John Marshall et al v. Andrew Wright et al

Filing 20

JUDGMENT by Judge John A Kronstadt: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: (A) The attached Arbitration Award in favor of the Wrights andagainst the Lincoln Parties is hereby confirmed as a Judgment. Specifically:1. The Lincoln Parties are jointly and severally liable for and shallpay to the Wrights compensatory damages in the amount of $1,170,500.00. 2. The Lincoln Parties are jointly and severally liable for and shall pay to the Wrights simple interest at the rate of 10% p er annum on the amount of $1,170,500.00 from the date of the award until the award is paid in full. 3. Lincoln Financial is solely liable for and shall pay to the Wrights compensatory damages in the amount of $590,000.00. 4. Lincoln Finan cial is solely liable for and shall pay to the Wrights simple interest at the rate of 10% per annum on the amount of $590,000.00 from the date of the award until the award is paid in full. 5. Lincoln Financial is solely liable for and shal l pay to the Wrights $600.00 to reimburse the Wrights for the non-refundable portionof the Wrights= initial claim filing fee. (B) The Lincoln Parties' Complaint and Petition for Vacation of Arbitration Award is hereby dismissed, with prejudice. (C) Sanctions in the form of attorneys fees of $5,000 are awarded infavor of the Wrights and against the Lincoln Parties and their counsel, LewisBrisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP. (MD JS-6, Case Terminated). (shb)

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1 2 3 ROSEN & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Robert C. Rosen (SBN 79684) Kirsten Anderson (SBN 175936) 444 S. Flower Street, Suite 602 Los Angeles, California 90071 Tel.: (213) 362-1000; Fax: (213) 362-1001 e-mail: JS-6 4 5 Attorneys for Petitioners and Cross-Respondents ANDREW WRIGHT and BLENDA WRIGHT 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 11 ANDREW WRIGHT and BLENDA WRIGHT, Trustees of The Wright Family Trust, 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 JUDGMENT Petitioners, v. JOHN MARSHALL, ROLLANCE VERKINNIS and LINCOLN FINANCIAL ADVISORS CORP., 16 17 CASE NO.: CV11 04506 JAK VBKx [Hon. John A. Kronstadt] Respondents. [Removed from state court] __________________________ JOHN MARSHALL, ROLLANCE VERKINNIS and LINCOLN FINANCIAL ADVISORS CORP., Cross Petitioners [improperly designated as Petitioners], 21 22 23 v. 24 ANDREW WRIGHT and BLENDA WRIGHT, Trustees of The Wright Family Trust, 25 26 27 Cross Respondents, [improperly designated as Respondents]. 28 1 JUDGMENT On April 27, 2011, a decision and award ("Award") was issued by a 1 2 three member arbitrator panel in an arbitration proceeding governed by the 3 Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority ("FINRA," formerly NASD). 4 According to the Award, ANDREW and BLENDA WRIGHT (the "Wrights"), 5 prevailed against the Respondents, JOHN MARSHALL, LINCOLN 6 FINANCIAL ADVISORS CORPORATION, and ROLLANCE VERKINNIS 7 ("Lincoln Parties"). The current proceeding in this Court concerns that 8 Award. On May 18, 2011, in California Superior Court, in Los Angeles, the 9 10 Wrights filed a Petition to Confirm Arbitration Award ("State Proceeding"). 11 On May 25, 2011, in this Court, the Lincoln Parties filed a Complaint and 12 Petition for Vacation of Arbitration Award with Prejudice ("Complaint"). 13 [Docket No. 1] In the Complaint, the Lincoln Parties petitioned this Court to 14 vacate the Award. On May 27, 2011, the Lincoln Parties filed a Notice of Removal of 15 16 Action and related documents. [Docket No. 4] By that Notice, the State 17 Proceeding was removed to this Court. On June 9, 2011, the Wrights filed a motion which asked this Court for 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 an Order for the following relief ("Motion") [Docket No. 10]: (1) Remand this case to state court because federal jurisdiction is lacking and/or because this Court should abstain from accepting jurisdiction over any part of this case, or (2) Grant the Petition by the Wrights to Confirm Contractual Arbitration Award ("Petition to Confirm;" see also "Award" at Ex. 2; and "Petition" at Ex. 3) and dismiss or deny the "Complaint and Petition for Vacation of Arbitration Award" ("Petition to Vacate"; on Court's Docket as No. 1) filed by [Cross] Petitioners JOHN MARSHALL, ROLLANCE VERKINNIS and LINCOLN FINANCIAL ADVISORS CORPORATION (collectively, "Lincoln" or "Removing Parties" or Cross Petitioners mis-designated as Petitioners); and (3) Award attorneys' fees and/or Rule 11 sanctions in favor of the Wrights and against Lincoln and their counsel. /// 28 On June 27, 2011, the Lincoln Parties filed "Defendants' Opposition to 2 JUDGMENT 1 that Portion of Plaintiffs' Motion to Remand Requesting an Award re Motion 2 to Remand Case, etc." ("Opposition") [Docket No. 12]. 3 On July 1, 2011, the Parties filed a "Stipulation and [Proposed] Order of 4 Dismissal of the Complaint and Petition for Vacation of Arbitration Award 5 with Prejudice as to All Cross-Respondents." [Docket Nos. 13 and 14] 6 On July 5, 2011, the Wrights filed a "Reply in support of Motion for 7 Sanctions, etc." [Docket No. 15]. 8 On July 11, 2011, at 1:30 p.m., the Honorable John A. Kronstadt, 9 Judge presiding in Courtroom 750, held a hearing on the Motion by the 10 Wrights to: (1) Remand this Case to State Court and/or Abstain from 11 Accepting Jurisdiction; or (2) Grant the Wrights' Petition to Confirm the 12 Arbitration Award and Dismiss or Deny Lincoln's "Complaint and Petition to 13 Vacate" the Award; and (3) Award Attorneys' Fees And/or Sanctions Against 14 the Lincoln Parties and their Counsel. 15 After reviewing the motion papers, the file in this case and after oral 16 argument by counsel, the Court enters judgment in favor of the Wrights and 17 against the Lincoln Parties as follows: 18 19 20 21 22 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: (A) The attached Arbitration Award in favor of the Wrights and against the Lincoln Parties is hereby confirmed as a Judgment. Specifically: 1. The Lincoln Parties are jointly and severally liable for and shall 23 pay to the Wrights compensatory damages in the amount of 24 $1,170,500.00. 25 2. The Lincoln Parties are jointly and severally liable for and shall 26 pay to the Wrights simple interest at the rate of 10% per annum 27 on the amount of $1,170,500.00 from the date of the award until 28 the award is paid in full. 3 JUDGMENT 1 3. compensatory damages in the amount of $590,000.00. 2 3 Lincoln Financial is solely liable for and shall pay to the Wrights 4. Lincoln Financial is solely liable for and shall pay to the Wrights 4 simple interest at the rate of 10% per annum on the amount of 5 $590,000.00 from the date of the award until the award is paid in 6 full. 7 5. Lincoln Financial is solely liable for and shall pay to the Wrights 8 $600.00 to reimburse the Wrights for the non-refundable portion 9 of the Wrights= initial claim filing fee. 10 11 12 (B) The Lincoln Parties' Complaint and Petition for Vacation of Arbitration Award is hereby dismissed, with prejudice. (C) Sanctions in the form of attorneys fees of $5,000 are awarded in 13 favor of the Wrights and against the Lincoln Parties and their counsel, Lewis 14 Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP. 15 16 (D) Sanctions due by the Lincoln Parties and their counsel are to be paid to the Wrights no later than July 25, 2011. 17 18 DATED: August 1, 2011 19 _____________________________ Hon. John A. Kronstadt United States District Court 20 21 Central District of California 22 23 24 N:\WORK\WRIGHT, ANDREW and BLENDA\5. WRIGHT V. MARSHALL LASC - 1389-05\0. MARSHALL V. WRIGHT USDC\COURT\Proposed Judgment 07-28-11.wpd 25 26 27 28 4 JUDGMENT

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