Christian Rodriguez et al v. City of Los Angeles et al

Filing 25

PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge John E. McDermott re Stipulation for Protective Order 24 . (san)

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CARMEN A. TRUTANICH, City Attorney (SBN # 86629x) GARY G. GEUSS, Chief Assistant City Attorney (SBN 128022) 2 CORY M. BRENTE, Assistant City Attorney RENA M. SHAHANDEH, Deputy City Attorney (SBN - 198072) 3 200 North Main Street, 6th Floor, City Hall East Los Angeles, CA 90012 4 Tel: (213) 978-7047 Fax: (213) 978-8785 e-mail: 1 5 6 Attorneys for Defendants CITY OF LOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT, LOS ANGELES CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, CARMEN TRUTANICH, CHARLES BECK, ALLAN NADIR AND ANGEL GOMEZ 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 CHRISTIAN RODRIGUEZ, ALBERTO CAZAREZ, individually and as class 12 representatives 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CARMEN ) TRUTANICH, CHARLES BECK, ALLAN ) NADIR, ANGEL GOMEZ AND DOES 1 ) THROUGH 10. ) ) Defendants. ) ___________________________________ ) CASE NO. CV11-01135 DMG(JEMx) Assigned to Honorable Dolly M. Gee [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER DISCOVERY MATTER 19 20 21 22 23 TO ALL PARTIES AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: After reviewing the parties’ joint Stipulation for Protective Order re: Disclosure of Confidential Materials, and finding good cause therefore, the Court hereby orders: 1. The parties may designate as confidential records of service of injunctions, 24 including attachments and addenda thereto, all of which Defendants believe might contain 25 information of a privileged, confidential, private or sensitive nature, and the public 26 dissemination of which Defendants believe jeopardize compelling privacy interests, by 27 affixing to such document or writing a legend, such as “Confidential,” “Confidential 28 Documents,” “Confidential Material,” “Subject to Protective Order” or words of similar 1 1 effect. The category of documents and other tangible things so designated, and all 2 information derived therefrom (hereinafter, collectively, “Confidential Information”), shall 3 be treated in accordance with the terms of this stipulation. 4 5 6 7 2. Confidential Information may be used by the persons receiving such information only for the purpose of this litigation. 3. Subject to the further conditions imposed by this stipulation, Confidential Information may be disclosed only to the following persons: 8 (a) Counsel for the parties and to experts, investigators, paralegal 9 assistants, office clerks, secretaries and other such personnel 10 working under their supervision; 11 (b) The Plaintiffs in this action; 12 (c) Such other parties as may be agreed by written stipulation among the parties hereto. 13 14 4. Prior to the disclosure of any Confidential Information to any person 15 described in paragraph 3(a), 3(b) or 3(c), counsel for the party that has received and seeks 16 to use or disclose such Confidential Information shall first provide any such person with a 17 copy of this stipulation, and shall cause him or her to execute, on a second copy which 18 counsel shall thereafter serve on the other party the following acknowledgment: 19 “I understand that I am being given access to Confidential 20 Information pursuant to the foregoing stipulation and order. 21 I have read the Order and agree to be bound by its terms 22 with respect to the handling, use and disclosure of such 23 Confidential Information. 24 Dated: _______________/s/________________________” 25 5. Upon the final termination of this litigation, including any appeal 26 pertaining thereto, all Confidential Information and all copies thereof shall be returned to the 27 Defendants, except as to Court personnel. All Confidential Information disclosed to any 28 person or party pursuant to any provision hereof also shall be returned to the Defendants. 2 1 6. If any party who receives Confidential Information receives a subpoena 2 or other request seeking Confidential Information, he, she or it shall immediately give 3 written notice to the Defendants’ counsel, identifying the Confidential Information sought 4 and the time in which production or other disclosure is required, and shall object to the 5 request or subpoena on the grounds of this stipulation so as to afford the Defendants an 6 opportunity to obtain an order barring production or other disclosure, or to otherwise respond 7 to the subpoena or other request for production or disclosure of Confidential Material. Other 8 than objecting on the grounds of this stipulation, no party shall be obligated to seek an order 9 barring production of Confidential Information, which obligation shall be borne by the 10 Defendants. However, in no event should production or disclosure be made without written 11 notice to Defendants’ counsel unless required by court order after serving written notice to 12 Defendants’ counsel. 13 7. When filing any pleadings, motions, briefs, declarations, stipulations, 14 exhibits or other written submissions to the Court in this litigation, any portions thereof 15 which contain, reflect, incorporate or refer to Confidential Information shall be filed under 16 seal, after written application to the Court made pursuant to Local Rule 79-5. If the Court 17 approves the application to file the documents under seal, the original and judge’s copy of 18 the document shall be sealed in separate envelopes with a title page affixed to the outside of 19 each envelope. No sealed or confidential record of the Court maintained by the Clerk shall 20 be disclosed except upon written order of the Court. 21 8. Counsel for the parties shall request that any motions, applications or 22 other pre-trial proceedings which could entail the discussion or disclosure of Confidential 23 Information be heard by the Court outside the presence of the jury, unless having heard from 24 counsel, the Court orders otherwise. Counsel for the parties further shall, during any portion 25 of the trial of this action which could entail the discussion or disclosure of Confidential 26 Information, request that access to the courtroom be limited to parties, their counsel and 27 other designated representative, experts or consultants who agree to be bound by this 28 stipulation, and court personnel, unless having heard from counsel, the Court orders 3 1 2 otherwise. 9. Nothing herein shall prejudice any party's rights to object to the 3 introduction of any Confidential Information into evidence, on grounds including but not 4 limited to relevance and privilege. 5 10. The Stipulated Protective Order survives settlement, trial and/or appeal. 6 7 IT IS SO ORDERED: 8 9 10 11 DATED: November 10, 2011 /s/John E. McDermott___________________ Honorable John E. McDermott UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4

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