Holder v. Social Security Administration Commissioner

Filing 4

ORDER granting 3 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The plaintiff is directed to serve a copy of the complaint and this order on the defendant by certified mail, return receipt requested, as well as the US Attorney General and US Attorney for Western District/Arkansas without prepayment of fees and costs. Defendant is to answer within 60 days from date of service. Signed by Honorable James R. Marschewski on August 13, 2010. (lw)

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I N THF.LrNrl'ED STAT'IIS DISTRICT CTOURT W I I S|ERN DISTRILIT ARKANSAS OF FOR'I'SMITH I)IV]SI0N O T I SHOI,DER PI,AINTII.I; cTVrLN0. l0-Jla o (lonrrnissioncr M I C H A E L , I .ASTRUH. S o o i aSecurity l Adnriuistration ORDER Plaintiffhas suhmitted complitint filing in thisdistrict. a lbr together a rcque$t with fbr l c a v cttrFroceed in.fttrma puupcn.r. Allel leview, is firr.rnd Plaintill'is it that unablc payfirr to t h dcosls cornmencement and, of of suir accordingly, lbllowingordsris entsrcd I 3tr' the this day o f August 2010: P l a i n f i l f s motion firt leaveto procrcdinJbrmaprulrTrerr.i is grantcd. l'heclerkis clircctcd t o filc the corrrplaitrt. Additionally. thc court directs that a copy of the cornplainl, along with a c o p yofthis order', servcd Plaintiffbyccrtiliedrrrail. be hy rcturnreceipt requcstcd, I)ele1oalr, on M i c h a e lJ. Astrue,Commissioner, SocialSecurity Administration, wcll as FlricFi.Ilolder'. as .tr.. u . s . n tto'.ey Gencral, Malk w. wchh, Assistant and tJ.s.Attomey,withoutprepayment fccs of a n d costs. Dcl'endant ordcrcdLoa'swer within sixly (60) daysfiom the dateofscrvice. is l l lS S0 ORDERI_ill. I-]EFENDAN'I' il ',rsruefir,rDdpi#lfcntudtrvsn, AUG3 2010 | BY 0itfitH. s J0+fiis0fl, 0LEHI( H O N ,.IAMES MARSCIIEWSKI R. CHIEF U,S.MNCISTRATE JUDGE DepuYeIxx AO72A (Rev.8/82)

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