Darr v. Social Security Administration Commissioner

Filing 4

ORDER granting 3 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis and directing complaint be filed nunc pro tunc as of 7/20/10. The plaintiff is directed to serve a copy of the complaint and this order on the defendant by certified mail, return receip t requested, as well as the US Attorney General and US Attorney for Western District/Arkansas without prepayment of fees and costs. Defendant is to answer within 60 days from date of service. Signed by Honorable James R. Marschewski on July 21, 2010. (lw)

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Darr v. Social Security Administration Commissioner Doc. 4 I N THF,TJNIIEDSTA'I'ES T]IS]'RICT COIJR'I WHST'ERN I]IS'I'RICT NRKANSAS {)I' HARRISON DIVISION , ANGEI,A I]AR-R. PLAINTIFF N0o. crvil_, /D_fi|a{ M I C H . A E I ..I. AS fRLIF. Cotnmissirrncr S o c i a l SecuritvAdrlinistratiorr ORDER with a request for P l a i n t i f f h a s submitteti cornplaintlirr filing in this distriot,together a l e a v e to proceedin .formupttttperls. A I'tctreview, it is fountl that Plainti lT is unable to pay lbr of sr.rit accordingly, I'ollowingorderis erteredthis 21"'day the t h e costsof corllmcncer.rrerrt urrd. o l ' . l u l y2010: P l a i n t i f f s motion for leaveto proceedirt.forma lttntperis is gtatrted.Thc clerk is directed pro /r.arc: of .Iuly 20,201Q. Additionally. the ctrufi directsthat a as t o lile thc complaintnunL: c o p y ot'thc conrplaint, aiongwith a oopyof this order.trescrvedby Plaintill'hy certilicdmnil, r c t u m reccipt requcsted, ofi lJefefidant, Michael J. Astrue. Con:rtissioner, Social Security r \ d n r i n i s t r i r t i o nirli wcll as Eric FI. IIolder, Jr., tl.S. ,\ttomey (ienerul,and Mar-kW. Wehh. , r { s s i s l . a n tU.S. Attorlel,, without przpayrnenIof fces ald crrsts. Tlro Defindattt is ordercdto a n s w e rwithin sixty (60) days front thri date of sr$'rice. DEFENDANT I T ]S SOORDEREI'. JIJDGE I I I E FII.S,MACIS'I'RATF, AO72A ( R e v . 8/82) Dockets.Justia.com

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