Trustees of the Southern California IBEW-NECA Pension Trust Fund et al v. Gartel Corp

Filing 34

ORDER by Judge Otis D. Wright, II: granting 28 plaintiffs Motion for Default Judgment. Court will enter judgment in accordance with this order. (lc). Modified on 4/19/2013. (lc).

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O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IBEW-NECA PENSION PLAN; TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IBEWNECA HEALTH TRUST FUND, TRUSTEES OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING TRUST FUND; TRUSTEES OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL BENEFIT FUND; TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IBEWNECA LABOR-MANAGEMENT COOPERATION COMMITTEE, CONTRACT COMPLIANCE FUND; NATIONAL ELECTRIACL INDUSTRY FUND; ADMINISTRATIVE MAINTENANCE FUND; LOS ANGELES ELECTRICAL WORKERS CREDIT UNION, 21 22 23 24 v. Case No. 2:11-cv-5929-ODW(SHx) ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT [28] Plaintiffs, GARTEL CORP., Defendant. 25 26 I. INTRODUCTION 27 Plaintiffs are trustees of various trusts created under trust agreements between a 28 local union chapter and an employers’ association. These agreements and others 1 obligated Defendant Gartel Corp. to pay certain contributions at specified rates 2 depending on how many hours its employees worked on covered projects. When 3 Gartel failed to pay all required fringe-benefit contributions, Plaintiffs filed suit. 4 Since Gartel never answered, the Clerk entered default, and Plaintiffs moved for 5 default judgment. 6 damages and costs, the Court GRANTS Plaintiffs’ Motion for Default Judgment.1 After considering Gartel’s liability and Plaintiffs’ requested II. 7 FACTUAL BACKGROUND 8 Plaintiffs Trustees of the Southern California IBEW-NECA Pension Plan, 9 Trustees of the Southern California IBEW-NECA Health Trust Fund, Trustees of the 10 Los Angeles County Electrical Educational and Training Trust Fund, Trustees of the 11 National Electrical Benefit Fund, and Trustees of the Southern California IBEW- 12 NECA Labor-Management Cooperation Committee are trustees of express trusts 13 created under trust agreements between various chapters of the International 14 Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (“IBEW”) and employers’ associations of the 15 National Electrical Contractors Association (“NECA”). 16 Compliance Fund, National Electrical Industry Fund, Administrative Maintenance 17 Fund, and Los Angeles Electrical Workers Credit Union all collect various payments 18 authorized under collective-bargaining agreements. (Id.) (Compl. ¶ 5.) Contract 19 Gartel is incorporated and has its principal place of business in California. (Id. 20 ¶ 6.) On or before January 1, 2008, Gartel performed electrical work on various 21 public-works projects covered by the Los Angeles Unified School District Project 22 Stabilization Agreement–New School Construction and Major Rehabilitation Funded 23 by Proposition BB and/or Measure K (“PSA”). (Id. ¶ 7.) Gartel is bound to the PSA 24 for work performed on projects covered by the agreement. (Id. ¶ 8.) 25 The PSA incorporates, among others, the Inside Wiremen’s Agreement and the 26 Sound & Communications Agreement, which are collective-bargaining agreements 27 28 1 After carefully considering the papers filed with respect to this Motion, the Court deems the matter appropriate for decision without oral argument. Fed. R. Civ. P. 78; L.R. 7-15. 2 1 between IBEW Local 11 and the Los Angeles County Chapter of NECA. (Id. ¶ 9.) 2 On November 17, 2008, Gartel also signed a letter of assent to both of these 3 agreements. (Id. ¶¶ 10–11.) The Inside Wiremen’s Agreement incorporates the terms 4 of Plaintiffs’ trust agreements. (Johnson Decl. ¶ 7.) As an employer, the agreements 5 obligate Gartel to pay, among other things, fringe-benefit contributions on a monthly 6 basis at specified rates for each hour worked by covered employees. 7 ¶ 14(B).) If an employer fails to timely pay mandated contributions, the employer 8 also becomes liable for liquidated damages, interest, audit fees, litigation expenses, 9 and reasonable attorneys’ fees. (Johnson Decl. Ex. B, at 16; Ex. C, at 31.) (Compl. 10 Since January 1, 2008, Gartel has failed to pay to Plaintiffs all required fringe- 11 benefit and other contributions for five different Los Angeles Unified School District 12 projects. (Compl. ¶ 18; Ware Decl. Ex. 1.) Plaintiffs’ auditor calculated $109,335.40 13 in missing contributions for the period of January 1, 2009, through April 24, 2012. 14 (Ware ¶ 6, Ex. 1; Mot. 4.) 15 On July 19, 2011, Plaintiffs filed a Complaint against Gartel for breach of the 16 trust and collective-bargaining agreements and violation of the Employee Retirement 17 Income Security Act (“ERISA”). Plaintiffs filed a proof of service on August 24, 18 2011. (ECF No. 5.) Since Gartel never answered, the Clerk entered default. (ECF 19 No. 16.) On April 1, 2013, Plaintiffs moved for default judgment. Defendants have 20 not opposed the Motion, and it is now before the Court for decision. III. 21 LEGAL STANDARD 22 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 55(b) authorizes a district court to grant default 23 judgment after the Clerk enters default under Rule 55(a). Local Rule 55-1 requires 24 that the movant submit a declaration establishing (1) when and against which party 25 default was entered; (2) identification of the pleading to which default was entered; 26 (3) whether the defaulting party is a minor, incompetent person, or active 27 servicemember; and (4) that the defaulting party was properly served with notice. 28 /// 3 1 A district court has discretion whether to enter a default judgment. Aldabe v. 2 Aldabe, 616 F.2d 1089, 1092 (9th Cir. 1980). Upon default, the defendant’s liability 3 generally is conclusively established, and the well-pleaded factual allegations in the 4 complaint are accepted as true. Televideo Sys., Inc. v. Heidenthal, 826 F.2d 915, 917– 5 19 (9th Cir. 1987) (per curiam) (citing Geddes v. United Fin. Grp., 559 F.2d 557, 560 6 (9th Cir. 1977)). 7 In exercising its discretion, a court must consider several factors, including 8 (1) the possibility of prejudice to plaintiff; (2) the merits of plaintiff’s substantive 9 claim; (3) the sufficiency of the complaint; (4) the sum of money at stake; (5) the 10 possibility of a dispute concerning material facts; (6) whether the defendant’s default 11 was due to excusable neglect; and (7) the strong policy underlying the Federal Rules 12 of Civil Procedure favoring decisions on the merits. Eitel v. McCool, 782 F.2d 1470, 13 1471–72 (9th Cir. 1986). IV. 14 DISCUSSION 15 Plaintiffs argue that Gartel breached the Inside Wiremen’s Agreement and the 16 PSA by failing to pay all mandated fringe-benefit contributions for hours worked by 17 Gartel employees on covered projects. As a result, Plaintiffs seek the delinquent 18 contributions, liquidated damages, prejudgment interest, and costs. 19 A. Liability 20 ERISA provides that, if a multiemployer plan or collective-bargaining 21 agreement obligates an employer to make contributions, the employer must make the 22 contributions according to the terms and conditions of the relevant agreements. 29 23 U.S.C. § 1145. 24 Gartel’s failure to timely and fully pay all contributions calculated according to 25 the rates specified in the Inside Wiremen’s Agreement and the PSA—as confirmed by 26 Plaintiffs’ audit—violates § 1145. This violation thus renders Gartel liable for the 27 damages and remedies enumerated in the agreements and provided under ERISA. 28 /// 4 It is also apparent that Gartel was properly served with process. 1 Section 2 415.20(a) of the California Code of Civil Procedure provides a person may effect 3 substitute service on a corporation by delivering a copy of the summons and 4 complaint to the corporation’s business address and leaving the documents with a 5 person apparently in charge. Here, after several unfruitful attempts, Plaintiffs served a 6 Jane Doe occupant of Gartel’s registered business address and also mailed a copy of 7 the documents to the same location. (ECF No. 5, at 1.) There is no indication that the 8 mail was not received. Service was therefore proper under California law. 9 B. Damages 10 Plaintiffs request several types of damages from Gartel, including the unpaid 11 contributions, prejudgment interest, liquidated damages, audit fees, attorneys’ fees, 12 and litigation expenses. The Court considers each in turn. 13 When a fiduciary of a covered plan obtains a favorable judgment, ERISA 14 mandates that a court award unpaid contributions, interest on those contributions, 15 liquidated damages or a similar amount, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and other relief as 16 the court deems appropriate. 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(2). 17 1. Unpaid contributions 18 Plaintiffs’ auditor reviewed Gartel’s payroll records for the period between 19 January 1, 2008, and April 24, 2012. (Ware Decl. ¶ 6.) The auditor determined that 20 Gartel failed to pay $109,335.40 in fringe-benefit contributions on five different Los 21 Angeles Unified School District projects. (Id. Ex. 1.) The auditor computed this 22 amount by multiplying the hours worked and wages paid to Gartel employees during 23 the relevant time period by the rates specified in the agreements. 24 therefore entitled to $109,335.40 in unpaid contributions. Plaintiffs are 25 2. Prejudgment interest 26 ERISA specifically dictates that a court award prejudgment interest in unpaid- 27 contribution actions like this one. 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(2)(B). The interest rate is 28 either the rate set under the relevant agreements, if any, or the rate established under 5 1 26 U.S.C. § 6621. Here, Plaintiffs invoke the latter interest-rate determination and 2 seek $10,214.78 in interest calculated through May 6, 2013, the hearing date of this 3 Motion. 4 Section 6621 provides that the underpayment interest shall be the federal short- 5 term interest rate plus three percentage points. 26 U.S.C. § 6621(a)(2). The Treasury 6 Secretary determines the short-term interest rate. 7 compounded on a daily basis. Rev. Rul. 2012-32, 2012-52 I.R.B. 762 (2012). Id. § 6621(b)(1). Interest is 8 Plaintiffs’ auditor calculated the prejudgment interest using the historical 9 underpayment interest rates, culminating with the current three-percent rate. (Johnson 10 Decl. Ex. G.) Gartel accordingly owes Plaintiffs $10,214.78 in prejudgment interest. 11 3. Liquidated damages 12 ERISA also provides that a prevailing trust fiduciary is entitled the greater of an 13 amount equal to the interest on the unpaid contributions or the liquidated damages 14 provided under the applicable agreements. 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(2)(C). But the statute 15 caps the liquidated damages at 20 percent of the unpaid contributions. 16 § 1132(g)(2)(C)(ii). Id. 17 The agreements here provide that liquidated damages are determined based on 18 the number of days a payment is late, up to 18 percent per annum. Plaintiffs request a 19 total of $47,119.87, which is also calculated through the hearing date. But Plaintiffs’ 20 requested amount exceeds ERISA’s liquidated-damages cap. Plaintiffs are therefore 21 only entitled to $21,867.08 in liquidated damages, which is 20 percent of Gartel’s 22 unpaid contributions. 23 4. Audit fees 24 Plaintiffs additionally request $3,037.50 in audit fees. ERISA does not 25 specifically authorize an audit-fees award. But § 1132 does permit a court to award 26 “such other legal or equitable relief as the court deems appropriate.” 27 § 1132(g)(2)(E). In Section 7.52 of the Inside Wiremen’s Agreement, the parties 28 agreed that a delinquent contractor would pay audit fees incurred by the trustees in a 6 Id. 1 collection action. The Court thus finds it appropriate to award Plaintiffs $3,037.50 in 2 audit fees. 3 5. 4 ERISA further requires that a court award reasonable attorneys’ fees in an 5 unpaid-contribution action. Id. § 1132(g)(2)(D). The Ninth Circuit has recognized 6 that “attorney’s fees are no longer discretionary in § 1132(g)(2) cases.” Operating 7 Eng’rs Pension Trust v. Reed, 726 F.2d 513, 514 (9th Cir. 1984). A court calculates reasonable attorneys’ fees using a “hybrid lodestar / 8 9 Attorneys’ fees and litigation costs multiplier approach.” McElwaine v. US W., Inc., 176 F.3d 1167, 1173 (9th Cir. 10 1999). First, one multiplies the number of hours reasonably expended on the litigation 11 by a reasonable hourly rate. D’Emanuele v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 904 F.2d 1379, 12 1383 (9th Cir. 1990), overruled on other grounds by Burlington v. Dague, 505 U.S. 13 557 (1992). Second, the court may increase or decrease the lodestar amount after 14 assessing the factors enunciated by the Ninth Circuit in Kerr v. Screen Extras Guild, 15 Inc., 526 F.2d 67, 70 (9th Cir.1975). D’Emanuele, 904 F.2d at 1383. 16 Plaintiffs seek $44,265.66 in hourly attorneys’ fees (including paralegal work) 17 and $5,284.66 in litigation expenses. But in an accompanying declaration, Plaintiffs 18 list $38,981.00 in attorneys’ and paralegal fees. Plaintiffs submitted billing records 19 for each of the attorneys and paralegals that worked on the case. 20 A review of the billing records reveals that a significant portion of the hours 21 were spent on Gartel’s bankruptcy matter—a separate, though partially related, case. 22 It appears that 99.3 hours were spent exclusively on this case. Multiplying those 23 hourly totals by the various billing rates results in $22,467.00 in attorneys’ and 24 paralegal fees—an average of $226.25 per hour. 25 Plaintiffs $22,467.00 in attorneys’ and paralegal fees. 26 Attorney/Paralegal Total Hours Years out of Law School Hourly Rate Total 27 JLS 43.4 7 $220 $9,526 28 JLS 28.4 7 $240 $6,816 7 The Court accordingly awards 1 JPM 14 8 $220 $3,080 2 MTB 0 5 $195 $0 3 SGL 4.6 21 $280 $1,288 4 SGL 4.4 21 $300 $1,320 5 KAM 3.4 n/a $95 $323 6 NEW 1.2 n/a $95 $114 7 Plaintiff’s requested costs include process-server fees, copying, postage, 8 mileage, parking, scanning, faxing, printing, legal research, a filing fee, and subpoena 9 fees. The Court agrees that Gartel must reimburse Plaintiffs for most of these costs. 10 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(2)(D)–(E). 11 associated with the bankruptcy matter, and other computations are unreasonably high. 12 But the Court notes again that some costs are The Court therefore adjusts the costs and finds that $2,717.34 is a reasonable 13 cost award. 14 copying, faxing, printing, and scanning—not $0.25 per page. Plaintiffs also do not 15 apportion their PACER research, legal research, copying, printing, faxing, or scanning 16 between the bankruptcy matter and this case. The Court thus reduces each requested 17 amount by 50 percent. The mileage and parking charges similarly do not apply to this 18 case, so the Court excludes them. 19 Item Units Reasonable Cost Total 20 Process server 14 varies $535.00 21 Copies 1,147 $0.10 $114.70 22 Postage 8 Varies $71.70 23 Fax 22 $0.10 $2.20 24 Mileage 0 $0 $0 25 Legal research 10 varies $962.75 26 PACER varies varies $36.99 27 Parking 0 $0 $0 Printing 1,408 $0.10 $140.80 28 Specifically, the Court finds that $0.10 per page is reasonable for 8 1 Scanning 3,210 $0.10 $321.00 2 Subpoena costs 1 n/a $182.20 3 Filing fee 1 $350 $350.00 4 V. CONCLUSION 5 For the reasons discussed above, Plaintiffs’ Motion for Default Judgment is 6 GRANTED. Gartel shall pay Plaintiffs a total of $169,639.10 in damages and costs, 7 consisting of the following amounts: 8  $109,335.40 in unpaid contributions; 9  $10,214.78 in prejudgment interest; 10  $21,867.08 in liquidated damages; 11  $3,037.50 in audit fees; 12  $22,467.00 in attorneys’ fees; and 13  $2,717.34 in costs. 14 The Court will enter judgment in accordance with this order. 15 IT IS SO ORDERED. 16 17 April 19, 2013 18 19 20 21 ____________________________________ OTIS D. WRIGHT, II UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9

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