Perfect 10 Inc v. Google Inc et al

Filing 801

NOTICE of Manual Filing filed by Counter Claimant Google Inc, Defendant Google Inc of Google Inc.'s Notice of Lodging of Exhibit A (a Disk) to the Declaration of Rachel Herrick Kassabian in Support of Google's Opposition to Perfect 10, Inc.'s Second Motion for a Preliminary Injunction; Exhibit A (a Disk) to the Declaration of Rachel Herrick Kassabian. (Kassabian, Rachel)

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Name & Address: QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN, LLP Rachel Herrick Kassabian (Bar No. 191060) 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, 5th Floor Redwood Shores, California 94065 Tel: (650) 801-5000 81,7(' 67$7(6 ',675,&7 &2857 &(175$/ ',675,&7 2) &$/,)251,$ PERFECT 10, INC., a California corporation, GOOGLE INC., a corporation, Y $6( 180%(5 ' 3/$,17,))6 04-cv-9484 AHM (SHx) 127,&( 2) 0$18$/ ),/,1* ()(1'$176 & 3/($67 7$.( 127,&( ( Z KH DERYHPHQWLRQHG FDXVH RI DFWLRQ KDV EHHQ GHVLJQDWHG DV DQ HOHFWURQLFDOO\ ILOHG FDVH ,Q DFFRUGDQFH LWK *HQHUDO 2UGHU DQG /RFDO 5XOH WKH IROORZLQJ GRFXPHQWV RU LWHPV ZLOO EH PDQXDOO\ IL 'OHG /LVW 'RFXPHQWV Google Inc.'s Notice of Lodging of Exhibit A (a Disk) to the Declaration of Rachel Herrick Kassabian in Support of Google's Opposition to Perfect 10, Inc.'s Second Motion for a Preliminary Injunction; Exhibit A (a Disk) to the Declaration of Rachel Herrick Kassabian. RFXPHQW 'HVFULSWLRQ G G $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 5HFRUG ([KLELWV ([ 3DUWH $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ RI LQYHVWLJDWLYH H[SHUW RU RWKHU VHUYLFHV SXUVXDQW WR WKH &ULPLQDO -XVWLFH $FW >VHH /RFDO &LYLO 5XOH 'RFXPHQWV WR EH H[FOXGHG K @ 2WKHU G 5 GHDVRQ G 8QGHU 6HDO ,WHPV QRW FRQGXFLYH WR HILOLQJ LH YLGHRWDSHV &'520 ODUJH JUDSKLF FKDUWV (OHFWURQLF YHUVLRQV DUH QRW DYDLODEOH WR ILOHU 3HU &RXUW RUGHU GDWHG December 27, 2005 0DQXDO )LOLQJ UHTXLUHG reason Rachel Herrick Kassabian $WWRUQH\ 1DPH Google Inc. 3DUW\ 5HSUHVHQWHG G G March 15, 2010 'DWH 1RWH )LOH RQH 1RWLFH LQ HDFK FDVH HDFK WLPH \RX PDQXDOO\ ILOH GRFXPHQWV * 127,&( 2) 0$18$/ ),/,1*

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