Noiel v. Jones et al

Filing 2

ORDER directing the clerk to file the complaint with matter of plaintiff's status as a pauper to be determined at a later date; directing clerk to mail Plaintiff an application to proceed in forma pauperis and a copy of this order and giving plaintiff 30 days in which to have an authorized officer at the institution complete the certificate and return the application for review . Signed by Judge Bobby E. Shepherd on 4/7/06. (cap)

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Noiel v. Jones et al Doc. 2 Case 4:06-cv-04025-HFB Document 2 Filed 04/11/2006 Page 1 of 1 COUR'I' DISTR]CT I N ' I ' H T LNITED STATES O]I WESTERN DISTRICT ARKANSAS T E X N R K A N ADIVISI()N D, J E F F R E Y NOIEI, PLAINTIFF L l i v iNo.06- 4 o es l Arkansas Parole J A L I KJONES, MARY NODLJRf FI, Assistant Ollicer; and Administrator; A.L Parole Director.Arkansas LOCKHART, Dcpartme nof (lorrcctions t DEFENDANI'S OR]DNR clcrkis The a for Plailtiff hassubmitted filing in thisdistrict pto sccornplaint. districl h e r e b ytlirectcdto file rhe complaint. The mattcr of plainlill's statusasa pauperwillbe dctcrmined i r t a later date. T h c plaintiffhas failcd to supplyan applicationto proctcd in.formapauperis. Accordingly, trt t h e district clerk is directe<l mail to plaintiff arrapplication,along with a copy of this order, arrcl p ) a i n t i f f i s given thirty (30) daysirr which to havean authorizedofficer at the institution complele t h c certifioate and retru'nthe application for revicw. IF PLAINTIFF W I T H THIS ORDER WITIIIN I'AILS TO COMPLY THE REQUIRED PNRIOD OF TIME' HIS CASE FOR F'AILLIRE TO PROSECI]TE A G A I N S T DEFI,NDANTS WILL BE DTSMISStr)D A N D / O R OBEY A COI]RT ORDER, I T IS S(] ORDFRED this Tth day ol April 2006' wesr'rDJpffifrcno#fiTnsns lefr A P R I 2006 I CHBIR,JOfiNStr'I, S CTERK JUDGE I JNIIED STATES MA(iISl'RN'I'E 0*ffi',** AO7?A (Rev.8/82)

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