Mike Marquez v. First National Collection Bureau, Inc.

Filing 23


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NOTE: CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT 1 2 3 4 5 Sean P. Flynn (SBN 220184) sflynn@gordonrees.com GORDON & REES, LLP 2211 Michelson Drive, Suite 400 Irvine, California 92612 Telephone: (949) 255-6950 Facsimile: (949) 474-2060 Attorneys for Defendant FIRST NATIONAL COLLECTION BUREAU, INC. 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 11 12 MIKE MARQUEZ, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, Plaintiff, 13 Case No: 2:14-cv-06252-DMG-PLA STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER vs. 14 15 FIRST NATIONAL COLLECTION BUREAU, INC. 16 Defendant. 17 18 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between Plaintiff MIKE MARQUEZ 1 2 (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant FIRST NATIONAL COLLECTION BUREAU, INC. 3 (“Defendant”) through their respective attorneys of record, as follows: GOOD CAUSE STATEMENT 4 5 The parties expect that discovery in this action will encompass confidential and 6 proprietary documents and trade secrets of one or more parties, including without 7 limitation financial data such as sales data, revenues, costs, pricing structure, customer 8 information, purchasing information, tax returns, business strategies, and potentially 9 other non-public information, such as personal income, credit and other confidential 10 information of Plaintiff, Third Parties and/or witnesses. 11 THEREFORE, It is hereby stipulated, and the parties hereby request, that the 12 Court enter a protective order as follows: 13 I. SCOPE: 14 A. This Protective Order shall limit the use and/or disclosure of documents, 15 deposition testimony, and related information which are, or which embody 16 or disclose any information, designated hereunder as “CONFIDENTIAL” or 17 as “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” and shall apply to: 18 1. Order and all information contained therein; 19 20 All such documents so designated in accordance with this Protective 2. Portions of deposition testimony and transcripts and exhibits thereto 21 which include, refer, or relate to any designated “CONFIDENTIAL” 22 or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” information; 23 3. All information, copies, extracts, and complete or partial summaries 24 prepared or derived from information that was designated 25 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 26 ONLY”; and 27 28 4. Portions of briefs, memoranda, or any writing filed with or otherwise supplied to the Court under seal, which include or refer to any 1 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 information designated “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-- 2 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY”. 3 B. Any person (i.e., any individual or entity) designating documents, testimony, 4 or other information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-- 5 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” hereunder asserts that he, she, or it believes 6 in good faith that such material is his, her, or its Confidential Information 7 which is not otherwise available to the public generally, or is Confidential 8 Information which the person believes is or may be encompassed by a pre- 9 existing confidentiality agreement with any other person. 10 C. “Confidential Information” is defined as documents, material, or testimony 11 that is private or constitutes and/or relates to (a) trade secrets; (b) business 12 strategies, decisions, and/or negotiations; (c) financial, budgeting, and/or 13 accounting information; (d) customer information, including prospective 14 customers; and (e) marketing studies, proformas, projections, and similar 15 information relating to the value and/or potential value of stock, science and 16 technology, and/or other assets or liabilities. 17 D. Confidential Information ordinarily should be designated as 18 “CONFIDENTIAL” rather than “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 19 ONLY.” A “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” designation 20 is appropriate only where the Confidential Information is so extremely 21 sensitive in the context of this case that there is a real danger that the party 22 producing the information could be prejudiced if the information is disclosed 23 under the protection provided by a “CONFIDENTIAL” designation. 24 Examples of information warranting a “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ 25 EYES ONLY” designation are documents which contain, disclose, or reflect 26 trade secrets, sensitive customer information, business and marketing plans 27 and information, or similarly competitively sensitive information. 28 E. Nothing in this Order and no party’s designation of any document or 2 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ 2 EYES ONLY” shall be construed to constrain, preclude, or otherwise affect 3 in any manner the independent research and development, marketing, 4 product development, or other technical activities of the parties. 5 F. Nothing in this Order and no party’s designation of any document as 6 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 7 shall be construed to constrain, preclude, or otherwise affect the use 8 (including the ability to include the document or information in papers not 9 filed under seal) of another party’s documents which are duplicates of such 10 designated documents provided that such duplicate documents were lawfully 11 obtained by such party through means independent of the discovery process. 12 G. A party’s failure to designate a document as its Confidential Information 13 where the document was produced by another party and designated by the 14 producing party as that party’s Confidential Information shall not be 15 construed to waive the non-designating party’s claim, with respect to present 16 and future litigation between these or other parties, that the document 17 contains the non-designating party’s Confidential Information. 18 II. DESIGNATION OF DOCUMENTS AND DEPOSITIONS AS 19 “CONFIDENTIAL” OR “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY”: 20 A. Designation of a document as “CONFIDENTIAL” by the producing party 21 shall be made by conspicuously stamping or writing “CONFIDENTIAL” on 22 each page thereof. 23 B. Designation of a document as “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 24 ONLY” by the producing party shall be made by conspicuously stamping or 25 writing “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” on each page 26 thereof. 27 28 C. Designation of a deposition or other pretrial testimony, or portions thereof, as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 3 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 ONLY” shall be made by a statement on the record by counsel for the party 2 or other person making the claim of confidentiality at the time of such 3 testimony. The portions of depositions so designated as 4 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 5 shall be taken only in the presence of persons qualified to receive such 6 information pursuant to the terms of this Protective Order, the court reporter, 7 the deponent, and the deponent’s attorney. Failure of any person to comply 8 with a request to leave the deposition room will constitute sufficient 9 justification for the witness to refuse to answer any question calling for 10 disclosure of Confidential Information so long as persons not entitled by this 11 Protective Order to have access to such information are in attendance. 12 Thereafter, any counsel may reopen the deposition into areas which the 13 witness refused to answer after bringing a motion for protective order to 14 resolve whether the person who refused to leave the deposition should be 15 allowed to be present during questioning. After resolution of said motion, 16 counsel shall be allowed to continue said deposition with respect to the 17 questions, and lines of questioning, which the deponent refused to answer, 18 though the court may order that the deposition continue outside the presence 19 of the person who refused to leave the initial deposition. The applicable 20 portions of such deposition transcripts shall be clearly marked 21 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 22 on each page containing the Confidential Information. 23 D. Any party may designate documents or portions of deposition transcripts as 24 containing Confidential Information even if not initially marked as 25 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 26 in accordance with the terms of this Protective Order by so advising counsel 27 for each party in writing within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the receipt 28 of the document or deposition transcript which he, she, or it wishes to 4 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 designate as Confidential Information. Thereafter each such document or 2 transcript shall be treated in accordance with the terms of this Protective 3 Order. Any person served with written notice of any such designation of 4 previously produced documents or deposition transcripts as containing 5 Confidential Information shall thereafter treat such information as if it had 6 been designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-- 7 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” at the time he, she, or it first received it in 8 connection with this action and shall mark all copies of such documents in 9 his, her, or its possession accordingly. 10 11 III. LIMITATIONS ON DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: A. No Confidential Information shall be disclosed by anyone receiving such 12 information to anyone other than those persons designated herein, and in no 13 event shall Confidential Information be used, either directly or indirectly, by 14 anyone receiving such information for any business, commercial or 15 competitive purpose or for any purpose whatsoever other than the 16 preparation for or trial of this action in accordance with the provisions of this 17 Protective Order. 18 B. Confidential Information designated “CONFIDENTIAL” shall not be 19 disclosed by any person who has received such information through 20 discovery in this action to any other person except to: 21 1. Retained counsel for any party to this action and their respective 22 associates, clerks and employees involved in the conduct of this 23 litigation, but not including in-house counsel to either party, defined 24 as counsel regularly employed or paid by, or associated with, a party, 25 and/or whose offices are located within any premises of a party; 26 2. The parties hereto, and their present officers, directors and employees; 27 3. Outside experts and consultants retained by a party for the purpose of 28 preparing or assisting in this litigation, and their respective clerks and 5 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 employees involved in assisting them in this litigation, to the extent 2 deemed necessary by counsel; 3 4. Any person who actually was involved in the preparation of the 4 document or who appears on the face of the document as the author, 5 addressee, or other recipient or currently is affiliated with the party 6 that produced or appears to have prepared said document; 7 5. Court reporters and similar personnel, provided further that 8 Confidential Information filed with the Clerk of the Court shall be 9 sealed subject to release only by order of the Court or agreement of counsel; 10 11 6. Deponents with respect to whom the attorney for the examining party 12 believes in good faith that disclosure of Confidential Information 13 should be made in order to conduct relevant examination of such 14 deponent on topics about which the attorney in good faith believes the 15 deponent may have relevant information. In the case of a deponent 16 who was not an author or recipient of the Confidential Information, 17 and who has not previously agreed to be bound by the terms of this 18 Order, the attorney conducting the examination shall limit disclosure 19 of confidential information by any means practicable (i.e., redaction 20 or severance of non-relevant portions) to only that which is in good 21 faith required to conduct a meaningful examination of the witness, 22 and shall show all counsel a copy of said redacted document before 23 showing it to the witness. Any violation of this provision, or 24 objection by counsel to showing the document to the witness, shall 25 entitle the objecting party to suspend the deposition as to the 26 Confidential Information at issue and any lines of questioning relating 27 to the Confidential Information at issue, and to apply to the Court for 28 a further Protective Order or other appropriate relief; 6 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 7. 1 Any other person, either with the prior written consent of the party 2 who has designated such information as confidential or pursuant to a 3 Court order; or 8. 4 5 C. The jury, judge and court personnel. Confidential Information designated “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ 6 EYES ONLY” shall not be disclosed by any person who has received such 7 information through discovery in this action to any other person except to: 8 1. Retained counsel for any party to this action and their respective associates, clerks and employees involved in the conduct of this 9 10 litigation, but not including in-house counsel to either party, defined 11 as counsel regularly employed or paid by, or associated with, a party, 12 and/or whose offices are located within any premises of a party; 13 2. Outside experts and outside consultants assisting in this litigation, and 14 their respective clerks and employees involved in assisting them in 15 this litigation, to the extent deemed necessary by counsel; 16 3. Any person who actually was involved in the preparation of the 17 document or who appears on the face of document as the author, 18 addressee, or other recipient, or is currently affiliated with the party 19 that produced or appears to have prepared said document; 20 4. Court reporters and similar personnel, provided further that 21 Confidential Information filed with the Clerk of the Court shall be 22 sealed subject to release only by order of the Court or agreement of 23 counsel; 24 5. Deponents with respect to whom the attorney for the examining party 25 believes in good faith that disclosure of Confidential Information 26 should be made in order to conduct relevant examination of such 27 deponent on topics about which the attorney in good faith believes the 28 deponent may have relevant information. In the case of a deponent 7 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 who was not an author or recipient of the Confidential Information, 2 and who has not previously agreed to be bound by the terms of this 3 Order, the attorney conducting the examination shall limit disclosure 4 of confidential information by any means practicable (i.e., redaction 5 or severance of non-relevant portions) to only that which is in good 6 faith required to conduct a meaningful examination of the witness, 7 and shall show all counsel a copy of said redacted document before 8 showing it to the witness. Any violation of this provision, or 9 objection by counsel to showing the document to the witness, shall 10 entitle the objecting party to suspend the deposition as to the 11 Confidential Information at issue and any lines of questioning relating 12 to the Confidential Information at issue, and to apply to the Court for 13 a further Protective Order or other appropriate relief; 6. 14 Any other person, either with the prior written consent of the party 15 who has designated such information as confidential or pursuant to a 16 Court order; or 7. 17 18 D. The jury, judge and court personnel. Before any person described in paragraphs 3(b)(iii), 3(b)(vii), 3(c)(ii) or 19 3(c)(vi) receives or is shown any document or information which has been 20 designated as confidential, such person shall be given a copy of this 21 Protective Order and shall agree in writing, in the form of the “Agreement to 22 be Bound By Terms Of The Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A, 23 to be bound by the terms hereof. The original of each such 24 Acknowledgment and Agreement shall be maintained by counsel, and 25 transmitted by facsimile to all other counsel of record. If any counsel 26 objects to showing the signatory documents subject to this Order, the 27 objecting party shall give facsimile notice of its objections and the grounds 28 therefore and shall have five business days to file and serve a motion for 8 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 protective order. If no objection is raised or no motion for protective order 2 is filed and served within five days thereafter, all objections to showing the 3 signatory documents shall be waived and the signatory may be shown the 4 documents subject to this Order. If the person does not so agree, the person 5 may not be shown the document until after a motion for protective order is 6 brought and an order obtained preventing the person from misusing any 7 information in the document. E. 8 Nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed to require execution of the written Acknowledgement and Agreement referred to in paragraph 3(d) 9 10 above, or to prevent disclosure of Confidential Information, by the party 11 producing and designating such Confidential Information, or by any 12 employee of such party. F. 13 Nothing in this Protective Order shall prevent counsel for either party from 14 summarizing or discussing in general terms the nature of documents 15 designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ 16 EYES ONLY” with representatives of their respective clients, outside 17 experts and consultants, deponents or potential witnesses, provided such 18 summary or discussion does not disclose, in any way, the substance of the 19 document so designated, the Confidential Information contained therein, 20 and/or trade secret information of another party. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 IV. FILE UNDER SEAL: All Confidential Information filed with the Court prior to Trial, and any pleading or other paper containing Confidential Information shall be filed under seal and marked: “CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. This envelope contains documents that are subject to a Protective Order of this Court and shall not be opened or unsealed by anyone except the Court or its staff, without the prior written consent of counsel for the parties hereto or pursuant to order of this Court. If the contents of this envelope are so unsealed, they shall thereafter be resealed.” 28 9 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 The envelope shall not be opened without further order of the Court. 2 Nothing shall be filed under seal, and the Court shall not be required to take any 3 action, without a separate prior order by the Judge before whom the hearing or 4 proceeding will take place, after application by the affected party with appropriate notice 5 to opposing counsel setting for the Good Cause to file the documents under seal. Any documents filed in connection with Trial shall become a part of the public 6 7 record in this matter. 8 V. CHALLENGE TO CONFIDENTIALITY DESIGNATION: Any party who disagrees with the designation by a party of a document or other 9 10 information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 11 ONLY” shall comply with Local Rule 37 relative to Discovery disputes. Pursuant to 12 Local Rule 37, prior to bringing any Discovery dispute to the Court, the party who 13 objects to any other party’s designation of documents or other information as 14 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” shall notify 15 the other party in writing of the objection. The interested parties or other persons shall 16 attempt to resolve such disagreements before submitting them to the Court. Pending 17 resolution of any dispute concerning such designation, all parties and persons governed 18 by this Protective Order shall treat as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-- 19 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” all documents and information previously designated as 20 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” under the 21 terms of this Protective Order. If a challenge to any confidentiality designation is 22 brought, the party or person asserting that a document or other information is properly 23 designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 24 ONLY” shall bear the burden of proving that the document or other information is 25 Confidential Information. Any challenge that needs to be submitted under seal must set 26 forth good cause for why the challenge should be filed under seal. 27 VI. 28 SURVIVAL OF ORDER - RETURN OF DOCUMENTS: A. The provisions of this Order shall continue in effect until otherwise ordered 10 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 by the Court after notice and an opportunity to be heard is afforded to the 2 parties to this action. The final determination or settlement of this action 3 shall not relieve any person who has received Confidential Information or 4 agreed to be bound by the terms of this Protective Order of his, her, or its 5 obligations hereunder. This Court shall retain jurisdiction after such final 6 determination or settlement to enforce the provisions of this Order. Upon 7 completion of the litigation, all documents (including copies of documents) 8 containing Confidential Information shall be destroyed or returned to 9 counsel for the producing party, except that the parties’ respective attorneys 10 of record may retain one copy of each such document for use in connection 11 with any disputes which may arise under the Court’s retention of jurisdiction 12 as provided for herein. Within sixty days of the conclusion of this litigation, 13 the attorneys for the receiving party shall notify the attorneys for the 14 producing party that such return or destruction occurred. 15 B. Except as provided in Sections 4 or 7 hereof, documents or things containing 16 the other party’s Confidential Information shall at all times be in the 17 physical possession of those persons qualifying under Section 3 hereunder, 18 or kept by counsel of record either at the premises regularly maintained by 19 such counsel of record as and for their respective law offices, or otherwise in 20 their sole custody or control. 21 22 VII. USE OF OWN DOCUMENTS BY PRODUCING PARTY: Nothing in this Protective Order shall limit the use by any party or other person of 23 his, her or its own document(s) or information, or any other documents or information 24 obtained independently of discovery, even if such document(s) or information have been 25 designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 26 ONLY.” 27 VIII. APPLICATIONS TO COURT: 28 A. This Protective Order shall not preclude or limit any party’s right to oppose 11 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 or object to discovery on any ground which otherwise would be available. 2 This Protective Order shall not preclude or limit any party’s right to seek in 3 camera review or to seek further and additional protection against or 4 limitation upon production or dissemination of information produced in 5 response to discovery, including documents and their contents. B. 6 Any person to or by whom disclosure or inspection is made in violation of 7 this Protective Order, and who has knowledge of this Protective Order, shall 8 be bound by the terms hereof. C. 9 The parties hereby, and all other persons who receive Confidential 10 Information pursuant hereto, agree that any party or other person injured by 11 a violation of this Order does not have an adequate remedy at law and that 12 an injunction against such violation is an appropriate remedy. In the event 13 any person shall violate or threaten to violate any terms of this Order, the 14 parties agree that the aggrieved party may immediately apply to obtain 15 injunctive relief against any such person. In the event the aggrieved party 16 shall do so, the respondent person subject to the provisions of this Order 17 shall not employ as a defense thereto the claim that the aggrieved party has 18 an adequate remedy at law. Any persons subject to the terms of this Order 19 agree that this Court shall retain jurisdiction over it and them for the 20 purposes of enforcing this Order. The remedies set forth in this Section 8(c) 21 are not exclusive to any other remedies that an aggrieved party may elect to 22 pursue. 23 24 IX. NO ADMISSIONS: Neither entering into this Stipulation for Protective Order nor receiving any 25 documents or other information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or 26 “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” shall be construed as an agreement 27 or admission (1) that any document or information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or 28 “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” is in fact Confidential Information; 12 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 (2) as to the correctness or truth of any allegation made or position taken relative to any 2 matter designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES 3 ONLY;” or (3) as to the authenticity, competency, relevancy, or materiality of any 4 information or document designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-5 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” This Order is not intended to modify or waive the 6 provisions of the California Rules of Civil Procedure or of the California Rules of 7 Evidence. This Order does not require the production of documents or information that 8 would otherwise be non-discoverable. 9 X. SUBPOENA BY OTHER COURTS OR AGENCIES: If another court or an administrative agency subpoenas or orders production of 10 11 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” documents 12 which a party has obtained under the terms of this Order, before complying with such 13 subpoenas or orders, such party shall promptly notify the party or other person who 14 designated the documents of the pendency of such subpoena or order. 15 XI. MODIFICATION - FURTHER AGREEMENTS: Nothing contained herein shall preclude any party from seeking from the Court 16 17 modification of this Order upon proper notice or preclude the parties from entering into 18 other written agreements designed to protect Confidential Information. Further, the Court may modify the protective order in the interests of justice or for 19 20 public policy reasons. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// /// /// 13 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 2 3 4 XII. COUNTERPARTS: This Stipulation for Protective Order may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and which together shall constitute one instrument. I hereby consent to the form, substance of this agreement and consent to entry of 5 this agreement as an order. 6 DATED: March 9, 2015 GORDON & REES, LLP 7 8 By: s/Sean P. Flynn Sean P. Flynn Attorneys for Defendant First National Collection Bureau, Inc. 9 10 11 12 DATED: March 9, 2015 KAZEROUNI LAW GROUP, APC 13 By: s/Mona Amini Abbas Kazerounian Mona Amini Attorneys for Plaintiff Mike Marquez 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: March10, 2015 U.S. MAGISTRATE JUGE HON. PAUL L. ABRAMS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 EXHIBIT A 2 AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY TERMS OF THE PROTECTIVE ORDER 3 4 I, _________________________, have received a copy of the Stipulation for Protective 5 Order and Protective Order entered in the action entitled: 6 Marquez v. FNCB, Inc. (U.S.D.C., Central District of California, Case No. 2:14- 7 cv-06252-DMG-PLA). 8 I have carefully read and understand the provisions of the Protective Order. I agree 9 that I will comply with all provisions of the Protective Order and will use any 10 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL--ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” information 11 only for purposes of this action. At the end of this litigation or my involvement in this 12 litigation, whichever occurs first, I will either destroy or return to counsel for the party by 13 whom I am employed or retained all such “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-14 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” documents or information that comes into my possession. 15 16 Dated: ______________ __________________________________ 17 Name 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER

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