Southern California Institute of Law v. TCS Education System et al

Filing 36

NOTICE filed by plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law. Notice of Errata to First Amended Complaint (Shohet, George)

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1 2 3 4 5 George A. Shohet SBN 112697 LAW OFFICES OF GEORGE A. SHOHET, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 245 Main Street, Suite 310 Venice, CA 90291-5216 Tel.: (310) 452-3176 Fax: (310) 452-2270 6 7 8 9 10 Gretchen M. Nelson SBN 112566 KREINDLER & KREINDLER LLP 707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 4100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel.: (213) 622-6469 Fax: (213) 622-6019 11 12 Attorneys for Plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 18 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF LAW, a California corporation, CASE NO.: CV10-8026 JAK (AJWx) [Assigned to Hon. John A. Kronstadt] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Plaintiff, vs. TCS EDUCATION SYSTEM, an Illinois corporation; DAVID J. FIGULI, an individual; and GLOBAL EQUITIES, LLC d/b/a HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP, a Colorado limited liability company, NOTICE OF ERRATA TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DAMAGES Action Filed: Oct. 25, 2010 Defendants. 28 ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF ERRATA TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DAMAGES 1 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law 3 is hereby filing Exhibit 1 to its First Amended Complaint For Injunctive Relief And 4 Damages, which was inadvertently omitted from the complaint. A copy of Exhibit 1 5 is attached hereto. 6 7 DATED: May 18, 2011 THE LAW OFFICES OF GEORGE A. SHOHET, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 8 9 KREINDLER & KREINDLER LLP 10 11 12 13 14 By: George A. Shohet Attorneys for Plaintiff 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ________________________________________________________________ 1 NOTICE OF ERRATA TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DAMAGES EXIIIBIT 1 TCS EDUCA]TON SYST.Efuf, CONFIDENTIAUTY AND NON-DISCLOSUFJ AGREEMENT i;i THIS AGREEMENT is made i!: :il tii as of the 24thday of Septernber,2009, BETWBIN :.. i;l :ii 'ij TCS Education System (hereinaftcr referred to as'.TCS") -and- Southern California Institutc of Lnw (hereinafter referred to as "SCIL") WHEREAS for the purposes of facilitating a tmrsaction (the "Relationship") between TCS and SCIL, will provide access to plnprietary, trade secret and confidential itrformation to the other, which lnay include, without lirniting the genelality of the foregoing, strategies and strafegic plans, business oppot'tunities, business plans, financial repofts, statements and projections, tmde narnes and tnat'ks, documents, progmllls, techniques, know-how, and specifications (all such doculnerrts and iterns, including any copies, rept'oductions or derivations theleof or therefiom shall hereinafter be lefened to as "Infomtation"). the parties THERBFORE TI{IS AGRBEMENT WLTNESSES that, in consideration of the I{elationship and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto aglee as follows; 1. 'lhe Infomration, and all riglrts, titie and ilrterest thereto, shall rernain the property of the party providing it ("Disclosing Palty"). The receiving palty ("lteceivilrg Pa*y'') shall not use, reproduce, or directly or indirectly disclose ol allow access to the inibrmation except as required to facilitate the Relationship. 2. The Receiving Party shali protect the confidentiality of the Irrfornmtion li'om the date of its receil:t hereundcr witlr at least the same diligence ancl carc as would be required of Receiving Party if it were a ficluciary o1'the Disclosing Party, that is the utmost good faith and cale fol the interests o1'the Disclosirrg Party. 3. 'I'he Receiving Party shall <lisclose the Inforrnation only to those of its own agents or employees who require the Infonnation for the purpose of the Relationship, Prior to disclosing the Infornration to its own agents or employees, the Receiving Party shall issue appropriate instructions to satisfy its obligations under this Agreeprent. The Receivirrg Pirty, however, will remain fully liable for any breach of its obligations caused by the actions or ornissions of any of its agents or employees. 4. Tire Receiving Party nay provi<ie to any of its subsidiaries or its parent, Infonnatiotl ouly upon obtaining tlre written conseilt of tlie subsiciiary and/or parent to the same tenns and conditions contained in this Agreentent. 'fhe Receiving Party shall give to the Disclosing Party an executcd copy of each such consent, 5. Upon tei.mination, for ally reason, of the Relationship, or upon the request of the Disclosing Party, the Ileceiving Party shall promptly destroy and certify the destruction to the Disclosing Party of all information belonging to tlre Disclosing Paity and copies thereof suscoptible of being destroyed' To "destroy''in the case-of electronic clata shall mean-to ,.ilrou" wiihout the.ability to lecall or recouet such data frorl all storage tnedia ulder the control of the Receiv{ng Pafty or any party to whotn the Iufomtation was disclosed. Exhibit 1 TCS EDUCATTON SYSTEhd CONEIDENTIAUTY A}[D NON-DISCLOSURE AGPGEMENT 6. I Neither party shall be liabie fol disclosure of the Information upon the occutrence of one or more of the following events: (a) the Information enters the public domain other than through a breach of this Agleement; (b) the Infonnation is subsequently lawfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a third palty or palties rit i:i ii i: under circumstances that do not involve a bleach of this Agt'eement or the legal rights of the Disclosing Party; or the Infonnation is disclosed in cornpliance with any applicable law or regulation that n:andates its disclosure, provided that the Disclosing Pafiy is given prourpt notice of such any demand for or required disclosure, t:i 'i: ii; (c) 7. Unless otherwise agreed, this Agreement shall continue until such time as any Infonnation received by l{eceiving Pafiy hereunder is returned to the Disclosing Party or destroyed. 8. This Agreement shall be govemed and interpreted in accordance with the laws applicable in the State of California. 9 If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreenent is held to be unenforceable, invalid or illegal, then it sirall be severable and deerned to be deleted and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding. 10. Notwithstanding anytlring iu this Agreement to the corrtrary, nothing in this Ageelnent shall be deenred to inhibit or plohibit either party fi'om pursuing business opporturities or other alrarlgerrents or endeavors of any kind so long as the terms and provisions of this Agreemerrt are rnaintained inviolate. 1. 1 This Agreernent supersedes and replaces all existing agreements between TCS and SCII, relating generally to the subject mattel hereof, It rnay not be rnodified or tenninated, in whole ol in part, excepl in rvliting signed by both parties, IN WITNIDSS WFIBRBOI'tlre parties have caused this Agreenrent to be executed on the date first above wlitten. TCS EDUCATION SVSTEM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTIT'U'I'I' OF LAW Exhibit 1 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that all counsel of record who have 3 consented to electronic service are being served with a copy of the foregoing 4 document via Central District of California CM/ECF system on May 18, 2011 5 6 ____/s/ George A. Shohet_______________ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

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