Alex Kross v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., et al

Filing 25

PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge John E. McDermott re Stipulation for Protective Order 23 , 24 . [See Order for details.] (san)

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'~L:1/-CV-UU11b-U5F--JtM a. 3 S 6 7 uocument L:~ ~iiea ueiuiili Nage 1 of 15 Page IU ~F:L1tS Jt~t~ Gr. ~~ry~~~r~i,~~'~Tc~. ~~5 ~~3 J,L~ary ~m r pe~rki~scai~.c~m dill I... R pke,Bay I~i~. 3(I~SU~ Jr k~(c~~~~`perkinsco~~.~am P RKI~N~ ~0~~ t~~ 1$$~ ~`entury Perk ~~ ~u~t~ 7~?(J I.~c~s r~ar~~el~ ~~. 9~}(~~?-1 ~~ 1 ~ '~l~~h+~n~: 3~ 0.7~~.9~OU a.+~srm~le: 3 l 0r7$8~339 .~.ttorne~s fur ~►~~c~r~dant, T-14~It:~B~1..~~ L,~S.~, 1 . ~c~nald ~t~ose~ian ~.~~ c~ lt~aw,n~t 1(} 11 12 ?~ G`ri~e~ (3aks ~vulev~cdF quite 13~► ~lend~~~, CA 91?~7 '~'elep~a~rn~; 818.?7~.15~'9 F~cs~rn~l~: 818.2`75.17'47 r~t~c~rn~ ft~r .C't~inti , ..~X ~~t)S5~ ~3 ~~ ~.`{..e. ~~l-~~ i.J1. ~~~~1 ~~~~~~ ~~ 1~ A~,a~,~' ~~~i~~ i~f1 [T~~1V1C~Li1~~ 17 ~l~intz '. 1~ l9 ~~ '~"-IVt~I~II,~~ t~~t., I1~I~,? a ~~awre ~~rpor~ti~n, ~~~I T~C~F~ l - 50, n~lusi~T~, C~R~EIt Ju~i;g~; I~o~. I)~l~ S. Fisher l✓.~a~,~st.~-at~ Jude; .~t~~tn . h~cT~►erm~a~.t l ~e`n~~nts. I 2 3 2 ~4 . . ~G 7 ~?8 S'TIPG'~.A`I'~~►1aR~.?T G"('TVA OkC~~R 1~583~~1~22,t 3:13-CV-0231 -Gi4~~-~~.5 C:1S2~:l/-CV-UUllti-USF-JtM uocument L~ ~uea ueiu ail i Nage ~ of 15 Nage iu #:Lly ~Y2~;I.II~iINA~tY ~T~iT~I~I~~++fT ~ l~i~ti f` ~l~x ~.r~ss ~`<F'Ia nti '~ end I~~fendant T-~IVIobi1~ GSA, Ins. ' `~[~~fend~nt") ~~~Ile~ti~~~l~ ref rr~t~ t4 a~ the ~`F~~ies"~ re~+a~ni that dis~lc~5u~ ( 4 ~~ d s~c~~f r~ t vii in ~h a~~ve-r~a~atic~n d action {thy "Aci +gin") art li~el}~ tca 5 in~►Q~~+~ pr~at~~~tac~n of c,+anfad~n~i~l, scn~x iv~ r~r p~iv~t~ nf~rnrnatic~n, n~lu~~~, but not limned to, ~1~e ~nec~ cal re ads ~t ~ ~' 7 yes end sensitt't~r~r ~r~v~t~ car pers€~~~1 n~`arma~ pan Qf third ~ i~~, fir v~h~~h sp~cia~ pratection ~m pudic drscl~r~ure and. ~~-~t~n use ~`t~r and put~~s~ ~~la~r the pros~cu~ r~~ fhi~ lit g~~ can ~~ b~; ~+~z ur~t~d. ~~ ~~d cau~~ exists Ica parc~t~~t air information from. ~u~~ c dis+clas~r~ ~~a pro ~t ~h~ pr ~3~cy nt~r~~t ~o the P~rti~~ and c~~a. n r~on~pat~t es, nclu~din~, but nit li it~d tt 11 ]~~f~ndaant's ~mplt~~~~~. 1 ~'h~ Parties ~ckno~vled~~ that t:~t~ below ~'rc~t~ct ~~ Qrc~~ d ~ ~t~t ccar~f`el. aid that ~~ ~ ari~~t ~r~tect erns ~~ a~1 c~isclostar~s ~r spvn~~s to di~~a~~ ~5 ~r~te~t~o~ it a{ a~d~ ~rv~n public ~iscl~ urn and ~ ~ ext~~~ds only t~ tk~~ l~rrut ~n 'ormat~vn car it~rns that ire ~ntitl d t~ ~c~nfider~~ial tr~a~ner~ ~r~~i r ~a~ pal cable 1 1~~1 prn+~iple~. The ~arti~ ti.~r~~r ackn~wied~ 14 h~~ this t~~t~a~e~ P~•c~t~~tiv t~rci~r ~~es not eat tie therr~ t~ file a~~~i ntia~ in~'c~rma~ivz~ unc~~~r eel, ~.,o,~~! ~~~~ 1 ' '~~-5 set ~+~rt~ th.e pc~cedt~~es th~~ musi: b~ ~'c~ll+~~ved ~nc~ the ~t~nt~~rds that wild k applied whin party seeks p~rmiss can frc~~n the ~trut~ t~ f~~ mat ri~l under ~~~~. 1 ~r~ li~~t of the tnreg~c~ r~~~---~.nd p~rsu~.n~ to '~derral I~ul~ of Czvi1 ? ra~cecl~r ~c i'~ 21. ~~i~c~~l~e p~~i~~ h~~ by stipulate ~~ end poet ti~r~ the out t~ ~r~t~r the ~n~ c~witiu Pr~c~te~tave (~rd~r: PIt~T`ECT[V~ +C}~tU~li 2 4 ~3 Ri~~t tQ D~si~n~#e. ,~r~~ prtY to this Ac~ti~n ~.n~l an~r t~c~n~p~° ~i'as h~z~n d ~~t~v~ry` is s~~~ht in ~~~nn ct~c~n i this Action ~vh~ a t'e tc~ b~ bv~tnd ', b~ the pr~c~du ~ ~~ tai I'r~t~ctiv~ C)rd~c- ~"tl~~ I)~si at~r" ~~y d~s~na ~r~;y 1 . ~rP~c~~e~t~d In~`~~~n .tic~x~" pra~du~e d by~ such pity ~~ `~~anti~~nt ~l." ~8 s~r~~~r~r~r~ r~r~+~~r~~:~r~r~~ c~~.~~~ _z_ ~~-rlt~ t 1~-F~~r-.r~nA 2; t a, . c;ase~:li-cv-uull~-u5~-~tM uocument L:~ ~-iiea ueiui~li Nage :~ of 15 Nage iu #:~lu { a) "Prc~tcct~d ~nf4rmatisan" i~ d~~ net herein as~ arav infQrm~tivx wl~i~h is in t~~ pt~~se~s an +at a ~esi n~tin~ Fart}~ wht~ ~e~iev~s in ~c~+c~ faith t}tat such ir~far~nation is ent~t~ed to ~onf~~~tia~ tre~tm~nt ~nd~r appl ~a~l,e l~~~r. Fc~r tit der, "Pratec~~d ~nfarmat:ion"' ineluc~~s, but purp~s~~ t~~' this Pxat.~~#~v lirnit~d tv, medical records of the I'~rti~s and s~ it ~~, pri~~te or p~rsc~n~l t in~~rrn~ti~n c~[`xhrd parties. 7 ~~~ "~si r~~tor°' ~~ns t~~ p~~Cy that de~naie~ Fraect~ infc~rmat~+~n ~s ;`ondential," Vic) "~te+~~pi~n~'' as ~~sed h~r~~r~ refers to ~n~• ~~arty ~~o ~rec~ive 1(~ It Pr~t~ctt~ ~nc~rmatic~n dsi~n~t~d ~t~rsu~t to this ~r~t~~~~e ~~dr. ~~) ~ra~ rued Inter ~ti~n ~~a1t r~~t t~clu~e ir~far~at ~n ter m~,t~ri~l i~h~~; ~i~ wa:~, is, car b~cai~~s public Icn~vvl~~~e ~ a ~nann~r ~1h~r t~ b~ v t~~ati~a ~ 'this Prc~t~ctiv~ (~tr~~r ~r ~t~er f~~ult c~~` the ~~cipient; iii) ~s ~uire~ b~ ~k~ 14 1 1 7 i I9 ~~ ?i ' ~~ ~~ srt~ l~~ce~ipi~nt frc~ ~a a ~or~-party z~vt o~+rin~ ~ ~u~~ cif ~~n~id~n~~ iCy tc~ the I~es~ a~tur; viii} b~~~ore receipt fr~ the ~~si~n.ator, was Iavv~ull~ poss~sse+d by the .~ci~i~nt w t~a~rt a duty of cc~n~d~nt~a[i~y tea the ~.?~ ~gnat~r; ~iv~ is ~ ~clos~ed b~ tl~e ~e~ignafiar tQ ~ gird party nit a ~ir~~ ~ dut~r ofion d~~,t ~li~~► ~~ t~~ I~~s ~r~at~r, ~r ~v} u~~~s ind~per~c~~nt~y d~v~lap~d b thc~ Recip~~nt. 3. ~~~fdential ~~i~~n~ti+~u. ~~ c~~sig~~tin~ at~ri~l `~C~nfid~nt~l," the I7~s gnaty~ ~ r~~res~r~~in,~ that it believes, in gaad fait, ~h~~ st~cl~ in c~rma~i~n is I~sigr~atio~ts c~ nt~tl~+d to c~~t~ d~nt~~.l tr atm~nt under applic~~le l~a~ "C~n c~ent[~l" u c~e~ this ~r~t~~ti~e ~rt~er sell a~pl~r to the Prc~t~cted In~ormafir~n s~ psi gat ~l~ ail yap ~s, extracts, c~rnp~la~ivns, ~~d surrr~ma~ e~ thereof, and any i~~rarm~tc~n cc~nt~ined ther~~~n. 25 2~ (a} "C:~nf denti~l" mat~~~~1 ir~~lud~s a~r~~r Pry ~Ced In~orrr~ ti n that c~nst ~t~te~ ~r contains private, ~~n ti~~, ~r p~rsc~nal in~arrra~ti~n ~b~u~ the ~es~n~.t~r. ~8 ~°rr~u~.~~n r~~r~er~v.~ r~xr~~u -~_ ~~ i°~~v-~oi ~ ~-ns>>-.►r:;~~ C;aS@~~:1 /-CV-UU11E~-U5F-JtM uocument ~:~ ~iiea ueiu iil i Nage 4 of 15 F'ag@ IU #:111 ~,er~ t~tia~~ ~n Use ofFr~utect~~ n~`+~rmat + n. I~Io ~e~ipi~nt of 2 fro#ec~ed Informs ac~rr shall use suc~Y inf~rmat~Qn far }~ ~ru~Pa ~ ~~:her khan inn t can with this ~tion, incluctin~ ar~y appals. Su~~ ~tec~eci I~~'ormatian r~ 3 t h 11 ~~ rna nfiaa~~~ in ~on~~~nc~ b the iZ~cipient ~n~ sell nv~ be discl~~~~ t~ ~ny~~~ ex~+e~t as pr~~a~e~ herein, by ~`~z~c~r w~r~tt~n ~~;reem apt ~ '~th.~ parrti~~, or bar I 6 ( ~urtl~ r order of the ~au~t. ~i~ct~sure ~►f `iCo~f dent~a" 'rat~~ct~d Infor~nat~on. P~rr~t~~ nfar~a~~un designated "~onf deny ~al" shill rev#: b+~ ~iscl+~s~~ ter ~#h~rw~ se I . ~ c~rr~rnuni~ated t~► any ~te~n ~xc~pt. 11 a ~r~nsel ~~ r~cc~rcl fc~r ~rh~ ~aa~t ~s, ~►~~~ ~e (~) 111 A~~ gas h~r~in, <`i~1u~~id~ ~o~un.sel" r~~~n at~or~~ys (and their lave clerks, i~terirts, ~n~ cl~~ric:~1 su~~+~rt ~taf~} why are not ~mploy~~~ cif a party but ~ ~~#~~r~~d to re~rre~ent ~r ~udvi~e ~ pair act have ~.ppe~°ed in this ~c~a:n ~~ behat~ ~f that pa. ~ ~~r art 1 ~~ affilia~~d it.~ a lam ~r~, which has a~p~~a~~d tin b~ha1 t~ `that party. (fir} Thy of~~c~r~, d r~~tnrs, an~i emplc~~e~s ~ n~ludin~ vus ~Qun~~l 6 ] ~► t~~~ l~ c~~ end t~ whc~ 1~ u~hc~ ha~~ ~x~~ut~d ~n undert~k ~~ ire the ~a~z~ ~~ ~~ch bit Vii. ~s used ~ereir~, ', " ~us~ ~~u~s~l," ~h~l~ m~~n att+~rn ~~ whc~ ~r~ cm}~lca~~~s ~+t the t~~~ pi~~~. 14 ~c~ ~9 ~i~~las~r~ is rea~ana~ly n 'Tes~if~:~~~ ~~per n~~te~ti~`yn saw ~'~r this end ~p~~, c+~n~ult~n~~, adf~r 2x ~ansulta~~ firms (~nr~ ~h~ r cleri~at support std fir each vfthe ~~rt ~s, ~~~ci~ ~a]l~r n~~~ec~ b ~c~tans~l car tl~e ~ rrti~a to as~i t i~ phis ~~it can, v~ho have teen p~~~erly ~~ ~~si,~n.~t din acr.~~+~~nc~ ~ieh pars x p~ 5 end have ~xe~~t~~d ~nr und~~akar~g in the ~3 firm o exhibit A~. ~~ ~~ ~d) '~~n~c~r r~~~~~d b~ ~.~~rty ~r ~~ C~u~sic~~ ~c~un~e1 n~lu~dit 9 with~u~ lm~t~:t~n: gr~phi~s~ ur d ~~n ~~r-vtc+~~ fc~r purp~~~s a► ' ~rep~rng ~C d+~xt~~nstrat ve ~r~ other e: ibits ~Qr ~ ep~►s~t can, tt~i~~ ~zr a#~i~r ~a~rt pro~ee~ nos; t~c~~ry ~ ~~ i~~~, cnmp~ni~s that d iti~e dacurne~t~, end oth+~r si~nil:ar dc~curc~ent ~~ ~ ~n~~~r~~nt ~r~ndo~; jury ~~~a~~w~~,~ ~~rcla car t~- a1 ~or~sult n~ s~rvic~s. t~ar~~r such ~r nd+~rs C.;1S@~:l/-CV-UU"116-U51--JtM 1 uocument « Fiiea ueiuiili Nage ~ of 15 Nage iu ~:~L~ sh l fist execute are undo E~:h ding in r„h~ farm c►f~. Su~~ agreement m~~ b si ,~~et day ~~~ ~uthc~r zed ~ ant ~~ b~l~alf v~~` ~t ~endc~r ih~t is an ~~ti ; i~. n~~~ ~Z~t be 3 s~~n~d by ~~~h +~m~lc►~e~e o~ a ~~enc~c~r prfr~rming s~rL~ic~s. ~~~ ~~edia~~ars, retained ~y ih+~ pert ~~ crr a~s~~ned !~y the ~c~~ar~, wl~,~ 4 5 }~av~ e~cecuted an u~ac east ing in the ~Q~r~ ofibit tai. ~t~ Mock jr~r~rs, ret~ ne~l by t ~ ~~rt es car ~~nc~~r~ th~r~ec~f, ~r~~o ~a fi c~~~ut~d an ~ur►de~ka,kin~ ire t~ ~~irt of ~x~i~ t , ~~~ t~ ~n~ p rs~r~ ~r~np aged Uy the ~~~ ~nator ~ ` tae P~~~ct~d ~~a~t~r~nati~ar~ being exam n ~ ~s a r~vi~n~~s during t d s~l~s r~ i~ r~~~vn~t~ly recess 1l ran~i~~t d~positian ~►r ~t t~i~1# tv vv~c~m An}~ such person must h~.v~ Est ~xecut~d an ng in the faun: n~ F~hik~ t ~-L. ~hj Tl~~ author, ~c~ua[ roc pent, or ~~ten~i+~d reap ~c~t ~~s identified ~ the Prated n~~r~nat Una ~~' t e ~'rc~~~cted Information. 14 z5 t r ( } ~"h~ ~r~uri ~~d ~fi ~er nnel, ~arsuar~t ~~ pa~r~pi ~, ~urt~r~, ~ any ~ou~. t~f~ rs, C.'ourt ter~ogra~h~rs, ~.nd auto ~.~e c~vp servi~~es used ~r~ the C'+~u~t whcxse ~un~tic~n r~q~zzre~ them tQ ha~~ a~c~ss tQ Pr~t~c~e~ Inforn~.aator~. 17 (j~ And ra air p~rs~n upon c~r+d~r c~~`th~ ~.'~urt. ~8 ~k~ A.ny at e ~~rs~n up€~n write cot~s~n~ ~ the ~~~i~nat~r. ~~ 5~ ~~in~ti~~ of +C~nsulta~t~. ~.n~r Rci~ient nay d~sir,~~ a Z1 rr~a~~a~~~l~ r~~unb~r c~~ re in~ri ~~p r~ cvnsultan#~ ~~:ith~r te~ti rin ear n~~t ~ yin ~ (~`~~nsu~tant~"} t~ have a~~ s ~c~ ~'rat~~teci ~nf~rmat ~n u~~d~r this ~3 ~'ratective (~rd+~r, ~f the consult ts, ~~) ire neitl~ ar ~m~►loyees ~ ' a party nar anti~cipa ~~ b~~om~ ~~n~l~y~es ~f a p r`t~ ~n the near fi~tur~, iii) ~r~ ~n~~ eat b~ or ' ~4 can be~~lf cif~ part' as bang ~ d~ cc~nsult~nt~ ar ~x ert.~ ~vr p ~5 end ~iii~ whc~ h~~ve xcc~t d ~~~ ur~c~ rt c ~:~ in t~ f+~ ~7 ~n~rir~~rfe~rt 1C~~c~+~sc~r~ ~f L1~~x~~~t+~t~ ~r~tect~ed I~nf~r~~tion, ~~n the e~uen~ of any d~scl~~ur~ c~#' prote~t~t~ Inf,~rr~nation c~th~r t~~n in a ~.nn~:r aut. vrir i by this P'rc~t t v~ order, c~ur~s~ fc~r rho ~~ r~sp~t~~i~ le fir the ay c~~`th~s A~~t~~, ch o~`~~chib t ~, i. ~ "T~l~'ULA"CCJ NI~CJ"f'~~"'~`I~F` aRi~~l~. _~_ 2.17-tv~}p116-1~~F-Jh c;ase~l:l ~-cv-uulle-u5~--~t~n uocument t:~ ~uea ue~u ail ~ Nage e or l~ Nage iu ~:11~ ur~au~~rized ~~sc~asure sh :t1 irr~r~~diatcl}~ notify ~c~~ut~s~r for the ~ n~t~ ,d ~h~11 male ~ve~ry ~~f~rt tc~ ~'urth~r prc~v+~nt una~thc~ri~~i r~is~~osu.r inc dire retri~vin~ a~! c.~~i~s n(~'t~~ ~rt►t~~t~cl InF+~rmaxion frt~m the unautht~~~c~d recip~n~s th~reo~ and ~e~ur ~x the a r~em~nt of chi un~uthari~ed r~~ pr~nt~s} nut ~+ ~~r d ~~~m r~~~e the Frc~t~ct~~ I~~~ar~n~t on in any ~r~:~m~ Gs~~iiplian~~ with ~.e f~a~~ t~~n sh~il ~nc~t p~w~~t the T si~na yr from seeing further r~1i~f ~~ar~t the Gc~ur . ~~`} ~L~15C~(ISE'a~ Off' ~'4~1S~~C~S~" t~T "~IS+C~QSU~'~" I~~s`it1S 1(} I'~'~~~~~ d ~~l~ , , ivy, ~~ make ~v~il ~l~ I'rc~~e t~+d In Qrma~inr~ ~r ~~ y pad h~re,~f, ar ~y in~`n~nat~n c~ntai~~ed th~r~n. 1I ll~si~na#ing Pr~t~cte~d Irr~rm~tron~ ~I~ d~s~~,~nata+or► ~~d~cu~~ts ~r ~h r~~~ shill ~~ ~ fictive ~an~ s t~~rc~ ~ ply. d or aff~x~d an such rr~at~r ~1 required h~r~in, except as ~rQ~. ici~c~ 1"vr i~ p~.t~ai~, ~h 1 "C~n~d~ntial'' r~~rkin 1~ 't'~ d ign~t~n c~~ in~~rm~~~n ~r ma~~r~l ~s "~c~nf~~tai" for ~ut 1 Fr~t~ctive [)rder s~~~il be made in the ~Ilawi 1, 'I'h~ .l~~s ~n~t~r shill ~f~ax the ]e~er~d `'~c~nf dentia~," appr~~rat~, tc~ ~a~~ p~~ ~f ~n~ d~cu~t~ent ~a►~t~,inn such in~c~r~n~ti~an at tlx~ time 1~ a 1~ i~ ~8 . 7 ~ ~a' ~kti m~r~er: (~} ~~~~c~ dc~~ument are ~raduc~d, gar s ~ov~ th~r~~i ~r a.~ tie D~s~gn~t~z~ be+cc~rnes a~~ar~ of the confd ~t a~ ~a#ure ~f t~~ in~`vr~na~t ~r~ ~r material dis~l~os~. end ~~~ght t~a pratect~d he~~~nd~r. ~~'r ~~~~~~~` ~~"~rnr~S Ate +~rcutn n i5(' . E ~~~~~~~~~~~~}~ ~`Ilbl~ L#~+ ~rQt~uc~~i f"rom h~r~l c+~p~ tl~~~ the ~~ ~~~~+~ ~~ 4ll~ R✓Grs~~~~~'.td~ ~~ ~~~r~an~~ veth this ~ubpr~ ap~a, e~f~n i~' prod~c~ti in t~~ form ~~ ~l~ctr~►n~c 2 ~m~~s. fib} ~~ ~ +ease o ~d~ um~r~ts p 23 cep ~n ~,~netic, optical, or c~~h r mid ~. ~ ~; pt ~crr irn~~es of~ d ~a ~ ~ocuments~, ~h. ~e~ ~;~atar shall a~'~ x the le~en~ " on~d~r~t~~~'~ ~s appra~r ~ ~n t1~~ a~t~ d~ ~f the ~r~.~e ~~ed yam ~e.g:, t~~ ~~n~~ic disk enclosure +~r ~ptic~.l disk),. ~ ~ecip ant d+~sirin,~ t~ct~~ 7 ~~ m ks el~ctrrani~ cc~~i~ off' suc~l~ n~~~li~t ~r p+~rt c~n~ tkt~r~af sh 1-- if p~~r ~C~d to ~~~~k:e u+~l~ o~ ~s under the ~erm~ of this ~rot~ctiv~ Ord r -~- af~i~c the saw c;aserl:l ~-cv-uullb-u5~-~tnn uocument ~~ ~iiea ueiu i~l i Nage i or 15 Nage lU ~:1L4 d~si,~n,~~ can on the c~op~ ~.~ e sty on the c~ri~in , pr~~uc~d m diurr~. A~ .r~ty ~e~irir~ t~ rt e a i`h r+~ cc~p~r°' ~~ Ali or a pc~rk~oi~ of t ie contents t~f infoxm~t can c►r 3 under the d~cum~nt~ ~tQr~~d ~l~ctr~n tally --~-- ~f perm t~~d t~ make such ~~~a ~~rr~~:~ ~ "this Pcotecfiiv~ ~rd~~ -~-- sh~11 puce ~~ a~t~ ~ag~ of ~~eh h~r~ ~~p th+ 5 ~ra1e designatian f and on the c~ut~ d+~ ~ tie stora~~ ~ m~~ um, (~~ Ire the case ~~' tr~n~~~ipts c~t~ recacdi~ ~ of ~dc~pr~sitions or aver b ~ign~tc~r ~aay ic~~nt fir opt the 7 pre~ri~1 prace~din,~s in this ~cti~n, ~t~uns~el ~c~~' tit 8 r ~r~ ,before the c ase ~fthe deposition ~r other ~ ce n~, ill ~~~~a~fi~dential'> as to tir~~r~~r, by ~p~eci~ n all po~ic~ns cry" ~h~ t~s~imc~~~~ that ~uali nti~ty~ c~~' tie to in~c~ny a~ fi +~ dept~sitic~rt t~~ 1~1 " ~~~ d~nti~l ,~ ~x des ~ t~ f~h 11 pr~~eedin~ as "~C~nfi~d~nti~" ~b~~`~~r~ 1 with th+e rift to identify n~or~ specific p~rti~ns t~f the t~stir~~~y as ~ ~+hich prat tin is s~~~t ~r~th r~ 3U c Sys fc~ll~ ink ~ec~e ~t of the Sri ~ript. In 1 ~ircurn~tt~nnc~s v~here perrtic~r~~ off' f1a~ testimony axe ~~~i~na~e~ ~c+r prc~t~ction, tie tr xsc~ pit p~.g s containing PrQteci~d I~fc~r~nat ~n .may be sep~rat~ly bound bar tie 1 1€ l ~' ,e depc~sita+~n car prc~c~e~~ng is ~onelu~~~d cc~~.~~t reporter, v~~hc~ mint ~ffx tc~ the t~p~ ~f each ~ag~ the l~g~nc~ ``Ganfide~t_isl " ~~ t or m t~ri~l ~~esi gated ~s ir~stru~:~ed ~by ~h~ Tics gnat+~r. 1f` ~~ duc " ~~f~~~r~ti~l'~ i~ us~c~ ~durin~ ~i~ c+~urs~ ~~ ~ d~p~s lion, ghat ~r~ ia~ ~ the c~~ ~s t an r~c+~rd r~~e~t ng ~ ~;h ~c~c;urn nt car ~n~t~~ ~Z sha11 b~ ~tarr~p~d with tl~e 1 t~ d~gnat d~~ree cafca~fi~l~nt.~l~fiy~, and ac~~~s t~r~tc~ s~I~ ~a~ Iitnt~c~ pu~r~u~nt c~ 2l c. the c~h~r ~~rms a~ ~~ti~ ~tt~t~~t ~~~ ~3re~ r. 2 ~d~ In t~~ case c~~` p~~ac~in,~~;a ~rie~s, ~rnerr~~a~°~da, ~,~h~i~i#s~ wri~t~n ~ x~ ~1is+~~r r~ ~re~pa~n~~s, or ~ per d~curn~~t~ prepared in than ,~~tior~ far the ~urpc~~~ u n ~ ~cc~v ~r v~r C~nurt ~r~c~edin s c~unse ball affix t1~e [+~~~nd "Gar~~id~nti~l," ,~~ 4 ~5 a~pr :ci .t~, tca ~~ch p~ag cif y dc~cu~~r~~ c~a~tain n~ ~n such '~~t~~~ed i lr~forn~ t ~n ~t the tame such daeum~nts r~ served ~r fi~~d, gar p~~r~~n~tly ~f~ r 7 le~.rning t~~t ~h~ document c~n~ains I~`rvte teal Iz~~'c~~rr~~tion. ~a STTPli1w~ T T~,[~ E~l~~"1'"~CT11dC ~R13 R 1~5~~&Q~2.t -7- x;17-cY-{}i}1 lfi-~i~S~`MJ '_~i1 (.;1S2~:1/-CV-UU11Fi-U5F-JtM uocument l~ ~iiea ueiui~li Nage ~ of l~ Nage iu ~:L~~ 3 ~e$i~rr~rtion with ~esp~~f ~o ~r~~ nal or l+~~ti~~~ Do~cu~~~~s, ~n the went the l~esi~natvr ~I~ts to pry ~~cu ciao ~rr~nt~ ar vth~r imat~r ~s in native car original farm fc~r ir~p~cC an ~r s~rnpl n , no +confidentiality c~esi~ natic~~~~ t~ee~ 5 rr~~d~ ~;~ t~~ pr~~du~~ir~ ~~aty` i~ adv~ac~ ~~th~ rapection, and 1.h~ n~pectiQr~ ~hU express or implied ~v~iv~r ~~~ ~f` ~ ri~~t to not be ~~e ed to cc~n ti~u~~e 7 d~sigr~ate ~u~h ddcw~~nts ~ "~x~t~ct+~d Inf~~m~~~n" undue- ~~ ~►rder ~r ~b~ of any ~ ~1~~ab1~ privilege ~~.g.~ attorn~~r~-client ~ri~r le e, ~v~rk-~ra~u~t tloct'rin~, camman t S. int~r~st dc~ctr n~* car ot~~r a~pla+~~~l~ ~ri~ril~~~}. A11 su~~ c~ocurncnt~ car ~~~~r 9 t rn~~~i~l snail k~e con~i~ere+d as m~rr~e~ "C~n~"id nt ~l." ~~~er ~le~t on b~ the ns~p~ct n,~ p~ cif s~~cifi~c da~um+~nt~s car rater ~l ~'~ ~~~~in~, ~~ ~~sig agar 1d ~h~ll p~ ~ the ~pprc~priat~ c~►~~denti~I ty c~c;~ gn i~►r~s~ o~~ the ~opi~~ ~f the ~ l+e~t+~d Y d~cu~n~~t~ or ~ateri~ls ~r~du~ed to e i~~s~ecting ptt~yy, t ~~n~d~ertent F~ilu~re t+~ Designate. "~'h~ ~ra~d~e~t~r~ pr~ductior~ b ~►ny party car n~,n=~a~•t~r t~ the .A~~ac~n c~ ar►y Pr~~ectec~ nfar ~.tir~n during discov~r~r ~x this .~►~Y gin} ry ~u~ a `~ vnfid~ential" ~~s~gnat~~n, shah e ~r thc~ut ~rr~jud c~ t~ ~nny ~, 1 15 17 clam tk~, t such ~n~`ar ~tit►~ is `~C~nlir~~t~~ ~l" aid such ~ar~y sha11 ~c~t k~e h~l~ to h~~e w~~ved ~n}~ rights ~y such ~ac~v~r~n~ pra~~a~ct~~n. Iri the ~:v~~t that may. 1$ mgt vial ghat ~ subject t+~ ~ "~on~~i~nt a~'' 1 S► without Bch des gnat a►n, t~~ ~a~r~y t~a~ r~~d~r~ ~t dive ~+r ~t~n ~c~~ic~ cif such n~dvert~nt ~r~ductir~~ Sri in tw~nty (~t~~ d~~~~ o discovery c~~'th~ in~~v~rte~nt prc~du~ti~n~ taet~~r v~iit~h ~ urt~~r ~~py ca~`th~ ~~~j~~t l 1' gnat ~i~l + cs g~~t ~3 2;~ (~~~1,~~l~li+~I1 1a~ 1i7~V~l'~~~"t'~L~` ~l'~?£~liC " tin d~ntial" {tie °`I~a~~v+~ n~1y rt~duc~d. ~hh~ ~~~~ri~l sl~a~l apt Pr~rfu~t vr~ Kati "~ Ch~tl~n~~~~ Cvnfidenti~lit~y l~esig~r~tians. 'T'he ~rapri ty ~f ~~ ~nat~v~n of Fr~~e~t~d Inf~,rr~~t can rn~~ be fall n ~~' :t any dime, ar~c~ the failure ~ tc~ ~rump~~~~ c~~all~~~e a d~sigr~ataa~ af:~rutect~~ Ire c~r~aat can shill r~~t cc~ra ~i~ut ~t~ 1(l. ~ r~~or a~tian ca~astit~t~~ ar inc~rpQr~t~ c~r~ id~nt i in:~`or~a~tic~~ cif t~~ psi n~t~~. It ~ Ftecip ~r~t de~i ~s to G~a~I en~,e a dcsig lion o~ 'rat~c~~~d ~n c~n~ .ti~t~, the R cipi~n~ ~ha.t~ plain ~hc basis f~~r the cha ~~r~g , in rain ~ to ~.~miss an that 7 S'TTFt~'1..A~" t~ PI~t~T~+CTI~~ G►R,~ R ~ ~3 93~~~~. l ~~~ 2;1'x-~v~l~1 1~-DSO'-JCIt~ Lase,~:l i-cv-uull~-u5~-~tivt uocument ~:~ ~iiea ueiu ~~l i Nage y or 15 Nage iu ~:L~e ~~auns~~ ~c~r the esi~nat~r, and Lek ~+~ resc~~v~ tl~~ issue, if the dispute i~ ~~t 3 th~r~by r~sc~~~+~d~ the R~cipi~nt may` ~~~1~ t~ the ~"c~u f~~ relief ~.rsu t ~~ t ~;ourt:'~ Mules r~~~'din ~is~rrvery I~ spute~~ end the Des gnafivr sh~~I f it tt~ 4 burden ~~'pravin~ that the in~art~~.t an ~r~s ~r~p+~rl~ des named.. 1~. Yratcet~d l~fiarna~~on aught bar Non-Pa~rti ~f a R ipient j subp~en ~~l ~ ar~c~th~r acta~n, (b~ served with. a d~m~n~ in ~nr~~her ~cti~n tc~ ai which ~f i~ ~ party, err ~c~ s~rv~d with an}~ ~~her teal ~ro~e~ ~y tine nt~t a pa►•l~r to this .~,~t c~~ ~~ekin~ Fro c c~ lntarm~t on that ~ua~ p~;c urged in 'iii 1~ c~ion, ~l~t ~t~c~ ~y► lavv, se ang ~t~cip ~~at sh~1 Vii) object tea its ~r ~.~ctis~n to the ~x~~r~t p ~ 0~ ~'~r h fih~ x st pace ~qf this P'rat~~t ~~ ~z~er ~i ~ within seven ~7~ bus ie s days ~ r 11 ~c ipt t~a~r~c~f, car the e liesfi prac~~ic~~bl~ ci ty ~l~~reafter, Div r~~ritten nati~~ b~y ~~ mail, ha~n~, yr i'a~~ r~~ il~ ~~' such pra~~ s or d sc~~ery r~~u~~t t~~~the~ with ~ cc~p, I~ th~~~c~f, tc~ couz~ ~l tsar fi ~ D+~si l~ permit the t}~sign tc~r t~ ~~~lc to c~u h such prac~~~ or di~~vv ry requ~~t and 15 ~~v} n+at prod~c~ ~r d scl~s~ such P'r~►t~cte~ Inf~rm~tio~ ~nf~l thy, 1~ ~~ns~nt~ in w~itin~, ~r unless in c~►rr~p t~ prc~~.u~tic~n gar d s~cl~su~ree by ~ ~r~urt, ~.J. 1~ ~d.~~ nip atir~~ ~vdy cif c~ }~~ten~ jurisd c~iorz, l~at~i ~~ her~ia~ ~h~l~ be ~+a~ast~u~~ ~s 1 r~~uir ng any ~a~~ ~r c~~l~er ~er~t~n su~rj~ct t~ this P~t~i~~t~~e ~rd~r tQ ~~~iler~g~ ar ~~ ~pp~~l any order r ~,ir ng ~}rc d~~c~ on n~ P~r~t~c~~c~ ~n~~rrr~~tian ~~ subject it~el ` t z~~ p~naltie~ ~t~r ~onc~rn l Vince v~rith a~r~y~ I~~~l p~o~~~~ yr ~rd~~ ~~~~li c~ t~ri f ~ su+~h ether l~~~l ~rc~c~~~ ~r artier by a 2~ with the ~r~~i~i~ns +af'this far ~,ra~h will nit; b~ ~ v ~lati~n c~fthi~ ~'r~~ t v~ C.3rd~r. ~ ~'~1~n~ Prrtect~ Ir~f~rmatc~n~ '+Nitht~ut ~rrit#~n p~r~~ssion ~'rQn~ t~. ?~ ~}e~ ~~~at~~ cat a +~au~t ~rd~ s~eur~~ a~~t~ ap~rvgriat n~ti ~~5 ~er~at~~, ~ ~,~ri~° n ay ~c~~ ~1~ any rat+~c~~d ~nfc~rm~t~ic~~n ~n ~l~e public re~c~rd in this.. tie under set ~tty ~rat~ct~d ~nfr~nnation ~~~ Acti~~. A pa y t~~~a~ ~ ~~ ~7 ~:~~~~z. ~.t+~r~ viii) ct~~erat~ ~~a t.~~ ~xt~r~~ neG~s~ary t esi~n~.fc~r ~I, c~ v~it~ a.t~ o~d~~ sp~~ecif+~~lly re~~i~i Iil ray areign gc~~~rnmen~ ~. ,~~~y~ ~r rsan ~►r party u~ho has ot~~ vise ~~~~~ ~~ +~ ~Il ntere~t~~i case ~:l ~-cv-uulle-u5~-~tnn uocument ~:~ ~iiea ueiu ail ~ Nage lu of l~ Nage iu #:~~ i cor~pl~~ w~~~ Federal Rule of C ui1 Prac~~u~~ ~+~(~), ~pPlics~ le case law, z~~d ~a~~l ~3. ~~e a~ this Pr~te~ty~ Order by Non-~'a~es, Any nc~n-pay ~h~ pr~~uces decum~~nts ~n~~c~r testimony in t.~i~ r~~~ter shall be pr~~~ deci with ~ copy a~ this ~rQt~ctizfe Qrder end ~a~t~~ ~ci cif the vppv~u~ity ~ ~e~ignate ~ a~.~ri~ s a~c.~rdan~~ th~z~~w t~ t1n can-~ariy that r~ scl~os~s P~a~ected lnfoa-m~ti~n unde~~ 7 this Protect ~e Order sh~r[ b~ entitled 10 the r~ ht~ and o~1i~ titans t~f p~r~y under finis Yrot~ect v~ Chder Frith r s ►pct to the pr+~t~ct ~d In '~rm~t c~r~ ~rc~duc~d. +Ion- 9 parti~~ may move the curt to ~nf'vrce the prc~vi~io~~ ~~ th~~ ~' tect ~~ C~r~ r. T'he 1~ u~~ ~~' ~~~ Pratec;ti~ ~rd~r by anon-~ar~t~~ d+~ s n~~ esnti~[~ tl~~~ ~c~a~tw~~t~v t~ ~~~~~s ~1 the ~~at~~ted I~f~~r~,~ti~n prc~d~~c~d bar any ~~her ~ I~ l ~. r +~r ncrn-l~rt~' in ~ ~ Act an. ~Ia Appl c~►t~a~ to ~'~rfi~r's awn I~if~►~rn~~~tior~. This Pr~~ec~ ve r~er i3 h~ na e~'~~t upon, ar~d ~~a11 nat ~pp~~ Via, a. ~arty~s u~ r~r ~ ~clo~ure t~f iis c~ 1 ccanfi~~entia~I nfo~n~t~c~n fr~r an}~ purls . 15. 1 C+nnsent ~r~ Jur ~dic~ian~ ~.~1 persans v~°h~ ha;ve mess ~~► Fratec~~d n~~rrr~~t ~n under i~ ~'r~t+~~t ve }rc~er sha.~I ~~ baun~ b~ t~i~ ~'rot~cti~~~ Ord r end I 17 shill b~ subject try the jurisd ~tivn ~~' his ~~uurt fc~r pu os s of ~nfor~ n~; ~h~ ~ ', I lei. N+~ ttdt~ ~si~n. tjt~rin~ ir~tc~, reeit~ Cv, ur ~therv~~ s~ c~~pl~~i~ 2 ~i~~7 the t~t~~a~ ~fthis Prc~t~ct ~~ (:?rd~r, aa~dic~r producing car rec i~rin~g Prc~te~ted' 2~ Tn'a~~natian ur~d~r this Pr~t~~v~ C}rd~z, sh~l~ nc~t: ~2 ( } ~p~r~te ~s an a~r~i~siar~ ~y any ~ar~tt ~ ghat the r ~tricti~~s and 3 prc~c dur~~ s~1: #'~rth ~~r~ n c~n~~it~tt+~ ar cic~ nr~t c~ns~itute ~+~equ~t~e prc~t~~ti~n fir and pert ~ular i~n~or~ation S ~~T v~~.y~ t ~~'~ Pr~jut~ ~~ ~n ~.ny ~4~ the ri~~t ~f 3' Pte' to c~~,~+~~t tt~ t~~ prc~du~tic~n of ~lc~~uin~nt~ t~~~ co~~s der nc~# subject to di cav~ry, ~h~t~ r are r~ur~c~s ~~' pr~~~l e ~r at~e~v~~; 8 t 3S~{3~4~l~.1 Z: lZ•cv-U~) 31.6-D~~-JFM (;aSe ~:ll-CV-UU1lb-USF--JtM uocument ~~ ~iiea ue~uiil~ authenticity car ~cimiss~bili~.y n~C~ ~~id~n~~ of y document ~~st mt~ny car ether ~vtitnc ~d) pr j~a~ r 5 Nag2 IU #:11ti (c~) p~rejuc~ice i~ any way the ri,~ht flf any p~rt~ to abject t~ ~h ~ 3 Nclge 11 0? l~ ~~ way t i right ~~'any paarty t~ seek a d~t~rmina.~,iun by~ the Curt ~s to whether any inf~rz~zatic~n car mat~ci~~ sl~~~ilc~ be ~ul~j~ct to the terms oft s Prc~tecti~e ~z~c~~~' ~~~ ~r~judice in any way the right a~'any party t~ petit t~r~ t~+~ ~~ur~ fc~r t3 9 a ~~~~~r pr~~~~ti~v~ ~t•der relating to any ~f~rp~~.edly ~c~nfi~ent al in corm .tivn ar ~~ prevent ~ L7esi~,n~ta~r f"rim agr~~ing in writ n~ ar c~~ the re~~r during a ~~pasit on ~r ~~arin~; i~ his ~~ti+~n to alter ~r waive l 1~ pr+atect one prv~ri~~c~ ~~r h~ r~i~ ~ pra isit~ns car nth r~~ ~t ta. .:any pa~rrtic~alar infdrn~~rtiar~ o tn~~~ri$~. 17, 13 1~'1~difi~ca~ti+~rr~Tri~1, t is tie intention ~f` tie p~r~~es~ fat the rd~r ~~atl g+~rre~rn ~isc~v~~ cash ~ pretrial 1 prc~~~is ans cif this Prt~tec~iv~ ~5 pro~~ dins in this Acs ot~R Nnne~hel~~s e~~h of the p~r~ es her~tc~ shall b+e ant ~tl~d 1 ~~ ~~~~ mad ficat an of this P~~tteci r~~~ C}rd~~ by a~ap~ ~~tia to the 1~ nc~ti~e p the c~th~r par~l~e~ heret+~ and upon a ~~~wing o gc~d ~~us~. ~~ this ~.cti~n ~8 proc~~d~ to teal, the p .rti~s ~h~1 meet and canf~r ~~ iJ~~ ~r~o~~d~r~s n~c~ any ~+~ ~~ pr~te~t the ~~n~d r~ti~t t~ cif arr~r ~~~umcnts, ~f~r~~tior~, end t -iscri is u~~d ~r~ 2~ ~c~t~r~ d~lrinp trial, 1$. +curt upon ~f~ect ve More Entry. 'Thy paxti~s a~gr~e t~ be bc~~a~.~l b}T ~h~ germs cat ~ phis Ira ~~t~w C7~rder ~ne~e it is signed #~y all the ~ar~ ~s ~er~tc~, ~~nd~ra~ its ~nt~~ ter 2~ ~~ ~~atry ~f a~ ait~mative I'ratectiv~ ~~r b~ the ~c~~r~, Any v t~l~fio c~~ ~h~ ~ern~~ ~f this Fr~t~cti~~ t~~rd~r during such pendency shad b~ ~ubj~ct to tie s~m+~ ~~ .~ ?7 s~a~c~ions end ~a~~:~~t ~~ a ~~t~ s T'rot~ct v~~ C~rd+~r ~~d ~e~n cnt~r~ b;~ the ~t~urt. ur~iv~1 Af~~r ~"inal L?is~c~sit ~n~ ~~r~n ~r Find T~ s a~as tr~~~ ~ft~iis ~ . .A,~tan? the confd~r~ti~lt~ r~~lig~t~r~s mp~~ed by ~ ~~~ ~~. ~s Pxotecti~r ~rdr sh~1l. case ~:ll-CV-UU116-U5F-JtM uocument 1~ ~uea ub~ui~l~ N1g2 1L OT 15 Nage lU ##:LLy r~m~in ire ~t~~~t u~~~l a ~~~ ~;natnr a~ree~ c~th~rv►l se ~n wri~in~ ~r ~ ~our~ ~r+~~t~ ' ca~:~~rw ~~ directs. ~U. €~ht ~t~~n~ l~pv~ ~'~~l ~spasitc~n. "C'~nal ]~spca~iti~n'~ ~~h~ll b~ 5 cl~mec~ ~~ be t~h~ l~t~r af(~~ dsmss~ c~~'al~ ~i~ims a~.~ ~~fenses in this ~c~ic~n, w~h ~~ without prejudice; ~nct ~~~ fine[ j~c~~m~nt~ h r~; ~ a~~r tl~~ c~r~~ ~~t~on ~,nc 6 c~x~aau~t ~r~ ~ X11 app~als~ r~~~~~rin~s, re~nanc~~, ~tr ~ s, car reviews ~f ~hi~ ~~ti~rz, 7 i ncluding the tine I` mite for filing K y m~tioa~s ~r ~ppXi~atio~s fir ttens~on a~~im ►urs~ t tc~ ~pplie~bl t~~v, Upon wrr tt~n r~qu+~s~ made w t~iin thirc-~ ~30~ days aver Final I3i~pQs ~is~n, each R~+~ ~ai~~t must return ter ~~a~ D~~a;~~at~~ yr destroy all 1 ~? P~~t~ct~ Inf~rrr~al~~on, r~cludin~ ~lI c~~ies, absirac , cornpil~tca~n~, ~~1~~'ie~ arc[ ~1 any c~th r format r rca~iucin~ ~r ~ p~urin,~ ~n Pr~t~cted lnfiormat on. 'Vl~h~jth r the 1 ~~~e~t~ct~~ IuTat~rial is r~tur~~d or d~stv~ed, upon ~rtt~~a ] 3 mint submit a ~~ tt~~ ce~ki~~~t vn to the ~+es gnat+~r wi~hjn (l days a~~r Final. ~ t4 I sp~si~ tin that ~l~ 1(~~C1~1~~ 7~' C~~~g01'~, gt~esfi, the ecip~i~nt where appropriate ~1 tl~~ Prvt~cted I nfc~rrn~tic~n ; w~~ return ~i ~r d~strc~y~d ar~d (~) ~ffirrns that the I~ I t nit t re~prod~~c ng yr c~p~urirtg any off` t~~ Frot ct~d pier~~ his to n d env ~~p es, abs~-act~, c~~~~ilat~c~n,~ sum ~ries4 air any a~. ~r fcrrrnat a r gil, l~l'~~ ith~t din t~ ~~r~vision, counsel ire anti ~d t~ regain ~r~ ~r~hiv~.l copy ~f a1l p1~~din s, c~~ic~n t ~a~~~rs, ~~l, d~~c~ ti~n, and. he~~in trn~cript~, I~~I t~e +~r~nd~, ~~~~~pan~ier~c~~ 1 c~ d~~ac~s~t~c~r~ ~r~d trim exhibits, xp~r~ reports, attc~rn .~ wt~rlt product, and ~onsultar~ I and expert c~ri~ ~ar+~dt~~t, +~t~ n i such nnater~~l~ ct~a~t~.i P'rcafiecte~ Ma1.~r al, ~~y hiv~l c~~i~s fat can i ~ ar ~+~n~t tut ~rUt~~~:~d .l~~t~rial r~ma ~ sul~j~~t tc~' , ~ such 23 ~l~s ~'r~tct~~e ~rdr. ~4 ~, ~l. 1~ith~ut e~~r~te curt ~rd+~r, t.~~s ~rd~t n,;,~ the parties' stipula~.icm r ~~s ~vt chap, ~, a ~en~ +~r cir~ur~~v~nt any G~ur~ ru~c' ~r l gal rule. 2 6: ~7 .FI]Zi~~(~ C~~N~~~ ~F ~~(~RT~. 1~" 1~ ~C~ ~'I't'UI.,A'I"~I~, 'I ?~ ~I'I~'~~`I~~p P[~f;~"1"~~C"I~VF;, t;~1tU~it 135~3~t~2.i -i 2, t 7-c v-D+D t ~ ~-[3~F~J 1 case ~:~ /-CV-Wllb-USF-JtM uocument 1~ ~iiea ueiu iil i gage l:~ or l~ Nage its ~:~:~u 1 T~AT~~: Jung ~ } 7ClI? rll~ i Attc~trr 5 - ~ 6 Y l~E~` ~~e i ~.,~V~ FIRM, F~laint ~~ ~~ r ~~ x~ ~~ ~c~ ~~ Zs ~~ ~~ P s~ r r 1Y h D a~~r ~~~~ ~ case 3 1 /-CV-UUll6-U51--JtM UOCUlllelli 1~ F-Ileq U6/U //l / F'ag@14 OT 15 Nage iu #:~~1 ~~ItT~~1C',A'TI4N IttE CC~~`IDEN'I'Cx~►L ~I~~O~~'It'~' MAT~~I~1L [~~N1 ), Ih~r~by~ c nt~~v[~~d ~ that I', ~dI'1QrN A.h1I~ ~M~'~C~~'~.1~], ~rri 5 ~ib~ut tc~ ree ve ~raicctc:c~ TnCarr~aatiivn su~pl ~d iii 4c~~~necta~~ ~+ ~h the .A~cti~n CJr~it~c~ tats 7 ! strict ~'~~rt fQr the Ge~~fr~l I~ist~ ct of C~.1i~'~rn~a ~~s~ number : ~ 7'-~v-t~~~ ~ ~i-TJSF-JEPa~1, I ) cc;rt ~~ tJ~~liunc~~r~ rsc~ tJ~~t: t~t~ P~tecte~i tnf~rmati~n i~ pxavide~ ~c~ me ~~bj~ct try the t~:rrr►~ 9 1~ T restrict ~n~ ~~t ~ Prot~t~r~=~ (~rd~r ~i~e~ i this ~~ti~an. Ihave been liven a ~up~ +o~the I'~~~~~~t~~~e r~~d C~rd~r,Ihave r it, end i a r~~ t~ be t~un~l by its 1~cr : d~fn~d ~~ the P~ot+~cti~'e +~krd r} inc tarli~~ 1 un~cr~i~td that Prate~t+~~i Ir~fc~ t~tic~n, ~t y such mate~~ls> nr~fi: b~ ~ ss;t~sc~ o I r~c~res car other reds that may b~ made r~~ard ng 1 an~Fone ~x~~pt as e~ ress[~ ernti~,et~ by the ~'~~t~ct~v~ C~cc~~r. 1 mill n~rt ~o~ay ~r use, ~r~~ep~ 14 gol ly for ~e purposes v~` ~s A~.tian, any Prot~ctcr~ informal can ~bt~ir~~d gursu~nt ~~ this IS Pr~tte~tiv~ (~rd~r, ex~~gt d~ ~r~►~ acd t~icr~in r~r ~therw~ ~rd~recl by t~~ Gcrurt in the Acti~r~. 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