Rupa Marya v. Warner Chappell Music Inc

Filing 37

APPLICATION for attorney Beth A. Landes to Appear Pro Hac Vice(PHV Fee of $325 receipt number 0973-12559680 paid.) filed by plaintiffs Good Morning to You Productions Corp, Rupa Marya, Robert Siegel. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Odenbreit, Katherine)

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Name and address: Beth A. Landes WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP 270 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA RUPA MARYA, et al., CASE NUMBER CV 13-04460-GHK (MRWx) v. Plaintiff(s) WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC, INC., Defendant(s). APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS (1) Complete Section I of this Application, sign the certification in Section II, and have your designated Local Counsel sign in Section III; note that electronic signatures are not accepted. Space to supplement your responses is provided in Section IV. Attach a Certificate of Good Standing (issued within the last 30 days) from every state bar to which you are admitted. Scan the completed and signed Application, with attachment(s), to a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file. (2) Have your Local Counsel e-file your Application, using the Court's CM/ECF System, and submit a Proposed Order (using Form G-64 ORDER, available from the Court's website). (3) Submit payment in the amount of $325 for each case in which you file an Application. Payment may be submitted at the time of e-filing through, or by delivering payment to the Clerk's Office (Attn: Fiscal) with a copy of the e-filed Application. If your payment is not received within 5 days of the filing of your Application, your Application may be rejected. You will not be allowed to participate as an attorney of record in this case until your payment is received. SECTION I - INFORMATION Landes, Beth A. Applicant's Name (Last Name, First Name & Middle Initial) WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP Firm Name 270 Madison Avenue 212/545-4653 212/545-4600 Telephone Number Fax Number Street Address New York, NY 10016 E-Mail Address City, State, Zip Code I have been retained to represent the following parties: Good Morning To You Productions Corp., Plaintiff Defendant Other: Rupa Marya and Robert Siegel Plaintiff Defendant Other: Name(s) of Party(ies) Represented List all courts to which you have been admitted and the current status of your membership: Name of Court Date of Admission Active Member in Good Standing? (if not, please explain) State of New York 1/20/2011 Yes Southern District of New York 06/7/2011 Yes Second Circuit Court of Appeals 11/2/2011 Yes G–64 (06/13) APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE Page 1 of 3 7)'8-32 ---  ()7-+2%8-32 3* 03'%0 '3927)0 3HIRFVIMX /EXLIVMRI . (IWMKRII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•  %440-'%8-32 3* 2326)7-()28 %88362)= 83 %44)%6 -2 % 74)'-*-' '%7) 463 ,%' :-') 4EKI  SJ  S/ale of Xew 9orA Ipp 7 Supreme Gour4 [ el/ale Zioision )epar/rnenl 7±irJ2udciaf 7 9?oerI 2). WCayferyer, (JlerJo/!Le /Ippe//a!e /),icion o/!/e cSupreme Gout’! o//Je cS/ale o/Xw ‘9orle 74irJ/io(/ciaf /)epaz’!menl, do 1ez’e/4 cer!1/y lJal 73eiI 7JfexarnJra IBanJes atidsuscz ef!/e Gons!iu!inalUaL4 o/U/,Ie as prescri/Jed /y law, was dz4 I ensedanJaJiniHeJ/opraefiee /y iL Gout’! as an 7 Ifiorney and Counselor a! Law th a/f cour!s o,/!/e cS/ale of Xw “9orI; on !J’Je 20i’ Jay of5’anuary, 2011, is curren/ly in yooc/s/anc/thy anJi reyts/et ‘e(Iwi/I; iZe !dniiili’aiiie 7 (7ke of!I;e G as reuied/y sec!thn/our I;und’edsiy l 01 ei,qJ/-a o//I;e c%dk’lazy Law. /aothy /aieI2 S7 Z&i/ness 2)Ziereo/ J I;ereunlo sal my 1ai2d’ laoe 7 anda/ftec/lI;e cSealo/saiJGour4 i 1 G ofI/&zny, 2013. lI;i a! lI;e 7/1’ dzy o/!Auyas4

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