Ward v. Cisco Systems, Inc. et al

Filing 76

SUPPLEMENT by Plaintiff John Ward, Jr to 75 MOTION for an Order Directing Cisco to Provide Identified Documents to the Court for In Camera Review Redacted Version of Plaintiff's Privilege Log - Ex. 1 to DE #75. (Patton, Nicholas)

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Ward v. Cisco Systems, Inc. et al Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 1 of 18 WARD V. CISCO PLAINTIFF'S PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOG Documents produced in the Albritton v. Cisco litigation in the Eastern District of Texas:1 Begin Bates No.2 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000001 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000001 People - To Bart Showalter John Corcoran Kurt Pankratz Mallun Yen Mark Michels Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Bart Showalter Kurt Pankratz Mark Michels Michael Ritter Rick Frenkel Bart Showalter Kurt Pankratz Mallun Yen Mark Michels Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Bart Showalter Mallun Yen Mark Michels Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Rick Frenkel Bart Showalter Kurt Pankratz Mallun Yen Mark Michels People - From Rick Frenkel People - CC Dan Lang Main Date 17-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Amended ESN Complaint Description Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000002 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000003 Marta Beckwith Dan Lang 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail RE: Amended ESN Complaint Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000004 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000004 Rick Frenkel 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000005 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000005 Kurt Pankratz 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail RE: ESN Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000006 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000006 Kurt Pankratz Rick Frenkel Dan Lang 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail RE: ESN Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. Plaintiff believes that these documents should be produced pursuant to this Court's March 30, 2009 Order and the holding in In re Chrysler Motors Corp. Overnight Evaluation Program Litigation, 860 F.2d 844, 847 (8th Cir. 1988). 2 Cisco's privilege log entries do not include the electronic header information for each document that was later produced in the Albritton case. If the Court orders these documents produced, Ward requests that Cisco's production also include the electronic header information for each email. 1 Dockets.Justia.com Doc. 76 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 2 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000007 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000009 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000010 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000011 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000014 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000015 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000008 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000009 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000010 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000013 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000014 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000016 People - To Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Rick Frenkel Bart Showalter Jillian Powell Kurt Pankratz Kurt Pankratz Jillian Powell Steve Schortgen Mark Chandler John Noh, Cisco Public Relations Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Chandler Matthew Tanielian Neal Rubin John Noh Bart Showalter Kurt Pankratz Mallun Yen Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Mallun Yen Mark Michels Marta Beckwith Michael Ritter Rick Frenkel People - From People - CC Main Date Type Title Description Kurt Pankratz Rick Frenkel Jillian Powell Kurt Pankratz Mallun Yen Rick Frenkel, Cisco Rick Frenkel 22-Oct-2007 E-Mail FW: Urgent - please read - ESN Email with attorney regarding litigation. Email with attorney's staff regarding litigation. Email with attorney's staff regarding litigation. Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. 22-Oct-2007 22-Oct-2007 25-Feb-2008 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail RE: ESN Re: ESN FW: ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL CISCO HAS AGREED TO PRODUCE THIS DOCUMENT RE: ESN Mallun Yen 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000019 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000026 Rick Frenkel Dan Lang 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Urgent - please read - ESN Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000027 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000027 Rick Frenkel 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail We were just sued by ESN, LLC Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000028 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000037 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000028 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000041 Mark R. Weinstein Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) BCC: Edward Reines, Weil Gotshal; Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts; Bart Showalter, Baker Botts, Charles Verhoeven, Quinn Emanuel; Doug Kubehl, Baker Botts, Matthew Powers, Weil Gotshal, Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Charles K Verhoeven 25-Oct-2007 22-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail ESN Filing Date - From the Blogs - A/C Privileged In case you haven't seen this about your DJ case in ESN Email with attorney regarding ESN litigation. Email forwarding Michael Smith's article about the ESN litigation. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000043 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000043 Victoria Maroulis Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail Troll Tracker Email with attorney informing them that Rick Frenkel was the Patent Troll Tracker. 2 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 3 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000044 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000048 People - To Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) People - From People - CC bart.showalter@bakerb otts.com Main Date 22-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title In case you haven't seen this about your DJ case in ESN CISCO PRIVILEGED.000087 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000087 Samir.Bhavsar@ba kerbotts.com Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) bart.showalter@bakerb otts.com 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail Troll Tracker CISCO PRIVILEGED.000089 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000089 'bart.showalter@ba kerbotts.com' Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) bryant.c.boren@bakerb otts.com chad.walters@bakerbot ts.com doug.kubehl@bakerbot ts.com Samir.Bhavsar@bakerb otts.com 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail Troll Tracker Description Email attaching Michael Smith's blog about the ESN litigation and discussing his impression of the article as it relates to the ESN litigation. Email with attorney informing them that Rick Frenkel was the Patent Troll Tracker Email with attorney informing them that Rick Frenkel was the Patent Troll Tracker. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000094 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000094 gchambers@McKool Smith.com Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) 25-Nov-2007 E-Mail New local rules CISCO PRIVILEGED.000103 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000105 Mallun Yen (myen) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Mallun Yen (myen) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN CISCO PRIVILEGED.000109 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000111 Mark Chandler (machandl) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL CISCO PRIVILEGED.000112 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000115 Mallun Yen (myen) Mark Chandler (machandl) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL CISCO PRIVILEGED.000116 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000118 Mark Chandler (machandl) Mallun Yen (myen) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL CISCO PRIVILEGED.000122 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000125 Mark Chandler (machandl) Mallun Yen (myen) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL Email regarding plans to discuss amendments to local rules in Eastern District of Texas Email regarding the legal effect of the filing of the ESN lawsuit before the patent issued and regarding hiring local counsel. Email regarding timing of events with respect to the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding timing of events with respect to the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding timing of events with respect to the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding timing of events with respect to 3 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 4 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 End Bates No. People - To People - From People - CC Main Date Type Title CISCO PRIVILEGED.000126 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000126 Matthew Tanielian (mtanieli) Mark Chandler (machandl) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN CISCO PRIVILEGED.000134 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000135 Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) John Corcoran (jocorcor) 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Amended ESN Complaint CISCO PRIVILEGED.000136 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000137 John Corcoran (jocorcor) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Amended ESN Complaint CISCO PRIVILEGED.000138 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000141 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000140 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000144 Matthew Tanielian (mtanieli) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mallun Yen (myen) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail Fair Comparison of Patent Litigation Statistics, 1990 v. 2006 v. 2007 ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL Description the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding potential conversation with local counsel regarding filing of ESN lawsuit. Comment in response to legal strategy regarding the timing of the filing of the ESN litigation. Comment in response to legal strategy regarding the timing of the filing of the ESN litigation. Email regarding patent statistics. Email regarding timing of events with respect to the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding timing of events with respect to the October 17, 2008 Patent Troll Tracker article. Email regarding patent litigation statistics. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000146 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000149 Mallun Yen (myen) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 25-Feb-2008 E-Mail ESN - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL CISCO PRIVILEGED.000154 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000156 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000167 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000168 CISCO CISCO Mark Chandler (machandl) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 'bart.showalter@ba kerbotts.com' 'kurt.pankratz@bak erbotts.com' Mark Michels (mmichels) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) bart.showalter@bak Matthew Tanielian (mtanieli) Dan Lang (dlang) Mallun Yen (myen) 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Fair Comparison of Patent Litigation Statistics, 1990 v. 2006 v. 2007 ESN Mallun Yen (myen) Dan Lang (dlang) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. kurt.pankratz@bakerbo Dan Lang (dlang) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email attaching both 4 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 5 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 PRIVILEGED.000169 End Bates No. PRIVILEGED.000169 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000192 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000194 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000204 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000204 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000212 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000212 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000227 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000228 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000231 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000233 People - To People - From People - CC Main Date tts.com erbotts.com Mallun Yen (myen) Mark Michels (mmichels) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Mallun Yen (myen) Michael Ritter (micritte) 18-Oct-2007 Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) kurt.pankratz@bak Zahner, Gail Bucci, Michael A. 17-Oct-2007 erbotts.com Sicilian, James Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) 18-Oct-2007 'kurt.pankratz@bak Marta Beckwith Mallun Yen (myen) erbotts.com' (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) bart.showalter@bak erbotts.com 19-Oct-2007 'bart.showalter@ba Rich Renfree (rrenfree) kerbotts.com' 'doug.kubehl@bake rbotts.com' 'kurt.pankratz@bak erbotts.com' Mallun Yen (myen) Mark Michels (mmichels) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 'Victoria Maroulis' Michael Ritter (micritte) 1-Nov-2007 Type Title Description online version of the complaint in the ESN litigation. E-Mail ESN Email regarding similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. Email attaching papers served on ESN and notices from court. E-Mail Complaint for Declaratory Judgment - Cisco v ESN LLC E-Mail Re: Hertz/TSD Motion to Correct Docket E-Mail ESN Files Motion to Enjoin Cisco's CT Case Email attaching filings in similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. . Email attaching ESN's amended complaint. E-Mail ESN v. Cisco -- Conference Call CISCO CISCO Mallun Yen (myen) Marta Beckwith 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email regarding trying to get in touch by phone to discuss response to ESN motion. Email regarding status of 5 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 6 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 PRIVILEGED.000234 End Bates No. PRIVILEGED.000237 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000250 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000251 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000254 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000254 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000255 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000255 People - To Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) ip-disputesteam(mailer list) People - From (mabeckwi) People - CC Main Date Type Title Description similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. Email regarding status of similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. Mallun Yen (myen) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Mallun Yen (myen) Mark Michels (mmichels) 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Go ahead and contact Quinn and Weil as the short list. Email regarding selection of counsel. Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) 25-Nov-2007 E-Mail New EDTx rules CISCO PRIVILEGED.000256 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000257 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000256 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000260 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000261 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000261 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000264 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000265 John Noh (jnoh) Mark Chandler (machandl) Mallun Yen (myen) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) bart.showalter@bak erbotts.com John Corcoran (jocorcor) Mallun Yen (myen) Mark Michels (mmichels) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) John Noh (jnoh) Mark Chandler (machandl) Matthew Tanielian Mallun Yen (myen) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email regarding proposed amendments to the local rules of the Eastern District of Texas. Email regarding calling potential counsel. Email regarding status of similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. Email attaching exhibits to complaint in ESN litigation. Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN kurt.pankratz@bakerbo tts.com Dan Lang (dlang) 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Amended ESN Complaint Mallun Yen (myen) 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email regarding rumors about the ESN filing. 6 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 7 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000269 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000272 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000276 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000277 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000278 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000281 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000287 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000287 People - To People - From People - CC (mtanieli) Neal Rubin (nrubin) Marta Beckwith Mallun Yen (myen) (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) kurt.pankratz@bak bart.showalter@bakerb Dan Lang (dlang) erbotts.com otts.com Mallun Yen (myen) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) Marta Beckwith Mallun Yen (myen) (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) John Noh (jnoh) Mallun Yen (myen) Main Date Type Title Description 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email regarding status of similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail Urgent - please read - ESN Email concerning contents of complaint and subject-matter jurisdiction. 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN Email regarding status of similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket. 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail ESN CISCO PRIVILEGED.000324 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000327 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000324 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000331 John Noh (jnoh) Mallun Yen (myen) Marta Beckwith (mabeckwi) Michael Ritter (micritte) Kurt Pankratz, Bart Showalter, Baker Botts, Marta Beckwith, Mallun Yen, and Michael Ritter, Cisco Jillian Powell, paralegal at Baker Botts Mallun Yen (myen) Rick Frenkel (rfrenkel) 17-Oct-2007 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail Amended ESN Complaint ESN Email forwarding both versions of complaint showing different filing dates. Email attaching amended complaint. Email regarding transfer of ESN case to Texas. BB_0001-Privileged BB_0006-Privileged Rick Frenkel Dan Lang, Cisco 22-Oct-2007 E-Mail Kurt Pankratz E-Mail 7 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 8 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 BB_0007-Privileged End Bates No. BB_0009-Privileged People - To People - From People - CC Jillian Powell, Baker Steve Schortgen, Baker Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts paralegal Botts Botts Main Date 22-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Description BB_0010-Privileged BB_0012-Privileged Steve Baker Steve Baker Schortgen, Botts Schortgen, Botts Jillian Powell, Baker Botts paralegal Jillian Powell, Baker Botts paralegal Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts 22-Oct-2007 22-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail BB_0013-Privileged BB_0016-Privileged BB_0017-Privileged BB_0017-Privileged Jillian Powell and Steve Schortgen, Baker Botts Kurt Pankratz and Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Michael Ritter, and John Corcoran, Cisco Bart Showalter and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, and Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels and Michael Ritter, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Rick Frenkel, Bart Showalter, Marta Beckwith, Mallun Yen and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 22-Oct-2007 E-Mail 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Kurt Pankratz, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail BB_0018-Privileged BB_0018-Privileged Kurt Pankratz Dan Lang 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail . 8 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 9 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 BB_0019-Privileged End Bates No. BB_0023-Privileged BB_0024-Privileged BB_0026-Privileged People - To Michael Ritter Kurt Pankratz, Bart Showalter, Marta Beckwith, Michael Ritter and Mallun Yen Kurt Pankratz and Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith and Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith and Michael Ritter, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Bart Showalter and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, and Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels and Michael Ritter, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Bart Showalter and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, and Michael Ritter, Cisco People - From Rick Frenkel People - CC Dan Lang Main Date 16-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Description Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Dan Lang, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail BB_0027-Privileged BB_0028-Privileged Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail BB_0029-Privileged BB_0033-Privileged Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail 9 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 10 of 18 Begin Bates No.2 End Bates No. People - To Rick Frenkel, Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, Michael Ritter, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Bart Showalter and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, and Michael Ritter, Cisco Bart Showalter and Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, and Michael Ritter, Cisco People - From Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts People - CC Dan Lang, Cisco Main Date 18-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Description Rick Frenkel, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mallun Yen, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Documents not produced in the Albritton v. Cisco litigation in the Eastern District of Texas but that Plaintiff believes are likely to contain information that falls within the subject-matter waiver of this Court's March 30, 2007 Order:3 Begin Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000030 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000031 3 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000030 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000031 People - To Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Rick Frenkel, Michael Ritter, People - From Marta Beckwith, Cisco People - CC Date 24-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Doug Kubehl, Bryant C. Boren, Bart Showalter, 25-Oct-2007 E-Mail Description Email with attorney regarding representation in ESN litigation. Email with attorney regarding legal strategy Plaintiff selected these documents because they were written on dates corresponding to the publication of the accused articles, October 17, 18, and 19, 2007, were written or received by Richard Frenkel and/or the Cisco employees (Yen and Noh) who encouraged Frenkel to write the accused articles, are correspondence with counsel upon whom Frenkel relied for information concerning events written about in his posts, contain document descriptions that include the same subject matter as Frenkel's posts, likely include facts concerning Cisco and Frenkel's motives for defaming Ward, and/or because they are communications with persons who are not attorneys (Noh, Tanielian and Willhoft) for which Plaintiff believes Defendant's claim of privilege is unwarranted. 10 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 11 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000034 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000034 Marta Beckwith, Mark Michels, Cisco Attorneys Michael Bucci and James Sicilian, Day Pitney Charles Verhoeven, Quinn Emanuel Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Edward Reines and Matthew Powers, Weil Gotshal Charles K. Verhoeven, Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Charles K. Verhoeven, Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Charles K. Verhoeven, Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts John Corcoran, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco John Noh, Cisco Baker Botts Marta Beckwith, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail with respect to motion to stay filed in ESN litigation in Connecticut. Email regarding service of amended complaint in ESN litigation. Email regarding research of ESN for purposes of ESN litigation. Email with attorneys discussing filing of amended petition in ESN litigation. Email among attorneys discussing ESN filing and declaratory judgment action in Connecticut Email regarding subjectmatter jurisdiction in ESN litigation Email regarding amended complaint in ESN litigation Email discussing claims made by ESN Email with attorney discussing amended complaint in the ESN litigation and the significance of the file date of the ESN litigation on strategy in the case. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000035 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000036 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000042 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000042 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000088 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000088 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000091 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000092 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000093 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000093 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000095 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000098 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000097 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000098 Paul Devinsky, McDermott Will & Emery Rick Frenkel, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail Dan Lang, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000099 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000100 Rick Frenkel, Cisco John Corcoran, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding ESN's claims in ESN litigation CISCO CISCO Marta Beckwith, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding 11 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 12 of 18 PRIVILEGED.000101 PRIVILEGED.000101 Public Relations CISCO PRIVILEGED.000106 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000107 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000108 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000119 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000108 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000121 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Matthew Tanielian, Cisco Director of Governmental Affairs Rick Frenkel, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail potentially filing declaratory judgment action in Connecticut. Email regarding hiring of local counsel Mark Chandler, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail Email regarding hiring local counsel Email regarding patent statistics CISCO PRIVILEGED.000145 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000145 Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000150 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000157 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000151 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000158 Marnie Willhoft, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Rich Renfree, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Doug Kubehl, Baker Botts Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Marta Beckwith, Cisco Charles Verhoeven, Quinn Emanuel Mallun Yen, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco John Noh, Cisco Public Relations Rick Frenkel 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mark Michels, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding similar case where filing party filed a motion to correct the docket Email regarding informing Cisco employee of ESN lawsuit. Email regarding service of ESN lawsuit CISCO PRIVILEGED.000159 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000160 Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Rick Frenkel, Cisco Emanuel Michael Ritter, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000170 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000170 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding legal strategy with respect to declaratory judgment action. Email regarding ESN's motion to enjoin proceeding in Connecticut. Email regarding potential motion to dismiss and cooling off period. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000171 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000171 Marta Beckwith, Cisco 2-Nov-2007 E-Mail 12 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 13 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000175 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000175 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000178 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000180 Rick Frenkel, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding selection of local counsel and strategy for filing declaratory judgment action. Email regarding selection of local counsel for ESN litigation. Email regarding selection of local counsel CISCO PRIVILEGED.000183 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000185 Rick Frenkel, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000186 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000187 Mark, Michels, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding selection of local counsel CISCO PRIVILEGED.000188 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000188 Marta Beckwith, Cisco John Noh, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000189 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000190 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000189 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000191 Marta Beckwith, Cisco John Noh, Cisco public relations John Noh, Cisco Neal Rubin, Cisco Public Relations Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco Matthew Tanielian, Cisco Governmental Affairs Mallun Yen, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Marta Beckwith, Cisco Botts 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding mechanics of filing declaratory judgment action. Email regarding filing declaratory judgment action Email regarding local counsel CISCO PRIVILEGED.000195 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000197 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Michael Ritter, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000198 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000199 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Doug Kubehl, Baker Michael Ritter, Cisco Botts Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Doug Kubehl, Baker Botts Bart Showalter, Baker 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding status of filings in the ESN case and filing of the declaratory judgment action. Email regarding service of complaint and motion to enjoin in Connecticut. 13 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 14 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000200 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000201 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000202 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000203 Botts Bart Showalter, Baker Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Botts Mallun Yen, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco William Rick Frenkel, Cisco O'Shaughnessy, McCarter & English Dan Lang, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding legal analysis of complaint and filing of declaratory judgment action. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000205 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000207 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000208 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000211 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000213 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000215 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000214 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000217 William Bright and Mark 15-Oct-2007 Giarratana, McCarter & English Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Katherine Bennett, Quinn 27-Oct-2007 Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco Emanuel Kevin Smith, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Rick Frenkel, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Katherine Bennett, Quinn 27-Oct-2007 Victoria Maroulis, Emanuel Quinn Emanuel Kevin Smith, Quinn Emanuel Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding possible representation in Connecticut. E-Mail Email regarding legal strategy in dealing with subject-matter jurisdiction E-Mail Email regarding legal strategy in dealing with subject matter jurisdiction E-Mail E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000225 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000226 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000229 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000230 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Bart Showalter, Baker Rick Frenkel, Cisco Botts Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 16-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding legal analysis subject-matter jurisdiction argument Email regarding selection of counsel and filing of declaratory judgment action. Email regarding facts about ESN Dan Lang, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding legal strategy for dealing with the filing of the ESN lawsuit 14 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 15 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000238 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000238 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000242 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000243 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000244 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000252 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000253 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000262 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000244 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000252 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000253 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000263 Michael Ritter, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Kurt Pankratz, Baker Botts Bart Showalter, Baker Botts Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Doug Kubehl, Baker Botts 19-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding plans to discuss ESN's motion to enjoin proceedings in Connecticut. Mallun Yen, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding selection of counsel Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mallun Yen, Cisco John Noh, Cisco Public Relations Mark Chandler, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco 18-Oct-2007 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000266 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000273 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000275 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000282 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000284 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000285 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000268 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000274 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000275 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000283 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000284 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000286 John Noh, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Public Relations Mark Chandler, Cisco Matthew Tanielian, Cisco Governmental Affairs Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco John Noh, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Public Relations Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Email regarding timing of filing declaratory judgment action Email regarding procedure for filing in Connecticut Email asking response from potential counsel Update on claims made by ESN concerning the filing of the ESN litigation. 18-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email regarding selection of local counsel Email regarding selection of local counsel Update about status of filings in ESN litigation Email regarding summary of claims in ESN litigation Email regarding filing of amended complaint by ESN Email regarding topics for meeting 18-Oct-2007 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail E-Mail 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mark Chandler, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco 17-Oct-2007 E-Mail Mallun Yen, Cisco Mark Chandler, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail 15 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 16 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.0002884 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000325 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000323 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000326 Chart of patent lawsuits Rick Frenkel, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Dan Lang, Cisco 15-Oct-2007 E-Mail Email discussing facts about ESN Documents not produced in the Albritton v. Cisco litigation in the Eastern District of Texas but that Plaintiff believes may contain information that falls within the subject-matter waiver of this Court's March 30, 2007 Order.5 Begin Bates No CISCO PRIVILEGED.000029 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000032 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000033 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000049 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000050 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000064 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000073 End Bates No. CISCO PRIVILEGED.000029 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000032 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000033 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000049 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000063 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000072 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000086 People - To People - From Marta Beckwith, Cisco S. Baxter, McKool Smith Marta Beckwith, Cisco S. Baxter, McKool Smith Marta Beckwith, Cisco S. Baxter, McKool Smith Rick Frenkel, Cisco Not included on Cisco's privilege log Not included on Cisco's privilege log Not included on Cisco's privilege log Bart Showalter, Baker Marta Beckwith, Cisco Botts Not included on Cisco's Not included on Cisco's privilege log privilege log Not included on Cisco's Not included on Cisco's privilege log privilege log Not included on Cisco's Not included on Cisco's privilege log privilege log People - CC Date 31-Oct-2007 Type E-Mail Title Description Email with attorney regarding representation in ESN litigation. Email with attorney regarding representation in ESN litigation. Email with attorney regarding representation in ESN litigation. Email attaching analysis of ESN patent claims Analysis of ENS patent claims Analysis of ENS patent claims Analysis of ENS patent claims 31-Oct-2007 E-Mail 31-Oct-2007 E-Mail 30-Nov-2007 30-Nov-2007 E-Mail Not included on Cisco's privilege log Not included on Cisco's privilege log Not included on Cisco's privilege log 30-Nov-2007 30-Nov-2007 4 5 This document is included because Cisco's privilege log does not include sufficient information for Plaintiff to evaluate the document. To the extent that these documents include information concerning the filing of the ESN Complaint, the Amended Complaint, subject-matter jurisdiction in the ESN v. Cisco litigation, the truth or falsity of any of the statements contained in the accused Troll Tracker posts, Cisco and Frenkel's negligence, knowledge of falsity, or recklessness in libeling Ward, or motive for libeling Ward they should be produced. Many of the issues in the ESN case, including subject-matter jurisdiction and venue, have long been resolved and there is little to no harm to Cisco if documents regarding those topics are produced. However, some of these documents may contain legal analysis concerning the patent infringement issues in the underlying ESN v. Cisco litigation; an ongoing issue in that case. The Court should permit Cisco to redact theses documents to ensure that its infringement analysis in the ESN v. Cisco litigation is not disclosed. 16 5536654v.2 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 17 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000090 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000102 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000090 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000102 Marta Beckwith, Cisco S. Baxter, McKool Smith Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mallun Yen, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco 31-Oct-2007 E-Mail 26-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000127 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000130 Victoria Maroulis, Rick Frenkel, Cisco Quinn Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco CISCO PRIVILEGED.000131 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000152 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000133 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000153 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco John Corcoran, Cisco Katherine Bennett, Kevin 27-Oct-2007 Smith, and Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco 12-Nov-2007 2-Nov-2007 Email Email with attorney regarding representation in ESN litigation. Email regarding case strategy and determination of representation for ESN lawsuit. Email regarding strategy with respect to subject matter jurisdiction arguments IP team monthly report with case summaries. Legal evaluation of potential agreement to dismiss declaratory judgment action and potential stay agreement Email regarding case status of various Cisco lawsuits Email regarding case status and case strategy in the ESN litigation Email regarding new venue case and how it relates to case strategy CISCO PRIVILEGED.000161 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000164 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000172 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000163 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000166 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000174 Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco 12-Nov-2007 E-Mail Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco 28-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000176 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000177 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000176 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000177 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000181 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000182 Rick Frenkel, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Katherine Bennett, Kevin Marta Beckwith, Cisco Emanuel Smith, and Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Rick Frenkel, Cisco Marta Beckwith, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Emanuel Victoria Maroulis, Rick Frenkel, Cisco Mark Michels, Cisco Quinn Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Rick Frenkel, Cisco Quinn Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco 27-Oct-2007 E-Mail 29-Oct-2007 28-Nov-2007 E-Mail E-Mail Email regarding selection of local counsel Email regarding discussing revenue numbers with ESN. Email regarding requirements to file declaratory judgment action in Connecticut. Email regarding status of declaratory judgment action and local counsel 25-Oct-2007 E-Mail CISCO PRIVILEGED.000218 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000220 Katherine Bennett, Kevin 27-Oct-2007 Smith, and Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco E-Mail 17 Case 4:08-cv-04022-JLH Document 76 Filed 06/29/09 Page 18 of 18 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000221 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000224 Victoria Maroulis, Rick Frenkel, Cisco Quinn Emanuel Marta Beckwith, Cisco CISCO PRIVILEGED.000239 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000245 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000241 CISCO PRIVILEGED.000249 Katherine Bennett, Kevin 27-Oct-2007 Smith, and Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Quinn 31-Oct-2007 Emanuel Rick Frenkel, Cisco Victoria Maroulis, Quinn Katherine Bennett, Kevin 27-Oct-2007 Marta Beckwith, Cisco Emanuel Smith, and Sayuri Sharper, Quinn Emanuel Mark Michels, Cisco Michael Ritter, Cisco E-Mail Email regarding case law on venue. E-Mail E-Mail Email regarding status of motion to transfer venue Email regarding conference call and evaluation of ESN's connections with Texas. Exhibits: Plaintiff believes the following Exhibits will be helpful to the Court in examining the documents contained on this submission log: Exhibit 1--October 17, 2007 Troll Tracker Blog Post Exhibit 2--October 18, 2007 Troll Tracker Blog Post Exhibit 3--October 18, 2007 Troll Tracker Blog Post after it was edited by Rick Frenkel on October 19, 2007 Exhibit 4--The internal correspondence among Cisco employees and agents that Cisco has produced in this case, totaling 22 pages. 18

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