l y r.r'rth SchedrrlingOtdet set totth by thc DisttictJudgc irtrd ptocluceexpert wtfle$$es, the e x h i b i t s , and denronsttative exhibits in rrtimcly rnirrncr so asnot to hintler ot delay the ttid ditc. F u l l nnd complctc answcrs ate to be offeted on or bel'ote Monday, August 30, 2010. I T IS SO ORDER-ED. n t r t a b l c Iarncs R. Marschervski ,esle$^rBpIfl .S. lifr%tudrr,rsarMagisttrtc I udgc AU6 5 2010 2 ry CHRR. IS JfrII,JSq'{, CLERK DEPIIffCI-BK

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