Garden City Boxing v. Patricia Diaz

Filing 33

RENEWAL OF JUDGMENT by Clerk in favor of Creative Recovery Concepts Inc, Garden City Boxing Club, Inc. and against Patricia Diaz, individually and dba Mariscos Veracruz in the principal amount of $30,068.00, interest in the amount of $7,49 6.38, attorneys fees of $0.00, costs of $0.00 for a total judgment of $37,564.38. Related to: APPLICATION for Renewal of Judgment re Default Judgment 31 and Default Judgment 28 (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Renewal by Clerk Issued (FOUO)) (jre)

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1 2 ? 4 ERANKLIN J. LOVE, Bar #80334 LAW OEFICE OF FRANKLIN J. LOVE 800 S. Barranca Ave., Ste. 1-00 Covina, California 9L723 (626) 653-04 ss UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI'RT CENTRJAI DISTRICT OF CAIIFORNIA q A 7 8 GARDEN CITY BOXING CLUB, INC. ) *=r*rn* oF DEEA. T.T ,ruDcMENT ) .LERK "" Plainti ff, 10 vs. 11 13 CASE NO.CVO3-68588R (P.'}TX) ) 9 72 ) ) individuallY and dba MARISCOS VERACRUZ, PATRICIA DIAZ, ) ) ) T4 Defendant ) ) 15 ) 16 ) Based upon L'7 18 19 20 the Application for Renewal of Judgment of the original judgment, and pursuant to F.R.C.P. 59 (a) and C.C.P639.1-10 through 683.320 and good cause appearing, therefore: 2L The default judgment entered on January L9, 2005 22 23 against defendants, PATRICIA DLAZ, individually and dba 24 MARISCOS \IERACRUZ, )q 26 2'7 2B Page 1 of 2 REIIEWAI OF DEFAT'I,T JI'DGMENT Case No. CV-03-5858-ER (P,lVlx) is hereby renewed on the amounts set forth: RENE}IAI OF MONEY iII'DGMENT a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 10 Total- j udgment Costs after judgment Attorney fees Subtotal- (add a thru c) Credits after Judgment Subtotal (substract e from Interest after judgment Eee for filing renewa1 Total renewed judgrment $30,068.00 0. 00 0. 00 30,068.00 0. 00 d) 30,068.00 7 ,49 6. 38 0.00 $37,564 .38 11 L2 13 t4 DATED: 1/12/2015 Clerk by J. Remigio, Deputy Clerk 1E 15 L7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 10 27 28 aqe2of2 RENEWAI OF DEEAULT ,JUDGMENT Case No. CV-03-6858-ER (P,IWx)

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