Lewis & Clark Outdoors, Inc. v. L. C. Industries, Inc.

Filing 41

ORDER granting 39 Motion for Protective Order as directed in the order. Signed by Honorable Robert T. Dawson on October 30, 2008. (ct)

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IN THE UNITED STATESDISTRICT COURT FOR THE WE S T E R N DISTRICT OF'ARKANSAS F A Y ET T EVI LLE DIVISION INC. LEW]S& CLARK OUTDOORS, an Arkaflsa$ cotpotation Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) No.: 5;07-cv-05164 ) Case INC., an Illinois L,C. INDUSTRIES, Corporation Deferrdant ) ) ) ) ) P R O T EC T I VE ORDER The partieshavefiled a Joint Motion for Protcctive Order,Document No. 39. Plaintiff, I,ewis & Clark Outdoors, Inc., and Defendant, L.C. Industries, Inc, recognize that confidential pursuant discovery information beproduced will on to requests subpoenas and sewedby theparties in each other onthirdparlies connection theabove-oaptioned and that with action, wishto insure and information will not he disclosed, suchconfidential of disseminated otherwise or divulgedoutside theconfincs ofthis lawsuit; I{EREBY STIPULA'IEII by andbetween parties IT IS THEREFORE through the heteto, thcir respective counsel,subjectto approvalof the Court, that a Prntective Order as set forth hereinaftebe entered. r IT IS HEREBYORDEREDTHAI': l, "discoveryresponse")! an (hereinaftcr If an Intenogatory answeror admission or production document anyotherdocumcnt thing,produced response a or exhihit,pleading, to or in party,person, contains infbrmation considcred confidential theproducing subpoenor otherwise a hy or cntityor a deposition transcript olhertranscript testimony or of considered contains information conficlcntial a party or the testifying witness,then such inlbrmation will be considered by flonfidcntialnformation l undcrthisOrder.Copies ofsuchpleadings, discovery responses, exhibits, "CONFIDENTIAL"by anyparf or producing document s , gsot transcripts thi shallbedesignated person entitystfltingthatthereis Confidential or Information therein(hereirmfter "designating the party")prior to forwarding suchcopies otherparties this litigation(hcrcinaftcr "rccciving to in thc parties"). With respect documents materialproduccd prior to the entryof this Ordcr,the to and designatioof suchdocumeflts nlaterials "CONFIDENTIAL"shallhavethe same n afld as efl'ect as iI'1hedesignations weremadesubrrequerrt theentryof tlris Order. In the caseof deposition to or othettestimony, eachpartyto this action,andthethird partywhosedeposition taken,shallhave is portions fifteen( l5) days, fromthedate transcript the becomes available, informtheotherofthose to of the deposition transcript othertestimony or which arc to hc designed "CONFIDENTIAL." as partyto Duringthis fifleen-day (15) daypetiod.thetranscript shallnot be disolosed a reoeiving by pcrsons namedor approved 4 otherthan thosepersons according Paragraph hereinto review to "CONFIDENTIAL"hereunder. dooumentor materials s desiunated produced inspection (i,e,,copies A l l documents, anyportionthereof, or for only have *CONITIDENTIAL."lf copicsarc parf) shallbc dcemcd not yet been requested the receiving by partyshallappropriately thcrcaftercqucstcd, r counscl dcsignating for whichdocuments designate requesteto be copiedareto be considered d conlidential markingsamein accordanoe the by with provisions Paragraph above. of I 3. productiofl All traflscript$, exhibits,pleadings, or discovery respon$es, documents things,and any other documenls things frled with the Court in this action which contain or shallbe maintained ConfidentiaInformation l undcrscalby filing thc same theClerk'sOfficc in in sealed envelopes otherappropriate or sealed containers which shallbe endorsed title and on the number this action,an indioation of docket ofthe nature ofthe contents or ofsuch sealod envelope "CONFIDENTIAL,"anda statement the in othercontainer, woTd substantially thefbllowingfonn: T h i s cnvelope, documents whicharefiled in this case containing nor b y lflameof party],is not to bc opened theoontents thereof to b edisplaycd revealed except orderofthc Court. by or 4. All Confidential which is obtained il pafiy duringthe coursc this Information of by proceedinshallbe maintained g to subjeot thefollowingrestrictions: (a) It shall be usedfor the purposes only and not usedor ol'this proceeding for whatsoever ofthe authorof thedooument disclosed anyothcrpurpo$e withoutthepermission or theparty,person sntity producing it. or (b) Confidcntial Information shall not be given, shown, made available, communic a tein anyway to, or utilizrd by anyone d otherthan: (i) (iD the parliesin this lawsuit; for attorneys eitherparty(includingofiice personnel the ordinnry in of saidattomeys, course assisting associates paralegals, to outsidcphotocopy and and services il' cngaged perfomrservices counsel); to tbr (iii) (iv) (u) retained thepurposes expertwitnesscs ofthis lawsuit; 1'or the Courl,in anyfurthcrproceeding hetein;und partymay,in writing,agree. as suchotherpersons the designating granted access Confidcntial to Any person Information shallbe givena copyof this Orderprior to and Information, its provisions to by beingshownanyConfidential shallbe explained him./her an person, Each prior to havingaccess anysuchConlidentialInlbrmation, attorncy. to such shallagree ConfidcntialInformation anyone authorized this Orderto haveaccess by not to disclose to not to ConfidentialInformation and shall I'unheragreenot to make usc of any such Confidential Information of othetthanf'orpurposes this action. 5. In the event that counsclfor a receivingparty finds it necessary disclosea to person$ dcsignatinparty'sConlidential g to othcrthanthose to Information persons approved reoeive patty'soounsel Information suchConfidential to 4, no aooording Paragraph thc receiving shall, less (14) daysin advance suchdisclosute, party'scounsel of in than fourteen notify the designating (b) to writing of: (a) the ConfidentialInfotmationto be disclosed, the person(s) whom such of disclosurc to be made;(c) theaddress present is and employcr saidpetson(s); (d) pastand and pattyor its counsel. presenrelationships, t party'scotursel ifany, with thereceiving Thedesignating ofsuchwrittcnnoticewithin whichto ohjectin writingto such shallhaveten(l 0) daysalterreoeipt is withoutfurtherOtderofthe disclosureIn theevcntobjection made, disolosure . no shallbemade party. Court,uponthc application the reoeiving of 6. providedfor aboveshallnot terminate The restrictions uponthc conclusion ofthis action. shallcorrtinue until furtherOrderofthis Cou(. but 7. productionof documents Inadvertent subjectto work productimmunity or the attorney-c l i e nprivilege shall not oonstitutea waiver of this immunity or privilege. Such t partyuponrequcst. documents shallbe retumed theproducing inadvertentlproduced y to L Upon termination this litigation,whetherby linal judgmentafter appcalor hy of scttlcmenteachpartyandotherperson , subject the tcriflshereol'shall underan obligation to to be party,or at the optionofthe reccivingpartyto destfoy, assemblandreturnto thc dcsignating e all materials documents as designated Confidential as and Information, well as any and all copics, thereof. summarieandabstracts s 9. This Order is without prcjudice to the right of any party hereto to introducc (lonlidentialInformation a trial of this proceeding, at DISTRIC'I'JUDCE wEs+rdfrtJ ocT 0200E 3 , Ff ' cflEBH.J04t8fii, 0IEFK DEPJTYd.EF(

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