Carmichael v. Social Security Administration Commissioner

Filing 5

ORDER granting 4 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis and directing complaint be filed nunc pro tunc as of 5/10/10. The plaintiff is directed to serve a copy of the complaint and this order on the defendant by certified mail, return receip t requested, as well as the US Attorney General and US Attorney for Western District/Arkansas without prepayment of fees and costs. Defendant is to answer within 60 days from date of service. Signed by Honorable James R. Marschewski on May 24, 2010. (lw)

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I N TIIE UNI'TED STA'IES DIS'IRIC'I'COURT' WESTERN DISTRICT ARKANSAS OF }{ARRISON DIVISION DONNA ANN CARMICTIAEL c t v ] L N(). l0-3042 M I C H A U L J. AS'l RUl:. Cotntnissiouer S o c i a lSecuri Adrninistlatir)n tv PLAINTIFT DEF'ENI]AN'I' ORDIIR together with I'or Plairrtilllsubnritlcd a complaint lilirrgin thisdistrict, O nMay 11,2010, trn in a rcqucst lcavcto proceed lbrrnapaupens,([)oc.# 1). Subsequently. orderwasissued for dirccti n gthc clcrk to provisionallyfile the complaintprior to fl deterrlinationregarding an to Plaintiffsubmitted as P l u i n t j l - l -$tatu$ an indigdnt. (Doc.# 3). Pursuant tlrc orclcr, s pauperrs it application May21.2010.(Doc.# 4). Afterreview, is ibund on i l l l n e r l d e dftn"tnu in the of 1tr that PlaintilTis urrable pay lirt the costsof contmcncctncnt suit and, accordingly, : lirllowi n gordcris etrtered paupertr in./brma II's to that f l ls HIIREBYORDERED Plainti molionlbt leavc procced as dircctcd file theconipl:din| Pro ftrlzc of May 10,2010. to nunL: The b egranted. cletkis herchy altrng witha copy dirccts a copyofthecomplaint hereirr, that trled A d d i t i o l a l l ytJre , court)rereby ttrr mail,retumreceipt requested, llefendant, by o f tliis ortler, setved Plaintiffhy ccrtificd be Jr., aswcll Cornmissioner, Socinl Security Adnrinistratir:rn, asEricH. Flolder, M i c h a e.1. l Astmc. prepaynrent ol'lbes Assistant Attolney, LJ.S. without and t J . SAttorney . General, MarkW. Webh, L() within sixty (6tl) daysliom the is rrr andco$ts sccuritythcrefor. Dei'endiurt ordered arlswer d a t c of scrvice. I T IS SO ORDERUD this 24"' d a yof May "'IrAtiJ:,ffi;;E,q I I O N .JAMES MARSCH}.]W$KI R. JIJDCT C I I I E FU.S,MAGIS]'RN'IE U.S. /ESTE tnrur uuuHt RN DfsilP_BAH rrANsAf , Dllj MA?t| 2010 Y cHBlF.Jfttilsft, ruRK $ Ef AO72A (R6v.8/82) ffiJIYN.BK

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