Bradshaw, et al v. Bayer Corporation

Filing 5

CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER from Western District of Washington, MDL Panel, remanding case to Western District of Arkansas, with certified copy of docket entries and pleadings (on disk) filed in Western District of Washington Case No. 03-3779, MDL DOcket No. 1407. Case reopened. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Docket Sheet)(cap)

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Bradshaw, et al v. Bayer Corporation Doc. 5 Case 4:03-cv-04108-HFB Document 5 Filed 03/14/2006 , --** Ltr0Gt-o HIt . , . , . , . , VEI Page 1 of 3 JUDICIAL ANEL N P O M U L T I D I S T F I I L IT I G A T I O N CT ACEHTTFIEDTHUECOFf FEB 2006 1-+ 1 T E H Ez O O E E ',,.'"i[#J'ii1,,,', 9,',fi C L E RFKI L' S D F I C E liitd* OF J A N 2006 26 , K E TNO.I4O7 u3-Lltoy PANEL ON MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION IN RE PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE (PPA) PRODUCTSLIAB I f'tsAs (SEEATTACHEDSCHEDULE) ChNDITIhNAL REMAND aR-DER sr cdnrsn Joitrstxr,c(Es* [tAR| 4 2006 pretrial Th e transferee thc courtin this litigationhasadvised Panclthatcoordinated oonsolidated or proceedingin the actions s listedon the attached and schodule assigned it havebeencompleted that to romand courts, provided 28 U.S.C.$1407(a), appropdale. as in ofthe actions thetransferor to is to IT fS THEREFORE listedon the attached schedule remanded thcir ORDEREDthatthe actions be respective tlansferorcourts. IT IS AISO ORDERED thatpursuant Rule7,6of theRutcsof lroredurc ofthe Judicial Panel on to (2001), transmittal this orderto thetransfercc clcrk Mu ltidi$lrictLitiaation,199F.R,D.425,436-38 the of for filing shallbestaycd fiftccn daysfrom the dateofthis orderandif anypartyfiles a Noticeof Opposition period, staywill be continued with the Clerkof the Panelwithin this lifteen-day thc until furtherordertrf thc Pa lel, This orderdoesnot bccomc cffectiveuntil it is filed in the office of the Clerkfor theUnitedStates District Courtfor the Westem Distuiot Washington. of with theefTective IT IS FTIRTI{ER 10 ORDERED that,Fursuant Rule7.6(9),R.P.J.P.M.L., coinoiding and da tcof this order,the parties District of Washington a stipulation shallfumishthe Clerkfor the Westem with copies ofany or de$ignation the contents therecordto bc rcrnanded fumishsaidClerkall necessary and of of ple adings othermatterfilcd so asto enable with the ordcrof remand. or saidClerkto comply *rrtHd FORTI{E PANET,; M i c haelJ. Beok C l er k of thePanel f f t fil ffi .f1. O l r T l T ' l; .r-'l'lll.Tl1l A T ' j ' i r ; i ] l': I 1-11p19. I I ! i : t ; ' ; .:ioii;ii Case 4:03-cv-04108-HFB IT A T T A C H M E NA I Document 5 Filed 03/14/2006 Page 2 of 3 P A G EI ofZ S C H E I)U L E FOR CONDITIONAL REMAND OR-DER D O C K E T NO. 1407 IN RE PIIE}TYI,PROPANOLAMINE{?PA) PRODUCTSLIABILITY I,,ITIGATION - . - TRANSI."EREE --I } I S T . DTY. E.A.NO. ,-- TRANSFEROR-. DIS'I]. DIV. C,A,NO. CASE CAPTION L i k i t a F. Taylorv. BayerCorp. B i l l i e Joyce Crutcher BayerCorp.,et al. v. J o h nDavisQdom,Jt. v. llayer Corp.,et al. Et D a n e l l WayneCapcllc, al. v. IJnlerCorp,et al. C l r r i s f fBradshaw, al. v. Bayff corp. et f imothyLylch v, BayerCorp. et P a t t yPadgctt, d, v. IlayerCorp. Corp, O b i eBryant,ct al. v. BAyer L i n d aKing, et al, v. BayerCorp. v. Margarita Arrhcndaroz Wyeth,Inc.,et al. Corp.,et al, I{erman Williamsv. NovartisPharm8ceuticals W i l s o nJ. Trent,Jr. v. BayorCorp. Paula McDonaldv. BayerCorp.,dt alPauline Claxtonv, Wyeth,et al. C a m f f o nAusler,etc-v, Wyeth,Inc. Shirley Clarkv. Baycrcdrp., et al. James McElroy,etc.v. Baycrcorp-,et al. Corp.,et d. H e l c nPipes, v, American etc. HomeProducts E m m i tPaige BayerCorp.,et al. v. J o h n n i e Jefferson BayerCorp.,et al. E. v. D d b r aDcan'l'aylor BayerCory.,et al. v. Hcalth,Inc.,et |l1. lr. G i l b o r tLoonCrumbley, v, NorvaftisConsumer Consutner Health, Inc-,ct alA l g e r o nOdcll Pagcv. Novartis I [ e z Chatman, v. Baydtcorp., et flI. etc, Melissa Ewing,et al, v. Wyeth,et al. Iosdph zcflnffo, etc.v. Wyeth,IDc.,et al. T e r r yI.indholmv. BayorCotp, M a r i aHarrisv, KrogerTdras,LP, et al, v, Cotp., al, et P a m e l a Crowc Baycr L, HomeProducts Corp,.et al. A d e l i n eFoster, al. v. Amcrican et Charlotte Butlrv. BayerCorp. corp.,et al. B i l l i eR. Jackson, al-v. Bayer et E d d i e Ratliffv.BayerCorp. IL A d e l l Brownv. BayerCorp. Palmer I3ayer v. Corp.,et al. Carolyn A l a n Stockdale BayerCorp. v. E v e l y Murry, etc.v. BflyerCorp. Corp, B o b b i e Quinn, al.v. IJflyer Sue ct Baytr Corp. B r a d yNeedham v. I;'lorelce Ingramv. BayerCorp. v. Corp. L a c i t Joncs Baydr Corp., Rl. et J a m e Whitaker Baycr s v. S a n d r a ' l h o n rv.sBlockDrugCo.,ct al. a vM b r yAnn Hatvcy BlockDrugCo.,htc.,et al. PLC, et al. K e i t hWilliarnDonegan, al. v. GlaxoSmithKline, et T a h m i c ' I ' a y l ov. IllockDrugCo.,Inc.,et al. r wAw wAw lfrAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw w^w wAw wAw wAW wAw wnw wAw wAW wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw w^w wAw wAw w^w wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? ? 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 ? 2 2 2 02.1509 nLN 03-366 ALN 03-402 ALS 04-534 ARE 03-3779 ARw 03-3785 ARW 03-3786 ARW 03-3789 ARW t)2-1O72 CAC 03-3121 ILN 02-t720 LAE 03-3474 MN 04-876 MN 04-8't7 MN 04-883 MOE 04.t42 MSN 04.136? 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C.A.NO, P A G E2 O[ 2 CASNCAP]IION Debra Richardson BayorCorp.,et 01. v. O N e a lParket BlockDrugCo.,Inc,,ct al. v. et et Corp., flI. Q d o l lGavin, al, v. Bayer Charles Hannah, al. v- BflyerCorp,,et alct Barbara Owens-Ilall BaycrCorp.,et al. v. v. Courtney Thomas BayerCorp.,et al. tsarbsra Adam,etc.v. BaycrCorp.,et fl|, M i n n i eSwift v. BayerCorp. wAW wAw wAw wAw wAw wAw wAW wAw 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 03,3570'r MSS 03-3574+ MSS 03-3614*MSS 03-3617+ SS M * 03-3628 MSS 03-3645+ MSS 03-3650*MSS 04-E5E* MSN 5 5 ? 2 2 2 z 4 03-l?4 03,124 03-8? 03-82 01-14 03-74 a3-74 03-415 + WAW casc Disl.rict Wffihington, of in numbor wasassigned afterseverance ord+rwasissued Western

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