KGM Industries Co Inc v. Yigal Cohen Harel et al

Filing 27

ORDER by Judge Dean D. Pregerson: granting 16 defendant Yigal Cohen Harel Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (MD JS-6. Case Terminated) (lc). Modified on 10/30/2012 (lc).

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1 2 O 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 KGM INDUSTRIES CO., INC., a California corporation, 12 Plaintiff, 13 v. 14 15 16 17 YIGAL COHEN HAREL, an individual; INTEGRAL LOGISTICS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Defendants. ___________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. CV 12-03209 DDP (JEMx) ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS [Dkt. No. 16] 18 19 Presently before the court is Defendant Yigal Cohen Harel 20 (“Harel”)’s Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction. 21 considered the submissions of the parties, the court grants the 22 motion and adopts the following order. 23 I. 24 Having Background Plaintiff manufactures and distributes lighters and related 25 products. 26 owns United States Design Patent numbers D498,328 and D501,274 27 (Compl. ¶ 7, Exs. 1-2; Declaration of Yigal Cohen Harel in Support 28 of Motion ¶ 5.) (Complaint ¶ 6.) Defendant Harel, a Florida resident, Defendant Integral Logistics, LLC (“Integral”) is 1 a non-exclusive licensee of Harel’s patents. 2 (Harel Dec. ¶ 7.) On March 30, 2012, Harel’s counsel sent Plaintiff a letter 3 claiming that Plaintiff sells lighter and lighter inserts that 4 infringe upon Harel’s patents. 5 this action on April 12, 2012, seeking a declaratory judgment that 6 its products do not infringe upon Harel’s patents and that Harel’s 7 patents are invalid. 8 lack of personal jurisdiction. 9 II. 10 (Compl., Ex. 3.) Plaintiff filed Harel now moves to dismiss the complaint for Legal Standard In a patent case, Federal Circuit law determines whether this 11 court may exercise personal jurisdiction over a defendants. 12 Corp. v. Luker, 45 F.3d 1541, 1543 (Fed. Cir. 1995). 13 jurisdiction analysis under California’s long-arm statute, which 14 applies here, and federal law are the same. 15 v. Abby Software House, 626 F.3d 1222, 1230 (Fed. Cir. 2010). Akro The personal Nuance Commc’ns, Inc. 16 A court may only exercise personal jurisdiction over a foreign 17 defendant if the defendant has sufficient minimum contacts with the 18 forum to satisfy due process concerns. 19 326 U.S. 310, 316 (1945). 20 Avocent Huntsville Corp. v. Aten Int’l Co., Ltd., 552 F.3d 1324, 21 1330 (Fed. Cir. 2008). 22 proper, a plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant maintains 23 continuous and systematic contacts with the forum state. 24 establish specific jurisdiction, a plaintiff need only show that a 25 defendant has purposefully directed his activities at forum 26 residents and that the injuries alleged arise from or relate to 27 those activities. 28 then show some compelling reason why the exercise of personal Id. Int’l Shoe v. Washington, Jurisdiction may be general or specific. To show that general jurisdiction is Id. To Under Federal Circuit law, a defendant may 2 1 jurisdiction would be unreasonable. 2 Metabolite Labs., Inc., 444 F.3d 1356, 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2006). 3 III. Discussion Breckenridge Pharm., Inc. v. 4 A. 5 KGM argues that this court has general jurisdiction over Harel General Jurisdiction 6 under a “stream of commerce” theory. 7 commerce theory jurisprudence is unsettled. 8 Tech. Corp., 689 F.3d 1358, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2012). 9 the theory posits that, in the jurisdictional context, due process (Opp. at 8.) Stream of AFTG-TG,LLC v. Nuvoton One strand of 10 is satisfied where a defendant places a product in the stream of 11 commerce with the knowledge that the product is being marketed in 12 the forum state. 13 Court of California, Solano County, 480 U.S. 102, 107 (1987)). 14 competing formulation of the theory counsels that placement of a 15 product into the stream of commerce, without “something more,” is 16 insufficient to establish the minimum contacts necessary to satisfy 17 due process. 18 whether the facts of a given case support the exercise of personal 19 jurisdiction on a case-by-case basis, and should not specifically 20 apply either of the competing formulations of the stream of 21 commerce doctrine where the result is clear under either 22 interpretation. 23 Id., (citing Asahi v. Metal Ind. Co. v. Superior Id. A Under Federal Circuit law, a court must decide Id. at 1364. Under the facts of this case, there is no general jurisdiction 24 over Harel. There is no allegation or evidence that Harel 25 individually placed anything in the stream of commerce. 26 KGM acknowledges that only Integral, not Harel, markets and sells 27 28 3 Indeed, 1 products in California.1 2 that the licenses Harel granted to Integral are products in the 3 stream of commerce, KGM is mistaken. 4 a covenant not to sue, which never itself enters the stream of 5 commerce. 6 148 F.3d 1355, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 1998). 7 (Opp. at 7.) To the extent KGM suggests At best, Harel’s “product” is Red Wing Shoe Co., Inc. V. Hockerson-Halberstadt, Inc., KGM appears to suggest that Integral’s activities should be 8 imputed to Harel because Harel receives royalties from Integral’s 9 sales in California (Opp. at 7.) 10 authority for this proposition. 11 any constitutionally cognizable contacts with California, Harel’s 12 “receipt of royalty income from [his] licensees . . . is . . . 13 irrelevant.” 14 Nowhere does KGM cite any To the contrary, in the absence of Red Wing Shoe, 148 F.3d at 1361. KGM further asserts, without authority, that Harel is 15 responsible for Integral’s actions as Integral’s majority owner and 16 licensor of the patents-in-suit. 17 granting a license to an entity that does business in a particular 18 forum is not equivalent to doing business in that forum, and is 19 therefore insufficient to subject a licensor to personal 20 jurisdiction. 21 control does not eviscerate the separate corporate identity that is 22 the foundation of corporate law.”2 23 Inc. v., 394 F.3d 1143, 1149 (9th Cir. 2004). Id. KGM is mistaken. First, simply Second, the “mere fact of sole ownership and Katzir’s Floor and Home Design, 24 25 1 26 27 28 The court notes that KGM’s opposition interweaves and conflates arguments regarding the stream of commerce theory of general jurisdiction (Opp. at 7-9) with arguments regarding specific jurisdiction (Opp. at 9-10.). 2 KGM has not alleged that Integral is an alter ego of Harel. 4 1 Absent any indication that Harel had systematic contacts with 2 California or placed any product in the stream of commerce with the 3 knowledge that that product would be sold in California, there is 4 no general jurisdiction over Harel. 5 B. 6 Courts apply a three-prong test when determining whether Specific Jurisdiction 7 specific jurisdiction exists over a defendant. 8 at 1332. 9 directed its activities at residents of the forum, (2) the claim Avocent, 552 F.3d Courts look to whether “(1) the defendant purposefully 10 arises out of or relates to those activities, and (3) assertion of 11 personal jurisdiction is reasonable and fair.” 12 Id. As in its arguments regarding the stream of commerce theory, 13 KGM consistently and repeatedly conflates Integral’s activities 14 with Harel’s. 15 employed a sales agent in the state of California . . . .”).) 16 discussed above, the granting of a license is insufficient to hold 17 a patent owner liable for the actions of a licensee. 18 evidence of sales of a product covered by a relevant patent is 19 insufficient to confer specific jurisdiction over a patent holder 20 who merely receives royalty income. 21 (See, e.g. Opp. at 15 (“Harel and his company As Furthermore, Avocent, 55 F.3d at 1336. KGM further argues that Harel purposefully directed contact 22 with California residents by sending a cease and desist letter to 23 KGM. 24 patentee does “not subject itself to personal jurisdiction in a 25 forum solely by informing a party who happens to be located there 26 of suspected infringement.” 27 defendant must undertake “other activities directed at the forum 28 and related to the cause of action besides the letters threatening (Opp. at 14.) As KGM appears to recognize, however, a Avocent, 552 F.3d at 1333. 5 A 1 an infringement suit.” Id. (internal quotation and emphasis 2 omitted). 3 identifies no “other activities” that Harel individually directed 4 to California. 5 enforcement or defense of a patent, and may include exclusive 6 licensing agreements with parties residing or doing business with a 7 forum. 8 allegation that Integral is an exclusive licensee. 9 Dec. ¶ 7 (“Integral is currently a non-exclusive licensee . . . Aside from his licensing arrangements with Integral, KGM Other activities generally must relate to the Id. at 1334. Here, however, there is no evidence or (See also Harel 10 .”).) 11 directed activities toward residents of California sufficient to 12 justify the exercise of specific jurisdiction over Harel. KGM has failed to demonstrate that Harel individually 13 C. 14 A party is necessary if 1) the court cannot grant complete 15 relief in the absence of that party or 2) the party has an interest 16 in the subject of the action and resolution of the action without 17 that party would either prejudice the absent party or expose an 18 existing party to the risk of inconsistent obligations. 19 Civ. P. 19(a). 20 action are necessary parties. 21 F.3d 1213, 1217 (Fed. Cir. 2010). 22 party. 23 Whether Harel Is An Indispensable Party Fed. R. Generally, patentees in a declaratory judgment A123 Sys., Inc. v. Hydro-Quebec, 626 Harel is, therefore, a necessary As discussed above, this court lacks personal jurisdiction 24 over Harel. 25 the court must determine whether that party is indispensable, and 26 whether “in equity and good conscience,” the action should be 27 dismissed. 28 of joiner is not unique to patent law, regional circuit law Where, as here, a necessary party cannot be joined, Id. at 1220, Fed. R. Civ. P. 19(b). 6 Because the issue 1 applies. A123, 626 F.3d at 1220. The court must consider (1) the 2 extent to which a judgment rendered in a necessary party’s absence 3 might prejudice that party or the other parties, (2) the extent to 4 which the court could lessen or avoid any prejudice, (3) whether a 5 judgment rendered without the absent necessary party would be 6 adequate, and (4) whether the plaintiff has some other adequate 7 remedy. 8 Bishop Cmty. Colony v. City of Los Angeles, 637 F.3d 993, 1000 (9th 9 Cir. 2011). Fed. R. Civ. P. 19(b); see also Paiute-Shoshone Indians of The court must make a “practical examination of the 10 circumstances to determine whether an action may proceed.” 11 Shoshone, 637 F.3d at 1000. 12 Paiute- Here, Harel would be greatly prejudiced by a judgment rendered 13 in his absence. 14 has granted only a non-exclusive license to Integral.3 15 prevail, there does not appear to be any way that this court could 16 tailor the relief sought so as to minimize the prejudice to Harel 17 resulting from the invalidation of his design patents. 18 judgment in this court would certainly be adequate, KGM also has 19 adequate remedies elsewhere, such as Harel’s home state of Florida. 20 Thus, a balancing of the relevant factors compels the conclusion 21 that this action cannot, in equity and good conscience, proceed 22 without Harel, the holder of the patents currently in dispute. 23 Accordingly, this action should be dismissed. 24 /// 25 /// Harel is the holder of the patents at issue, and Were KGM to While a 26 3 27 28 In addition to the legal distinction between Harel and Integral, described above, Harel argues that, contrary to KGM’s assertion, he is neither the majority owner nor controlling director of Integral. (Harel Reply Dec. ¶ 3.) 7 1 2 3 IV. Conclusion For the reasons stated above, Defendant Harel’s Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED. 4 5 6 7 8 IT IS SO ORDERED. 9 10 11 Dated:October 30, 2012 DEAN D. PREGERSON United States District Judge 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8

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