Kurt Casadine et al v. Maxim Healthcare Services Inc et al

Filing 36

PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The Court Orders the terms of the parties Stipulated Protective Order Regarding Confidential Information. (32) [SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS] (gr)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 12 KURT CASADINE on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, Assigned to the Honorable Dolly M. Gee 13 14 Plaintiffs, vs. 15 16 17 18 Case No. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWx) MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES, INC., a Maryland Corporation and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, PROTECTIVE ORDER DISCOVERY MATTER Defendants. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 In light of Plaintiff Kurt Casadine and Defendant Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc.’s (collectively, “the Parties”) Stipulated Protective Order, and good 4 cause appearing, the Court hereby grants the Parties’ stipulation and hereby orders 5 as follows: 6 7 1. This Stipulated Protective Order governing the treatment of 8 confidential information (the “Order”) shall govern the handling of all documents, 9 testimony and discovery responses, including all copies, excerpts and summaries 10 11 thereof (collectively “Material”), provided during the course of the above-captioned 12 case (the “Litigation”) by the Parties to the Litigation or by non-parties, either 13 voluntarily or as required by discovery requests made pursuant to the Federal Rules 14 15 16 17 of Civil Procedure. 2. Whether or not designated as “Confidential Material,” “Attorneys- Eyes Only Confidential Material,” or “HIPAA Confidential Material” as defined in 18 19 Paragraphs 6 and 7, all documents and information obtained through this lawsuit 20 shall be used only for the purposes of investigating, preparing for and conducting 21 the Litigation in which such Material is produced, including any appeals thereof, 22 23 and shall not be used by the Parties or any other person for any commercial, 24 business, competitive or other purpose without the prior written consent of the 25 Producing Person or their counsel. 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 3. This Stipulation and Order is supported for good cause. This Order is necessary in order to protect certain “Confidential Material” of the parties as 1 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 defined in Paragraphs 6 and 7 below. In addition, as a “Covered Entity” under HIPAA, as that term is defined in the Standards for Privacy of Individually 4 Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) at 45 C.F.R. §106.103, and 5 pursuant to other applicable federal and state laws, Defendant Maxim is obligated 6 7 to protect its clients’ Personal Health Information (“PHI”), as defined under the 8 Privacy Rule at 45 C.F.R. §106.103, in accordance with the Privacy Rule and the 9 Security Standards Regulations (“Security Rule”), see 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164, 10 11 as well as other confidential information, from unauthorized disclosure and use. 12 Disclosure and use of PHI is authorized only under certain conditions specified in 13 the Privacy Rule and Security Rule. The Privacy Rule and Security Rule allow the 14 15 use and disclosure of PHI under these circumstances, provided the parties stipulate 16 to, and a court orders, a “Qualified Protective Order.” 45 C.F.R. 17 §§164.512(e)(1)(ii)(B) and 164.512(e)(1)(iv)(A). A “Qualified Protective Order” is 18 19 an order that prohibits the use or disclosure of PHI for any purpose other than the 20 litigation for which such information was requested, and requires the return of 21 documents (and all copies) containing PHI at the conclusion of the litigation. 45 22 23 C.F.R. 164.512(e)(1)(v). The parties agree, and the Court finds, that under the 24 circumstances set forth in this Order, the parties are permitted to request, disclose, 25 or use Maxim’s clients’ PHI in the above-referenced litigation to obtain relevant 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO information regarding Plaintiff’s claims or Maxim’s defenses. In agreeing to this Order, however, neither party waives any objection to the request, disclosure, or use 2 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 of PHI or any other Confidential Material covered by this Order pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 4. The provisions of this Order shall apply to any “person,” which, as used herein, shall include (a) all Parties to the Litigation, and (b) any other person or entity receiving, producing or disclosing Material in the Litigation. 5. This Order shall not apply to any document, testimony or other information that: (a) is in the public domain at the time of disclosure; (b) becomes 10 11 part of the public domain through no fault of the other party; or (c) the receiving 12 party can show by written document that the information was in its rightful and 13 lawful possession at the time of disclosure. 14 15 6. Any person who produces Material (a “Producing Person”) may at any 16 time designate as “Confidential,” “Attorneys-Eyes Only Confidential,” or “HIPAA 17 Confidential” (collectively, “Confidential Material”), as applicable, any non-public 18 19 Material that such person produces in the course of the Litigation that such 20 Producing Person believes in good faith to contain Confidential Material. 21 Confidential Material means Trade Secrets, confidential and proprietary business 22 23 and financial information, and confidential personal information, including: (1) 24 non-public information about any individual or individuals, including social 25 security numbers, dates of birth, addresses or other personal contact information, 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO HIPAA-protected Personal Health Information (“PHI”), personnel records, evaluations, compensation levels, databases, surveys, statistical analysis, analyses 3 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 of personnel practices, or other information incorporating or aggregating information pertaining to individuals not party to this litigation; (2) non-public 4 information about any client or customer of Defendant, including financial 5 information, business plans, and contractual agreements; (3) personally identifiable 6 7 information about employees, clients or customers of Defendant; and (4) non-public 8 information and documents regarding Defendant’s selling and marketing practices, 9 business plans, compensation practices, hiring and training practices, methods of 10 11 doing business, policies and procedures, programs and agreements, and private 12 information regarding Defendant’s current and former agents, employees and 13 customers, the disclosure of which may result in serious injury to Defendant’s 14 15 business. A “Trade Secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, 16 compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that: (1) derives 17 independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to 18 19 the public or to other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or 20 use; and (2) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to 21 maintain its secrecy. In addition, any Party may designate as “Confidential” any 22 23 Material that is produced by any other Party or any third party that such Party 24 believes in good faith contains Confidential Material as set forth above. Each Party 25 shall have thirty (30) days from the actual receipt of any Material produced by any 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO other Party or any third party to designate any such Material as “Confidential.” During this thirty (30)-day period, any person receiving any such Material shall 4 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 treat that Material as “Confidential” under the terms of this Order. Any Material designated as “Confidential” in accordance with this Order also will render 4 “Confidential” any copies, excerpts, summaries or other documents reflecting or 5 referring to the substance or contents of such Material. 6 7 7. “Attorneys-Eyes Only Confidential” Material means Material that the 8 Court ordered Defendant to produce on November 4, 2013 in a supplemental 9 response to Plaintiff’s Interrogatory No. 1, including the names, addresses and 10 11 telephone numbers of putative class members. (Docket No. 31). Such material also 12 includes any highly confidential, sensitive material the disclosure of which to 13 anyone other than Plaintiff’s attorneys could result in irreparable harm. By entering 14 15 into this protective order, Plaintiff’s counsel agree that they will not disclose to 16 Plaintiff or his agents (other than the undersigned counsel) the contact information 17 of any current or former Maxim employees. 18 19 20 21 8. Confidential Material shall be subject to the following restrictions: (a) Confidential Material shall not be given, shown, made available or communicated in any way to anyone except those Qualified Persons specified in 22 23 24 25 sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) below to whom it is necessary that such Confidential Material be given or shown for the purposes permitted under Paragraph 2 above. (b) “Confidential” or “HIPAA Confidential” Material may be 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO disclosed, for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 2 above, only to a “Qualified Person,” defined as follows: 5 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 (i) 2 paralegal and other staff employed by such counsel who 3 are assisting in the conduct of the Litigation; 4 5 (ii) 6 the Parties and those officers and employees of the Parties deemed necessary to aid counsel in the conduct of the 7 Litigation, subject to Paragraph 9 below; 8 9 counsel of record for the Parties and attorneys, clerical, (iii) witnesses (other than Parties) during any interview, 10 deposition, hearing or informal meeting conducted by 11 counsel for a Party subject to Paragraph 8 below; 12 13 (iv) such consultants and experts retained by the Parties, or 14 their respective counsel, as they, in good faith, deem 15 16 necessary to provide assistance in connection with the 17 conduct of the Litigation, subject to Paragraph 9 below; 18 19 (v) Paragraph 16 below; 20 21 the Court, court personnel, and jurors, subject to (vi) court reporters and their employees used in connection 22 23 24 25 with the conduct of the Litigation; (vii) mediators and their employees used in connection with any efforts to mediate the Litigation; 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 6 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 4 (c) “Attorney-Eyes Only Confidential” Material may be disclosed, for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 2 above, only to a “Qualified Person,” defined as follows: 5 (i) 6 counsel of record for the Parties and attorneys, clerical, paralegal and other staff employed by such counsel who 7 are assisting in the conduct of the Litigation; 8 9 (ii) the Court, court personnel, and jurors, subject to 10 Paragraph 16 below; 11 (d) 12 13 Confidential Material shall not be provided to counsel, consultants or expert witnesses employed by the Parties in any other litigation or 14 15 administrative proceeding or used for any purposes other than investigating, 16 preparing for, and conducting the Litigation, including any appeals thereof. If any 17 such counsel, consultant or expert witness also is counsel, a consultant or an expert 18 19 20 21 witness in the Litigation, such counsel, consultant or expert witness shall not use any Confidential Material in any other litigation or administrative proceeding. 9. Except for the Parties, those Qualified Persons described in 22 23 subparagraphs 8(b)(ii) through 8(b)(iv) above to whom Confidential Material is 24 disclosed shall first be provided with a copy of this Order and advised that such 25 Confidential Material is being disclosed pursuant to and subject to the terms of this 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO Order, and that Confidential Material may not be disclosed other than pursuant to the terms hereof. Qualified Persons to whom Confidential Material is disclosed 7 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 shall further execute the attached “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” before such persons may be given access to Confidential Material. It shall be the 4 responsibility of counsel providing such access to Confidential Material to provide 5 each Qualified Person to whom Confidential Material is disclosed a copy of this 6 7 Order and the attached “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound,” and to 8 retain a signed copy in counsel’s files. Any Qualified Person to whom Confidential 9 Material is provided pursuant to this Paragraph shall destroy such Confidential 10 11 12 13 Material no later than sixty (60) days after the termination of the Litigation, including any appeals thereof, and provide written confirmation of the same. 10. If a Party inadvertently discloses Confidential Material to anyone who 14 15 is not a Qualified Person, such disclosure shall be reported in writing to the 16 Producing Person who produced such inadvertently disclosed Confidential Material 17 within five (5) business days of knowledge of such inadvertent production. In that 18 19 event, counsel for the Party who made the inadvertent disclosure shall make all 20 reasonable efforts to retrieve the Confidential Material and any documents 21 containing such Confidential Material and to obtain the agreement of persons to 22 23 24 25 whom inadvertent disclosure was made to treat the Confidential Material in accordance with the terms of this Order. 11. All documents and things that are produced in the Litigation, whether 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO voluntarily or as required under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, if such documents or things contain Confidential Material, shall bear a stamp stating 8 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 “Confidential,” “Attorneys-Eyes Only Confidential” or “HIPAA Confidential,” on each page of any such document or on a sticker affixed to any such tangible thing, 4 unless such designation would be unduly burdensome, in which case the 5 designating party may designate the categories of documents that contain such 6 7 material (e.g., all email communications or all “flow sheets” for a Plaintiff). The 8 parties agree that any documents contained therein which may contain HIPAA 9 Confidential Material shall be redacted before filing with any Court pleading or 10 11 12 13 filed under seal. 12. Documents or testimony previously provided shall be retroactively designated by notice in writing of the appropriate confidentiality designation within 14 15 sixty (60) days of the entry of this Order. Documents unintentionally produced 16 without the applicable confidentiality designation may be retroactively designated 17 in the same manner and shall be treated appropriately from the date written notice 18 19 of the designation is provided to the receiving party. Documents to be inspected 20 shall be treated as confidential during inspection. At the time of copying for the 21 receiving party, such inspected document shall be stamped with the appropriate 22 23 24 25 confidentiality designation by the producing party. 13. (a) Upon written notice by the Producing Person within fifteen (15) business days of learning of the inadvertent or unintentional disclosure of 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO attorney-client or work product Material, which Material will be specified by identifying the Bates number designations or such other information as to 9 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 reasonably describe the Material, the Producing Person shall notify the Receiving Party that such Material was unintentionally disclosed. Such inadvertent or 4 unintentional production, absent a further court order, shall not constitute a waiver 5 of the attorney-client privilege or work-product immunity. 6 (b) 7 Thereafter, the Receiving Party shall return within five 8 (5) business days the originals and all copies of the Material specified in the 9 aforesaid written notice, subject to Paragraph (c) below. 10 (c) 11 If, however, the Receiving Party disagrees that the Material is 12 protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege or work-product 13 immunity, or asserts that there has been an intentional waiver of privilege or 14 15 immunity which encompasses the Material, the Receiving Party may move the 16 Court, within fifteen (15) business days of the Producing Person’s written notice of 17 inadvertent or unintentional disclosure, for an order that such Material be produced, 18 19 in which case, the Party claiming the privilege or immunity shall have the burden of 20 proving that such privilege or immunity exists. The Receiving Party shall not use 21 or rely upon any such Material until after the resolution of any such motion by the 22 23 24 25 Court. (d) If the Receiving Party fails to file the aforesaid motion in a timely fashion, then the Receiving Party, within five (5) business days after the 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO time to file said motion has expired, will return the originals and all copies of the Materials that were not previously returned. 10 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 (e) Notwithstanding the foregoing procedure, the parties agree that with respect to voluminous electronically stored information (“ESI”) produced in 4 electronic form (e.g., all email communications of Plaintiff), the parties agree that 5 pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 502(d), attorney-client privilege and work 6 7 product protection shall not be waived pursuant to this Court-approved Order. 8 Clawback of any attorney-client or work product documents from voluminous ESI 9 productions shall take place in accordance with the time frames set forth in 10 11 12 13 Paragraphs 13(a) and (b) above. 14. In the event it becomes necessary at a deposition or hearing to show any Confidential Material to a witness, as described in sub-paragraph 14 15 8(b)(iii) above, any testimony related to the Confidential Material shall be deemed 16 to be Confidential Material, and the pages and lines of the transcript that set forth 17 such testimony shall be stamped as set forth in Paragraph 11 of this Order. 18 19 15. Testimony or exhibits disclosed at a deposition may be designated as 20 Confidential Material by the person providing such testimony, by a Party or by a 21 Producing Person, if such person either: 22 23 24 25 (a) identifies on the record at the deposition those portions of the testimony or exhibits that are designated as Confidential Material, or (b) provides written notification to all Parties within thirty (30) days 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO after receipt of the transcript as to those pages and lines of the transcript or exhibits that are designated as Confidential Material. The entire transcript of any deposition 11 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 shall be treated as Confidential Material until thirty (30) days after the transcript is received. Each page of deposition transcript and exhibit designated as Confidential 4 Material, and any copies thereof, shall be stamped, as set forth in Paragraph 11 5 above, by the court reporter or counsel. 6 7 16. No party may file an entire pleading under seal, but selected 8 documents containing unredacted Confidential Material may be filed under seal 9 with the prior permission of the Court. The Party seeking to file documents 10 11 containing unredacted Confidential Material with the Court must move the Court 12 for leave to file such documents under seal in accordance with the Local Rules and 13 the Court’s Case Management Procedures. At the time of filing or any time 14 15 thereafter, such material shall be placed in a sealed envelope, which shall be 16 marked with the title of the action and shall state the following: “THIS 17 ENVELOPE CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION – SUBJECT TO 18 19 PROTECTIVE ORDER.” The Party that files unredacted Confidential Information 20 under seal shall, within five (5) business days of the filing, file a public version of 21 the sealed document with the Confidential Material redacted. 22 23 17. Except for Class Member Information specified in Paragraph 7, no 24 Party concedes that any Material designated by any other person as Confidential 25 Material under any provision of this Order does, in fact, contain or reflect trade 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO secrets, proprietary or confidential information or has been properly designated as Confidential Material, and entering into this Order shall not prejudice, in any way, 12 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 the right of a Party or an interested member of the public to seek at any time a determination by the Court of whether any particular Material should be subject to 4 the terms of this Order. If the Court determines that any Material designated as 5 Confidential Material is not Confidential, any receiving person may treat the 6 7 8 9 Material without any restriction. 18. A Party shall not be obligated to challenge the propriety of the designation of Material as Confidential Material at the time made, and failure to do 10 11 so shall not preclude a subsequent challenge thereof. In the event that any Party to 12 this action disagrees at any stage of these proceedings with the designation by the 13 designating party of any information as “Confidential Material” or the designation 14 15 of any person as a “Qualified Person,” the parties shall first try to resolve such 16 dispute in good faith on an informal basis, such as production of redacted copies. If 17 the dispute cannot be resolved, the objecting party may invoke this protective Order 18 19 by objecting in writing to the party who has designated the document or 20 information as Confidential Material. The parties shall meet and confer regarding 21 the written objection. The objecting party shall be required to move the Court for 22 23 an Order challenging the designated status of such information within fifteen 24 (15) business days of issuing the written objection, and failure to do so shall 25 constitute a waiver of the objection. The parties may, by stipulation, provide for 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO exceptions to this protective Order and any party may seek an order from the Court modifying this protective Order. Until the issue is resolved by the parties or the 13 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Court, “Confidential Material”“Attorneys-Eyes Only Confidential” and “HIPAA Confidential,” shall be treated as designated and shall not otherwise be disclosed. 19. Should any non-party seek access to Confidential Material produced in the Litigation, by request, subpoena or otherwise, the Party or other recipient of the Confidential Material from whom such access is sought, as applicable, shall 8 promptly notify the Producing Person who produced such Confidential Material of 9 such requested access. If any Receiving Party (a) is subpoenaed in another action, 10 11 or (b) is served with a demand in another action to which he, she, or it is a party, or 12 (c) is served with any other legal process by one not a Party to this Litigation 13 seeking Confidential Material which was produced, the Receiving Party shall give 14 15 actual written notice, by hand, electronic mail, or facsimile transmission, within 16 five (5) business days of receipt of such subpoena, demand or legal process, to 17 those who produced or designated the Material. The Receiving Party shall not 18 19 produce any of the Producing Person’s Confidential Material, unless ordered by a 20 court to do so, until the later of (i) the date of production specified in, or required 21 by, the subpoena, demand or other legal process or (ii) the date that any objection 22 23 by the Producing Party to production of the Confidential Material is resolved by the 24 Court. The Producing Person shall be solely responsible for asserting any objection 25 to the requested production. 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 20. HIPAA Confidential Material shall be subject to the following additional restrictions: 14 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 (a) PHI as defined by the Privacy Rule, see 45 C.F.R. §160.103, which includes individually identifying health information about any of Maxim’s 4 current or former clients that directly or indirectly identifies an individual, 5 including, but not limited to, the full name of the client, the residential address of 6 7 the client, any type of contact information of the client (including but not limited to 8 phone numbers, email addresses or mailing addresses), the names or contact 9 information of the client’s family members, the social security number of the client, 10 11 12 13 and all medical records or other medical information related to the client, shall be HIPAA Confidential Material. (b) Any declaration filed by the parties in this action shall not 14 15 disclose any HIPAA Confidential Material. Any current or former Maxim client 16 shall be identified in such declarations filed in the Court by a fictitious name only. 17 Plaintiff’s counsel shall provide to Maxim’s counsel the real first name and last 18 19 20 21 initial of the client upon filing of the declaration. (c) No documents that contain HIPAA Confidential Material shall be filed with the Court, unless the PHI and other identifying information (as set 22 23 24 25 forth Paragraph 20(a) above) is redacted or the documents are filed under seal. (d) Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s Counsel, and putative class members will not contact any client of Maxim to whom Maxim is providing healthcare services 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO unless a separate Court Order is issued approving such communications. Maxim reserves the right to object to any such communications. 15 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 (e) With respect to any external employees of Maxim who are providing healthcare services to Maxim’s clients, Plaintiff’s Counsel may contact 4 any current or former external employees disclosed by Maxim in its discovery 5 responses regarding the subject matter of this litigation. Plaintiff’ counsel agrees to 6 7 read the Prefatory Statement attached to this Order prior to beginning any interview 8 which shall advise the external employee not to disclose any HIPAA-protected 9 information and not to disclose other Confidential Business Information of Maxim 10 11 12 unless such information relates to the external employee’s personal knowledge of Home Health Aide’s job duties. 13 (f) Any HIPAA Confidential Material disclosed in this Litigation 14 15 shall be used solely for purpose of this Litigation, and unless the Court rules 16 otherwise, such information shall not be disclosed to any person other than the 17 Qualified Persons listed in Paragraph 8(b) of this Order. All such HIPAA material 18 19 20 21 shall be returned or destroyed at the conclusion of this litigation pursuant to Paragraph 25. 21. Nothing in this Order constitutes or may be interpreted as a waiver by 22 23 any party of the attorney-client privilege, attorney work product protection, or any 24 other privilege. 25 22. Any dispute including any effort to contest the designation of 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO Confidential Material, shall be resolved by motion before the Court upon not less than fifteen (15) business days’ written notice, or such other notice period as the 16 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 Court may Order to the Parties and the person who produced the Confidential Material at issue. 23. 4 5 6 7 Prior to the use of any Confidential Material at any hearing to be held in open court, counsel who desires to so use such Confidential Material shall take reasonable steps to preserve the confidentiality of the material and to submit a 8 motion to file under seal at or immediately following the hearing for the portion of 9 the record and/or any exhibits that contain Confidential Material. 10 24. 11 12 This Order shall continue to be binding throughout and after the conclusion of the Litigation, including any appeals. 13 25. Within sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the Litigation, including 14 15 all appeals, all Confidential Material, and all copies thereof, shall be destroyed. 16 Counsel for the applicable Parties shall certify, in writing, that all such Confidential 17 Material within their possession or control has been destroyed. Notwithstanding 18 19 the foregoing, counsel for the Parties may retain pleadings, other papers filed with 20 the Court or served in the course of the Litigation, interrogatories and responses, 21 requests for production and the responses thereto, deposition transcripts and work 22 23 product, subject to the limitations concerning their use stated herein. This 24 Paragraph shall not apply to Confidential Material filed with and in the possession 25 /// 26 27 /// 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 17 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX) 1 2 3 4 5 of the Court, which strictly and fully enforces Local Rule 26.2(g) concerning the disposition of restricted documents. FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, IT IS SO ORDERED: December 27, 2013 6 7 8 9 By Hon. Carla M. Woehrle U.S. Magistrate Judge 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 M ORGAN , L EWIS & B OCKIUS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 18 [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. CV 12-10078-DMG (CWX)

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