L.A. International Corporation v. Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. et al

Filing 380


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 L.A. INTERNATIONAL CORP., et al., 14 15 16 17 Plaintiffs, The Honorable Michael W. Fitzgerald, United States District Judge v. PRESTIGE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE, INC., et al., 18 19 Case No. CV 18-6809-MWF (MRWx) AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL Defendants. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 This action came on regularly for jury trial between December 5, 2023, and 2 December 14, 2023, in Courtroom 5A of this United States District Court. 3 Plaintiffs L.A. International Corp., Manhattan Wholesalers Inc., Excel Wholesale 4 Distributors Inc., Value Distributor, Inc., Border Cash & Carry, Inc., AKR 5 Corporation, U.S. Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc., Sanoor, Inc. (d/b/a L.A. 6 Top Distributor), Pittsburg Wholesale Grocers, Inc., and Pacific Groservice, Inc. 7 (together, with Pittsburg Wholesale Grocers, Inc., referred to as “PITCO”) were 8 represented by Randolph Gaw, Esq. and Mark Poe, Esq. of Gaw | Poe LLP. 9 Defendants Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc. (f/k/a Prestige Brands Holdings, 10 Inc.) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Medtech Products, Inc. (collectively, 11 “Defendants”) were represented by Michael Fox, Esq., C. Sean Patterson, Esq., 12 Robert Kum, Esq., Christine Ross, Esq., and William Shotzbarger, Esq. of Duane 13 Morris LLP. 14 A jury of eight persons was regularly empaneled and sworn. Witnesses were 15 sworn and testified, and exhibits were admitted into evidence. The legal issues 16 (damages) were tried to the jury, and the equitable issues (injunctive relief) were 17 tried to the Court. After hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel, the jury 18 was duly instructed by the Court and the case was submitted to the jury. The jury 19 deliberated and thereafter returned a verdict as follows: 20 ROBINSON-PATMAN ACT CLAIM 21 1. Did any Plaintiff prove that the Defendants violated the Robinson-Patman 22 Act? (Instruction No. 17). 23 AKR X Yes _____No 24 Border Cash & Carry X Yes _____No 25 Excel Wholesale X Yes _____No 26 L.A. International X Yes _____No 27 L.A. Top Distributor X Yes _____No 28 Manhattan Wholesalers X Yes _____No 2 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 PITCO X Yes _____No 2 U.S. Wholesale X Yes _____No 3 Value Distributor X Yes _____No 4 If your answer to Question No. 1 is “Yes” for any Plaintiff, please answer 5 Question No. 2 as to that Plaintiff only. 6 If your answer to Question No. 1 is “No” for all Plaintiffs, please answer Question 7 No. 7. 8 9 2. Did the Defendants prove, as to any Plaintiff, that the differences in 10 price for Clear Eyes given to Costco Business Center and Sam’s Club were to meet 11 the price of the Defendants’ competitor? (Instruction No. 24). 12 AKR _____ Yes X No 13 Border Cash & Carry _____ Yes X No 14 Excel Wholesale _____ Yes X No 15 L.A. International _____ Yes X No 16 L.A. Top Distributor _____ Yes X No 17 Manhattan Wholesalers _____ Yes X No 18 PITCO _____ Yes X No 19 U.S. Wholesale _____ Yes X No 20 Value Distributor _____ Yes X No 21 If your answer to Question No. 2 is “Yes” for all Plaintiffs, please answer 22 Question No. 7. 23 If your answer to Question No. 2 is “No” for any Plaintiff, please answer Question 24 No. 3 as to that Plaintiff only. 25 26 3. Did the Defendants prove, as to any Plaintiff, that the difference in 27 price for Clear Eyes given to Costco Business Center and Sam’s Club were 28 justified by cost differences? (Instruction No. 25). 3 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 AKR _____ Yes X No 2 Border Cash & Carry _____ Yes X No 3 Excel Wholesale _____ Yes X No 4 L.A. International _____ Yes X No 5 L.A. Top Distributor _____ Yes X No 6 Manhattan Wholesalers _____ Yes X No 7 PITCO _____ Yes X No 8 U.S. Wholesale _____ Yes X No 9 Value Distributor _____ Yes X No 10 If your answer to Question No. 3 is “Yes” for all Plaintiffs, please answer 11 Question No. 7. 12 If your answer to Question No. 3 is “No” for any Plaintiff, please answer Question 13 No. 4 as to that Plaintiff only. 14 15 16 4. Did any Plaintiff prove that it was injured by the Defendants’ violations of the Robinson-Patman Act? (Instruction No. 27). 17 AKR X Yes _____No 18 Border Cash & Carry X Yes _____No 19 Excel Wholesale X Yes _____No 20 L.A. International X Yes _____No 21 L.A. Top Distributor X Yes _____No 22 Manhattan Wholesalers X Yes _____No 23 PITCO X Yes _____No 24 U.S. Wholesale X Yes _____No 25 Value Distributor X Yes _____No 26 If your answer to Question No. 4 is “Yes” for any Plaintiff, please answer 27 Question No. 5 as to that Plaintiff only. 28 If your answer to Question No. 4 is “No” for all Plaintiffs, please answer Question 4 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 No. 7. 2 3 5. Did the Defendants prove that a Plaintiff failed to use reasonable 4 efforts to mitigate its damages under the Robinson-Patman Act? (Instruction No. 5 32). 6 AKR _____ Yes X No 7 Border Cash & Carry _____ Yes X No 8 Excel Wholesale _____ Yes X No 9 L.A. International _____ Yes X No 10 L.A. Top Distributor _____ Yes X No 11 Manhattan Wholesalers _____ Yes X No 12 PITCO _____ Yes X No 13 U.S. Wholesale _____ Yes X No 14 Value Distributor _____ Yes X No 15 Regardless of your answer, please answer Question No. 6. 16 17 18 6. What amount of damages did each Plaintiff prove for the Defendants’ violation of the Robinson-Patman Act? (Instruction No. 28). 19 AKR $ 25,000 20 Border Cash & Carry $ 0 21 Excel Wholesale $ 25,000 22 L.A. International $ 95,000 23 L.A. Top Distributor $ 25,000 24 Manhattan Wholesalers $ 25,000 25 PITCO $ 30,000 26 U.S. Wholesale $ 25,000 27 Value Distributor $ 100,000 28 Regardless of your answer, please answer Question No. 7. 5 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 2 3 4 CALIFORNIA UNFAIR PRACTICES ACT CLAIM 7. Did any Plaintiff prove that the Defendants violated the California Unfair Practices Act? (Instruction No. 33). 5 L.A. International X Yes _____No 6 L.A. Top Distributor X Yes _____No 7 PITCO X Yes _____No 8 U.S. Wholesale X Yes _____No 9 Value Distributor X Yes _____No 10 If your answer to Question No. 7 is “Yes” for any Plaintiff, please answer 11 Question No. 8 as to that Plaintiff only. 12 If your answer to Question No. 7 is “No” for all Plaintiffs, please sign and return 13 this form. 14 15 8. Did the Defendants prove that the secret rebates were lawful because 16 they applied to different classes of customers? (Instruction No. 34). 17 L.A. International _____ Yes X No 18 L.A. Top Distributor _____ Yes X No 19 PITCO _____ Yes X No 20 U.S. Wholesale _____ Yes X No 21 Value Distributor _____ Yes X No 22 If your answer to Question No. 8 is “Yes” for all Plaintiffs, please sign and return 23 this form. 24 If your answer to Question No. 8 is “No” for any Plaintiff, please answer Question 25 No. 9 as to that Plaintiff only. 26 27 28 6 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 9. Did the Defendants prove that the secret rebates were lawful because 2 they were justified by a good-faith attempt to meet competition? (Instruction Nos. 3 35–36). 4 L.A. International _____ Yes X No 5 L.A. Top Distributor _____ Yes X No 6 PITCO _____ Yes X No 7 U.S. Wholesale _____ Yes X No 8 Value Distributor _____ Yes X No 9 Regardless of your answer, please answer Question No. 10. 10 11 10. What amount of damages did each Plaintiff prove for the Defendants’ 12 violations of the California Unfair Practices Act? (Instruction Nos. 37–38). (You 13 should answer this question without regard to any damages that you may have 14 awarded in response to Question No. 6. If necessary, the Court will ensure that no 15 double-counting takes place.) 16 L.A. International $ 90,000 17 L.A. Top Distributor $ 30,000 18 PITCO $ 75,000 19 U.S. Wholesale $ 5,000 20 Value Distributor $ 130,000 21 22 23 Following the jury’s verdict, on May 20, 2024, the Court made its Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law on the remaining equitable issues. 24 Now, therefore, pursuant to Rules 54 and 58 of the Federal Rules of Civil 25 Procedure, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that 26 final judgment in this action be entered as follows: 27 28 1. Judgment is entered in favor of all Plaintiffs and against Defendants on Plaintiffs’ claim for violation of Section 2(a) of the Robinson7 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(a)). Judgment is entered in favor of 2 L.A. International Corp., Value Distributor, Inc., U.S. Wholesale 3 Outlet & Distribution, Inc., L.A. Top Distributor, and PITCO on 4 their claim for violation of the California Unfair Practices Act (Cal. 5 Bus. & Prof. Code § 17045). 6 2. On Plaintiff L.A. International Corp.’s claim for relief for violation of 7 Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(a)): 8 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff L.A. International Corp. and 9 against Defendants in the amount, after trebling pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), of $285,000. 10 11 3. violation of Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. 12 § 13(a)): Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff Manhattan 13 Wholesalers Inc. and against Defendants in the amount, after trebling 14 15 16 pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), of $75,000. 4. On Plaintiff Excel Wholesale Distributors Inc.’s claim for relief for violation of Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. 17 § 13(a)): Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff Excel Wholesale 18 Distributors Inc. and against Defendants in the amount, after trebling 19 20 On Plaintiff Manhattan Wholesalers Inc.’s claim for relief for pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), of $75,000. 5. 21 On Plaintiff Value Distributor, Inc.’s claim for relief for violation of the California Unfair Practices Act (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17045): 22 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff Value Distributor, Inc. and 23 against Defendants in the amount, after trebling pursuant to California 24 Business & Professions Code section 17082, of $325,000. 25 6. On Plaintiff Border Cash & Carry, Inc.’s claim for relief for violation 26 of Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(a)): 27 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff Border Cash & Carry, Inc. 28 and against Defendants in the amount of $0. 8 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 7. On Plaintiff AKR Corporation’s claim for relief for violation of 2 Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(a)): 3 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff AKR Corporation and against 4 Defendants in the amount, after trebling pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), 5 of $75,000. 6 8. On Plaintiff U.S. Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc.’s claim for 7 relief for violation of Section 2(a) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 8 U.S.C. § 13(a)): Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff U.S. 9 Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc. and against Defendants in the amount, after trebling pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), of $75,000. 10 11 9. California Unfair Practices Act (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17045): 12 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff L.A. Top Distributor and 13 against Defendants in the amount, after trebling pursuant to California 14 15 16 Business & Professions Code section 17082, of $75,000. 10. entered in favor of Plaintiff PITCO and against Defendants in the 18 amount, after trebling pursuant to California Business & Professions 19 21 On Plaintiff PITCO’s claim for relief for violation of the California Unfair Practices Act (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17045): Judgment is 17 20 On Plaintiff L.A. Top Distributor’s claim for relief for violation of the Code section 17082, of $187,500. 11. On Plaintiffs L.A. International Corp.’s, Manhattan Wholesalers Inc.’s, Excel Wholesale Distributors Inc.’s, Value Distributor, Inc.’s, 22 AKR Corporation’s, U.S. Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc.’s, 23 L.A. Top Distributor’s, and PITCO’s claims for relief for violation of 24 Section 2(d) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(d)): 25 Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiffs L.A. International Corp., 26 Manhattan Wholesalers Inc, Excel Wholesale Distributors Inc., Value 27 Distributor, Inc., AKR Corporation, U.S. Wholesale Outlet & 28 9 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 Distribution, Inc., L.A. Top Distributor, and PITCO and against 2 Defendants. 3 12. On Plaintiff Border Cash & Carry, Inc.’s claim for relief for violation 4 of Section 2(d) of the Robinson-Patman Act (15 U.S.C. § 13(d)): 5 Judgment is entered in favor of Defendants and against Plaintiff 6 Border Cash & Carry, Inc. 7 13. On Plaintiffs L.A. International Corp.’s, Value Distributor, Inc.’s, 8 U.S. Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc.’s, L.A. Top Distributor’s, 9 and PITCO’s claims for relief for violation of the California Unfair Competition Law (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203): Judgment is 10 entered in favor of Plaintiffs L.A. International Corp., Value 11 Distributor, Inc., U.S. Wholesale Outlet & Distribution, Inc., L.A. Top 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Distributor, and PITCO and against Defendants. 14. Defendants shall: a. Allow all Plaintiffs (including any successor entities to Plaintiffs) other than Border Cash & Carry to purchase Clear Eyes on the same price terms and conditions on which Defendants sell Clear Eyes to the Costco Business Center division of Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco”), including the availability of any discounts, billback, rebates (including rebates such as the “Instant Redeemable Coupons”), or other terms that impact the net price paid by Costco. b. Allow Plaintiffs (including any successor entities to Plaintiffs) other than Border Cash & Carry to participate, on proportionally equal terms, in all promotional programs and payments that Defendants make available to Costco in connection with the handling, sale, or offering for sale of Clear Eyes (including payments such as the DOW allowance). 10 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL 1 c. Allow Plaintiff Border Cash & Carry (including any successor 2 entity) to purchase Clear Eyes on the same price terms and 3 conditions on which Defendants sell Clear Eyes to the Sam’s 4 Club division of Walmart, Inc. (“Sam’s Club”), including the 5 availability of any discounts, billbacks, rebates, or other terms 6 that impact the net price paid by Sam’s Club. 7 d. For a period of five years from the date of final judgment, 8 Defendants shall semi-annually submit a report to Plaintiffs’ 9 counsel (on a “confidential” basis under the terms of the 10 existing protective order) stating the list price Defendants are 11 then-charging to Costco and to Sam’s Club for Clear Eyes and 12 the effective date of any increase or decrease in that price, along 13 with an itemization and summary of any discounts, rebates, 14 promotional terms, or other payments that Defendants make to 15 Costco and Sam’s Club in conjunction with sales of Clear Eyes. 16 The semi-annual reports shall be signed under oath by an 17 officer of one of the defendant companies. 18 15. 19 20 21 22 23 Plaintiffs shall recover post-judgment interest according to law. 28 U.S.C. § 1961 16. Plaintiffs may seek to recover attorneys’ fees and costs as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Court retains jurisdiction over any matter pertaining to this judgment. 24 25 Dated: June 5, 2024. 26 27 28 _______________________________ ______________________________ MICHAEL MICHA AEL W. FITZGERALD FITZGERA ALD United States District Judge 11 AMENDED JUDGMENT AFTER TRIAL

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