California Communities Against Toxics v. Mattco Forge, Inc. et al

Filing 24

CONSENT JUDGMENT by Judge Terry J. Hatter, Jr. IT IS STIPULATED BETWEEN THE SETTLING PARTIES AND ORDER AND DECREED BY THE COURT AS FOLLOWS: The Court has jurisdiction over the action. Defendant shall make a one time payment a total of $2,000.00 to compensate CCAT for costs and fees to be incurred for monitoring Defendants compliance with this Consent Decree. Defendant shall pay $1,500.00 for each Action Plan for which CCAT substitutes substantive comments under paragraph 25 above. T he Defendant agrees to make a payment of $30,000.00 within thirty calendar days of the Effective Date as to You Sow fora project related to water quality designed to analyze, reduce, prevent or otherwise mitigate the ecological and or public hea lth effects of storm water and or non storm water discharges into Los Angeles area waterbodies. Defendant agrees to partially reimburse Plaintiffs Fees and Costs, consultant fees and costs reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred as a result of investigating and filing the lawsuit and negotiating a resolution of this matter and amount totaling $29,500.00. Defendant AS Related to: Settlement Agreement 23 See order for further details. ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated ) (shb)

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Jesse C Sw2nhuvser(Stag Bar ~o. 282186} ANAC:~IPA LA~~` GR~t~'F, fti~C. 508 fast Haley Street 2 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 3 Tel: (8t~5) 689-t4~9 ~t 5 AtiQrney~ for Plaintiff Cr1LIF'OR?~`I.~1 GOft~L'1~iUI~ITIES AGAINST T~~CI~S t 6 ~L'i!Iiam 1~4~'. Funder~urk (.State Bar ~Q. I76~~~) An:~~ Le ~~tay (Stage Bar Via. 25831 zl Castellon & FundLrburk LLP ~~ i 14'il~~tire Blvd Ste 102 9 L~~s ~.~~~~es, CA 90017-2b~9 Tel.(2 13} 623-7~ 1 S :U Fax.(21.i) X32-39234 Email: ti~-tunder~+ur!t;~candt:irn.c~m I1 ~ttc~rney €ar D~f~r~dant ~~f~.7~`~C'~O FORGE, INC. ! ? ~~ ~~ tiIT~D STATES DISTRICT COL~RT L CEN7']~L DISTRICT C7F CALI~'{7R1~TIA ~5 a6 ~ CAL~~QRNt~, CQM~~LJI~I'f1ES AG:~I'~ST T~XICS, a non-pr~fii 1 8 p~i~?ic ber+e~it association, i7 ,~ zo ?~ ~~ ~ vs. Case ;~o.: 2:3.7-cwd3?93-`CJH-ASx ~~~~~ $~~1 CQhSEh'I'DECREE ~~rn o~n~R ~~ ( Federal Water Pollution Control Ac#, 33 L~~.S.~. § 1251 ~t seg.) I Ivi~TTGt7 FORGE, ~iC., a Galifcar~ia ~:vrpc~ration, ~3 Def~ndarts. 3ud~e_ Hon. Terry J. Hatter 24 25 2~a 2 ? 28 ~onsrnt Dtcret am tJrder Case Nu, 2:17•sv-43793=TJH-,~Sx ~~'HEREAS, Cali~orni~ Comn~uniti~s Against Toxics("CC~T" or "Pl~intif~') is ~ a non-~rofi~ public benefit association of comm~.~niry groups and concerned citizens around the State o~ California, wz h its main office ire Rosamond, Caiifi~rnia; ~ '4'H~REAS, CC~T is dedicated to worki~~; with cammuniti~s t.~ advocaE~ for environments? justice and p~lluti~n grev~nti~n. CHAT has members livil~~; in and around Paramours;, as wel: as throughout the Las Angeles River Watershed. CCA? and its members are deeply coaicei-n~c with p.otecting public hea' h and the eiiviranrn~nt ir. ~ ~ncE around their communities; V4"HERE~,S, ~~tattca Forge, Ins. ~"R1a#tco" or "Defendant")owns and operates ar: ~ industrial fa~ilit}~ at and?or near 1b4~3 l4'[in.~esata.Avenue and 7~3Q Jackson. Street in P~.~amount, Cal:f~rnia {"Faciiit~"~; ~~'HEREAS, Niatzco as a mater of;.otForate p~~licy has set as a priority b~ix~ a gaod cor~ara.e citizen focuseu~ on making its loeal communities better places to live and work, ~~'HER~AS, on :'~Iarei~ ~, ?01.7, CCA7'sort a sixt;r(60} day notice le[ter ("Notice Let~~r''} to Def~ndan~, the U~it~d Stages ~nvironrriental Prot~cti~n Agency ('EPA"), EP~1 R~bion IX,tl~e State Va`at~r R~sourc~s GontraE Bard {"State f~a~rd"} and the Regional '~['ater Quali4y Contrt~l Board (`:R~gianal Bard";. 3tatin~ its znt~nt to file suit far alle~e~ viola*~~ns of the Federal «`~*~:r Faliution Control .pct, 3a U.~,G. ~§ 1251, e1' 2D ~ ~ se9- ~"Clean ~'ster Act' or "C17y'A"}; 21 WHEREAS,tl~,e Notice Latter all~~~d violations of the C~VA for Defendant's 22 ~ alleged discbarbes o~ ~~~lluta,~ts into storm drains anc~ recziuing waters, Reati,h ~ of the Los An~~les Riti~er {"River"), Reach 1 ofthe Riper, the River's Esruary, San Pedro Bay L3 ~~ ~ ~ and the Pacific Ocean (~o~lectively "Rec~i~ing Waters"), in aile~~d viola~ian of National 25 Fol ution Discharge Elimination Sy~st~m ("tv'PDES"} General Pe~nit Ian. C,t1St700Q01 i1 2u ' (Site t~~ard] ~Ar'atzr Quality Under tve~. 97-~3-DV~Q("1997 Permi#"}, as superseded key 27 2~ [E~epeard] Consem [?zcrae and C3rd~r 2 Case No. 2:17-cv-03793-TlH~ASx , t ~ Qrder ?v`o. 20i4-Qt~~7-D~'Q (:`2015 Permit"}. ~'h~ l~)97 Permit end<`or X0,5 Fr:,mit r:a} be ref~rr~c~ tra ~en~ricali~~ a~ t7~ "St~riil \1~'ater Pei-~ni.;" ~~~HEREAS, Jurin~ tl~z Fib-Day noCite ~~riod to t~~ ~res~ni, ~1a~;co made 3 ~ signifc~r~t eif'orts t~ review stormtivater mariag~meni practices, u~ciudi~~ installation ~f ~ ~~e~~~ st~rimva~er ~n~na~err~en~ e~uiprnent at thz F~~ility; y~~H~REaS, ~urin~ the SO-Day n~zicz pz~~iod to t~~~ presen~ CC;~T and ~i~tt~o ~ ~ . i ,.:;ue begin in c~riprehtnsi~=e, ~c~oc'- ~itt~ s~ttlem~n~ ne~otiation~; '~°N ~ ERE~S,s~mpiin~ of stQrniw,ite~- di~cl~a:~~es at the Facility ~iav sho~~m i U `si~ritic~nt iit~~ro~-~~ment, ~~i~,~ most sam~~e results ~e[r~4v the numeric limits s~i t`orin in ~ ~ t!~~ EPA's 2G? ~ ti~Iui~i-Sector Crener~l T'~rmi~. ~'1~~I I2EAa, Qn ~~I~y 9, 2017 GC.~T t~l~d a campl~int('`Complaint"j ~;air~si it ~ I ~ J~ De~e~~~a::t in thz t~~i:ed 5tate~ Dish-i~t Court, Central District of California Entitled ,,_ i , ; tc~~ft~r-ni~r ~'~~trrrnf.~itre.s ,~iQ~i~st fi~xic_r vs. .~lattco Forge, Irzc,; ~" ~~'HEREAS, the IJef~ndan~ d~ni~s 11l alle~ati~ns Qf the C~amplaint; 1~ 4t'~-IEFZEAS, P a~n~i#i~an~ D~fen~;~~ col ecti~~~l;a referred iu herei:: as ih~ l6 "Seltlin~ Parties" or "Paris"} a~rze t#gat it is in tf~e ~'arties' mutual interest to e~~t.r into t f ~ ' a ~~nsent Decree ~etun~ fart ~ ter~l~s acid c~itc~i~~n5 ~pgro~riat~ t~ reso[tiEin~ thy: I~ 1} ~ ~ aiie~a:i~r~ set forth in the Cor;~lsirt ~itlt~~t further ~rz~~~~c~ings; ~!`I~ERE.~S, all ~~~~n b;~~ t!le I~~f~nd;sit pursuant to this Cc~ns~nt Decree ' ~ steal! be +nad4 in com~l;~r,ce t~~iih aI~ ap~l~cab~e i~d~ral, s~atz and local rules and ~ ?1 , , , _ i•egulat~ons, Nl~~~` THEREFORE iT IS HER~:B~r' ~TIPUL~TED BE'~Tti~'EE°r' THE SETTtI~`G PARTIES A1TD ORDERED AND IIE~R~ED BY THE C'OL~RT AS z=~ ~; ~~ 1, Tae CQut's bias juri~dicti~€~ over tl~e st~~ject ttz~tter ~f ~~is aetiQn purauant to S~cti~i7 Sl~~(a~(1)(,~) of the G4t'A, 3,i U.S.C, ~ f ~6~~a}{ 1 j{A); ~p ~Q (Prepe~edj Consent llecrec an~i rrdcr ~~_l~ Cas~'va, Z. ii-cv-0'93-T]H-ASx ~. ~`enu~ i~ a~~~r~~~riat: in the Central Dis riot Curt pursuant to Sec,tian ~C~~(~j(!j oftie C~~':~. ~3 U.S.C. ~ i;6~~c;~ ~), because the Facility ai ~ihic~ ttt~ a1l~ged G 3 a 'vialwtic~rs are ta_k?n~ dace i5 Iacated ~vi[~in this District; I Thy Com~ftii►Zt stars a clai~l upon v~•hich relict r ay ba gr~rted against ~ 3, 5 ~' l~~tz~~r~ant ~+ursuant t~ Seetior SQL o~thz C~,'A, 33 ~,~.5.~. ? 13G~; ~#. ~~ CC~aT n.:a stanc~in4 to ~ari~~~ tn~s action; ~. G Thy C,a~rt 5ht 11 retain jiFris~~~.tion nve - t~;is rt~atte~• f4~t~ purposes a~ g ins::t-preting, mod f~ii;~ c~- enfc~rci :~~ the terms of t{~i; Cor~se:~t D~;cree, to; as long a~ ~s ~:~ nzcessary for the Goui~i to'ti: any rn~ti~n t~ en:~:~e d;is Can~et~t Decree. ! ~~ ~~ ;; I. f)F3JECTI~'ES n. It is the express pur~o~4 c~t`~h~; Parties er,~erin~ int~~ 1~~. ~ Con~~.nt Decree to furti~~r the c~bj~ctiv~~ set iort~ ire the (~i~a;; ~~`at4r :fi t, ;~ U,5.C. ~~ 1?a;, et sag., and to 1? resc~iv~ thc~~~ i~su~s af~eaed by C~:'~T in its Con~p.~int. ?~-,~se abjecti4•~s.include 13 1 t, ~ ~ara~.~liance ~~~itl~ the ~ru~~isi~~n~ s~f :his ~onsetzt Decree, gnu compli~n~e ~;th the L ~ ~ req~ir~n~ents of ih~ 20 i ~ Permit end a" a~~,li~~~~l~ ~ro4~isic~ns of the C~~',~ ~~:si~h are the ~, l t~ ~ su~+j~ct ~f this Cansetit I7cc~~ze—s~~~iticai}~ E~ece~ving ~l'~t~r Liinit~tians '1, B ~:~d C g~ !' j , Sec~ion ~'I u~ the ?(J! ~ Permit, and Ftfluent t.imitaii~ns :~. ~3 2n~i G at 5~ctit7n ~' t~t`Eh~ t 8 ~ ~ 2~ I ~ Peri~ii ,widen re~~rir~; :~z~~~ ~?rcr, than Defendant ensure tf~at industrial stut~in ~~aier ~~ 1 ~ ;~;s~~ar~es and auth~ri~ed non-stortn~~~te~ ~i~e~sarg~s dc~ nc~t cause ~r c~«tri;~ut~ Ca ~n ,, Zt) exc~e~~nLe of and; app ~.~ ~Cc ~1~'atz~~ duality Standards (`.~~`~tS„ j any' im~lcment Scst ? ~ ~~~ I~1a~7a~~n7ent Pr~ctic~s 1"13~.~Ps"} t.~iat comply ~~~ith Lie Best AvaiIa~~ti Technology ~~ ~ ~~`T3F1T"} a~~ S~~~z C~nvcn:ion~l P~11uta:~t Cc~ntroi Tecl~~r~olr~~~ ("~3~T"~ ret~ui.=ements of ?3 ~ tlae 20; ~ Par-~nit. B~~Ps mint be d~v~„~~ec~ anal i!xtp;~ment~d t~ ~revetit d;~ct~arges or i~ 'a ~` rt~uce contanlinat;on ir, ~t~r:n w;~ter di~ct~~r~ed From the F~~ilit}~ in ~~mpli~nave u-ith this C ~nstn4 Degree. ~~ ~~ ?g ~~ Ganse~il Decree and Omer ~ Cage Na, 2:17-~v-{3~7~3-T11-l-ri5x t~ j [l. I EFFECTI~%~ D.~TE A\D TAR}Ii~ATlO'! 7. Tie term 'Et t~tivz Date," as used iii this Goils~nr T~ecree, shalt n;~an the t ua?e tl r t~ourt enters tie fine: Ca~7sznt Decree. 4 ~ ~. Ti~is Gonsei~t Decree ~vi~l terminate ~n it5 c~tivn terms tl~r~~ (3j yea;•s froa~~ 5 ~ rho ~2fective Date (?h~ "Tzrmin~i ~r~ Date"j, url~~s t}~~r~, is a ~ri~r ~n~oin~, unres~lr~•ed 6 ~~ di~}~~~t~ re~~cr~ing D:fer~~nt's ~~m~li~~ce ~~ith iu terms ~a ~e~cri~e~ in a `v'~t ~e cif 7 ~ dispute filed ti~~it~: th:. ~~~urt prior to the 7'e►~min~tiun D~Ee, ~~1 ieh ~i~tic~ ~hal~ id~ntii}' S ~-- iss~,e in t~isput~, 1'?~e ti~in~ ter strct~ a ~c~tice ~~f Dieu': s}' e~:end the Tern7inatiar~ 9 (Date u~~:i r41~: C~~rt det-:1~mines tine d s~ut~ h is aver reso ~ ed and tlter~upon ~i~r.~isses the case, or, ai~~rnat ~~.~, if raze Se~t'ir~ Parties file a s~ipula io~i for dismissed. 1~ 9, ~Iattca nia~~ nio~=~ the C~ur~ tc~ terminate t~:e C~ns~,nt Decree aE att~ brae i ~k I prc~vide4~! that the fal ~~~~~it~Q conditions, or such ~lternati~~e c~n~tic:ons to ~!~ict~ the S~ulir.= Pas-~;es a~~~zL in wnti:~~ sifter coi~5pliance ~ ii~~ the cr,eet and ~nnfer pravisio~ls of 13 1~ ! ~~ra~raph ~ ~ belo~~~, are satisfied: _ ~~ ' a, Def~nc~ant ~~:is i~~l~y~ in~p~emented al rnea;~u~es u~etailz~ in pa~a~-~ph 15 beit~u~, (1 f~ any! a?) oiner app~ic~ble re~f ~.:ir~m~nts .a be c~mpl~t~d order this Con~~ni 77 Decree prior [a Chi date nn ti4~~i~h tl~e Defenc~unt ilsov~s for 6ert~!ination; 1Y h. Defendant has rev-isee~ and tiill~• in~pl~n.ented its Storm ~"a~~r Pal~ution i3 f Pr~ven~;an ~'1Y;:s f"~1~~'4'YP"~ snd Vlc~nitorin~ and R~p~rting Programs 21) ~ ~ (~~:~'1c~:RP"j pursuan~ tc~ die r~q°sirements o~ tl~3s C~iisei~~ L7ecrea a~~d the ~0 I ~ ~_ Z ~7 !~ Permit; C. Ti'1CC4' e3r~ S10 OTI~v} ~' ', UI1I't;~{11l~'eC ~15~i.Ste'S ~'2~3!'l~',?la ~E't~'11t~3!1t'S C~~IYI~!~3rii' Z with th;s Gons~rt Decree, including lout not lu~iitec~ t~ any c~i~~?u :r~latcd to ,:~ tote payment o: Le~s`eos~s, Sup~lernenta? En~~irc~nmental P1•~ject ~"S~=P") 25 iiY~~l~m~ntatio:~, cc~mplian~~ monitaring fees, in7pierr;ent~tic~s~ of s~onn ~~~at~r ~6 acid ncn-st4em ware: cr~ntroi B~~iPs, anc~ con~~lian~e wish numeric levels z', detailed be~aw ~1 Tab~~ 1; 28 ti'repaseL+}Cansent Ua:rac and C)r~tr 3 fast `gin. ?: E?-cv-C2's"~J3-TIH-,AS!c ~ d. .~1' payments req.aireu~ under s~rti~rl~ N~ (pass. 3~ a~~c~ 36} and G (Fa~-as. s9 aatc! ~ 1 ~~~ o~ tzis Consent Dacr~:e are made; a~~d 3 e. ~aPlo~;~in~ the E~'fecti~~e Date ~f`this Corsent Decree, moni~c~Fi~1~; data gram four (~) eonsecuti~r~ stony wager ~am~ales eoll~ctec: at each di;charg~ p~in~ 4 d~mo~~tra e po!Mutant concentrations in stc~rm~vater disc~~irges ~~~ nc~t exceed 6 the iu~reric ~eveis i~ Taale i ; ~ ;1~. To ~~rn~inate ear?~~ as ~r~~~ide~ al~c~ve, ~efeslc~~~t~h~1 fia a inatit~n for ,, # e<~rx,; ~~rmiait can vt ic1: the Co~irc. ~~fer~lart s a l pr~vic'~ Piaintif't`a ~d its ci~unseI «~:t[: 7 ~ writt4n r,~~tii~ ~t ~as~ thiry-t~ve { aj tfia~,=s ~~for t~ f~i'~n~ an~~ :nUtit~n for termination or ` 10 , tl,e Con~~nt Degree. 1i ~ ~~ ? G~ i lipnn r~~eint ~~ ~h~ writtan re~aest t~ Lermi~i~4e, COAT nlav c~~i~uuct ~n i~zs~ec~ioi~ oC t13~ Facilin~ wig ~i:2 thir~~y (3~1) calendar d~y~~ ~n~ ti-latt~c~ ~uil~l ~sirk with i; ~ CC~T t~~ se~~td~~?~ and aeco~nm~da~~ tic ins~~ct~oil, if re~uest~il, c+~~~uiin the 30-d~~~ I; ~erind. D~irSn~ tfE~ Site Inspectio~i, C)zf=~n~i~nt steal' a~l~i~• CHAT ar~tL'a~~ars t~ ~ fi r~~r~s~nt~lite~ a~.ress to ~I~~ ra~ilr.y's S~CPPP, ~1&:P.P, ane storm ~~~at~:r monita~[ng : ecot-t3s. Furt~~er, Dei~r,~an; ~F~11 a:".~~~~ CC~~'T' an~;`or ity repr~,~rtat;les to ct~l~~t spli! ~ - ~arnpl~s uf~tor~r ~~•ater ~r n~~n-sturZ»~wker c~ischa:g~~ ~urin~ t~ti site ins~e~fit?n, if ~ 1 a~Pli ably, ~t the Faciii~~~. CGAT s}- al~ i~~ ~~rmitte~ to take ~I~~to~raph~ or ~:~ideo , ~~ ~~ r~~o. -din~ d~rina an ~ Si~~ ~~s.~.c,ti~r~ am ~~~il , u or re~utst ravide ~~to~r~ hsand~~r ~ vide ~~ ti~t~ tea ~c~~itnir, `'c~u~~~en r']4) ea~~ndar d~vs. ~ti~fltr~-iihs~andin~th~ fore~oi~~: tl 'C=1T a~i•Les ti~at all individ~a~ls ~~artici~ating in a S~t~ In:~pecti~~n ~~v~ll execuie. anci be C ~u~~~ct ~o, ~a;veF~, r:E~~sus gnu ~imi~da 3~:Fe~m~en~s as «ire ~x~euC~c~ in e~nnectiocl tuit~ '~ ~; ~l~e bite ~r7~~.ecti~n cone ~cced an Ju;~e ?6,?O1 ,~, inc~u~is«g 'hut not li<~~i ed t~ these farms ~a ~siaulish n,~ restric,t~t~r~s oiz ali~aw~eu r~cQrded ~l~~~u~nentar}~• images or de~ic;ic~r7,. ~y 1 _'. L~n3~ss tf~~re i~ an an~,oin~, u~~re~olved dis~~:~~ re~~rdin~ D~f~nzf~.nt'~ ?~; et~mpiiance ~~•ith this Consent I~~c.;e~, ihirCy-fi~~e (35) ~atendar days a~t~r written notiez ~ ; r ?~ .__. ___ _` __ . .___.. j ~raperse~ Consent Dz~r~~ :.nd l~rdcr __ ______ __ ______,____ b m. Case t~io. Z~ iT-cv-tl3?93-'I']H•ri~~ t~-as ~i~~en, D~iznd~:~t h7ay mo~•~ tnf~ ~~urt to term'snaie th~: Consent Decree end CCAT 1 shall not oppose th. motion. .~ III. CO:~i 4iTTt11E~tiTS OF THE PARTT~;S a ; ~.. Industrial Storm `Water Pollution Control :Measures S 13. .~~ti~ nan-storznw~ater dfst}~arges ['<~~~~"ps"3 trom the Fat-il~ty m~~s[ ~~ ~ authorized by [h~ 2015 Permi~ ar anot~~er Iv~PD~S permit. ? ', 1=*. r!~! sc~rm ~~~at~r poli~,ic~n r~~e~su3-~s ret,b~ired ~y this CorsentDecre~ will ~e , S ; imp~~tn~:atud at tine Fat. i~~~. Ar.~~ disputes aver the ad~Cu~cy a.nd'or l=rr;;n~ c~t'th~ 9 ~ , impie~t~entati~n ~f B ~(Ps shat; he resol~~zd ~ursu~nt tc~ t.~r dispulz re~olu~ion prUvisit~ns iG of Consent D~~,ee, set ~u in Secti~il It;` b~lo~v, ~. i2 13 I~ I~ I6 ' i ,~ 1~ ~~ 2~ , ~ ~~ 23 ~~ { ~ 26 $;~tP 1'~n. ~.'Iai:c~ ~~.s cr ~~i(; m~'ement tl~e Fo11~~~~i,^.~, add=.ti~~a1 B~1~'s b; Apri! I, ~~J ~, or t~~ Effective Date of t~nis C~nset~~ D~cr~e. ~~~hichever ac4urs later; a. I~siall maintain and re}?l~ce (as necessa,*y) a~~?rapriate covering on dresses ~t facilit~~'a t~orti; p~rim~t~r ti~.~. h~~vy dut~~ water-pro,ff~rp=, indus~ri~' pc~;~~ sh~etin~) t~ prevent stc~rm«aterec~nract; b. Permanent!} laitt~ ~e srna:l drain male its ~e seutl~~~~estein corner ofthe Facilit~~ ass~min~ it is not o~erationaliY ne~d~d fir drainage; c. Ir.~~~all, maintain arxtt t•~:,~'3~.e as necessary Piltrexx Enviro~ocks ar ecuiti~~e~t ti er B~I1' a~ I~is~Ilarg~ & 5zm ~lir~ E'oints tics, I , '~,3, and 4, as i~~nti#i~d on t<~t~ attached S to ~~?~p. Tl.i~ i~ ~1P is i,~t feasi ale ~t Discharge c~. ~amplin~ , Pint ?~~, ~ ~~i~ tc~ high u•affi~ ant a~~y exc~ed~.nces ~~il1 oe adrlresse~l thtc~u~h Actin Pl;~.~ ~re~~ratior~'~ssess~~~ent, or u`ia dispE~t~ rzsQ~~tio~~ prceedures if n~cess~ry; d. In~cail, ~i~Gintain any' replace as nec;,ssary L'f:~a-Drain guard, H~a`~~v ~rtet:t mod:I c,a~ch ~i~sin insets(or equivalent) at a!1 s~orrn drains; e. Fill ail substan< al or o~vio~~s cricks and crevices in graunc~ surface wing cement, epoxy or sianilar p~nnanent ai d noii-pal lLtin~ material ~~tit~: a ~oa~ ~o l rots ~» a~,~a~~ni of met~1 dusc'patticula ~ ~ ~t is e~sit~• ma~ilize~ ~~~ sic~rrttu£atzr; t. ~~'~~ki~~ s~~~ze~in~ of ~~i our~id~ ~raund sur?a~es po#entially~ arrect~d Ly ` industria' activity, inclu~ir:~ thr~,~~: aeri~il d~~o~ition, with "vil~i~k C5'1010 s~~ee}~er ar equivalent, ir~cludi~~g thz area of rac4~ out do Mirrnest~~ Avg. az gate nart3~~ast of Tool Building, a ; 28 ~firaptraedj~C,ansent 17ecrcr and C7rder Casa No.?;17-ev-0374~-TJH-A3x I i ~ s' -' 3 ~ ~ ~ E ~ $ ~ '. ~ '~ ~ 11 g. S~riveen May ]and S~pt~mbLr 3~1 of eac :year, monthly ~~,~=~e~i~~~vacu?imina of ar~~s th~i are not eitectiuz ;~~ ~1~aned ~~° la3~er n~eeh~niz~d s~~eeperi.$)(e•~under stared ct7~teri~~~, a"one Ea~il~ins~s, aro:inca outdoor storage); h. Be:u~een Octa~er 1 a►~d April ~~, weekly s~~~zeainglv~cutir~irg of areas that ire nat e~'~ectively ci~aneu~ by lar~vr me~l~ani~~d Sweepers} (~_a. u;~der stored materials, along bui?din~ edges, outdoor storagej, s. Rernave ancj rep aye p~~lin~ pant an s~uC.'i~rn p~ri; -Teter of T~QI Bui.c~in~; 1-t~inta~n ~n ac3e4u~~tely sized secou~ar}= ec~ntainment syatem for waste ail storage areas an~oi• mnve ~ti~a~te ail structure, indiaars; ',. k. Imine~=~tely and charol.aniy cl~ai~ any ani~ a1? spills or ~ea!~s ofoil; 1. V=ice ~n;~ua ly, ~nel~~di ~~ o€~ ~r a~~out Octo?~er i of each ~re~r: t~~rou~hl~.dean ~s ne ~s;ary a ~ arias l i~~ly af~e~ted 1~~- a~ri~l de~osi`ioit of iridu~~rial etr ~ssi~ns using a pressure tiva~l~er or ec}4:ivalent, and ~~ap~r~y ds~~ase of any pro~~ced wastes; m, Install a rain ~aae, a~~d maintain contempora ~~aus records of e~c~ si~nn eueni ` gen~raiii~~ more tha!~ d.l i ,ches of rain. i6. !? T~: ~~a": o!~the (311Pa aut~i:~~d iii para~~aw~ i ~ is ensure kt,at ivlattco act t~ves and maintains iv~'~ cem~~ian~e with ~k1~ s~it~it and letter of t:icy Storm ~~at~r 13 ~ i ~ C ~zr~it d .i;ink at~d bey~o~Y~' tht t~iiu of this Consent Uec~ee, il~~tt~o steal; i~1~~~ineni and t ~ ~ 'maintain ad~~ric~na~ BMP~. ~~~:ic~ maY in~lu~ie the insta~l~tion of an active stormivate~• treatment s}~st~m, if sampling t~ata indicates st:c~~ addi[ioi.s are appropei3te due t~ t~ 1 ? j si~r~i[icant ~ndrbi• reheated exceedances of the numeric 1in.iFs cortaine~ i~~ Z':~aI..E 1 ~t t ~ 'paragraph 2? ~a~low. r~ ~ S. ~I~nitaring and Raporiing Fro;~~am (~I~4r,RP) , ,sJ 11. ~ S~~mEalz T~ re~~:e~cv. D~f~ndani ~lYa~i ec~l eat storm mater samples in the .~ , e~~nt than ~i,ci~argzs occur ax the ~=acility fr~in at least four (=~) qualif~~i~l~ sCorm events , ~~per R~~~rung Ife~r (Tiny 1 to tl~~ 30) ir: accordance wish Section XI.B. ~f ,, ~~ ' the ~~i~ 1'~~-~~it~ ,~nti~ f~sii ire t~, sample a iischar~e frt~m each cli~chara~ l~cati~n ~t Lhe z~ ` ~' Facifi[y until the so~cifi~d f~ur(~) ~~~~lii~~in~ storm events p~rReportingYearhav~ 2 ~6 ~ t~e~n samp'.ed sha ] ~e d~c~nnented and sul~mit~~ci tc~ CCAT ~aJit~~in tin (1U) days oFd~e d~t~ a sas~~pl~ u-as r~quirec~ to has•e ~~n co~Iected but vvas r~t~t, 4 ~~ ~~ } ~ Cnnsent Decree and Grder 8 Casa': u. 2' i7-cv-1137Q3-TJ~-fi-r1Sx 1$. t' ~;.~m~I~ Ana y`sis. ~Th~ Def4ndant sha14 ana:~~ae san7pies collected in ? ~ ac~oa•G'anee ~4~itl; sam~ing and an~3y~sis ~racedi~res s~e~itiPd hti• tfic Permit far'T~ot~~! 3 ~~ Susp~ndei~ ~i~lids, eH, C~i1 ~ Gi`ease, zi<ic, ~~uminurr, iron, l~ea~vaf~nt c~roir~~:~~~~, 4 {nickel. ead, titatziun ,end c~~al~, as ~~~ei as surf addi ionai' cc~nstitue~lis required b}'thy 5 ~, Storm V4'at~;• Permit ex~~pt ma~ne~ium', T~,~ De end~n shwll seie~t ;a~o~'at~ries ~Zd anail-ti~a] lir~iits s~lcl~ that, at ~ minimum, tl~~ meJ~od detection Ifr:~it~, are below tl~e ? "! r~um~ri~ iimit~ in Table 1. 8 ~ i 9. L?acei;zir,~~ ~'~ints. Thy: ~el~nda~at shall ~olleui i•e~c~rabl. storm u~t~r 4 'samY,i~~ trai.► zacii of the `c~llr~~~~i~l~ l~cativ.~s at tl~~ Facility, as id~:~t;~ied on t~~e act~;.he~ S f4' i~~3:7. a . ~. c. d. e. .3 1~ ~~ Sample Point ~; Sample Point 2; Sample Pont 3; San~~le P~irtt 4; Sattapl~ P~~int 5. ?0. ~ ~ ~' E? ~' ti4`t-itzz~~ 11~,~rt. 17L ~n~~n ~n~?1 stibn~it a ~~.rritter r~por[ t~ CC~'.T' at t}3e end ox ~a~l~ ~~~~ert~.z~ ~'~~r luting aU st«rrn ~vei~~s far o~c.un~~d anc r~,~af .d in a t ~ ~ u:,ehar~e at any o~ tI~U F~c; i~y~'s storm~~a~~r autra!f~, The report sh~a!~ b4 subc~it:ed on !F i ~ ~r befo;-e J~.iv 3C~ ~~zrY year inuring tna ten~~ of Chi> ~anse~~t Decree and must include a 1:3 ~' ~ [abbe sumntarizi,~~ an~~y7:~ai results Ir~~tt~ Fa~ilit~~`s stcrrn ~r°aver sara~;es and ~otn~arinr~ 19 th~sz results to the numeric limi~~ in 7~ble 1. 2~ ? 1. Rw~ i inL tl~~ ~i:~RP. ~1'it~~in thirtti= ~~Q) calendar aa~s ~f t3~e Eff~ctiti~e Date ~t of this ~onsen Decree, Det~nd~nt shad •;,vise its ~:C~PP within its S~4~PP for the ~` ~`aci~it~~ to ir:c~r}~orate the requirements aftlai~ consent l~eeree and the ?0! 5 P~r:nit, i ~ Tn~ L~eYend~nt Tha l sut~t -~i[ tl.e revised '~i~:RP to ~C.~T f~~r review and ~on~met~t as Z~1 ~~ ~ , soon as it is cone ezed but in ~r~y e~~~r.t na ~~t~r tha~~! witliie~ tiiirt~~ ~3U) ~~l~ndar c1~vs ~. ~b 2? zs ~ ~ There will be na \~imeric Rttian Leve; assaeiat~~ with ~iaones um becsuse nr the issues rei~tzcl dotecnn~ 's imi[ ['~r [lii~ ~onstit~:eni pending Regional W's~er Board concurrence. , 1 ~F~e~e+~~ ~~a~:nt ~~crec and ~raer 4 Case ;ia. ~:i 7-~v-0' 93-TJH-A5x ] ~ f~'larving the Effective Date. CG~T sl~ai pr~~i~e commenis, if anv, rte the Defendan' ? = wit1~'sr C13i~ty (3Q j ca tiridar days ~alla~vir:~ receipt of t11~ reviseu 1.1~;RP, `~€~t C~ef~:ndant 3 i s9:a,i incoi~urate Flaintif[s tomnl~nts into t .~: ~1~R~', ter s~~i: jusri ~v il~ ~~ritir~~ ~~r~y and co~nn~ent is nat incorporated u=ithin t~irty (30j cal~i~~lar d~,~s ~~ recei~~itYe d S '~ ca~rrrzents. Any ~ spt!tes over ~t~e ad~qu~cy~ of the re~~i~~d 1~1ls~RP Seal l be resr~~~~~d }?t~rsuant tea thz d~sp~st~ re~Q~uti~n provisions set ~~.: in S~cti~n 1V ~elt~v~. c ? C. Numeric [,imits fi %~. 'r .~n~~ric [,i~iiit~. It's: i}i~~ ~~ at aia,~ 5 ~~ lz ais:h~r~z ~~oint id~ntitizd above ~ ) ~ at p~r~gr~~?n 1 ~ d~m~n~trare an ex~.~ec~a~~ce of four (=.'; nunYeric lir~ts in T~bl~ 1 in a ~ ~a r ~~ ~ s ng r„ ie~urt3: Q year, ~13t~e~~ shalf cc~mrly` tii~it4~ [he r,.l~van~ requirements spzci~i~~ ~ - ~ ~~,~ b~ia~~. 1~ T.aBLE L !fit%a~EN1C I.,il~1IT5 Cnnta~mnznt ~ ~iumeric Limit Tutat Susprndea 5~~lids ~ i~?t7 m ~:f`L ` w . ,~ ~ ~a ~ V_ --_ ______ _ ~__ ________ ~~ ._ ~7 2t~ Z1 zi. i2 ~'s _.__~ _._ — ~ IIRC ~ Q ~ f ~ 1t1.~". ~lun~num-f~~ ~5 t~~~'1 _,__._~ _ __ tror_ i ~,~my~;'L Fi~xav~enr Ch. ~omium ~ 0.01 b m~,` _ ___Arsenic ~ 0.?4 ~u~'L Cadmium G_ZCl4~ m~~. __ ~ tiickel ' G -~' m~L_ Lead i ~. ~JSI~i m ~rL ~Ti7anium ', RzPort only ' ~ia~ne~ium Cabali t6 l ,. * l~l~ flAt~ ~'JICiiSG ~ ~5 I]Sy_ Act~c~n Pia t~~r Tail_ i Exceedan~:es diirin~ the Consent Ue~ree. In any R~pc~rtir,~ Year dtirino ~~~~icl~ san~plin~ at any single di~~i~ar~e point de~~c~nstraiG~ an ~~ .exceeda~~ce of ~our(~j a~ more numeric lir.aits in Table 1 a ~~t~t~cQ shill prepare a~~d ~ ' ] submit a ~I~r~ for r~ducin~ a~ld!~r elirrii~sti~~g ih~. di~charg~ ofth~se pc~~lu~ants ("~Ac~ion r~ i ~~ f y 28 1 } u~a~C:~irsent Dtcr~c and order 10 ~~ Ca.We Etta ~ :'-~:t~-43 93-"f3H-A~l 3 P!in"j tc~ CC~T ~~ )ul~~ ~ fo[~c~~vtn~ the Repartin~ Yetir in ~vh~h t~~ exceeda~ces ~i~in~ ripe to the e~fie~tt ot~ .~ submit an ~~tiofi Pf~n o~curr~d. ?~# .~ctioil Plan Rtn~~ ~~zm~nts, Each ;~~ti~~ P1a~~! s:~'~mitt~~ steal: k~~ in ~~ritin~? a~~c~ sha~~ in~tud~, ;~~ ~ ~~3nim~.i~~: ~1) ~~e i~~ntification of t~:e pal~utantfs) exct~ding Tab'e ;'s rum~ri~ limits,('7 an ass~~sment oftl,~ source nFeaLh e~cc~~~ance, 43j the id~htificr:tiu« ~~ addi~i~~s~l C3 ~'fFs that 4vi, ~e im~'ei:7ent::d to ac;hiev: pomp ianc~ ~vitl~ tn~: resna~;i~~ nunY~ric imi~s, atld (=~j time sch~c~u~es tur in~,l .ir~~ntin~ proposed B'~1}'a, 3 ~.~~hi~l~ sha t ~.~?t ck~;~ed tine ioi ~~~ii;g Ueta`~er l ur;iess ot;aerwi~~ aLrzeG ~~• tf~.e Yairties u~ a ~ ~~=ri ti n~. k ?5. f C+ .A~ti~n P~~r; k~vi~~4°. CC:\fi sl~a l har=e 30 dav~ fr~ni re~~i~c o[ Defendant's 11 A~lion Plan to pra~~ide E~zfendane ~~i~l~ cc~rnn~enis. ~~'iti~in ~~ d~~s from t[~e date of~ 1? receipt ~,i CC~T~s ~~ritt~n caminenis o~~ the section Plan, Dcf~ni~ant shag provide LCAT i~ ~+it~~ ~3 ~~;itten ~xplarat ~~~~ as t~? tie rea~~ DeTarda~t is nc~t in~r~rp«ratin~ ar~y pa~iicular -~i7s , ,; C"C".aT' cc~mr.~:~nt i.,t~ its ~cti~n F'la~~. ,~n~: dish ut~s a to the ~~tLc;uac~~ of the :~cticn P ~s~ i~ steal! ~~ resoi~~e4 ~,ur~~~~n> t~ t~~~ di~p~l~z re~oi~tit~n pro~,~~si~ns sez ~7ut in Sz~t«~n 1ti`' l fi ~elc~~~. ' 1 ~? 2~. 1~ a~zy strucnu-~1 B~rt~~ rzcuir~ anY' ~ov~rnz~~~nt a~er.~y`~~pr~val, they 1 3 ` L)~fr~dant sLa~:~~~ ea~tact C'~.~T t~ r:~t~~.~es~ an ext;nsi~n Qt ti?~. deaulin~, i~ reccss~rr~, to , 1 ~ i iil;pl~~e,;t t1 e ~t~.;~ttir~' k3,~.~tPs reyu;riil~ ~~Lt1c.y ap;~r~~~a;_ CC,~\T sail ❑at ~~ ~ ~inre~~~nal~I}~ ti~°i~.hoi~ cans~r,i cc~ any extension reaue~t. =s '?. _~ D~f~i~~;~nt shill ;~a~-e urul (~et~t~~r t Fai:~win~* lire Repar~irtg ~'e~r in w~i~n ti c ~~1 ~y~~tian to s~'~n~it ~r~ ~a~ti~n PI::n accu~•rerl tt~ impie=.~~~s~t the .action P an. ~ ; Dei~iit!ant sl~wl3 nc~[ity C~~T itY e~ri:in~ w~h~n ~l~e Action Plan his ~zer~ irz~p~~m~r,ted. ~-~ 1). ~tc►rrn ~~~ater Aoiiuuon Prevention Flan ~~ ?8. Sti~;`PPP R~visi~r:~. '4~'ithin thin}~ (34~) ~al~,nd:~r d~~-s of the Effet~Eive fiat: ~t~ ~ ~ a~ this Cana~rat DeLree, D~fen~ant sh:~~'. revise the S~~'PP~' tc~ e~m~~~~ with Section X o£ the 21713 Yer~nit a~1d this ~~ns~iit Decree. ~l`h~ Defel~~ant sl~:~ll submit the r~~~is~d ~~ ~s ~ ~ 1 ~ '~~'mt^~'t~7Gonscnt 17~crer end ~5rtier . `) G _m.C.ase~Jo- ?:t7-cv-[?3"ni-i'.i;i-.1Sx ~ r S«'PPP t~ CCAT fir re~~i~4v aiyd c~inn;ent a~ soon as it is comp ~tzd, but in anti- ei°ens L na later trr~n shirty (30) ca enc~ar ~~ys `ol~ow;~~ tt~e Ef~~cciv;, Date. l`C.AZ' sh~<1 provi~~ ;r~mments, i~`an}~, to DeFe«d~~t i~it~~in thirt~~ (~U~ ~al~nd~~ days o:~rGceipt of tie c Stii~PPP, L)~~enc~nt s~~~11 in~o.~,~orat~ ~iaintirPs c~mrz~ent~s into the S4~'PPP, or ex}~lair~ iiti S ~~.~i•itin~ ~~;~'~~~ any euil~mcnt is i~c~t incarparat~d, ~~~ithi.~ thirty (~t0} calendar d~vs of f i rcUeiving ~otnn~~nts. Any di~~ute~ a, tc~ t:~~ ~tf~~u~iy of the revise~~ S1~l~~PP sha!1 be r~~o?;red pursuart? to the clis~~ate resol~iti~n pro~ isions set taut in Section [~' 4~eloti~~. , 8 E . Employee Training 9 29. '~'it:~ir< t ~irtti (30j cal=near da~~s of thU Ef~ieeti<<e Date, D~fend~nt s:~al i ~~ revi~~:~ and revise its ems c~yee irain~na program e~tablish~c! in its S1~~PP to ~~mply 1. «~i;Y~ the r~~uix~r~~nts of this ~:ar~ser.t Decree and the 20i S Pcrmii. in~lu~in~ any 1 ~ :rait~in~ rrt~t~:-i3ls, as ne~essarv, for iiurlementa[ian of tie ~raininb program ("Trai~in l~ ProQrai»") lY 30, Thy: Tra~ni~a~ Fro~ram sna.i ~rQvid~ (a'~ that t~~~re ~e a s=iffici~nt number ~Y 1? e~t~plo;~e~s ee~e~ated to achie~°e ec~n~}~1i~nce with tlt~ Stoma ~~'atar Fermi€ and th€~ l6 ~~i~si::tt Dec~rec, aau (~b; that these empl~ye~s a:e ~ro~erly irati7~t{ fia ~~rfarn~ fns i? require~ c~i~;+ iar~ce aetivities und~,c t?;e ?b = 5 Permit and this Consent U~cre~. ~ucl. is ' Cr~irrr.~ Pr~~r3nt shad b~ s~+eei ~;ed in the SV4'PPP, l9 2~7 31. The Traiitin~ Pragrar:~! sl~a,i require sp~citic ;r~ini.~~ to inci~~~ a ?east the l7~t~~i~it~`~: 7 i a, ~~~n-Storm l~~ater Dischartie Training T~:~ D~fenda.~t shall train all -*, ein ~~~-ens the ?Ol ~ Permit's ~r~hi~+itian of ron-~tornz ~~at~-r di~c,iarg~s see t~iat ~~ em~toyees k~now~ ~~hat non-szorrn «ater ~is;,har~es are. ho~v t~ detect th~n~, and h~rw ~a ?;~ pre~~r;t tnet~; b. BI~tP Train n~. Thy D~fe~~d~n4 sha?1 ream all ~mploye~s respc~n~ibl~ fc~r ~~ B~'iP impl4~ ~nta~ior: and rr~aint~nanie t~ ensure that B~iPs are used iff~ctiv°~!y to ~~ prevent t~~ expesure, discharge, an~;`or teaatmer~t of s4~rm Leiter at ate Favili~', I, 7~ I~ f ~c~eae~}C~orucnt Dccre. ar.~l ~r~er . ~~ f3 Cese No. 2; I?-cv-Q3i93-~]H-ASx 1 c. Sampf;n~ 'frai~~ir~?. Tl~e D~~ndant sa,:rain ail iildivicivals coll~ctin~ sarrp~es ~t t ie Faci it5~ pursu:~nt to t pis ~ansent Decrze or the 201 ~ P~r~nit on tf,~ ~r~~er same ing ~ratoc~ s, inciudin~ chain n castod~- rey~ii em~n;s, to ensw-e storm water a!id'~:~r non-sto;~in ~~-at~r s~rnpes ~.e p~-~},~~r~v cal`lected, stur~d, and sti~~niit~d to a A ~ ', ~ c~rtifie~ ~~~~ratory; n j ti. ~`is~~~l Oi~~iil-ati,~n T~~~ini;~e. Thy Defendant shall pr~~-•ie~ training t~ atl it1~ 4•idaal~ ~e~-iormin~ visual o~sers,atians at tf~e Facilit,~ rt~r~Uant tc this Consent +i 3 j ~7ecree and she ?0 i ~ Pi:rmi,. 9 3_. Trainu;e sh:~! ~e ~ro~itie~ by a Qualified Irc~ustrial Storm ~~'atz3~ i u ~; Practitioner t`:t~lS:~'_` as ~efin~d in S~~tit~n I>C.t~ of t}~~ 2~!~ P~rmi[) f~€~i;iar ~a~ith the i I 'rec~~~ireil~~nts of this Consent De~re~ aiz~ the "01 ^ Pe~-n~it, and sl~~l! be reputed as ~ ~F Z '; necess~~:-y :~ ~nsts:e t;~~€ €ti' reie~ant emrl~~°ens rr4 f~inil a.~ ~~;i~~Y ti:e r:.gair~ments of t!:i~ , 1~ Consent ~er.ree, the ~~ ~ ~ P;rm;t. anc~ t~. Facility's S~i~PPP, AI r~l~~;~ant nei~~ staff ;e 1 =t ~ ~~a.~~~; recei4e ~l~is tr~inin~ ~efor~ ~ssurz~in~ respon~ibili~i~s fir irn~'~~r11~nCina the S~~`PPF 1 ~ ',cue thz vi~t._~2P. i~ { 3~. i Tne Defendaz:t sh~(1 maintain training reiord~ to d~curt~ent ~;omplia ~c~ ~4iti: ' this ~ara~rap~:, a;~4 s,'~~~1 provi~~ CC ~T w•i~7Z 2 copy° of these rec~r~~ within fourt~~n ! s (14i da,~f receipt at a ~<<~rit~er request. [I~ ~~ 3~. ~~nn~sa; Site 1~~~~ec!ioi~s. f~CAT may conduct one annul ~it~ insp~e[ian 2~ ~~ t;"Site Ins~ecti~r,''j a~~ terr,~s ~u~siantial~y identic3', i~ these agreed to ~y the Seizli~:g i : ~ Parties for the June ~6, ?C~ t 7 ~it~ ~~isit. Sipe Inspe~:ti~~7~ sllal occur during nai7nal : 3`~ ~ business na~Ers, and ~C~.=~T wily pravid~ Deien~ant with as much notice as p~ssibl~, but ~3 ~ = ~t I~a~t t~vent~'-four ~?~) h~1ur-~ Notice rri~r to a Sitelns~ection in antiCi~ation of ~,tret 3' `'=c ~ ~rreai?~~r, ana seventy-t~.vo ~72j ~Qurs ;;atice d~rin~ dry ~~~~~~her. 'tic~tice wi11 be pravide~i Z5 ~ b r teie~t~onv and electrUnic mauiL CGAT a~rPes that a;1 individuals ~a:~ti~ipatin~ in a Site 2~ Ia~~}~ecton w;ll e~ecu~e, ~s necessary, ~~~aiveis, .~ei~~,s~s anc~ similar agrezn~ents. , -; ~. D~f~ndan~ shad a loL~~ CC~T and~~or its representatives t~ co Iec: split samples ofs~-arm ~!. 5 r. 23 ~ ~ c; i! j ~ Censen~ E}e~-ee snd Order 1, Gase L~. 2.1?-,:v-~J7~~;~—TJH-ASx z tivat~r or non-st~rmwat~~- disctlarge~ durir~~ the sits in~pecti~n, ~ndlc~r collect swab sam~l~s talon from ~urfac~s likely tc~ receive aerial depr~s~tit~n of industrial emissions Eram the Facility_ All ec~st~ ass~ci~t~d ~~ith the call~ction of ~~vater t~~ swab samples shall be wholly borne by CHAT. F . 6 Compliance Monitoring and Reporting 3~. C~,4T's Cc~mpli~nce Monitoring. Defendant shill make ~ one-time 7 payment a total. of two thousand dollars (~2,5~0.00} t~ compensate CC~1T for costs and g l0 f to be incurred ft~r mar~itorin~ l~ef~n~ant's cc~mpliar~ce with this Gons~nt U~cr~e. ees Payment shall be~rriade within fifteen (]5)days of'the Effective Date payable to California Communities ?~g~inst Toxic addressed to: CCAT,Pfd Brix 84~, Ro~amc~nd, 1 1 ~ ~A 935b0 and sent ti~ia courier ~r overnight delivery. Failure to 5ubrnit p~ymen~ as ~? required under this ~ara~rapll will constitL~t~ a breach of the Consent Decree. 36. ~cti~n Plan Payments. Defendant ~tlall pay $1,500.00 fc~r each Action Plait 1 =l far which COAT submits ~ub~tat~titi~~ co~nnients under paragraph ?5 above. Payment 13 t> shill be made ~n the date the Action Plan is ~ubrnitted payable to California 16 Communities Agains# Taxis addressed ta: CCAT,PD Box 845, Rosamond, C~liforni~ r 7 93~~0, end sent via. courier car ov~r~~i~ht delivery. Failure to submit a paym~at as I~ l9 ~~ .~ ~ rec~uir~d under this para~raplt will constitute a breach of the Consent Decree, 37. IIata Re~ortin~. Durinb the life of this consent I~e~re.~, Def~n~ant shall prr~r~id~ Flaintiff~vith ~ capw of all ~'o~tsent Decree and 2415 Permit compliancy and monitoring data, i~~cludin~ any inspection reports ~,vhich 1vlattco is required to maintain under the 2{?IS P~rr~~it, on a quarterly basis. Tl~e Defendant sh~11 prt~vid~ Pl~i~~tiff ~vitls ~~ ~~ ?~ 2t all stons~water sampling and analytical results taken at th€~ Facility within fifteen (15} days of the l~e~'endant°s receipt of all results fc~r each sampling event. 3$. Document Prc~~iston. During the life of this Garment l~~~re~, I~~fend~nt shall copy Pl~inti~f +are all docun7ents and cc~mmunic~tions related to stt~rmwater ~~ discharges at the Facility tlxat are submitted to the R~git~nal Beard, the State Baarcl, 2~ Consent Decree and C7rder l~# ~a.~ NQ. ?:17-cv-0373-TJH:~5 _lI1Cj, tlP €1I1V .~i~3«,a ~vGB~ a ~JOU[1CS's UI' ITIUI]1l'IL~S~ ?1dG'I1C}~ .3~1L~1C1C1?C'U ~O f~`J 'U~i1?'C~ SiC~I'I'i7S~'8~k'1'. ~ucl~ re~,ort~ and r~~curie~ts s~-~~~1 ~e pr~~~:~ed t~+ C;CA" con~t~~ent ,•~ as tf~~;~ ire sets to the a~e~~ci~s a.~dt`or trut:icipa~ities, And ec~rres;~anuence re ate~i to s~orn~~~=atec discharges i recei~~d ir~~n ai~y~ suer 5Late, c~3~inty, or r~luni~ipal regalator~~ agency, sh~l! ~e provi~~d tc~ C~A'I~ u>ithi!~ ft~~~ t~~ business d~}~~ ~i receipt b}~ the Defendant, h G . ~:~n~,ir~nment~! Project, Reiml~ur~ement of L~iti~~iin~ Fees and Cost, and Stipulated Penalties 3q. Er~viz•c~~~~n~n~,a! Pr~j~ct. Thti Det~n~~nt ~~~ees t~ ~a~e a ~~yA~znt of thi~ty i r ; Chgusa^~i d~Glars (~;G,00~} ~~~idsir: tl~irt~ i"3u j ca ~r,dar days ~ the Ef ecti4~e I~~rte to r1~ 1~ You So~E~ fir ~ projeet related t~ ~v7«r w;~~iity desi~tzed to analr~~~, r~du~~, ~r~ven~, ~r it c~tt~~~-r~vise miti~~te tl1~ ecr c~~icat an~i'or rublic neafth eife~ts crf~stuE-m ~~at~r ar:~or non- ' t 1 i1 1 1 st~r~~~t~~at~r uiach~r~es int~~ Los ,~~~~le~s area ~vat~rb~~~i~~. Tl:_ Kati=in~nt shall ~~ n~aix~c~ 'vii eei-~it~ec! ~r~zil c;r averni~h~ delivery to: ~s ~'~u Sow; ~ttn; GC~T v ~~la~tLo Forge, f~1L.; l o? I Te~egra~l: ,1,4renue, Slice 1~~Gt Oakland, CA 9~~ ~2. yt!. ~~i r~h~~rsrrnent c~fP:~i Miffs' Fc}c and Costs. rh Def~ndan[ a{:gees to e nart~a !ti reimburse °3si-::it~1' i-~r its ii~vesli~ation Feet ~n~ cos~s, cc~nsu(tant fees and costs, ,~ reasoi~aL~l~ attumL~s' tees, and ot~er costs incurred as a result of in~~e~tigat~n~ and filing j~ _ iR l~ 2G ~} the l~~~~~uit, and il~goii iin~~ 3 r~~c7lutiar.- ~f tnis maiter in art a~no~.ii2 t~t~1in~ ~«enty-nine i th~u,a ~ rive-~~r~ndre~ r4~llars ~$~9,~b~.04}. ?~~~ such ~~a;~n~ents st~~l he m~~#e ~a~•a~le ~ ~1;~c.ap~ LaE~= G.~,~~. Inc. and del~r.~~re~ bar c~i~cified mart or overni~h~ d~li~xery at ~0~ : fast }-faleY Strefit. S~~nta~~arb ra, ~,ti 9:.~ 103. , -, ~~. Z+ ?:; Agency [~~~iev~~ of Consent i)~cree ~'. P~~intifF hall submi~ t~~i~ ~ ~7r,~znt Decree to she L=i~tted States [~epariment ~ ~f Justice and tfle Unified 5t~~~s Em-ira~~meneal P~•ote~tic~n ~a~ncy fth~ F'e~l~r~l j ~; . ~ger3~i~s)> within t~"rze (3~ ~usin~5s ~c' a~~ cif the f~+a! s:~na~urz ~~ the Fart:es, ror ager~c}~ ~ :6 revie~~~ ~onsi~tent with ~~~ G.F.R, ~ 1 ~~.~. Tl- agency rep ie~~~ period expires forty-~,ve ~~ L ! LD I ' ,_.e_~__ ......~.,.._.. ~ ,t;r~picw~ C'ons~m C~e~ree and C7re:er ~ ~ i5 ~ ~7se ~:a "'~ I'-cwD3;9' -7'3H-ASx ;~~j cv'endzr cis}s after rccei~t ~; t~~th agenci~~, as evid~llce~ Ley ~vri*:en i 3 ,i ac:'tir~t~u~~tl~:~ment of rec~.ip: ~L t!~~ a~~i~ci~s oi~ th cei~titi:d reiurn rece pis, et~~ie~ ot` f ; which ~I,a':i ~e ~rc~vid~~~ to Detencj,int. In tl~~ evznt teat the F~cler~a] :~ger~cie~ u~je~t to d ~~ entry o1 this C`o~zsent '~ari•ec:, t^~ Pasties a~~r~e to meet any conG.r to attempt to rzsc,i~~e '` tt~~ issu~l:s} raise' ~~= t,~ ~ed~r ~ ~ ~i~. A~eiti:ies. A~ainCi?~ s3aali i~~tify the Court o~ti~e rzceipt daze ~~% the A~enci~s, ~5 r~:wuir~c' E~y~ ~{i GF.t.. '~ 13x.5, i~ order to c~~rdin~~e the C;~ut~t's ~alerd~r to the ~~ d~~~ revi~~~r~ p~ric~ti. ~~ ' I1'. !+"' t]I~PliTF RESOLLTT~:ti ;;_ This Court sha;'. rztain jt:ris~ivtion over this matter fur t~a~ ~urposey of I ? ~ ; ~zl;~tdi;,atin~* all disputes alnt~~:,~ t?~,e Pasties ti~at inay- ~r s~ ur~de~~ the ~rovisic~ns a this ~, 1 2 ~~ Consent D~c:ee. Tie Cnurt shall have t~,e ~~~~~er to enf~ree tf~is ~ons~nt Decree ~vitiz alI ~ ~? E;a~-•aiia~le l:~ai a~~ eyuit~ble r~med~s, is~clucix~~ cnnten~~t. :a ~ !< ib =t-~. ~1?eet anc~_~'«n; ° . t;itl~er party to t!~is G~ris~n~ I:~~cr~e may invoke the ~?is~uce ~e~~!uti~n ~rt~~~cf~res ~ `~hi~ Section [t' ~t~ nnti ~~in~ the i~tlzer ~~rk~~ ir, writing of~E ` ~ t11~ matte=~{,;) in d'>j~G,~ ~r.d ~~r t ip ~iis~uti: ~ Parry's }pro ~~~sal fc~r resu u~ican uncl~r thia , S~~~ion. T; ~ Pert w~ ~:~a teen mt~t anc~ c~srfer in a~ attempt t~ r~~oty~ the dizput~ r~Q i : i8 l~ i l..lei- t~~an thi:ty t`:~C1} i:a'en~fa d~vs fi m dtz date t~ the nat~ce, r 4~, If the Far:ies cannot resoll~~~ the 4i~p~ie ~~~i i~ir 30 da~~s after the meet and ~~ ~ cc~nf~r desc~-i~~d ire ~ara~r~ph ~~, its: P~rti~s ~~re~t~ rec~~i~st a settlerr4nt rn~etin~ ,~ ? 7 ~ b~rore ~ha Judie assia~te~ f~ this a::ti~+n. In the event that Che Parties cannot r~:s~rly~ the ~ _ ~ ~iia~ut~ ~?y tl,e conclus ~n o." t~`le seltlei~~»nt mzetin~ ~~~itlf t!~e Judos, the Parties a~r~e t~ '~~ sub;nit the i +s cute ~~~ m~ti~r7 to tl~~ District Court. _+ '~a. ` ,_ ?~i Tr: r,soli ink a~.v clispu;~ ari:, n~, tz~a~s~ this Cc~r~s~nt D~cr~e, the Coon sha:] ha~.~e ~~ser~t~~n to a~~jard aito~-i~eys' fees ar~d posts to ~ith~~! ~~arty. Tie rc~i~~ant ~~rtion~ of thy. t~~~n~~pplz~-ably, Cla~~ ~l-'at~r ~~ct and Rule t ~ ~f the ~eder~i Riil~ of Ci~ii ' Pracet3~:re and a~pGc~hr~ case ~a~~~ inte~re?ing such prz~visi~r~s sha11 govern the ~ 8 ~~nt}~ec~i.~ C'ons~tlecrc~ any i_ircier I~ Caae ;~o, '~ 3?•t~~-fa7"s4~-TdH-.~Sx i allo~at;a~~ ~~ gees ane costs in conn~ctiot~ tiFi~i [lie rc~a u~i~n o1'ar~v di~put~s ~eF~ru c~~,~ ? ~ District Cour~. P~~intiff and De~~nc~ant aor~e to ~~le any wa y=ers r~cessar~~ fr~r [,~t~ ,Tug~e ~ I tt~ preside n~~r any sett,~n~en~ conierez~ce anc~ ination pi~aetiee. ~; ; y ~'. ~~ ?~tU?L'AL RELEASE(]F LIABiL1T~' AND CU~'E'~ANT tidT TO SUE ~7. [n corsi~l~ration of the a~o~e, upon tt~ Effecti~~~ Date at ti~is Consent 6 -t~es htrzb~~ iu;l~ re!~ase, exrepi for claims for Da#en~s~t's f3 lu:~ to Jec~~e, the Pa: 7 ~oriply ~;aitil :ilia Coa~s~n[ Decree and a~ exrressly ~rn~°ided be i~+~~, each other and t~~:ei~', res}~ec~iv~ suc4essorc, assigns, ~ titers, agents. ~m~l~~~~~~s, end ali pzrs~~t~,, firms a4:d 9 ~ corporations ila~•in~ ~n intar~st in them, from any and ail a~?zQed G~~"A violations 1 .3 ~ ~ claimed in t le Com~'~int, u}~ t~ and inclurii^g the T cminatian date of this Corsen~ i! i~ 1 3 I~ Decrze. ~~. ~;ot~iin~ in [~!is Catis~tlt De~!~ee limits or pther~~is~ a~te;.ts Pl~intifT~s or De[enda~?t'~ res~c:cti~-e ri;i-~ts to a~~iress ~:take ally co~itioil t~~a it deems necessary flr :a a3~prnp: -iat~ in an~~ iorma~ ~r ;nforma; ~raceeuina ~~Lo~e t;~~ Regiona Board, EPA,. ar ~; a~~v oth~r;~~;~,ia! c1r a~~ri~listr~tivebo~~' tic; am al`~zr rtYatter or claim nvt aduresset# in ~lli~ ~~~~sent Decree ark re;ating to tJle Deten~iant, 1 l7 ~9, tieitl~~r the C+~a~ent Qecree it~~r any payment p~.~tsuant t~ the Consent iS Decree fihai? cof7stitute r~r b~ const►~ued ~s a findi:~~, adju~cation, or a~kno~vledgemei~t ~ ~? n airy fact, ~aG4- o:• lia°~i it` ,nor shill it ~~ constn:ec as an a~inias ~n of viola~ion of an}' ~~ ~! ia~~, rule, ~r re~ulat~an. T^e D~:~e~~~ant maintains a~~d reseri~~es ail de`ens~vs tt~~~~ n ay 'r..~~ ~U F~ ar~y ali~~~. viola~~ns i#~at ma}~ be raised in ih~ future. ~l~_ i Ft~rcz 'te~z~•~tir~. "1'h~ D~f~nc!ant s~Il natify ~Ct~ pursuant ~o the terms of ~ ; this p~ragx~pl:, when timel}~ in~~~emeni~t;o~ of the r~q~iire;rents set f~~th in this Consent _~ D~cre~ becomes ii;~pussi~l~, despite the ttm~l}~ ~oor~-fai~h of arts of t1.~ Defe~~~iarzt, dui _] ~ to cir~:un~stances ~ey~nd tl~s~ reasona~l~ Lantr~! of the Defendant ar ins agents, and ~vhic~ ~~ coup i~c~t h~~~e peen reasonably fares~~n anc~ prevznted by the exercise of due dilig~.nti~ ~' I by tl;e Hefei d~~.nt. Any ~~iays due to Defenda~~t's f~ilu~~z t~~ zr_ake timely and ~~na fide ,, ` ~g _ __.—_ ~~ ~rr~—. m#}C~nsent Ucc~r~ and ~lyder I? Case Tea. 2`i?=cv-~J~?~,-T7H-ASS appl cwtinns and t~ exercise ciii~e~~i eff~,rt~ [o nflf~in nec~ss~~ ~ern~its, or die to nor;nar irc intent ~ti•eath~r, shill not, n an}~ event, b~ cansieered t~ 1~e circums an~za b~~~on~ 3 Defendant's cnnu~oi. In no ~ircumstar~e~ sl~a!` a ci;~im o+ inabi it~~ t~ pay hz curs dared 4 Farce ~~iajeur~. 5 a. If tl~a Ike e,~d~nt cG~ims in,passi~ilit~~, it s~ta;l ~l~ti~- GC.~T i. wiring ti ~~•ithin t~~~enty-pn~: ~~1) cal~nd ~r day's o the date that tfl~ De en~ant t est knew of 4'~e t e ve t ~r cir~umst~s;,Le t~:ai paused car ~~ou d cause a viu ~: inn of this Consent Decree. 3 The notice shad d~s~ribe ~1~~ r~asr~n for the nanperf~r~ran~~ ar~d s~,ecifca.i~• refer ro t~i~ 9 S~:~ti~~n. Ic sf~~:~ erscrib~. i) she articipatr~! fen~th of time t ~z delay ma;~ ersist; ii;~ ti~;u lv caus~ cr ~aus~s ~i e:~ dzl~~=; iiij tl~e n~~asui~es t~k~i~ or to Le taLen b5~ the I~~terc~an! tc~ i' prz~znt car nvriirize t1~e delay; iv) t.~e sch~ciu~~ b~ which [ ~~ m~asur~s will be i3 implerrt~~:t~d; an~ v? she at:ti~ipated da; ofcompliance. ?i?~ Defenda~?t shill ad~at alp €3 r~a~~naiale r~:~asu;es io svoic~ anti mirt; r: z~, such delr~°s, 1 ~. Tl~~ Pa~t.ies s`a l meet anc~ ~on~`er in food-tai~h concerning the nnn- 1~ ~erio:r~nc~ and, where ~l~a P~~iizs concur that ~~r~~rmance ~,v~s or is in~passi~(~, lc d~s~zi~e rase tii~lely ~~od iai;1~ ef3~rts o~~3~e De;vndant, due t~ circ~a.nsta;~u~s bept~r,~ the ' .c~n~rol ~f Def~n~'an~ that eo~~id nc~t have been reas~na~l~~ 2~r~seen anc prevented ~~< }4 ': 1 : :8 ~ ex~rLise o~ ~i~:e c~ili~en~e ~~ tL~~ Def~r~dart. the Parties sha?1 a~rce upan rew ~i~adlines. i1 c~ I~(:.C~~~ uisa_~ees wit~~ t~~~ ~~fendan~'s entice, or in the e~~e~€ rha[ t7e =~:a 'I, Parties ~a;.n~t [imply° agree or; the terr~ls of t~e~ perfarniaitce deadlines o~~ re~~irem~nts, 21 ~itller ~~.~rt;~ sE,a i i:ave the ri~~~~. Eo i~~~.~o~.e ~;e Dis~uc~ Etes~lutior Proce~ur~ pu~•su3i~t too F ~~ ~ Seeti~n I~~`. I!z suc procee~in~, tl e Defendant sh~11 ~eai~ tl~e ~+~ird~n c~fpr~ving teat any- , ' delz.~ in perf~rma~~c~ of any r~quirerlent of ti~i~ ~ca~~aent Decree r~~as ~aus~d or w711 ~~ ~ '~, ~~ L 2n caus~u ~~` f~~E•ce m~€i~ure and ~~e extent ~i any de av aitri~utable ko such circumstances. u. 3F~a~~+licable, I~ete.r~d~nts=~~1' di?i~ent~ tiie~ndp~irsuer~c~ui:•~d a~~Iicataons ~~r p~rmirs, consents, ~nc~ appro~~al~ f~~ the struc~ral B~~`~'z des~t~ibe~ in ? } t~ ~ Coi~s~n# ~~cree, and shall dili~ernly~ pursue the proeur~ment Qf con~~aetars, labor i 23 [ ~~~~'~ ConsentaJcere~ and prder 1}3 C~se'vo, 2:l1-cv-~.i79,~•T.1}f-ASx ti(:l ~riilC~l'I~tES [Cf ~~?1f1~1~~i~' ~~. SLli.i? ~~~•`iI~S ~~~,` ~~12 C1~:~1t."._Iflt~ Sit t'Oi'i~€ ~;~1'~li:, 11C~ ~ 73'ii [::~~ re ~sc~n ~'~zie ~oc~~l t~iti, et~tnrts to n;~~~ t~t~=,e c!~;i~;l rc~, D~:.nd :::t ~ jai ~e Lxcus~u ti~~.~m l712CC:tl~ C~1Z Cjc~~iii~s':5 iE7 CZlti C..iJll~c:lli Qi:CI'~c 1DC ~ 57t.`C'l~lV 8~1~ I ~ CIPC~ll11SL?I1C25 aevu~d tote ~~as~riF~~f~ cc~ntrc~i of L~efen~a:~t in o~itainir,~ anv rer~.;ired Lovei-~itnental nermit~, cc~r~:ser.ts, ~c a~,r~roval~; ~!!ie to tie ~~rmittin~; a~enc~~`a actions ar in~ct~~;~s ar e1~(ays ass~~ci~~ted «°EtEi the P~i?~ri~ati~n and,or conszru~ i~~n of m~tei~ia~s prevent tli~ ~tt~~~is:;r~en! c- tl;e i~aziiitle cur ~~ sp~:::i~t~: F~'~1P. S~i~:h c!:'a~~~ m ~v bee<cuszd i` a:E caf thy. ro_.ok~~i~~ cv~~iirtim~n~~ aye ~~~~t: I j ~7~;fei~dar.~ ~:a~ n~ti~i~c1 C;C,~-1~1~ ~ ~ email and t~rst ~ . ii:l~~ 11141 ~ 1~;i~1 :'i fi ~:l l ~ ~)) Uil~'3 Chi IIY~t ~':J1';Illl,`_~ .'-1~~()LiL T IE $11~ICI~i~lG'C~ CjC.C~''; ~~P.CI ~~ 1!: C~: ~r,cl~~nt c~nt;n~a~s to excrc.. ~ 4~~~ e~i~:_:cte:e an~i r~~:~or~al~le t;~~c~, I`a'th ~ffn, in -ts ~ ~ y L]('SI;;i3~~ Tili'. ~C';'f^l!Lllt;r! ~l(^.C~ 1[11:~~C:121~11i.:lfl?!1 (~~I(it ~~"1~ ]i1 C~Ls~S~lO[1 ~flt~ ~~fa}7QSE5 , , L a:~c}r,fih;~ rs`is~ci <1~ jct inc. ;~1n~~ ex~ +~seu d::la~~ shy :note ruse I~~tai;~a~zt fr~~~1 , ` in.p ~:~~e~:ttn~z its r~the~•, unexeuse~i ~7h1 ~~~ions under [h:; Consent C7ecFee, ; ? -t F ~, i. ~tI~CEL,LAYF(71L=S PRD`'I~IOtiS 15 ; ~i, C'z~n~tr~;c~it~n. -Thy :~ac~~;ua~•~ i z a.l ~a~~ts ~t cf~is Cz~ifs~~it De~reL stall ~+~; 16 ct~ristrz~~d acco~-~lin~ ~o it ~lai~ aa~ci Qrc'=.inarz~~ niea:lin~, exce}~t as to ,l~:c~se grins d~~ned t~ ire the ~i) ? P~~~z~,i~, the C'1-:aEi 4~'at~r A~:t, or spe~ificall;~~ h~ezin. tS 5". Ci~~ai::e ~~f I.av~=, Thy [~L~°s of ~~e Lnit~c~ Ct~tes s~:~~l ~;avern rl~is Conser 1 ~) ;, U~~r~e, ~~~ , ~3. Se<<~rabili~ti. Ise ~!1~ evert than ~n~' pra~ision, p~ra~rw~n; section, ar 1 ?' se~~tenc< of this Consent Decree is } ~1~ ~y a c~~urt to t~~ unenfo~ee~L l~, chi vasi~llty c~" ?.~ ~ the entorcea~l~ ~~~c~visi~ns shall nit be a~1~-e~~sehF a,flectec~. ~=?. Ct~rr~r:}~and~nce. :~11 noti~~s rewired ~:~~rein Qr an}~ ether ~t~rr~sp~nder~~~ _ ~~ ~ pc~ainin~ :~~ ~l~is Cansent I~ecrez s~1~1~ h~ sent ~~~ regular snail or e.lecu•onic n~ai~ ~s z= ~~ feillc~w°s: , ~ ~ g _; ~ . ~' ~•e'~a~+Conscnt IJe~r;;: ~t:d (~~`cl~i' ~ 19 _ ~~ asc \u. t,1 7-cv-03''):-TJH•r1S~c if to Plai~,:iff 4 7f to D~fend~ri ; J~:sse C S~~`ai~l~u~~ser r ~~:~C<lP:~ L.~~~' GR~~.P. I:v'C. i(~~i ~:ast i I;a1-~~~ Street S~nt~ B~r~ara, C~i 931 t~ ~ j~;~~~~nhuvser%ct'a:~.lsti~~ i ' ~E`itli~m ~\'. Funder~ut'{ Castellfln & Fund~rburk LLP 8(l ~t'iishire Blvd Ste 10 5 Los ~n~~ies CA 90~~t 7?G~9 ~~'fi~nr~~;'rbu~~.; u~candf" ~~~~1Lt't Ctl~ItS [i~: ~`Il l CO~~ic`~ tel: ~ EZo~~rt Le~~s~is. Pt~~si~~rt . ~anL ~~'i li,~ins, [:x~~uti~~e Dirrct~r• ~lattcQ F~or~u, lnc. Calii~~rr.i7 C~~n~~z~iui~i~ics ~~<iint "I'c~xic~ P.Q. Box 8-~~ l h~~3 tilinnesi~ta .t~v~ P~r~mnunt. Cali#orni~ 9U7~3 I~c~sainc~ncl. CA ~?~~b~7 ~ ! dc~~jat~c~r~~~o~.cot~ rl~~~ts<<i~ma[te~ic~rw=e,c~r» ~y ~utitica ions ~~t cumrl~rn<~a~ior~s shat! ~t deemed si~bmitte~ th°-ez f3) d~~:s after the ~'a.e 1 ~3 '~F~~ il;eti~ are a~st►~~a~~ked Ord ~e~~~ ~y tars:-clays rs~aii, ~r imrn~diatel~~ ~~ter it ackf~~«ivaE~n~ent of receipt ~ri~ email E,~ t'~a receivit~~ ~aeEv. Any cl~~n~e of addrzss or 1? aci~res~es si,~<i ~e caa:inu~:'t~at~d in tine maruier ~4scri~4cf ~~o~=e fir ~i~~izi~ notices. 13 ~~. ~;tfect of Consent DGcre:. Plain:ift ~ozs n~~. b~~ its cors~nt t~ tf~is Gonser~t ~~ L7zere~, «~aiYant r~r aver in ai~~~ manra,•t~a the ~eferciant`s ~omp(ia~tce wi~'~ this 1N t ~j i ' ~O1lS~iii ~~C;"t;C ~~"i~~ CQIl5~lilllc OC C~~l:ji iri Ct?i?1~~iHtli.:. 6b'lt~ ~nV ~c^,l~ife'~j t?!" 5fti[t ~'1LA' Of i-e~~:itation. \~,t 3i~~ ~s} this Gnr~~nt Decree s~ ~ ft he construed to ai~f~ct or ]emit in an~~ i, ~vay t~:~ obl~g~a~i~~n cai the Defand~~t t~? comely ~.vith ~~I fedez'ai, Mart, and loc:~l ~~~s and 1 re~u~ati~n~ ~c~verni~~ ~n~ a~tivit} r~q:~ired ~~ phis Consent U~cre~. i9 ~6. C~unrert~_ir,~. T~is G~r~s~nt L~eLre~ mad ~e ~xee~it~u' in an~~ number of LU court~:^~art~, ail at ~~1:;~,1~ toGtt'.~~r sl~al coast tote one ori~ina! document. Tel~ro~~y i fi?c rrii~ co4~i~~ or ori~uia[ si~nawre shall be d;~~me~ to be oriein~iIy ~~~cuted ~~ ~:ot~nt:~~an~ of this C~~nsent I~ecrce. ?3 ?~ 57, i ~I~~~ifieaticn of~t1~ C~ansent Decree. This Consent Decree, snc~ any ~' Pru~~isians h:r~ir~, may ~i~t be cl~ar:~;~~, ~uaiv~~t disc};~r~,ed, ~c tzrminated unless b~• ~ L1 2G j r~~r~tten instrument, sign~~i b~~ the P~riies. 27 e rg ` ~ _ --_ ~ '~'y~F~an:ci3? i~e~.rcc and {.lyder ZO Case~;~- ~_33-ct~-0~74s-i'JEi:AS; ~~. Fu1l S~t~zrn~nt, `i"his Con~~nt t:3e;~e~e eQ~~titvt~s a fiiil end tunas tcm~nt ~t~th;s tn~.~tier. ?~. ', Int~~?rati~tn C'falty~;~ `I~h C is say ~nte,~r~tu~3 C~~~ent I~ecr~e. ~`h~s Consent Decree i~ inte~~deti t~ }~~ e tali ar~~i campf~t~ st~~z~~ni of the t~r:~~s raf=.he ~~reetrunt ~ ~~=~ti~~n cn~ p~i~s ar~d ek~r~:ssl, sup~rs~4es any ~~~d ~I{ price c~r-al ar writ~e-~ ~g~e~~ent~, e~ -~t~~na~t~, r~pr~s~nt~tion~:. and 4~~-r~n~iss (~x~r~ss ar i:~z~l fid) j for sub~;et r~~~t :,r af~;~sis Ca~~~e~xt Decree. 60. S f ~utht~ric~,-. 7`h~ undersigned re~re~~iF3:i~~s f'~r Pla~niif~anif I~f~r~cl~~t ~wt~ c~rtifj~ ~ltat ~~.:z i ~ Cir?ly at~tl~~rize~! 6y ~~~ ~ar~~ 4~~fit~m s.~:e r~prts~~is to enter ir~:~ t~ tfi~ terrtis and. c~n~itians o~this Cer~sent T~~cr~~. it E~ { !. T~~~ pmtiisio~s :~t this L?ccee~ a~+pE~ t~ az~cf Ysu:d tt~e Parties, ir.~ lu~in~ env a~ ~s~i~*ns. 1"n~ Parties cerk~f}° that She r ~:~~dcrs gcre~i ' . .7 i ~L~i ~~'41[~tiC~{YlJ EE~` 44F~iY [1~~Q:eF6..4V. 4~.-! Lai~4j ~~..Ltif uA-~J. 4~,..y le~~1. 1..f~~i~yy 6~ ~it`~.M41r l.4 ~~1. i I b~h~}f of the P~l-t~~s, flac~i c~ lwgait^F hind the ~~rtics to [ks ~~rms. I C ~?. ~ i Tire Parties a~r~~ tc~ {.i~. hc~~snc~ ~~f t~~is C~nc~s~ni €~~r ~d not tt~ ~an.est izs i Ei j v~l d:ti- in Iry sub>>:gtt~t~, g~cs~~ttir.~ to sm~temei;t or er~ft~r~~ Gs fernt5, ~~• ~c 1 ' into ~.t~~is Lort irks Dc~yr~c tlx: I~4 u~~~~~ arcs ~~t a~rnit f ~bitit~+ for an y puru~~~ as t,~ t ~~~ ~i]~~ati~srt or r~~att~r arising ~u.~f tl~i~ A.~ti~~, ~~ I;~ 4'~1TNCS5 ~~` fi~'(]F~~ the ~~~'ef~si~i~d llat~ e~ecut~d ~tzs ~Pro~S~dj C~n~2nt )ecr~~ a? aitt~e ~i~etz ~~t f~n:l~ b~t~~~~_ t ,p ` ~ ~sti~f~~P~.I:A~~f ~t~C1L.~P. I'~`~, ' ~ ~,~STELI,C7':ti ~: ~L~EA,,.F3EJ~. .LC.p 3 _ , V~lilliam f=underbuFk ,~i?orre~ i~~' Def~ct~nt 1~ ~~ ,ht~r r Altnmey fcsr Pai►tt~~f ~~ 1 ?~t~: 1' ~". , ?U t ~+ qtr -~~, ~ ~' 41it~ 1~T ~~ .~ 5 .. { i 3 — -.~~~ ~ Ctsii~"it Lti_~fe. a ~ ~~J.^~-P-~~+. _ 'art ~ ~~ Dated: April 10, 2018 ~ '"~'~~ IT IS SO ORDERED. Hon. Terry J. Hatter, Jr. U. S. DISTRICT JUDGE ' c~ ~co~t,~~ ~ s A~~i~rsr ra~~cs ~ ~~rrco F by: ~ ,~, a ~ , i ~~'' ~ e ~~filliams ~ xe~utivc T3irector ~ ~ 7~Ce. ~"~ ~ , y01$ L ~ ~~- j Robcrt Louis President pair: ~F~ ~ .20I 8 ~ ~I 3 1T IS S(3 OItDF'EtFD: 3 Date. ~ 10 Honorable Terry J. Hatter DISTRICT GbURT JUDGE GE1vTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIF4R3`IA 1 ! ~~ ~ !3 14 ~ i ~ i5 tb 17 ! ~ 19 ~~ 2~ Z ? ~3 2~ ~~ 6 2 2Z ?St _ ~_ Cue *1a 2~ i 1-cv-0~?93~T1l1-A~x

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