B. Aronson Inc. et al v. Bradshaw International, Inc. et al

Filing 63

PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Suzanne H. Segal re Stipulation for Protective Order 62 ; See order for details. (jy)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JEFFREY A. ROSENFELD (Bar No. 136896) jeffrey.rosenfeld@dlapiper.com DAVID B. ABEL (Bar No. 156744) david.abel@dlapiper.com MATTHEW D. CAPLAN (Bar No. 260388) matthew.caplan@dlapiper.com NICOLE C. KING (Bar No. 266672) nicole.king@dlapiper.com DLA PIPER LLP (US) 2000 Avenue of the Stars Suite 400 North Tower Los Angeles, CA 90067-4704 Tel: 310.595.3000 Fax: 310.595.3300 Attorneys for Defendants BRADSHAW INTERNATIONAL, INC.; DOUGLAS J. BRADSHAW; and MICHAEL RODRIGUE 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 13 14 15 16 B. ARONSON INC., dba A. ARONSON INC., a corporation; PB & J CONSULTING CORP., a corporation; BRUCE ARONSON, an individual; and PHEBE ARONSON, an individual, 21 [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER v. 18 20 [Discovery Document: Referred to Magistrate Judge Suzanne H. Segal] Plaintiffs, 17 19 CASE NO. CV11-00531 CAS (ssx) BRADSHAW INTERNATIONAL, INC., a corporation; DOUGLAS J. BRADSHAW, 1 an individual; MICHAEL RODRIGUE, an individual; and DOES 1 to 25, inclusive, Complaint Filed: January 18, 2011 Trial Date: November 13, 2012 Defendants. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES 1 The Second Amended Complaint does not assert any cause of action as against Douglas J. Bradshaw. [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 2 3 BRADSHAW INTERNATIONAL, INC., a corporation; DOUGLAS J. BRADSHAW, an individual; MICHAEL RODRIGUE, an individual, Counterclaim Plaintiffs, Third Party Plaintiffs 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 v. B. ARONSON INC. dba A. ARONSON INC., now PB&J CONSULTING CORP., a corporation; BRUCE ARONSON, an individual; PHEBE ARONSON, an individual and EVRIHOLDER PRODUCTS LLC, a limited liability company, Counterclaim Defendants Third Party Defendants 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 Plaintiffs B. Aronson Inc., dba A. Aronson Inc., PB&J Consulting Corp., 2 Bruce Aronson, and Phebe Aronson (collectively, “Plaintiffs”); Third Party 3 Defendant Evriholder Products LLC (“Third Party Defendant” or “Evriholder”); 4 Defendants Bradshaw International, Inc. (“Bradshaw”) and Michael Rodrigue 5 (“Rodrigue”) (collectively, “Defendants”); and Counterclaim and Third Party 6 Plaintiff Douglas J. Bradshaw (“DBradshaw”) hereby STIPULATE and AGREE 7 pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c), subject to approval of the Court, 8 to the following Protective Order: 9 1. Disclosure and discovery activity in this action are likely to involve 10 production of confidential, proprietary, or private information for which special 11 protection from public disclosure and from use for any purpose other than 12 prosecuting this litigation would be warranted. In addition, as the parties are 13 competitors, certain business confidential, highly proprietary, and/or private 14 information may be appropriate for protection from disclosure to the other party but 15 still subject to production on an attorneys eyes only basis. Accordingly, the parties 16 hereby stipulate to and petition the Court to enter the following Stipulated 17 Protective Order. Plaintiffs, Evriholder, Defendants, and DBradshaw (collectively, 18 the “Parties”) acknowledge that this Order does not confer blanket protections on 19 all disclosures or responses to discovery and that the protection it affords extends 20 only to the limited information or items that are entitled under the applicable legal 21 principles to treatment as confidential. 22 2. In connection with discovery and the trial of this action, the Parties 23 may designate certain documents and testimony, or other information derived 24 therefrom, as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” 25 under the terms of this Stipulation and Stipulated Protective Order (“Order”). 26 3. “Confidential” information is information which has not been made 27 public and which concerns or relates to the Parties’ business practices and falls 28 within Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(1)(G), including within the following DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES -1[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 categories: documents defined as “confidential” in agreements between the Parties, 2 lists and contact information for customers or affiliates; documents describing 3 concepts, ideas, proposals, designs, inventions, devices, methods of manufacturing, 4 techniques, development processes, marketing programs, and trade secrets; 5 information or data concerning the products or services provided; and the business 6 or financial condition of a Party or its affiliates, specifically financial data or plans, 7 budgets, financial statements, business plans, research and development plans, 8 strategic, marketing, or sales information concerning customers and suppliers, 9 pricing policies, or contracts. 10 4. Information or materials designated as “Highly Confidential – 11 Attorneys’ Eyes Only” shall be documents and things that include highly sensitive 12 business information under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(1)(G), including 13 currently competitive trade secrets, confidential technical information, methods, or 14 other know-how, minutes of Board meetings, pricing data, financial data, sales 15 information, customer-confidential information, agreements or relationships with 16 non-parties designated as confidential between the parties to such agreements, 17 market projections or forecasts, strategic business plans, selling or marketing 18 strategies or new product development, testing, manufacturing costs or information 19 about employees, and therefore protected from disclosure to a competitor. 20 5. 21 Bradshaw and Evriholder are direct competitors, and Evriholder currently 22 employs or formerly employed Bruce Aronson and Phebe Aronson, all Parties to 23 this suit, and this suit cannot be used to gain a competitive advantage through open 24 discovery and public disclosure of sensitive commercial information. Bradhaw and 25 Evriholder believe that the designation of certain documents as “Highly 26 Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” is necessary because the Parties currently 27 compete in the same markets, and thus, there is significant risk in disclosing certain 28 highly sensitive information beyond their counsel. The Parties could be irreparably DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES GOOD CAUSE STATEMENT. -2[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 harmed if information designated as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – 2 Attorneys’ Eyes Only” is divulged or somehow wrongly misused by the Parties or 3 non-parties. The unfettered disclosure of the above-listed information, including 4 but not limited to the filing of the documents in the public record, could be harmful 5 to the commercial interests of one or more of the Parties in this action. There is 6 good cause to enter this Protective Order to ensure adequate protection against the 7 wrongful use or disclosure of Protected Material, and to protect the value associated 8 with the Protected Material. Any violation of the confidentiality obligations set 9 forth in this Protective Order could be detrimental and prejudicial to one or more 10 Parties. The Aronsons believe that Bradshaw’s and Evriholder’s concerns set forth 11 in this paragraph are asserted in good faith. 12 6. A party receiving (“Receiving Party”) material protected under this 13 agreement (“Protected Material”) may use Protected Material disclosed or produced 14 by another Party or by a non-party in connection with this case only for 15 prosecuting, defending, or attempting to settle this litigation. 16 7. By designating a document, testimony or other information derived 17 therefrom as Protected Material labeled either “Confidential” or “Highly 18 Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” under the terms of this Stipulation and 19 Protective Order, the Parties are certifying that there is a good faith basis both in 20 law and in fact for the designation. Such “Confidential” and “Highly Confidential 21 – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” materials shall be used solely in connection with this 22 lawsuit, and not for any business, competitive, or governmental purpose or 23 function, and such information shall not be disclosed to anyone except as provided 24 herein. 25 8. Except as otherwise provided in this Order, or as otherwise stipulated 26 or ordered, material that qualifies for protection under this Order should be clearly 27 so designated before the material is disclosed or produced. Designation in 28 conformity with this Order requires: DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES -3[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 (a) for information in documentary form (apart from transcripts of 2 depositions or other pretrial or trial proceedings), that the party producing Protected 3 material (“Producing Party”) affix the legend “Confidential” or “Highly 4 Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” on each page that contains protected 5 material, or prominently on each electronic media that contains protected material. 6 (b) for testimony given in deposition or in other pretrial 7 proceedings, testimony taken at a deposition may be designated as “Confidential” 8 or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” by making a statement to that 9 effect on the record at the deposition or other proceeding. Following the 10 deposition, the party wishing to designate certain testimony as Protected Material 11 (“Designating Party”) shall have 30 days, after the transcript becomes available, to 12 identify the specific portions of the testimony as to which protection is sought. 13 Only those portions of the testimony that are appropriately designated for protection 14 within the 30 days shall be covered by the provisions of this Stipulated Protective 15 Order. 16 (c) for information produced in any other form, including any 17 tangible items, that the Producing Party affix in a prominent place on the exterior of 18 the container or containers in which the information or item is stored the legend 19 “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only.” If only 20 portions of the information or item warrant protection, the Producing Party, to the 21 extent practicable, shall identify the protected portions. 22 9. Information or material produced which is designated as 23 “Confidential” may be disclosed or made available only to the Court, to counsel for 24 a party (including the paralegal, clerical, and secretarial staff employed by such 25 counsel), and to the “qualified persons” designated below: 26 a. in-house counsel of a party, or an officer, director, or employee of a party 27 deemed necessary by counsel to aid in the prosecution, defense, or 28 settlement of this action; DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES -4[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 b. experts or consultants (together with their clerical staff) retained to assist 2 in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action who sign an 3 undertaking confirming that they have reviewed and agree to be bound by 4 the terms of the protective order; 5 c. court reporter(s) employed in this action; 6 d. a witness at any proceeding in this action; and, 7 e. any other person as to whom the Disclosing Party agrees in writing. 8 10. 9 Information or material designated as “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” or copies or extracts there from and compilations and 10 summaries thereof, may be disclosed, summarized, described, characterized, or 11 otherwise communicated or made available in whole or in part only to the following 12 persons: 13 a. Parties’ outside counsel of record in this action and employees of such 14 counsel to whom it is necessary that the information or material be shown 15 for the purpose of this lawsuit; 16 b. witnesses of the party producing the information in this lawsuit; 17 c. experts or consultants (together with their clerical staff) retained to assist 18 in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action who sign an 19 undertaking confirming that they have reviewed and agree to be bound by 20 the terms of the protective order; 21 d. the Court; 22 e. court reporter(s) employed in this action; and 23 f. any other person as to whom the Disclosing Party agrees in writing. 24 11. Nothing herein shall impose any restrictions on the use or disclosure 25 by a party of material obtained by such party independent of discovery in this 26 action, whether or not such material is also obtained through discovery in this 27 action, or from disclosing its own Protected Material as it deems appropriate. 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES 12. In the event that any Protected Material is used in any proceeding in -5- [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 this action, it shall not lose its confidential status through such use, and the party 2 using such shall take all reasonable steps to maintain its confidentiality during such 3 use; however, this Paragraph does not apply where the Protected Material appears 4 in the public record. 5 13. Without written permission from the Designating Party or a court 6 order secured after appropriate notice to all interested persons, a Party may not file 7 in the public record in this action any Protected Material. A Party that seeks to file 8 under seal any Protected Material must comply with Local Rule 79-5 and this 9 Court’s published procedures requiring an application to the Court for an order to 10 seal documents. 11 14. This Stipulation is entered solely for the purpose of facilitating the 12 exchange of documents and information between the Parties to this action without 13 involving the Court unnecessarily in the process. Nothing in this Stipulation nor 14 the production of any information or document under the terms of this Stipulation 15 nor any proceedings pursuant to this Stipulation shall be deemed to have the effect 16 of an admission or waiver by any party or of altering the confidentiality or non- 17 confidentiality of any such document or information or altering any existing 18 obligation of any party or the absence thereof. Neither the stipulation nor its 19 contents, nor designation of a document as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential 20 – Attorney’s Eyes Only”, nor any party’s objection or failure to object to such a 21 designation is admissible as evidence for the purpose of proving or disproving any 22 matter at issue in the litigation. Further, the Parties agree that the “Confidential” or 23 “Highly Confidential – Attorney’s Eyes Only” designations provided on documents 24 for purposes of production under this Protective Order are not admissible for any 25 purpose. In addition, the parties agree that the “Confidential” and “Highly 26 Confidential” designations added pursuant to this Protective Order shall not appear 27 on any trial exhibit or any other document shown to the jury. 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES 15. Inadvertent production of privileged material, or the inadvertent failure -6- [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 to designation material as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes 2 Only,” does not waive the privileged or confidential status of the document or 3 information. 4 16. If timely corrected, an inadvertent failure to designate qualified 5 information or items as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes 6 Only” does not, standing alone, waive the Designating Party’s right to secure 7 protection under this Order for such material. If material is appropriately 8 designated as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” after 9 the material was initially produced, the Receiving Party, on timely notification of 10 the designation, must make reasonable efforts to assure that the material is treated 11 in accordance with the provisions of this Order, and must immediately (a) notify in 12 writing the Designating Party of any disclosures of such Protected Material, (b) use 13 its best efforts to retrieve all copies of the Protected Material, and (c) inform the 14 person or persons to whom disclosures were made of all the terms of this Order. If 15 the undesignated documents have already been filed with the Court without the 16 confidential designation, the Designating Party may move the court for filing of the 17 document under seal. 18 17. Any party may challenge the confidentiality designation of the other 19 party, but shall be required to maintain the confidentiality of the information unless 20 and until a ruling issues designating that the information ought not be deemed 21 “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” or the 22 Designating Party fails to seek a ruling on the confidentiality of the designated 23 material, as set forth in detail in Paragraph 20. 24 18. A party that elects to initiate a challenge to a Designating Party’s 25 confidentiality designation must begin the process by conferring directly with 26 counsel for the Designating Party, pursuant to the Local Rules. In conferring, the 27 challenging Party must explain the basis for its belief that the confidentiality 28 designation was not proper and must give the Designating Party an opportunity to DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES -7[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 review the designated material, to reconsider the circumstances, and, if no change 2 in designation is offered, to explain the basis for the chosen designation. 3 19. If the parties are unable to resolve their dispute regarding the 4 confidentiality of the designated material following the meet and confer process set 5 forth in Paragraph 18, the Designating Party must, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil 6 Procedure 26, and the rules of this Court, file and serve a motion for a protective 7 order that identifies the material designated as confidential and affirms that the 8 movant has complied with the meet and confer requirements imposed in the 9 preceding paragraph. The Designating Party bears the burden of persuading the 10 Court that the information is Confidential within the definition of that term set forth 11 above. 12 20. In the case of a dispute, the material designated as confidential will be 13 deemed confidential until thirty (30) days following the start of the meet and confer 14 process set forth in Paragraph 18. If the Designating Party files a motion for a 15 protective order, as set forth in Paragraph 19, the designated material maintains its 16 confidentiality designation until the court orders otherwise. If the Designating 17 Party fails to file a motion for a protective order following the meet and confer 18 process, after thirty days from the start of the meet and confer process, the material 19 is no longer considered confidential. 20 21. Upon written request, at the conclusion of this matter, the Parties 21 hereby agree to promptly return all copies of all Protected Material received; or, in 22 the alternative, such parties may shred all copies of all such Protected Material and 23 promptly send written confirmation from the other Party that it has complied with 24 the terms of this Stipulation. Notwithstanding, Counsel shall be able to retain a 25 copy of confidential information that has been submitted in a pleading or marked as 26 an exhibit in a deposition. 27 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES 22. Even after the termination of this litigation, the confidentiality obligations imposed by this Order shall remain in effect until a Designating Party -8[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 agrees otherwise in writing or a court order otherwise directs. This Court retains 2 and shall have jurisdiction over the Parties, their attorneys and all recipients of 3 discovery designated “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes 4 Only” for the enforcement of the provisions of this Order following termination of 5 this case, and/or to terminate all or some of the provisions of this Order on 6 application by any party. 7 23. This Order shall not preclude a party from exercising any rights or 8 raising any objections otherwise available to them under the rules of discovery and 9 evidence. 10 24. This Order shall be binding upon the Parties to this action, the 11 attorneys for each party and upon any recipient of discovery designated as 12 “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” and upon any 13 successor, executor, personal representative, administrator, heir, legal 14 representative, assignee, subsidiaries, division, employee, agent, independent 15 contractor, or other person or legal entity over which any party or attorney or 16 recipient of documents covered by this Order may have control. 17 18 19 20 IT IS SO STIPULATED by counsel of record: Dated: December 22, 2011 DLA PIPER LLP (US) 21 22 By 23 24 25 26 /s/ Matthew D. Caplan JEFFREY A. ROSENFELD DAVID B. ABEL MATTHEW D. CAPLAN NICOLE C. KING Attorneys for Defendants BRADSHAW INTERNATIONAL, INC.; DOUGLAS J. BRADSHAW; and MICHAEL RODRIGUE 27 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES -9[PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1 1 DATED: December 21, 2011 2 LAW OFFICES OF WORTHE HANSON & WORTHE 3 By 4 5 6 7 /s/ Siobhan M. Bishop JOHN R. HANSON TODD C. WORTHE SIOBHAN M. BISHOP Attorneys for Plaintiffs B. ARONSON INC., DBA A. ARONSON, INC., PB&J CONSULTING CORP., BRUCE ARONSON, AND PHEBE ARONSON 8 9 DATED: December 22, 2011 ELKINS KALT WEINTRAUB REUBEN GARTSIDE LLP 10 By /s/ Eric. J. Lorenzini JEFF RIFFER ERIC J. LORENZINI Attorneys for Third Party Claim Defendant EVRIHOLDER PRODUCTS LLC 11 12 13 14 15 16 IT IS SO ORDERED __/S/ Suzanne H. Segal______ U.S. Magistrate Judge 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DLA P IPER LLP (US) LOS ANGELES - 10 [PROPOSED] STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER EAST\47667877.1

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