Brewer v. Holt et al

Filing 2

ORDER finding the complaint should be provisionally filed prior to a later determination regarding plaintiff's status as a pauper and service of process re 1 Complaint Referred (42:1983) filed by Gregory Brewer. Plaintiff failed to provide pa ge 2 of the IFP Application. Plaintiff is given until April 13, 2007, to provide the court with a complete IFP Application, including having the certificate portion of the IFP application completed by the appropriate detention center official. If Plaintiff fails to return the completed IFP application or pay the filing fee by April 13, 2007, the complaint will become subject to summary dismissal for failure to obey an order of the court. Signed by Judge Barry A. Bryant on 3/23/2007. (dmc)

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Brewer v. Holt et al Doc. 2 Case 6:07-cv-06018-RTD-BAB Document 2 Filed 03/23/2007 Page 1 of 1 DISTRICTC]OI]RT I N THT,TINITEDS'I'ATES DISTRICTOI.'AITI{A.NSAS WES'I'ERN DIVISION H O T SPRINGS GR.UGORY BRI]WER v. C H I E F IIOL'f, (iarlandCounty l ) e t e n t i o nCenttt; CAPTAIN Mt)L Garland Countyl)etention S ' l I-.ED. ( ] e n t c r ,LT. GARY ASHCIR -FT, I'olice Departrnent H o t Springs OBIIEE (lounty Detcntion{lonter,hassubmitted ( i r e g o r y Brewcr,currentlysn irrrnate thc Garland of f o r hling in this district a pro sc civil rightsactionunder42 U.S.C. $ 1983. Wc find the oomplaint and plaintiff s $ttrtus a pauper servicc tegarding as s h o u l tbeprovisionally i fiLrdpriorto a detemrination 'lhe to l)istrict Clerkis dirc'cted file thecomplaint. lJnitedStates o f process. (IFP)applicrtion.He plaintiffsubmittcd inoomplete inJormttpauperis W i t h his complaint, an second pagccontaining additional and submittcd onlythefirstpageofthc application did not submittho and the certificationregardinginmate funds held in his name including his signature inf'ormation IFP c o m p l e t e dI'laintiffis givenuntil April 13,2007,to prcvidethecourtwith a compldte applioation, . by portionofthe IFP application completod the apptopriate detention i n c l u d i n g havingthc ccrtifioate to ccnter official. andreturnthe application this coufi for reviewand filing or pay thc $350filing fee. orpaythe $350flllngfeeby April13, IFP I f t h e plaintifffnilsto return thc cornpleted applicf,tion 2 0 0 7 ,thc complaiutwill becomesubjectto summary dismissal failure to obeynn order ofthe for c o u r t . The clerk is directedto mail thc plaintlffan IFP flppllcatlotrfor his completlon' I l ' I S SOORDERID thiJdftlay of March20tt7. PI-AIN'IIFF c i v i rNo.07&AlP L]EF'ENDANTS -l- 2 MAR3 2$$7 \ AO72A ( R s v . 8/82) ltrffi"flrESW,EGK Er )c," s*#fiil

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