Virgin Scent, Inc. v. Purest Naturals LLC et al

Filing 57

STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Jean P. Rosenbluth re Stipulation for Protective Order. (See Order for details) [Note Changes Made By The Court]. 55 , 56 (bem)

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1 Aryeh Kaufman (SBN: 289745) 2 LAW OFFICE OF ARYEH KAUFMAN 5482 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #1907 3 Los Angeles, CA 90036 NOTE: CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT 4 P: (323) 943-2566 Email: 5 6 Attorney for Plaintiff VIRGIN SCENT, INC d/b/a ART NATURALS 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 VIRGIN SCENT, INC., d/b/a ART 11 NATURALS., a California 12 corporation, 13 14 15 Case No.: 2:17-cv-05194-DSF STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Plaintiff, v. 16 PUREST NATURALS LLC, an entity 17 of unknown type; ELI COHEN, an 18 individual; and DOES 1 – 10, inclusive, 19 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between Plaintiff Virgin Scent, Inc. dba Art Naturals (“Plaintiff”) and Defendants Purest Naturals, LLC and Eliyahu Cohen (collectively referred to as “Defendants,” and collectively with Plaintiff, the “Parties”), through their respective attorneys of record, as follows: 27 28 -1- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 WHEREAS, documents, testimony, and information have been and may be 2 sought, produced, or exhibited by and among the Parties constituting, containing, 3 or relating to trade secrets, proprietary systems, confidential commercial and sales 4 information, confidential marketing and business development plans and 5 strategies, confidential research and development or other proprietary 6 information, confidential employee information, credit, financial, and other 7 personal information, Protected Health Information and individually identifiable 8 health information protected from unauthorized disclosure by the Health 9 Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (45 C.F.R. § 164.500 et 10 seq.) and the privacy regulations promulgated thereunder (“HIPAA”), and/or 11 other similar confidential, proprietary, or private information belonging to the 12 Parties and/or their agents, employees, representatives, clients, and/or customers; 13 and WHEREAS, the Parties believe that good cause exists for this Court to enter a 14 protective order to facilitate discovery and to govern the dissemination and use of 15 confidential, proprietary, or private documents and information produced in this 16 matter; 17 AND NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS STIPULATED by and among the Parties that 18 the Court may enter a protective order as follows: 19 1. This Protective Order (“Order”) is entered pursuant to Federal Rule 20 of Civil Procedure 26(c) and shall govern the use, handling, and disclosure of all 21 documents, electronically stored information (“ESI”), testimony, or information 22 produced or given in this action that is or are designated to be subject to this 23 Order. The use of such information at trial or in non-discovery- relating 24 proceedings will be governed by a separate order. 25 26 27 28 2. Definitions. a. “Confidential Materials.” A document, including but not limited to deposition testimony, may be designated "CONFIDENTIAL" where it -2- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 contains information received in confidence from a third party, where it contains 2 private or confidential personal information (including but not limited to 3 Protected Health Information under HIPAA), and/or where it contains 4 Commercially sensitive financial or business information that the Producing Party 5 (as defined herein) has treated as confidential in the ordinary course of business. 6 b. “Confidential-Attorneys’ Eyes Only Materials.” A document, 7 including but not limited to deposition testimony, may be designated 8 "CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY" where it contains the 9 Producing Party’s trade secrets; sensitive financial information; competitively 10 sensitive technical, marketing, financial, sales, or other proprietary or confidential 11 business information; cost information; pricing information; sales information; 12 customer, license, supplier, and vendor information; software and firmware for a 13 party's products; technical and development information about the party's 14 products; comparative product test results; business plans; marketing strategies; 15 new product plans and competitive strategies; or any other information that would 16 put the Producing Party at a competitive disadvantage if the information became 17 known to employees of the Receiving Party or third parties. 18 c. “Confidential Information” shall mean and refer to either 19 and/or both “Confidential Materials” and “Confidential-Attorneys’ Eyes Only 20 Materials.” 21 d. “Producing Party” means a party or non-party that produces 22 Confidential Information in this action. 23 e. “Receiving Party” means a party or non-party that receives 24 Confidential Information in this action. 25 f. “Designating Party” means a party or non-party that designates 26 materials as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEY’S EYES 27 ONLY.” 28 -3- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 3. Designation of Confidential Materials. Except as to deposition and 2 trial testimony and transcripts which are governed by paragraph 4 below, any 3 documents, testimony, or information produced, marked or otherwise submitted, 4 either voluntarily or pursuant to any order in this case, which is asserted in good 5 faith by the Producing Party or by any other party to contain or constitute 6 Confidential Information, shall be so designated in writing (or orally on the record 7 if the document is produced at a deposition, hearing, or trial) and shall be 8 segregated from other information being produced, marked or otherwise 9 submitted. Materials so designated shall be clearly marked on their face with the 10 legend “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIALATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY,” 11 as appropriate. Such documents, transcripts, or other materials are referred herein 12 as “Confidential Materials” and “Confidential-AEO Materials,” respectively, and 13 collectively as “Confidential Information.” 14 4. Depositions. A party wishing to designate portions of a deposition 15 transcript “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES 16 ONLY” pursuant to this Order must, within ten (10) business days from the 17 conclusion of the deposition, order the original or a certified copy of the transcript 18 of the deposition from the court reporter for regular turnaround. The Designating 19 Party may designate those portions of the transcript “CONFIDENTIAL” or 20 “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” in accordance with paragraph 21 2 of this Order. The Designating Party shall designate such information as 22 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” either 23 on the record or by serving upon all counsel of record in writing via 24 correspondence, facsimile or other electronic transmission a Notice setting forth 25 the page, line numbers and designation. The Designating Party must serve such 26 Notice within ten (10) calendar days after its counsel receives a copy of the 27 deposition transcript. All transcripts will be treated as Confidential-Attorneys’ 28 -4- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 Eyes Only Material until the expiration of the ten-day period described in this 2 paragraph. Any portions of a transcript designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or 3 “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” shall thereafter be treated as 4 Confidential Material or Confidential-Attorneys’ Eyes Only Material in 5 accordance with such designation, pursuant to this Order. The parties shall 6 negotiate in good faith to alter the time frames set forth in this paragraph. 7 5. Access to Confidential Information. In the absence of prior written 8 permission from the Producing Party or an order of the Court: 9 a. Confidential Materials shall not be disclosed to any person other 10 than: (i) the Parties, their attorneys of record, and the members and employees of 11 such attorneys’ firm(s); (ii) qualified persons taking testimony involving such 12 material and necessary stenographic, videography, and clerical personnel; (iii) 13 disclosed experts or retained consultants and their staff employed for this 14 litigation, provided they agree in writing to maintain all Confidential Information 15 as provided for in paragraph 7 below; (iv) witnesses at trial, or in any deposition or 16 other proceeding of this action, but only to the extent that such witness(es) 17 authored or was previously a recipient of such documents; and (v) the Court, Court 18 personnel, and members of any jury impaneled to hear this case. 19 b. Confidential-Attorneys’ Eyes Only Materials shall not be disclosed 20 to any person other than: (i) the attorneys of record, and the members and 21 employees of such attorneys’ firm(s); (ii) qualified persons taking testimony 22 involving such material and necessary stenographic, videography, and clerical 23 personnel; (iii) disclosed experts or retained consultants and their staff employed 24 for this litigation, provided they agree in writing to maintain all Confidential 25 Information as provided for in paragraph 7 below; (iv) witnesses at trial, or in any 26 deposition or other proceeding of this action, but only to the extent that such 27 witness(es) authored or was previously a recipient of such documents; and (v) the 28 -5- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 Court, Court personnel, and members of any jury impaneled to hear this case. 2 6. Use and Dissemination of Confidential Information. a. All Confidential Materials and Confidential-Attorneys’ Eyes Only 3 4 Materials, and all information derived therefrom (including but not limited to all 5 testimony, deposition, or otherwise, that refers, reflects, or otherwise discusses any 6 such materials), shall not be used, directly or indirectly, by any person for any 7 business, commercial, or competitive purposes, or for any purpose whatsoever 8 other than for discovery, trial preparation, trial, and/or post-trial motions or 9 appeals in this action and in accordance with this Order. 10 7. Declaration of Recipients. Any person other than the Court or its 11 personnel provided with Confidential Information shall be given a copy of this 12 Order before being shown any Confidential Information, and its provisions shall 13 be explained to them by an attorney. Each such person, before having access to the 14 Confidential Information, shall agree not to disclose or make use of any such 15 material other than solely for purpose of this litigation, and shall acknowledge 16 those obligations and that he or she understands the terms of this Protective Order. 17 Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any person designated in 18 Paragraph 5(a)(iii) or in Paragraph 5(b)(iii) unless such person has executed a 19 written, dated declaration in the form attached as Exhibit A, acknowledging that he 20 or she has first read this Order, agrees to be bound by the terms thereof, agrees not 21 to reveal such Confidential Information to anyone other than as permitted by this 22 Order, and agrees to utilize such Confidential Information solely for the purposes 23 of this litigation. 24 8. Filing of Confidential Materials. Pleadings, documents and 25 transcripts of testimony that contain Confidential Information shall be requested to 26 be filed and maintained by the Clerk under seal pursuant to Local Rule 79-5, 27 unless otherwise ordered by the Court. 28 -6- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 9. Subpoena or Request for Confidential Information by Third 2 Party. If any party receiving Confidential Information receives a subpoena, civil 3 investigative demand, or formal request from any governmental agency, 4 governmental office, or other person, they shall provide a copy of such subpoena, 5 demand, or request to the Producing Party within five (5) business days of the 6 receipt of same unless prohibited by law. 7 10. Inadvertent Production and/or Mistaken Designation. If a 8 Producing Party through inadvertence or mistake produces Confidential 9 Information without marking it with the “CONFIDENTIAL” or 10 “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” designations, or by designating 11 it with an incorrect level of confidentiality, the Producing Party (a) may give 12 written notice to the Receiving Party that the material contains 13 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL-ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 14 information and should be treated as such in accordance with the provisions of this 15 Order; and (b) shall, if such notice is given, provide the Receiving Party with 16 substitute copies of the affected documents, marked with the appropriate 17 confidentiality designation, at the expense of the Producing Party. Upon receipt of 18 such notice, and upon receipt of properly marked materials, the Receiving Party 19 and all recipients of such information who are governed by this order shall return 20 all unmarked or misdesignated materials and not retain copies thereof, and must 21 treat such material in accordance with its designation and cooperate in restoring 22 the confidentiality of such material, provided however that the Receiving Party 23 shall not be responsible for the disclosure or other distribution of undesignated or 24 misdesignated material made in accordance with the terms of this Order before the 25 receipt of such notification of a claim of confidentiality (“Pre-Notification 26 Disclosure”) and such Pre-Notification Disclosure shall not be deemed to be a 27 violation of this Protective Order. The inadvertent or mistaken disclosure by a 28 -7- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 Producing Party of Confidential Information, regardless of whether the 2 information was so designated at the time of disclosure, shall not be deemed a 3 waiver in whole or in part of a party's claim of confidentiality either as to the 4 specific information disclosed or as to any other information relating thereto or on 5 the same or related subject matter, provided that the Receiving Party is notified 6 and properly marked documents are supplied as provided herein, and except to the 7 extent of a Pre-Notification Disclosure. 8 11. Improper Designation and Review. Excessive or blanket 9 designations of Confidential Information, including overprotected designations for 10 any such information, are prohibited, and may render the designator subject to 11 sanctions. Any party may seek review by the Court of any designation of 12 information, documents, materials or testimony as Confidential Information 13 pursuant to this Order and Local Rule 37. The designator shall bear the burden of 14 showing good cause for any challenged designation. 15 12. Disagreement Regarding Designation. If a Receiving Party 16 disagrees with any designation made under this Order, the parties shall attempt to 17 resolve their dispute as required by Local Rule 37.1. If the Receiving Party should 18 file a motion seeking review of any such designation, the Receiving Party shall 19 maintain the materials consistent with the Producing Party’s designation, until the 20 Court has ruled on the Receiving Party’s motion. 21 13. Unauthorized Disclosure of Confidential Information. If a 22 Receiving Party learns that, by inadvertence or otherwise, it has disclosed or 23 allowed the disclosure of Confidential Information to any person or in any 24 circumstance not authorized under this Order, the Receiving Party must 25 immediately (a) notify the Producing Party in writing of the unauthorized 26 disclosure(s); (b) use its best efforts to retrieve all copies of the Confidential 27 Information; (c) inform the person or persons to whom unauthorized disclosures 28 -8- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 were made of all the terms of this Order; and (d) request that such person or 2 persons execute the declaration in the form attached as Exhibit A. 3 14. Procedure upon Disposition of Action. Within thirty (30) days 4 following the settlement or termination of this entire action with prejudice, each 5 party shall: 6 a. Return to the Producing Party or destroy all printed or “hard” 7 originals of Confidential Information received from that Producing Party, as 8 well as all printed or “hard” copies thereof. If the Receiving Party elects to 9 destroy printed or “hard” copies of documents or information designated as 10 Confidential Information, it shall certify in writing to the Producing Party 11 that, based on a reasonably diligent review, the Receiving Party has 12 destroyed all such documents in its possession, custody, or control. 13 b. If Confidential Information from a Producing Party is stored or 14 otherwise maintained electronically by the Receiving Party, including but 15 not limited to on an email system or server, an internal document storage 16 program, computer or external hard drive, disk, cloud storage, or other 17 electronic media, the Receiving Party shall take all reasonable steps to 18 delete said Confidential Information to the fullest extent technologically 19 possible and, in any event, render it inaccessible by their representatives, 20 attorneys and staff involved in litigation of this action. Further, as to any 21 electronic versions of Confidential Information existing on backup storage 22 media (including but not limited to backup “tapes” and archived email 23 programs), the parties agree that such electronic copies shall be subject to 24 and deleted pursuant to such Receiving Party’s and counsel’s routine data 25 backup and retention policies, and that the actual permanent deletion of such 26 Confidential Information may occur as such backup media is overwritten or 27 otherwise as part of document deletion procedures in the normal course of 28 -9- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 business. The Receiving Party shall not in any event make any attempt to 2 retrieve, restore, review, disseminate, or use the Confidential Information 3 stored on any such backup storage media for any purpose, and must 4 promptly take steps to delete or sequester such Confidential Information if a 5 backup containing such data is ever retrieved or restored for any purpose. c. 6 This paragraph shall not require the Receiving Party or his, her, 7 or its counsel to destroy or return documents or information containing, 8 attaching, or constituting work product, nor shall this paragraph require the 9 destruction of documents filed with the Court or other tribunal for or in this 10 action, hearing or argument transcripts, deposition transcripts, trial 11 transcripts, trial exhibits, discovery requests and written responses, 12 stipulations, or correspondence between counsel for the parties in this 13 litigation, which contain verbatim Confidential Information, set forth the 14 substance of such Confidential Information, or include any deposition 15 testimony or documents designated as Confidential Information, provided 16 however, that the Receiving Party or his, her, or its counsel who retains such 17 documents or information shall maintain them consistent with the provisions 18 of paragraph 6 above. 19 15. Survival of Terms. This Order shall remain binding after the 20 conclusion of this case unless otherwise ordered by the Court, and the Court shall 21 retain jurisdiction over all parties bound hereby for the purposes of enforcing this 22 Order. Each individual signing the declaration attached as Exhibit A agrees to be 23 subject to the jurisdiction of this Court for purposes of this Order. 24 16. Producing Party’s Use of Its Own Materials. Nothing herein shall 25 affect or restrict the rights of any party with respect to its own documents or to the 26 information obtained or developed independently of Confidential Information 27 produced in this action. 28 -10- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 17. Effect of Protective Order on Third Parties. Third parties who are 2 the subject of discovery requests, subpoenas, or depositions in this case may take 3 advantage of the provisions of this Order by providing the Parties with written 4 notice that they intend to comply with and be bound by the terms of this Order. 5 18. Violation. Any violation of this Order may be punished by 6 appropriate measures including, without limitation, contempt proceedings and/or 7 monetary sanctions. 8 9 IT IS SO STIPULATED BY AND THROUGH COUNSEL OF RECORD. 10 11 DATED: May 30, 2018 LAW OFFICE OF ARYEH KAUFMAN 12 By: 13 / s/ Aryeh Kaufman, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 14 15 16 17 DATED: May 17, 2018 18 By: 19 /s/ Benjamin Kiss Attorney for Defendant 20 21 22 DATED: May 21, 2018 23 24 By: 25 /s/ Payam Moradian Attorney for Defendant 26 27 28 -11- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, IT IS SO ORDERED. 2 3 4 DATED: August 20, 2018 ___________________________ Hon. Jean P. Rosenbluth Magistrate Judge 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -12- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 2 EXHIBIT A ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I, _____________________________ [print or type full name], of _____________________________[print or type full address], declare under penalty of perjury that I have read in its entirety and understand the Stipulated Protective Order that was issued by the United States District Court for the Central District of California on [date] in the case of Virgin Scent, Inc. dba Art Naturals v. Purest Naturals LLC, et al U.S.D.C. Case No. 2:17-cv-05194-DSFJPR. I agree to comply with and to be bound by all the terms of this Stipulated Protective Order and I understand and acknowledge that failure to so comply could expose me to sanctions and punishment in the nature of contempt. I solemnly promise that I will not disclose in any manner any information or item that is subject to this Stipulated Protective Order to any person or entity except in strict compliance with the provisions of this Order. I further agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Central District of California for enforcing the terms of this Stipulated Protective Order, even if such enforcement proceedings occur after termination of this action. I hereby appoint __________________________ [print or type full name] of _______________________________________ [print or type full address and telephone number] as my California agent for service of process in connection with this action or any proceedings related to enforcement of this Stipulated Protective Order. Date: _____________ 20 21 City and State where sworn and signed: _________________________________ 22 Printed name: 23 Signature: __________________________________ 24 25 26 27 28 -13- STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER

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