Vossen Wheels, Inc v. Toprich (U.S.A.), Inc. et al

Filing 14

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION by Judge Audrey B. Collins: NOTE: CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT. GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, and upon consideration of Plaintiff Vossen Wheels, Inc.'s Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and Order to Show Cause (OSC) for a Preliminary Injunction, and its supporting papers, and there being no opposition the Court hereby GRANTS Plaintiff Vossen Wheels, Inc.'s Motion and it is ORDERED that Defendants Toprich (U.S.A.), Inc. d oing business as Redline Wheels, Inc., JAT Wheels, Inc. doing business as STR Racing, A Spec Wheels & Tires, LLC, Alicia Luo, and John Does 1-10 (hereinafter collectively "Defendants") show cause before this Court on November 4, 2013 at 10: 00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why a preliminary injunction should not be issued herein pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 65 that, pending trial on this action, orders Defendants and their agents, servants, employees, attorneys a nd all persons in active concert and participation with Defendants, to 1. restrain from: (see document for further details). This Order to Show Cause shall be served on Defendant by no later than October 25, 2013 by overnight carrier or hand-deli very. The following briefing schedule shall apply: Any opposition papers to the Order to Show Cause shall be filed and served on plaintiff no later than October 29, 2013. Any reply papers to such opposition shall be filed and served on Defendants by no later than October 30, 2013. Date: October 24, 2013, At: 11:33 a.m. (bm)

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1 Gary M. Anderson (State Bar No. 97385) ganderson@fulpat.com 2 James Juo (State Bar No. 193852) jjuo@fulpat.com 3 FULWIDER PATTON LLP Howard Hughes Center 4 6060 Center Drive, Tenth Floor Los Angeles, California 90045 5 Telephone: (310) 824-5555 Facsimile: (310) 824-9696 6 Attorneys for PLAINTIFF 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 WESTERN DIVISION 11 VOSSEN WHEELS, INC., Case No. 2:13-CV-7747-ABC (CWx) Plaintiff, 12 [PROPOSED] ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION v. 13 14 TOPRICH (U.S.A.), INC. D/B/A REDLINE WHEELS, INC.; JAT Courtroom: 680 Judge: Audrey B. Collins 15 WHEELS, INC. D/B/A STR RACING; A SPEC WHEELS & TIRES, LLC; 16 ALICIA LUO; AND DOES 1-10, Defendants. 17 18 NOTE: CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, and upon consideration of Plaintiff Vossen 19 20 Wheels, Inc.’s Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and 21 Order to Show Cause (OSC) for a Preliminary Injunction, and its supporting papers, 22 and there being no opposition the Court hereby GRANTS Plaintiff Vossen 23 Wheels, Inc.’s Motion and it is ORDERED that Defendants Toprich (U.S.A.), Inc. 24 doing business as Redline Wheels, Inc., JAT Wheels, Inc. doing business as STR 25 Racing, A Spec Wheels & Tires, LLC, Alicia Luo, and John Does 1-10 (hereinafter 26 collectively “Defendants”) show cause before this Court on November 4, 2013 at 27 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why a preliminary 28 injunction should not be issued herein pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 65 that, pending 707909.1 PROPOSED ORDER FOR OSC CIVIL ACTION NO. 13 CV 7747 ABC (CWx) 1 1 trial on this action, orders Defendants and their agents, servants, employees, 2 attorneys and all persons in active concert and participation with Defendants, to 3 1. 4 restrain from: a. making, using, selling, offering for sale, holding for sale, 5 shipping, importing, advertising, marketing, and promoting any wheel, 6 including but not limited to the STR-613 wheel, that infringes Plaintiff’s U.S. 7 Patent No. D681,541 (“the '541 patent”); 8 b. making, using, selling, offering for sale, holding for sale, 9 shipping, importing, advertising, marketing, and promoting the STR-613 10 wheel that Plaintiff alleges are advertised, marketed, and/or promoted by 11 Defendants using Plaintiff’s well-known trademark VOSSEN (hereinafter 12 “the VOSSEN mark”); and 13 c. using Plaintiff’s VOSSEN mark to sell, advertise, market, and 14 promote any other vehicle wheel products; 15 2. immediately destroy all remaining products, advertisements, circulars, 16 brochures or other promotional or advertising items, web site or other materials for 17 its infringing wheels; 18 3. remove all signage and deliver up for destruction all materials and 19 matter in its possession or custody or under its control that infringe Plaintiff's 20 VOSSEN mark, including, without limitation, all advertising and promotional 21 materials; 22 4. promptly eliminate all advertising under or bearing the VOSSEN mark 23 or any other confusingly similar designations from all media including, but not 24 limited to, newspapers, flyers, coupons, signs, promotions, and Internet sites, 25 including but not limited to Facebook® pages and Twitter® accounts and postings, 26 all at Defendants’ cost; 27 5. correct its advertising in a form, manner, and frequency that is 28 acceptable to Plaintiff and the Court; 707909.1 PROPOSED ORDER FOR OSC CIVIL ACTION NO. 13 CV 7747 ABC (CWx) 2 1 6. pay to Plaintiff costs and expenses, including but not limited to 2 reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by Plaintiff in connection with this action, based 3 on the Court’s finding that Defendants’ actions were willfully in disregard to 4 Plaintiff’s rights; and 5 7. file with the Court and serve upon Plaintiff’s counsel within ten (10) 6 days after entry of any injunction or order issued herein, a written report, under oath, 7 setting forth in detail the manner in which they have complied with such injunction 8 or order. 9 This Order to Show Cause shall be served on Defendant by no later than 10 October 25, 2013 by overnight carrier or hand-delivery. The following briefing 11 schedule shall apply: Any opposition papers to the Order to Show Cause shall be 12 filed and served on plaintiff no later than October 29, 2013. Any reply papers to 13 such opposition shall be filed and served on Defendants by no later than October 14 30, 2013. 15 16 17 Date: October 24, 2013 18 At: 11:33 a.m. __________________________________ 19 Judge of the United States District Court for the Central District of California 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 707909.1 PROPOSED ORDER FOR OSC CIVIL ACTION NO. 13 CV 7747 ABC (CWx) 3

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