United States of America v. Hicks et al

Filing 6

STIPULATED JUDGMENT OF PERMANENT INJUNCTION AGAINST MY ICIS, INC., as set forth. Signed by Honorable Jimm Larry Hendren on April 9, 2010. (lw)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT fOR THE WESTVlN mSTRfCT OF ARKANSAS UNITEO STATES OF AMERlCA, PI';nlilf. , , , , ) ) WAYNIl HICKS, iJIdividualIy. <1.1>'. AMERlCANS FOR LAWftJl. FlNANClAL.INDEPENDENCIl" ) ) ) fREEOOM COALFII"); AND MY ICIS, INC. Od ' II ) ) ) STIPULATED JUDGMENT Qf UBMMEN'T IN UNctiON ACAINST MY IClS,INC. FWntilf Unital SImS or AmerieI &Dd doefendMl My lcil rlkrmd-nl"}, .-DpI1ate IU ~rmdaM waives the entry of fllldislas of f-.;land oonelutiolll of law UDder RII!eI S2 and liS or the fedaal RYles orCivil Procuhue. DcfendMllllldemlndl dIlollhis Slipullolal JudpDCllt of P c r m m c n t l'\iunctiool colllti_ the fUlll1 judlmetl( in th,s _ . " " " . . . .i v a lItIy . r I d .11 riJ,hllO file lItI ~ from !his inj efen U n nithcr ~ too lhe lnte Revenue ice &om e ~ ing (" RC"). nor ~ t for ~~;Set~ted v~ of the Internal Re en oal' · from con tin any cb ORO R BEltlEIIlV OIRDJltRltD P . ·026 U..C. §-§ 7402 7 8 tim de£; dant. My tCODlnClo lei d t rep. , gen. rvants, employees., n in ctiv· co ~m din:cUor in Uy; Lin hh him. ~ PER1\tAJNEIIff[ 'from 1. advises or g. p molin. ists taxpaye I1liU" eling, or lling an)' p to tlempt to viol· - inl or COUectiOD 0 or unlawfu1Jy ev:c the e.srat)liBbi~8. 6 tbit and/or financial '0 'cJd the' entity ofcaxpay· d if m 1Jt.. lnlC Rcven ~ect Service' lly under 26 .S.C. 6 00 2. EnS· ~ inS in any other activily 5-U to p in . or arrange by r ~2- IT IS nJRTIfER ORDERED !hItl!uJ Court $hall ma,njllrOOitllOn III enfc>n>e IhQ, IrUWlCUOII and ""Vu;led SlaLQ ""'Y ~ in posI-)Ud"me'll disoovef)' 10 IlIOlIlIor ckfcndanl'. . vi!Fn;" Bar, 7 Trial AlIOrnt)', Tu D,v U.S, Dqlutmcn. of Jill I'otI Off",. 1Jo~ 7238 8efI t'..:\klln $lIllon WaslunllOn, D.C. 2111144 ~ 00"" Tcltpllollll: (2021616-29lM Fill; (202) ~ 14-6no E.m.,l: Ony-.A.Hoffinall@lItdo,.,Ov ____~so::::o:"':"':::"'::..::·~&~i1~"='~'~'==~J:q.~,",.~.~L~_. ... 2010. UNITED STATES Dl

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