Mann v. Social Security Administration Commissioner

Filing 3

ORDER granting 2 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis and directing complaint filed nunc pro tunc as of 5/18/10. The plaintiff is directed to serve a copy of the complaint and this order on the defendant by certified mail, return receipt r equested, as well as the US Attorney General and US Attorney for Western District/Arkansas without prepayment of fees and costs. Defendant is to answer within 60 days from date of service. Signed by Honorable James R. Marschewski on May 20, 2010. (lw)

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DISTRI(]'I'COURT ST'ATES I N THE IJNI'I'H]J OF WI-IS Il-iRNI)TSTRICT ARKANSAS HARRISON DIVISION J N N T T M .MANN PI.,AINTIFF c T vNo. JO47 r r l0. J. Contmissioner M I C H A F i L ASTRUE, Adrtinistration S o c i aSeculitv l DEFENTJAN'I QNnlIR with a rcqucst for PlaintifT hassubrnilted complaintfor filing in this district,togetlter a in.fhrmttp(tupetls, Aller rcvicw. it is founil that Plaintiff is unahlekr pay for l c a v cto proceed this r e costsofconulencement ofsuit and, accotrlingly,the following otdcr is enterecl 20'hday o f May 2010:|is I T IS I IERF,IIY oRDERED that I'laintiffs rnolion lirr'lcavcto proceetJ dircctcdto file thecrrrtplainlH.ottPrl tun(:asof Mtry I tt, 2010. Thc h c grantecl. clcrk is hereby alongwith a copy filed hereirr. hcrebydireots thata copyof tlreoomplaint A r i d i t i o n a l l ythecoLrrt , on o f this orrler.bc se1ed by Plaintiff by certiliedrnail, return receiptrcqucsted, Dcfcndatrt, Administtatiou, well asltric IL Holdcr,Jr., irs SocialSecurity Michael.T. Astruc.Cornmissioner, of LJ. t J . s .Afiorney(icncral,andMark w. webb, Assistant s, Attomey,withoutprepayrnent fees thercfor. a n dcostsor secur:ily t h c dateo{ servicc. 'Ihe is Delenr]rrnt ordeledto answcrwitltitr sixty (60) daysliom I T IS S() ORDER.ED. EWSKI R, FION. JAMF]S MARSCH .IIJDGE MAOISTRATF] C I I I E FL],S. rusflrDJpTfl rf lfr%onffiTrrsnt MA20 ?010 Y E{ AO72A (Rev.8/82) 'i CHRR JftII{$OI{, IS CLERK DEP'IY'"BK

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