Los Angeles Waterkeeper v. Ralphs Grocery Company

Filing 19

CONSENT DECREE by Judge John F. Walter. Upon approval and entry of this Consent Decree by the Court, this Consent Decree shall constitute a final judgment between the Plaintiff and Ralphs. ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated ) (iv)

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1 Rebecca L. Davis (State Bar No. 271662) 2 3 4 5 6 Email: rebecca@lozeaudrury.com Victoria A. Yundt (State Bar No. 326186) Email: victoria@lozeaudrury.com LOZEAU DRURY LLP 1939 Harrison St., Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 836-4200 7 Barak Kamelgard (Bar No. 298822) 8 Email: barak@lawaterkeeper.org Benjamin Harris (Bar No. 313193) 9 Email: ben@lawaterkeeper.org 10 LOS ANGELES WATERKEEPER 360 E 2nd Street, Suite 250 11 Los Angeles, CA 90012 12 Phone: (310) 394-6162 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff 14 LOS ANGELES WATERKEEPER 15 S. Wayne Rosenbaum (SBN 182456) 16 Grant R. Olsson (SBN: 317583) ENVIRONMENTAL LAW GROUP LLP 17 225 Broadway, Suite 1900 18 San Diego, California 92101 Tel: (619) 231-5858 19 swr@envirolawyer.com 20 golsson@envirolawyer.com 21 Attorneys for Defendants 22 RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY 23 24 25 26 27 28 CONSENT DECREE -6 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 2 3 LOS ANGELES WATERKEEPER, a 4 California non-profit association, 5 Plaintiff, 6 7 v. 8 RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, an 9 Ohio stock corporation, 10 11 Defendant. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 CONSENT DECREE Case No.:  &9  -): $-5[ CONSENT DECREE 1 CONSENT DECREE 2 WHEREAS, Plaintiff Los Angeles Waterkeeper (“LA Waterkeeper” or 3 “Plaintiff”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation organized under the 4 laws of the State of California, with its main office in Los Angeles, California; 5 WHEREAS, LA Waterkeeper is dedicated to the preservation, protection and 6 defense of the surface, ground, coastal and ocean waters of Los Angeles County from 7 all sources of pollution and degradation; 8 WHEREAS, Ralphs Grocery Company (“Ralphs” or “Defendant”) owns and 9 operates a facility at 2201 S. Wilmington Avenue in Compton, California, 90220, 10 under Waste Discharger Identification number 4 19I000841 (“Facility”); 11 WHEREAS, Ralphs is an establishment primarily engaged in furnishing 12 “over-the-road” trucking services or trucking services and storage services. SIC 13 Codes 4213; 14 WHEREAS, Ralphs contends that neither the National Pollutant Discharge 15 Elimination System (“NPDES”) General Permit No. CAS000001 [State Water 16 Resources Control Board] Water Quality Order No. 92-12-DWQ, as amended by 17 Order No. 97-03-DWQ, as superseded by Order No. 2014-0057-DWQ and amended 18 by Order No. 2015-0122-DWQ and Order 2018-0028-DWQ (“General Permit”) 1 nor 19 the federal NPDES program for storm water discharges associated with industrial 20 activities apply to drainages at transportation facilities that are not associated with 21 specified industrial activities, and LA Waterkeeper disputes this contention, but LA 22 Waterkeeper and Ralphs (together, the “Settling Parties”) have compromised to allow 23 for settlement of this matter notwithstanding said disagreement, with the parties’ legal 24 obligations to each other defined by this Agreement, and each party reserving all 25 26 27 28 1 Any references to the “General Permit” herein shall be to the then-effective version, regardless of whether such changes are the result of amendments, revisions, reissuance, or similar modification of material terms. Any reference in this Consent Decree to specific sections or subsections of the General Permit that are moved, modified, or otherwise changed in a subsequent version of the General Permit shall be to such subsequent reference(s) as if set forth herein, e.g., the current §XI.B.6.c may be renumbered as §XI.B.7.c, combined into the current §XI.B.6.d, or split into a new §XI.B.6.c and §XI.B.6.d. 1 CONSENT DECREE 1 rights unless expressly stated to the contrary herein; 2 WHEREAS, subject to the Settling Parties’ disagreement discussed above, 3 storm water associated with vehicle maintenance (including vehicle rehabilitation, 4 mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, and lubrication) and equipment cleaning as 5 defined in 40 C.F.R. § 122.26(b)(14)(viii), or other operations identified under the 6 General Permit as associated with industrial activity, from the Facility are regulated 7 by the General Permit and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. §§ 8 1251 et seq. (“Clean Water Act” or “CWA”), Sections 301(a) and 402, 33 U.S.C. §§ 9 1311(a), 1342 (“Regulated Industrial Activities”); 10 WHEREAS, the Regulated Industrial Activities occurring at the Facility 11 include vehicle maintenance (including vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, 12 painting, fueling, and lubrication) and equipment cleaning as defined in 40 C.F.R.§ 13 122.26(b)(14)(viii) as depicted on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A; 14 WHEREAS, the General Permit requires all permittees, including Ralphs, to 15 comply with, inter alia, the following mandates: (1) develop and implement a storm 16 water pollution prevention plan (“SWPPP”) and a storm water monitoring 17 implementation plan (“MIP”), (2) control pollutant discharges using, as applicable, 18 best available technology economically achievable (“BAT”) or best conventional 19 pollutant control technology (“BCT”) to prevent or reduce pollutants through the 20 development and application of Best Management Practices (“BMPs”), which must 21 be included and timely updated in the SWPPP, (3) reduce and eliminate discharges 22 necessary to comply with any and all applicable Water Quality Standards (“WQS”), 23 and (4) implement a monitoring and reporting program designed to assess compliance 24 with the General Permit; 25 WHEREAS, on June 1, 2023, Plaintiff issued a notice of intent to file suit 26 (“60-Day Notice”) to Ralphs, its registered agent, the Administrator of the United 27 States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), the Executive Director of the State 28 Water Resources Control Board (“State Board”), the Executive Director Los Angeles 2 CONSENT DECREE 1 Regional Water Quality Control Board (“Regional Board” or “RWQCB”), and the 2 Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX, alleging violations of the Clean Water 3 Act and the General Permit Water Quality Order 2014-0057-DWQ, as amended by 4 Order Nos. 2015-0122-DWQ and 2018-0028-DWQ incorporating: 1) Federal 5 Sufficiently Sensitive Test Method Ruling; 2) Total Maximum Daily Load 6 Implementation Requirements; and 3) Statewide Compliance Options Incentivizing 7 On-Site or Regional Storm Water Capture and Use, at the Facility; 8 WHEREAS, on October 27, 2023, LA Waterkeeper filed a complaint against 9 Ralphs in the Central District of California, Civil Case No. 2:23-cv-09110 10 (“Complaint”); 11 WHEREAS, Plaintiff’s Complaint alleged violations of the General Permit 12 and the Clean Water Act for Ralphs’ discharges of pollutants into storm drains and 13 surface waters, including Compton Creek, the Los Angeles River, and San Pedro 14 Bay. (“Receiving Waters”); 15 WHEREAS, Ralphs denies all the violations set forth in LA Waterkeeper’s 16 complaint; 17 WHEREAS, LA Waterkeeper and Ralphs (collectively “Settling Parties” or 18 “Parties”) agree that it is in their mutual interest to enter a Consent Decree setting 19 forth terms and conditions appropriate to resolving the allegations set forth in the 6020 Day Notice and Complaint without further proceedings; 21 WHEREAS, all actions taken by the Settling Parties pursuant to this Consent 22 Decree shall be made in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, 23 rules, and regulations. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED BETWEEN THE 25 SETTLING PARTIES AND ORDERED AND DECREED BY THE COURT AS 26 FOLLOWS: 27 1. The Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant 28 to Section 505(a)(1)(A) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1)(A). 3 CONSENT DECREE 1 2. Venue is appropriate in the Central District Court pursuant to Section 2 505(c)(1) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(c)(1), because the Facility at which the 3 alleged violations are taking place is located within this District. 4 3. The Complaint states a claim upon which relief may be granted against 5 Ralphs pursuant to Section 505 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365. 6 4. LA Waterkeeper has standing to bring this action. 7 5. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this action for purposes of 8 interpreting, modifying, or enforcing the terms of this Consent Decree, or as long 9 thereafter as necessary for the Court to resolve any motion to enforce this Consent 10 Decree, but only regarding issues raised within the Term of this Consent Decree. 11 I. OBJECTIVES 12 6. It is the express purpose of the Settling Parties through this Consent 13 Decree to further the objectives of the Clean Water Act, and to resolve all issues 14 alleged by LA Waterkeeper in its 60-Day Notice and Complaint. These objectives 15 include compliance with the provisions of this Consent Decree, and compliance with 16 all terms and conditions of the General Permit, and compliance with all applicable 17 sections of the CWA. 18 7. Considering these objectives and as set forth fully below, the Parties 19 agree to comply with the provisions of this Consent Decree, and terms and conditions 20 of the General Permit, and all applicable sections of the CWA at the Facility. 21 II. AGENCY REVIEW AND CONSENT DECREE TERM 22 A. AGENCY REVIEW OF CONSENT DECREE 23 8. Agency Review. LA Waterkeeper shall submit this Consent Decree to 24 the United States Department of Justice and the EPA (the “Federal Agencies”) for 25 agency review consistent with 40 C.F.R. § 135.5. The agency review period expires 26 forty-five (45) calendar days after receipt by the Federal Agencies, as evidenced by 27 certified return receipts, or upon the date that the Federal Agencies provide a no 28 objection letter, whichever is earlier (“Agency Review Period”). If the Federal 4 CONSENT DECREE 1 Agencies object to entry of this Consent Decree or to any portion of this Consent 2 Decree, the Parties agree to meet and confer to attempt to resolve the issue(s) raised 3 by the Federal Agencies. If the Parties are unable to resolve any issue(s) raised by the 4 Federal Agencies in their comments, the Parties agree to expeditiously seek a 5 settlement conference with the assigned Magistrate Judge to resolve any issue(s). 6 9. Court Notice. Plaintiff shall notify the Court of the receipt date by the 7 Federal Agencies, as required by 40 C.F.R. § 135.5, to coordinate the Court’s 8 calendar with the 45-day review period. 9 10. Entry of Consent Decree. Following the expiration of the Agency 10 Review Period, Plaintiff shall submit the Consent Decree to the Court for entry. 11 B. DEFINITIONS 12 11. Unless otherwise expressly defined herein, terms used in this Consent 13 Decree which are defined in the General Permit have the meaning assigned to them in 14 Attachment C of the General Permit. Whenever terms listed below are used in this 15 Consent Decree, the following definitions apply: 16 a. 17 18 “Consent Decree” means this Consent Decree and any attachments or documents incorporated by reference. b. “Day” means a calendar day. In computing any period under this 19 Consent Decree, where the last day of such period is a Saturday, 20 Sunday, or Federal or State Holiday, the period runs until the 21 close of business on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or 22 Federal or State Holiday. 23 c. 24 25 “Discharge Point” means each outfall and discharge location designated in the then-current SWPPP for the Facility. d. “Effective Date” means the effective date of this Consent Decree, 26 which shall be the date of the expiration of the Agency Review 27 Period. 28 5 CONSENT DECREE 1 e. 2 3 entered by the Court. f. 4 5 “Entry Date” means the day this Consent Decree is approved and “PPT” means Pollution Prevention Team as described in General Permit Section X.D.1. g. “Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner” or “QISP” shall 6 have the definition set forth in Section IX.A.1. of the General 7 Permit. 8 h. 9 10 forth in Section XI.B.1 of the General Permit. i. 11 12 “Qualifying Storm Event” or “QSE” shall have the definition set “Reporting Year” means the period from July 1 of a given calendar year to June 30 of the following calendar year. j. “SMARTS” means the California State Water Resources Control 13 Board’s Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking 14 System located at 15 https://smarts.waterboards.ca.gov/smarts/faces/SwSmartsLogin.xh 16 tml. 17 k. “ 18 l. “SWPPP” means a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as 19 20 defined in Section X of the General Permit. m. “Termination Date.” 21 22 “Term” means the period between the Effective Date and the n. “Termination Date” means the date that all accrued monetary 23 obligations in this Consent Decree have been met and one of the 24 following events has occurred: 25 i. June 30, 2027, if no proceeding or process to enforce this 26 Consent Decree was initiated prior to June 30, 2027, or 27 seven (7) calendar days from the conclusion of any 28 6 CONSENT DECREE 1 proceeding or process to enforce the Consent Decree 2 initiated prior to June 30, 2027; or 3 ii. Ralphs satisfies the requirements of and the Regional Board 4 approves a Notice of Termination pursuant to Section II.C 5 of the General Permit or a Notice of Non-Applicability 6 pursuant to Section XX.C of the General Permit for all of 7 the Facility, or all portions of the Facility where Regulated 8 Industrial Activities occur, and Ralphs provides written 9 notification to LA Waterkeeper of the Regional Board’s 10 approval. 11 o. “Wet Season” means the seven-month period beginning October 12 1st of any given calendar year and ending April 30th of the 13 following calendar year. 14 III. COMMITMENTS OF THE SETTLING PARTIES 15 A. STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 16 12. Non-Storm Water Discharge Prohibition: Ralphs shall fully comply with 17 General Permit Section IV. 18 13. Current and Additional Best Management Practices: In addition to 19 maintaining the current BMPs described in the Facility’s SWPPP attached hereto as 20 Exhibit C, Ralphs shall develop and implement additional BMPs necessary to comply 21 with the provisions of this Consent Decree and the General Permit. 22 14. Rain Gauge/Sensor. Ralphs will continue to employ its current rain 23 gauge sensor. The sensor activates in rain events greater than 0.1 inches and redirects 24 storm water that would otherwise discharge to the sanitary sewer. Ralphs maintains 25 records of each time the system is used. If Ralphs fails to collect and analyze 26 samples from four QSEs during a Reporting Year, Ralphs shall make these records 27 available for LA Waterkeeper’s review via email within ten (10) business days of the 28 request for said documents by LA Waterkeeper, provided that LA Waterkeeper shall 7 CONSENT DECREE 1 request said documents no more than once during each calendar year of this Consent 2 Decree. Data from the rain gauge/sensor shall be conclusive of precipitation 3 quantities in events greater that 0.1 inches and timing for purposes of this Consent 4 Decree provided, however, that the Parties agree that the rain gauge data shall not be 5 conclusive of whether a discharge of storm water associated with industrial activities 6 occurred or when such discharge commenced for the purposes of determining Ralphs 7 compliance with its obligations under the General Permit or this Consent 8 Decree. Rain gauge data and all communications between the Settling Parties related 9 thereto, described herein shall be deemed confidential. Ralphs shall not be required to 10 upload the rain gauge data to SMARTS. LA Waterkeeper shall not use the rain gauge 11 data for any purpose other than as a confidential and informational communication, 12 or a necessary as evidence in any dispute resolution proceeding. 13 15. Structural and Non-Structural BMPs for the Facility. Within thirty (30) 14 days of the Effective Date, Ralphs shall confirm that the following BMPs have been 15 implemented at the Facility as further described in the SWPPP attached hereto: 16 a. 17 18 to provision X.H.1.a. of the General Permit; b. 19 20 Implement a sweeping program as detailed in its SWPPP pursuant During the Wet Season, maintain the wattles/filters/socks BMPs SWPPP pursuant to provision X.H.1.b. of the General Permit; c. In addition, rain event and monthly inspections described in 21 paragraph paragraphs 24 and 25 below, PPT personnel will 22 conduct an annual Pre-Rain Inspection at the beginning of the 23 Reporting Year. The inspection will include the following 24 elements: 25 i. 26 27 Inspection of the site for any areas of dirt and debris accumulation. ii. Removal of dirt and debris from targeted areas. 28 8 CONSENT DECREE 1 iii. Inspection of catch basin inserts and insert media. Replace 2 as necessary, based upon observations and manufacturers’ 3 recommendations. 4 iv. 5 Inspect for any spills or leaks and cleanup immediately as necessary. 6 v. 7 d. Confirm all waste/trash/recycle bins are closed or covered. Institute an equipment washing and vehicle maintenance program 8 as detailed in its SWPPP pursuant to provision X.H.1.b. of the 9 General Permit. 10 e. To the extent vehicle fueling/maintenance or equipment washing 11 occurs in areas other than those designated for such activities in 12 the SWPPP site map, then appropriate BMPs will be deployed in 13 compliance with the General Permit. 14 B. SAMPLING AT THE FACILITY 15 16. Ralphs shall develop a monitoring program consistent with General 16 Permit Section XI. During the Term, Ralphs shall collect samples of storm water 17 discharge when feasible based upon weather, safety conditions, and adequate 18 amounts of discharge from each Discharge Point to permit such collection from each 19 Discharge Point from at least four (4) Qualifying Storm Events, including, at 20 minimum, the first two (2) Qualifying Storm Events during the first half of the 21 Reporting Year and the first (2) two Qualifying Storm Events during the second half 22 of the Reporting Year. Such sampling shall take place within the four (4) hour period 23 required by the General Permit § XI.B.5. Should Ralphs be unable to collect the 24 requisite number of samples, it shall provide a written explanation pursuant to 25 General Permit § XVI. 26 17. Sampling Parameters: All samples collected pursuant to this Consent 27 Decree shall be analyzed, at minimum, for the parameters listed in Table 1. Should 28 Defendant conduct sampling for any additional parameters or cease sampling for any 9 CONSENT DECREE 1 of the parameters listed in Table 1 that are listed in 40 C.F.R. § 131.38 and/or in the 2 General Permit at the sampling locations described in Ralphs’ then-current SWPPP 3 pursuant to Section XI.B of the General Permit that would otherwise be reportable on 4 SMARTS for any reason, including without limitation as a result of changed 5 operations, a revised pollutant source assessment, or a new mandate from a regulatory 6 agency, such parameter shall be treated as if listed in Table 1 for the purposes of this 7 Consent Decree, including the ARS requirements below, and the Settling Parties shall 8 meet and confer regarding the applicable Table 1 limit for such purposes. 9 18. Laboratory and Holding Time. Except for pH samples, delivery of all 10 samples to a California state certified environmental laboratory for analysis within 11 allowable hold times when feasible to do so, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Part 136 and 12 Section XI.B.10 of the General Permit. Analysis of pH will be completed onsite using 13 a calibrated portable instrument for pH in accordance with the manufacturer’s 14 instructions. 15 19. Detection Limit: Ralphs shall request that the laboratory use analytical 16 methods adequate to detect the individual contaminants at or below the values 17 specified in the General Permit and Table 1 below. 18 20. Reporting: Defendant shall upload and certify on SMARTS the complete 19 laboratory results, including a copy of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control and the 20 laboratory report, for all samples collected at the Facility pursuant to Paragraph 16 21 above within ten (10) days of receiving the laboratory results, and shall notify LA 22 Waterkeeper that the foregoing has been uploaded to SMARTS and certified within 23 five (5) days of certification. 24 C. REDUCTION OF POLLUTANTS IN DISCHARGES 25 21. Table 1 Numeric Limits: Ralphs shall develop and implement BMPs to 26 reduce pollutants in storm water at the Facility to levels below those in Table 1. 27 28 10 CONSENT DECREE TABLE 12 1 2 Analytes Values Source of Limit 3 Total Suspended Solids 100 mg/L (annual); 400 General Permit NAL 4 mg/L (instantaneous) 5 Total Zinc 6 0.159 mg/L General Permit NEL (instantaneous) 7 Total Lead 8 0.094 mg/L General Permit NEL (instantaneous) 9 0.0332 mg/L (annual); General Permit NAL/ 10 0.06749 mg/L General Permit NEL 11 (instantaneous) Total Copper 12 Oil and Grease 13 15 mg/L (annual); General Permit NAL 25 mg/L (instantaneous) 14 pH 15 6.5-8.5 s.u. Basin Plan (instantaneous) 16 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.68 mg/L (annual); General Permit NAL/ 17 8.0 mg/L General Permit NEL 18 (instantaneous) 19 20 22. Table 1 Exceedances. An “Exceedance” of Table 1 is defined as follows: 21 (a) where the concentration of any pollutant in any two (2) storm water samples from 22 the same Discharge Point at the Facility during a Reporting Year exceed an annual 23 numeric limit contained in Table 1;3 and/or (b) where the concentration of any 24 25 2 The numeric limits listed in Table 1 are for reference only, and the Table 1 limit for such parameter shall be the then- 26 effective limit provided by the applicable source, e.g., if the source for TSS is listed as its NAL and the annual NAL for TSS is either increased to 110 mg/L or decreased to 90 mg/L, such new annual NAL, and not 100 mg/L, shall be used as 27 the Table 1 limit for the purposes of this Consent Decree as if set forth herein. 3 As examples: (i) samples from both Sample Location #1 and Sample Location #2 exceeding the 0.0332 mg/L standard 28 for copper on December 28, 2024; (ii) samples from Sample Location #1 exceeding the 0.0332 mg/L standard for 11 CONSENT DECREE 1 pollutant in any storm water sample from the Facility exceeds an instantaneous 2 numeric limit contained in Table 1. 3 23. Analyte Reduction Strategy for Table 1 Exceedances: As of the 4 Effective Date, and for the remainder of the Term, if Ralphs’ storm water samples, as 5 required herein, reveal one (1) or more Exceedances, as defined in Paragraph 22 6 above not previously addressed in a prior ARS for the same Reporting Year, Ralphs 7 shall submit a plan to LA Waterkeeper for reducing the level of the applicable 8 pollutants from the applicable drainage area to the numeric limits specified in Table 1 9 (“Analyte Reduction Strategy” or “ARS”) on the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. 10 a. The complete ARS, using the template attached hereto as Exhibit 11 B, must be submitted to LA Waterkeeper within thirty (30) days 12 of Ralphs’s receipt of the laboratory report demonstrating the 13 Exceedance, as defined in Paragraph 22 above.4 In the event of 14 exceedances for multiple analytes and/or for multiple Sample 15 Locations, Ralphs shall submit a single ARS addressing multiple 16 analytes and multiple Sample Locations. Ralphs shall not be 17 required to submit more than one (1) ARS for each half of the 18 Reporting Year. 19 b. BMP Implementation. The ARS’s time schedule(s) for 20 implementation of any BMPs shall ensure that Ralphs implements 21 all BMPs identified in the ARS as soon as possible, but in no 22 event later than ninety (90) days following the ARS becoming 23 “final” pursuant to Paragraph 23.d. below, unless a later 24 implementation date is mutually agreed upon by the Settling 25 26 copper on December 28, 2024 and on March 15, 2025; or (iii) a sample from Sample Location #1 exceeding the 0.0332 mg/L standard for copper on December 28, 2024, and a sample from Sample Location #2 exceeding the 0.0332 mg/L 27 standard for zinc on March 15, 2024. 4 The ARS discussed in this Consent Decree is a separate and distinct requirement from any “Action Plan” or 28 Exceedance Response Actions discussed in the General Permit, though actions taken to comply with the ARS may be used by Ralphs to demonstrate compliance with the General Permit. 12 CONSENT DECREE 1 Parties. Within ten (10) days of each of the BMPs set forth in the 2 ARS being implemented, Defendant shall confirm to LA 3 Waterkeeper in writing, with photographs where applicable as 4 determined by Ralphs, that such BMP has been implemented as 5 set forth in the ARS. 6 c. ARS Proposed BMPs: The following BMPs should generally be 7 evaluated for inclusion, but are not required to be included, in 8 ARSs to attain the Table 1 levels in the Facility’s storm water 9 discharges: 10 i. Hydrologic Controls: Installation of additional berms or 11 equivalent structural controls necessary to reduce or prevent 12 storm water from flowing off site other than through the 13 engineered storm water conveyance system or storm water 14 retention or treatment facilities. 15 ii. 16 17 Sweeping: The increased/more frequent use of sweepers and manual sweeping in otherwise inaccessible areas. iii. Treatment Systems: Installing additional components or 18 systems, or otherwise improving, an advanced storm water 19 treatment system, or making changes to the operation and 20 maintenance protocols for such system, to provide more 21 effective filtration treatment of storm water prior to 22 discharge. 23 iv. Evaluation of Existing BMPs: Replacing, rehabilitating, or 24 eliminating existing BMPs, taking into account the age of 25 the BMPs involved or employed, the engineering aspect of 26 the application of various BMPs, and any adverse 27 environmental impact of the BMPs. 28 13 CONSENT DECREE 1 d. ARS Review: LA Waterkeeper shall have thirty (30) days upon 2 receipt of Defendant’s complete ARS to provide Defendant with 3 comments, on the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. LA 4 Waterkeeper not providing written comments within thirty (30) 5 days shall constitute irrefutable evidence that LA Waterkeeper is 6 satisfied with the content and conclusions set forth in the ARS. 7 Within thirty (30) days of receiving LA Waterkeeper’s proposed 8 revisions to an ARS, if any, Defendant shall consider each of LA 9 Waterkeeper’s recommended revisions and accept them or justify 10 in writing, on the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, why any 11 comment is not incorporated. Defendant’s decision not to adopt 12 any of LA Waterkeeper’s suggestions regarding an ARS shall not 13 impact the otherwise applicable schedule for implementing any 14 other revision to the SWPPP or MIP set forth in the ARS. The 15 ARS shall be considered “final” upon Defendant’s submission of 16 its response, or thirty (30) days after LA Waterkeeper’s receipt of 17 Defendant’s complete ARS if LA Waterkeeper does not provide 18 written comments by such time. ARS(s) developed and 19 implemented pursuant to this Consent Decree are an obligation of 20 this Consent Decree. Any disputes as to the adequacy of an ARS 21 shall be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions of 22 this Consent Decree, set out in Section IV below. Disputes 23 regarding the adequacy of a particular BMP shall not impact the 24 schedule for implementing any other BMP set forth in the ARS. 25 e. Defendant shall revise the then-current SWPPP to reflect the 26 changes required by the ARS, as set forth in Paragraph 29.a 27 below. 28 14 CONSENT DECREE 1 f. ARS Payments: Defendant shall pay Five Thousand Dollars 2 ($5,000.00) each time an ARS is submitted to LA Waterkeeper at 3 the same time that the ARS is submitted. Payments shall be made 4 to “Los Angeles Waterkeeper” via certified mail, return receipt 5 requested to Los Angeles Waterkeeper, c/o Barak Kamelgard, 360 6 E 2nd Street Suite 250, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Failure to submit 7 a payment as required under this Paragraph will constitute a 8 breach of the Consent Decree. 9 g. The ARS, and all communications between the Settling Parties 10 related thereto, described in Paragraph 23 herein shall be deemed 11 confidential. Ralphs shall not be required to upload the ARS to 12 SMARTS. LA Waterkeeper shall not use the ARS for any purpose 13 other than as a confidential and informational communication, or 14 as necessary as evidence in any dispute resolution proceeding. 15 D. VISUAL OBSERVATIONS 16 24. Storm Water Discharge Observations: During the Term, Ralphs’ PPT 17 members shall conduct visual observations during the Facility’s operating hours 18 during pursuant to Section XI.A.2 of the General Permit. 19 25. Monthly Visual Observations: During the Term, Ralphs’ PPT members 20 shall conduct monthly visual observations of the Facility pursuant to General Permit 21 § XI.A and as further described in its SWPPP. 22 26. Visual Observations Records: Ralphs shall maintain observation records 23 to document compliance with Paragraphs 24 and 25. In the event that Ralphs is 24 required to prepare an ARS, Ralphs shall make these records available for LA 25 Waterkeeper’s review via email within ten (10) business days of the request for said 26 documents by LA Waterkeeper, provided that LA Waterkeeper shall request said 27 documents no more than once during each calendar year of this Consent Decree. 28 15 CONSENT DECREE 1 27. Employee Training Program: Ralphs shall continue to implement a 2 training program for PPT personnel as described in its SWPPP that incorporates the 3 requirements set forth in the General Permit at I.I.63, IX.1.3, X.H.1.f, X.H.1.g.iii, and 4 the fact sheet at I.D.4, and II.I.2.i.; 5 a. 6 7 Training shall be provided as described in Ralphs’ SWPPP and as further described in the General Permit at IX.A.; b. Sampling Training: Ralphs shall designate an adequate number of 8 PPT members sufficient to collect storm water samples as 9 described in its SWPPP and as required by General Permit section 10 11 XI.B.; c. Visual Observation Training: Ralphs shall provide training to PPT 12 members on how and when to properly conduct visual 13 observations as described in its SWPPP and pursuant to General 14 Permit section XI.A.; 15 d. Non-Storm Water Discharge Training: Ralphs shall train PPT 16 members regarding Non-Storm Water Discharges as described in 17 its SWPPP and pursuant to Section III and IV of the General 18 Permit; 19 e. Employees: All PPT members at the Facility shall participate in an 20 annual Training Program. New PPT members who join the PPT 21 during the Wet Season shall participate in a Training Program 22 within thirty (30) business days of their becoming a member of 23 the PPT as described in its SWPPP pursuant to section X.H.1.f. of 24 the General Permit; 25 f. Records: Ralphs shall maintain training records pursuant to 26 General Permit section X.H.1.g.iii, and if Ralphs is required to 27 prepare an ARS, shall provide LA Waterkeeper with a redacted 28 16 CONSENT DECREE 1 copy of these records 5 within ten (10) days of receipt of a written 2 request, provided that LA Waterkeeper shall request such records 3 no more than once during each calendar year of this Consent 4 Decree. 5 28. Initial SWPPP Revisions: Ralphs and LA Waterkeeper have met and 6 conferred about Ralphs’ SWPPP and Ralphs agrees to upload and certify to SMARTS 7 the revised SWPPP attached hereto as Exhibit C, which the Settling Parties agree 8 fully complies with the requirements of the General Permit and this Consent Decree. 9 29. 10 Additional SWPPP Revisions: a. Within thirty (30) days after any ARS has become final pursuant 11 to Paragraph 23.d. above (or resolution pursuant to Dispute 12 Resolution), Defendant shall revise the then-current SWPPP to 13 reflect the changes required by the ARS and shall upload and 14 certify on SMARTS the revised SWPPP. Ralphs shall notify LA 15 Waterkeeper that the foregoing has been uploaded to SMARTS 16 and certified within five (5) days of certification. 17 b. Within thirty (30) days after any changes in industrial activities, 18 sources of industrial pollutants, changes to Discharge Points, or 19 changes to sections of the SWPPP identified in the SWPPP as 20 requiring a SWPPP revision (including but not limited to, changes 21 in Facility contacts or PPT members, changes or additions of 22 BMPs, or changes in or additions of industrial activities that 23 impact storm water discharge), Defendant shall revise the then- 24 current SWPPP to reflect such changes and shall upload and 25 certify on SMARTS the revised SWPPP. Ralphs shall notify LA 26 27 28 5 Pursuant to Ralphs personnel policies and provision II.A.3. of the General Permit Fact Sheet information regarding individual employee names are deemed to be confidential. 17 CONSENT DECREE 1 Waterkeeper that the foregoing has been uploaded to SMARTS 2 and certified within ten (10) days of certification. 3 c. Review of SWPPP: For any SWPPP updates pursuant to 4 Paragraphs 29.a. and 29.b., LA Waterkeeper shall have thirty (30) 5 days upon notification that a SWPPP revision has been uploaded 6 to SMARTS to provide Defendant with comments. LA 7 Waterkeeper not providing written comments to the SWPPP 8 within thirty (30) days shall constitute irrefutable evidence that 9 LA Waterkeeper accepts all revisions to the SWPPP. Within thirty 10 (30) days of receiving LA Waterkeeper’s comments to the 11 SWPPP, if any, Defendant shall consider each of the comments 12 and proposed changes and either accept them or justify in writing 13 why a change is not incorporated. The Settling Parties agree to 14 work in good faith to resolve any disputes with respect to the 15 SWPPP, and any remaining disputes will be resolved through 16 timely initiation of the dispute resolution procedures in Section IV 17 below. Following its incorporation of proposed modification or 18 additions (if any) into each revised SWPPP, Defendant shall 19 upload the revised SWPPP to SMARTS. 20 d. The revised SWPPP, and all communications between the Settling 21 Parties related thereto, as described in this Paragraph 29 shall be 22 deemed confidential. The Settling Parties shall not use such 23 SWPPP or communications for any purpose other than as 24 confidential and informational communications, or as necessary as 25 evidence in any dispute resolution proceeding. 26 E. COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND REPORTING 27 30. Ralphs shall allow LA Waterkeeper one (1) virtual site inspection in the 28 first calendar year following the Effective Date. After the first year, if Ralphs is 18 CONSENT DECREE 1 required to prepare an ARS under this Consent Decree, LA Waterkeeper shall be 2 permitted to conduct one (1) virtual site inspection to inspect any newly implemented 3 BMPs described in the ARS, provided that Ralphs shall allow only one (1) site 4 inspection during each calendar year of this Consent Decree. All such site inspections 5 shall be conducted virtually, unless agreed upon by the Settling Parties. Any virtual 6 site inspection shall occur during normal business hours at a time mutually agreed 7 upon by the parties. LA Waterkeeper will provide Ralphs with at least twenty-four 8 (24) hours’ notice prior to any proposed virtual site inspection in anticipation of wet 9 weather, and seventy-two (72) hours’ notice during dry weather. For any virtual site 10 inspection requested to occur in wet weather, the Settling Parties shall meet and 11 confer during normal business hours regarding any adjustment in the timing which 12 shall not be unreasonably denied in the event the forecast changes and anticipated 13 precipitation appears unlikely or the need to allocate storm water team personnel to 14 take required QSE samples as required hereunder, and thus frustrates the purpose of a 15 virtual inspection in wet weather. If a virtual site inspection is infeasible due to 16 sampling constraints described above, the Settling Parties shall consider alternative 17 options during the meet and confer including but not limited to: (1) photo 18 documenting the sampling event 6; or (2) delaying the virtual site inspection until after 19 the sampling activities have been completed. Notice will be provided by telephone 20 and electronic mail to the individual(s) designated below at paragraph 57. 21 31. Reporting and Documents. During the life of this Consent Decree, 22 Ralphs shall copy LA Waterkeeper on all non-privileged documents related to storm 23 water quality at the Facility that Ralphs submits to or receives from the Regional 24 Board, the State Board, and/or any State or local agency or municipality, which are 25 not uploaded to SMARTS. 26 27 6 Any photographs provided to LA Waterkeeper shall be deemed confidential. Ralphs shall not be required to upload the 28 photographs to SMARTS. LA Waterkeeper shall not use the photographs for any purpose other than as a confidential and informational communication, or as necessary as evidence in any dispute resolution proceeding. 19 CONSENT DECREE 1 32. Consent Decree Monitoring. Ralphs agrees to partially defray costs 2 associated with Plaintiff’s monitoring of Defendant’s compliance with this Consent 3 Decree during the Term by paying by paying LA Waterkeeper the sum of Eighteen 4 Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00). Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of the 5 Entry Date. The payment shall be made via check, made payable to: “Los Angeles 6 Waterkeeper” via certified mail, return receipt requested to Los Angeles 7 Waterkeeper, c/o Barak Kamelgard, 360 E 2nd Street Suite 250, Los Angeles, CA 8 90012. Failure to submit payment as required under this Paragraph will constitute 9 breach of the Consent Decree. 10 F. 11 12 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION, LITIGATION FEES AND COSTS, MISSED DEADLINES, AND INTEREST 33. Environmental Mitigation Project: To fund environmental project 13 activities that will reduce or mitigate the impacts of storm water pollution from 14 industrial activities occurring waterways tributary to San Pedro Bay, Ralphs agrees to 15 make a payment totaling Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) to the City of Long 16 Beach Municipal Urban Stormwater Treatment (“MUST”) Program to allow the 17 program to continue to plan and design for general expansion of the MUST program 18 made within thirty (30) days of the Entry Date, payable to the City of Long Beach 19 and sent via overnight mail to the Office of the City Manager, 411 West Ocean 20 Boulevard, 10th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802. Failure to submit payment as required 21 under this Paragraph will constitute breach of the Consent Decree. 22 34. LA Waterkeeper’s Fees and Costs: Ralphs agrees to pay a total of 23 Seventy-Seven Thousand Dollars ($77,000.00) to LA Waterkeeper to reimburse LA 24 Waterkeeper’s investigation fees and costs, expert/consultant fees and costs, 25 attorneys’ fees, and other costs incurred by investigating and filing the lawsuit and 26 negotiating a resolution of this matter within thirty (30) days of the Entry Date. The 27 payment shall be made payable to: Lozeau Drury LLP and delivered by overnight 28 carrier to Lozeau Drury LLP, Attn: Rebecca Davis, 1939 Harrison St., Ste. 150, 20 CONSENT DECREE 1 Oakland, CA 94612. Failure to submit payment as required under this Paragraph will 2 constitute breach of the Consent Decree. 3 35. Missed Deadlines: If Ralphs fails to submit to LA Waterkeeper any 4 payment, document, report, or communication required by this Consent Decree, 5 Ralphs shall pay a stipulated payment of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) provided, 6 however, LA Waterkeeper shall notify Ralphs of any such failure and Ralphs shall 7 have ten (10) days to cure the alleged violation in lieu of any stipulated payment or 8 submit the matter to the Dispute Resolution procedures set forth in Section IV herein. 9 Such stipulated payments shall be made by check payable to the City of Long Beach , 10 and such funds shall be used for the sole purpose of funding environmentally 11 beneficial projects, as described in Paragraph 33. Payment shall be sent via overnight 12 mail to the Office of the City Manager, 411 West Ocean Boulevard, 10th Floor, Long 13 Beach, CA 90802. Ralphs agrees to make the stipulated payment within fourteen (14) 14 days after the resolution of the event that precipitated the stipulated payment liability. 15 IV. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16 36. This Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter for the Term for the 17 purposes of enforcing its terms and conditions, and adjudicating all disputes among 18 the Parties that may arise under the provisions of this Consent Decree. The Court 19 shall have the power to enforce this Consent Decree with all available legal and 20 equitable remedies, including contempt. 21 37. Meet and Confer. Either party to this Consent Decree may invoke the 22 dispute resolution procedures of this Section IV by notifying the other party in 23 writing of the matter(s) in dispute and of the disputing party’s proposal for resolution. 24 The Settling Parties shall then meet and confer in good faith (either telephonically or 25 in person) within ten (10) days of the date of the notice to fully resolve the dispute no 26 later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the notice. 27 38. Settlement Conference. If the Settling Parties cannot resolve the dispute 28 within thirty (30) days of the meet and confer described in Paragraph 37, the Settling 21 [CONSENT DECREE 1 Parties agree that the dispute may be submitted for formal resolution by filing a 2 motion before the United States District Court for the Central District of California. 3 The Settling Parties agree to request an expedited hearing schedule on the motion. 4 39. In resolving any dispute arising from this Consent Decree before the 5 Court, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to seek fees and costs incurred pursuant to 6 the provisions set forth in Section 505(d) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 7 1365(d), and applicable case law interpreting such provisions, or as otherwise 8 provided for by statute and/or case law. 9 V. 10 MUTUAL RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE 40. Plaintiff’s Waiver and Release of Ralphs. Upon the Effective Date of 11 this Consent Decree, Plaintiff, on its own behalf and on behalf of its officers and 12 directors, releases Ralphs, its officers, directors, managers, employees, members, 13 parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, successors or assigns, agents, attorneys and 14 other representatives, from and waives all claims that were or could have been raised 15 in the 60-Day Notice and/or the Complaint up to and including the Termination Date 16 of this Consent Decree. 17 41. Ralphs’s Waiver and Release of Plaintiff. Upon the Effective Date of 18 this Consent Decree, Ralphs, on its own behalf and on behalf of its officers, directors, 19 employees, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and each of their successors or assigns, 20 releases Plaintiff, its officers and directors, from and waives all claims related to the 21 60-Day Notice and/or the Complaint up to and including the Termination Date of this 22 Consent Decree. 23 42. Nothing in this Consent Decree limits or otherwise affects Plaintiff’s 24 rights to address or take any position that it deems necessary or appropriate in an 25 informal or formal proceeding before the State Board, Regional Board, EPA, or any 26 other judicial or administrative body (other than a proceeding instituted by Plaintiff) 27 on any matter relating to Ralphs’ compliance at the Facility with the General Permit 28 or the Clean Water Act occurring or arising after the Effective Date. 22 CONSENT DECREE 1 VI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 2 43. No Admission of Liability. The Settling Parties enter this Consent 3 Decree for the purpose of avoiding prolonged and costly litigation. Neither the 4 Consent Decree nor any payment pursuant to the Consent Decree shall constitute or 5 be construed as a finding, adjudication, or acknowledgement of any fact, law, or 6 liability, nor shall it be construed as an admission of violation of any law, rule, or 7 regulation. Ralphs maintains and reserves all defenses it may have to any alleged 8 violations that may be raised in the future. 9 44. Counterparts. This Consent Decree may be executed in any number of 10 counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one original document. Telecopy 11 and/or facsimile copies of original signature shall be deemed to be originally 12 executed counterparts of this Consent Decree. 13 45. Authority. The undersigned representatives for Plaintiff and Ralphs each 14 certify that s/he is fully authorized by the party whom s/he represents to enter into 15 this Consent Decree. A Settling Party’s signature to this Consent Decree transmitted 16 by facsimile or electronic mail shall be deemed binding. 17 46. Construction. The language in all parts of this Consent Decree shall be 18 construed according to its plain and ordinary meaning, except as to those terms 19 defined in the General Permit, the Clean Water Act, or specifically herein. The 20 captions and paragraph headings used in this Consent Decree are for reference only 21 and shall not affect the construction of this Consent Decree. 22 47. Full Settlement. This Consent Decree constitutes a full and final 23 settlement of this matter. 24 48. Integration Clause. This is an integrated Consent Decree. This Consent 25 Decree is intended to be a full and complete statement of the terms of the agreement 26 between the Settling Parties and expressly supersedes all prior oral or written 27 agreements, covenants, representations, and warranties (express or implied) 28 concerning the subject matter of this Consent Decree. 23 CONSENT DECREE 1 49. Severability. If any provision, paragraph, section, or sentence of this 2 Consent Decree is held by a court to be unenforceable, the validity of the enforceable 3 provisions shall not be adversely affected. 4 50. Choice of Law. The laws of the United States shall govern this Consent 5 Decree. 6 51. Diligence: Ralphs shall, in good faith, diligently file and pursue all 7 required permit applications for any required BMPs and shall diligently procure 8 contractors, labor, and materials needed to complete all BMPs by the required 9 deadlines. 10 52. Effect of Consent Decree: As between the Settling Parties, compliance 11 with this Agreement shall constitute substantial evidence that Ralphs is complying 12 with the provisions of the General Permit referenced herein. 13 53. Negotiated Settlement. The Settling Parties have negotiated this Consent 14 Decree and agree that it shall not be construed against the party preparing it but shall 15 be construed as if the Settling Parties jointly prepared this Consent Decree, and any 16 uncertainty and ambiguity shall not be interpreted against any one party. 17 54. Modification of the Consent Decree. This Consent Decree, and any 18 provisions herein, may not be changed, waived, discharged, or terminated unless by a 19 written instrument, signed by the Settling Parties and approved by the Court. Any 20 request to modify any provision of the Consent Decree, including but not limited to 21 any deadline(s) set forth herein, must be made in writing at least fourteen (14) days 22 before the existing deadline(s) applicable to the provision(s) proposed to be modified. 23 55. Assignment. Subject only to the express restrictions contained in this 24 Consent Decree, all the rights, duties and obligations contained in this Consent 25 Decree shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Settling Parties, and their 26 successors and assigns, provide however that this provision shall not conflict, 27 preempt or waive Ralphs’ rights to terminate this agreement pursuant to paragraph 28 11.p.ii. Ralphs shall notify Plaintiff within ten (10) days of any assignment. 24 CONSENT DECREE 1 56. Force Majeure. Neither of the Settling Parties shall be in default in the 2 performance of any of their respective obligations under this Consent Decree when 3 performance becomes impossible due to a Force Majeure event. A Force Majeure 4 event is any circumstance beyond a Settling Party’s control, including without 5 limitation, any act of God, war, fire, earthquake, flood, windstorm, pandemic, public 6 health crisis, or natural catastrophe; criminal acts; civil disturbance, vandalism, 7 sabotage, or terrorism; restraint by court order or public authority or agency; or action 8 or non-action by, or inability to obtain the necessary authorizations or approvals from 9 any governmental agency. A Force Majeure event shall not include normal inclement 10 weather, economic hardship, inability to pay, or employee negligence. Any party 11 seeking to rely upon this Paragraph to excuse or postpone performance shall have the 12 burden of establishing that it could not reasonably have been expected to avoid the 13 Force Majeure event and which by exercise of due diligence has been unable to 14 overcome the failure of performance. The Settling Parties shall exercise due diligence 15 to resolve and remove any Force Majeure event. 16 57. Correspondence. All notices required herein or any other correspondence 17 pertaining to this Consent Decree shall be, the extent feasible, sent via electronic mail 18 transmission to the e-mail address listed below, or if electronic mail is not feasible, 19 then by certified U.S. mail with return receipt, or by hand delivery to the following 20 addresses: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 If to Plaintiff: Los Angeles Waterkeeper Barak Kamelgard Benjamin Harris Madeleine Siegel 360 E 2nd St., Suite 250 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Email: barak@lawaterkeeper.org Email: ben@lawaterkeeper.org Email: madeleine@lawaterkeeper.org Phone: (310) 394-6162 If to Ralphs: Maria Zambrano-Lozano Environmental Manager Ralphs Grocery Company 2201 S. Wilmington Ave Compton, CA 90220 Maria.zambano-lozano@kroger.com 25 CONSENT DECREE 1 2 With copies to: Rebecca Davis LOZEAU DRURY LLP 1939 Harrison St., Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94612 rebecca@lozeaudrury.com Phone: (510) 836-4200 With copies to: 6 John DeFrance, Esq. Senior Attorney The Kroger Co. 1100 W. Artesia Blvd. Compton, CA 90220 E: john.defrance@ralphs.com 7 and 3 4 5 8 Environmental Law Group LLP Attn: S. Wayne Rosenbaum 225 Broadway, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101 swr@envirolawyer.com 9 10 11 12 13 Notifications of communications shall be deemed submitted three (3) days after the 14 date that they are postmarked and sent by first-class mail, or immediately after 15 acknowledgement of receipt via email by the receiving party. Any change of address 16 or addresses shall be communicated in the manner described above for giving notices. 17 58. If for any reason the Federal Agencies should object to entry of this 18 Consent Decree or to any portion of this Consent Decree or the District Court should 19 decline to approve this Consent Decree in the form presented, the Settling Parties 20 shall use their best efforts to work together to modify the Consent Decree within 21 thirty (30) days so that it is acceptable to the Federal Agencies or the District Court, 22 as applicable. If the Settling Parties are unable to modify this Consent Decree in a 23 mutually acceptable manner that is also acceptable to the District Court, this Consent 24 Decree shall immediately be null and void as well as inadmissible as a settlement 25 communication under Federal Rule of Evidence 408 and California Evidence Code 26 section 1152. 27 28 26 CONSENT DECREE 0G? /?``NIQE +7W\I?Z G?W?\R ?Q\?W \GIZ RQZ?Q\ ?;W?? 7Q= Zb9PI\ I\ \R ]G? 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&RYHU LQGXVWULDO ZDVWH GLVSRVDO FRQWDLQHUV DQG LQGXVWULDO PDWHULDO VWRUDJH FRQWDLQHUV WKDW FRQWDLQ LQGXVWULDO PDWHULDOV ZKHQ QRW LQ XVH x 'LYHUW UXQRQ DQG VWRUPZDWHU JHQHUDWHG IURP ZLWKLQ WKH IDFLOLW\ DZD\ IURP DOO VWRFNSLOHG PDWHULDOV x &OHDQ DOO VSLOOV RI LQGXVWULDO PDWHULDOV RU ZDVWHV WKDW RFFXU GXULQJ KDQGOLQJ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH VSLOO UHVSRQVH SURFHGXUHV 6HFWLRQ ;+F  DQG x 2EVHUYH DQG FOHDQ DV DSSURSULDWH DQ\ RXWGRRU PDWHULDO RU ZDVWH KDQGOLQJ HTXLSPHQW RU FRQWDLQHUV WKDW FDQ EH FRQWDPLQDWHG E\ FRQWDFW ZLWK LQGXVWULDO PDWHULDOV RU ZDVWHV  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 6SHFLILF PDWHULDO KDQGOLQJ DQG ZDVWH PDQDJHPHQW %03V WR EH LPSOHPHQWHG DW WKH 5DOSKV IDFLOLW\ DUH SURYLGHG LQ 7DEOH  DQG WKH %03 IDFW VKHHWV DUH LQFOXGHG LQ $SSHQGL[ *  (URVLRQ DQG 6HGLPHQW &RQWUROV 7KH IROORZLQJ HURVLRQ DQG VHGLPHQW FRQWURO PHDVXUHV ZLOO EH LPSOHPHQWHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH *HQHUDO 3HUPLW 6HFWLRQ ;+H  x ,PSOHPHQW HIIHFWLYH ZLQG HURVLRQ FRQWUROV x 3URYLGH HIIHFWLYH VWDELOL]DWLRQ IRU DOO GLVWXUEHG VRLOV DQG RWKHU HURGLEOH DUHDV SULRU WR D IRUHFDVWHG VWRUP HYHQW x 0DLQWDLQ HIIHFWLYH SHULPHWHU FRQWUROV DQG VWDELOL]H DOO VLWH HQWUDQFHV DQG H[LWV WR VXIILFLHQWO\ FRQWURO GLVFKDUJHV RI HURGLEOH PDWHULDOV IURP GLVFKDUJLQJ RU EHLQJ WUDFNHG RII WKH VLWH x 'LYHUW UXQRQ DQG VWRUPZDWHU JHQHUDWHG IURP ZLWKLQ WKH IDFLOLW\ DZD\ IURP DOO HURGLEOH PDWHULDOV DQG x ,I VHGLPHQW EDVLQV DUH LPSOHPHQWHG HQVXUH FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH GHVLJQ VWRUP VWDQGDUGV LQ 6HFWLRQ ;+ RI WKH *HQHUDO 3HUPLW 6SHFLILF HURVLRQ DQG VHGLPHQW FRQWURO %03V WR EH LPSOHPHQWHG DW WKH 5DOSKV IDFLOLW\ DUH SURYLGHG LQ 7DEOH  DQG WKH %03 IDFW VKHHWV DUH LQFOXGHG LQ $SSHQGL[ *  (PSOR\HH 7UDLQLQJ 3URJUDP $Q HPSOR\HH WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP ZLOO EH LPSOHPHQWHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH IROORZLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV LQ WKH *HQHUDO 3HUPLW 6HFWLRQ ;+I  x (QVXUH WKDW DOO WHDP PHPEHUV LPSOHPHQWLQJ WKH YDULRXV FRPSOLDQFH DFWLYLWLHV RI WKLV 6:333 DUH SURSHUO\ WUDLQHG LQ WRSLFV LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR %03 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KRXUV DUH SUHVHQWHG LQ 6HFWLRQ  ,I PRQLWRULQJ YLVXDO REVHUYDWLRQV RU VDPSOH FROOHFWLRQ RI WKH VLWH LV XQVDIH EHFDXVH RI WKH GDQJHURXV FRQGLWLRQV QRWHG DERYH WKHQ WKH DSSURSULDWH WHDP PHPEHU ZLOO GRFXPHQW WKH FRQGLWLRQV IRU ZK\ DQ H[FHSWLRQ WR SHUIRUPLQJ WKH PRQLWRULQJ ZDV QHFHVVDU\ 7KH H[FHSWLRQ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ ZLOO EH ILOHG LQ 0,3 $WWDFKPHQW  ³0RQLWRULQJ 5HFRUGV´  9,68$/ 2%6(59$7,21 352&('85(6 9LVXDO PRQLWRULQJ LQFOXGHV REVHUYDWLRQV RI GUDLQDJH DUHDV %03V DQG GLVFKDUJH ORFDWLRQV x x x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)DFLOLW\ 2SHUDWLRQV 2EVHUYDWLRQV 2EVHUYH SRWHQWLDO VRXUFHV RI LQGXVWULDO SROOXWDQWV LQFOXGLQJ LQGXVWULDO HTXLSPHQW DQG VWRUDJH DUHDV DQG RXWGRRU LQGXVWULDO DFWLYLWLHV 5HFRUG REVHUYDWLRQV RI x x 6SLOOV RU OHDNV DQG 8QFRQWUROOHG SROOXWDQW VRXUFHV  %03 2EVHUYDWLRQV 2EVHUYH %03V WR LGHQWLI\ DQG UHFRUG x x x x %03V WKDW DUH SURSHUO\ LPSOHPHQWHG %03V WKDW QHHG PDLQWHQDQFH WR RSHUDWH HIIHFWLYHO\ %03V WKDW KDYH IDLOHG RU %03V WKDW FRXOG IDLO WR RSHUDWH DV LQWHQGHG  1RQ6WRUPZDWHU 'LVFKDUJH 2EVHUYDWLRQV 2EVHUYH HDFK GUDLQDJH DUHD IRU WKH SUHVHQFH RI RU LQGLFDWLRQV RI SULRU XQDXWKRUL]HG DQG DXWKRUL]HG QRQVWRUPZDWHU GLVFKDUJHV 5HFRUG x x x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x Floating and suspended materials; x Oil and grease; x Discoloration; x Turbidity; x Odors;  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan x Trash/debris; and x Source(s) of any discharged pollutants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isual Observation Log VHH 0,3 $WWDFKPHQW  ³([DPSOH )RUPV´  9LVXDO REVHUYDWLRQV ZLOO EH VXSSOHPHQWHG ZLWK D VLWHVSHFLILF %03 LQVSHFWLRQ FKHFNOLVW 3KRWRJUDSKV XVHG WR GRFXPHQW REVHUYDWLRQV ZLOO EH UHIHUHQFHG RQ WKH Visual Observation Log DQG PDLQWDLQHG ZLWK WKH 0RQLWRULQJ 5HFRUGV LQ $WWDFKPHQW  7KH FRPSOHWHG ORJV DQG FKHFNOLVWV ZLOO EH NHSW LQ 0,3 $WWDFKPHQW  ³0RQLWRULQJ 5HFRUGV´  9LVXDO 0RQLWRULQJ )ROORZ8S DQG 5HSRUWLQJ &RUUHFWLRQ RI GHILFLHQFLHV LGHQWLILHG E\ WKH REVHUYDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ UHTXLUHG UHSDLUV RU PDLQWHQDQFH RI %03V ZLOO EH LQLWLDWHG DQG FRPSOHWHG DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH 5HVSRQVH 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E\ /DERUDWRU\ 1DPH (0$; /DERUDWRULHV ,QF 6WUHHW $GGUHVV  : WK 6WUHHW &LW\ 6WDWH =LS 7RUUDQFH &$  7HOHSKRQH 1XPEHU   3RLQW RI &RQWDFW &DVSDU 3DQJ (/$3 &HUWLILFDWLRQ 1XPEHU  6DPSOHV ZLOO EH GHOLYHUHG WR WKH ODERUDWRU\ E\ HLWKHU IDFLOLW\ SHUVRQQHO SUHIHUUHG PHWKRG  SLFNHG XS E\ D ODERUDWRU\ FRXULHU RU VKLSSHG RQ EOXH LFH LQ D FRROHU DV QHHGHG  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan *UDE VDPSOHV ZLOO EH FROOHFWHG DQG SUHVHUYHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH PHWKRGV LGHQWLILHG LQ SUHFHGLQJ VHFWLRQV 7R PDLQWDLQ VDPSOH LQWHJULW\ DQG SUHYHQW FURVVFRQWDPLQDWLRQ VDPSOH FROOHFWLRQ SHUVRQQHO ZLOO IROORZ WKH SURWRFROV EHORZ x &ROOHFW VDPSOHV IRU ODERUDWRU\ DQDO\VLV RQO\ LQ DQDO\WLFDO ODERUDWRU\SURYLGHG VDPSOH x x x x x x x x x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x )RU VPDOO VWUHDPV DQG IORZ SDWKV VLPSO\ GLS WKH ERWWOH IDFLQJ XSVWUHDP XQWLO IXOO x )RU ODUJHU VWUHDP WKDW FDQ EH VDIHO\ DFFHVVHG FROOHFW D VDPSOH LQ WKH PLGGOH RI WKH IORZ x x x x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alphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan  6DPSOH +DQGOLQJ )LHOG S+ PHDVXUHPHQWV PXVW EH FRQGXFWHG LPPHGLDWHO\ 'R QRW VWRUH S+ VDPSOHV IRU ODWHU PHDVXUHPHQW 6DPSOHV IRU ODERUDWRU\ DQDO\VLV PXVW EH KDQGOHG DV IROORZV ,PPHGLDWHO\ IROORZLQJ VDPSOH FROOHFWLRQ x x x x x x &DS VDPSOH FRQWDLQHUV &RPSOHWH VDPSOH FRQWDLQHU ODEHOV 6HDOHG FRQWDLQHUV LQ D UHVHDODEOH VWRUDJH EDJ 3ODFH VDPSOH FRQWDLQHUV LQWR DQ LFHFKLOOHG FRROHU 'RFXPHQW VDPSOH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH Sampling Field Log Sheet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ampling Log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ffluent Sampling Field Log Sheet DQG Receiving Water Sampling Field Log Sheet IRU HDFK VDPSOLQJ HYHQW DV DSSURSULDWH  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan &KDLQ RI &XVWRG\ 6DPSOLQJ SHUVRQQHO ZLOO FRPSOHWH WKH &R& IRU HDFK VDPSOLQJ HYHQW IRU ZKLFK VDPSOHV DUH FROOHFWHG IRU ODERUDWRU\ DQDO\VLV 7KH VDPSOHU ZLOO VLJQ WKH &R& ZKHQ WKH VDPSOH V LV WXUQHG RYHU WR WKH WHVWLQJ ODERUDWRU\ RU FRXULHU  48$/,7< $6685$1&( $1' 48$/,7< &21752/ $Q HIIHFWLYH 4XDOLW\ $VVXUDQFH DQG 4XDOLW\ &RQWURO 4$4& SODQ ZLOO EH LPSOHPHQWHG DV SDUW RI WKH ,03 WR HQVXUH WKDW DQDO\WLFDO GDWD FDQ EH XVHG ZLWK FRQILGHQFH 4$4& SURFHGXUHV WR EH LQLWLDWHG LQFOXGH WKH IROORZLQJ x x x x x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³([DPSOH )RUPV´  &OHDQ 6DPSOLQJ 7HFKQLTXHV &OHDQ VDPSOLQJ WHFKQLTXHV LQYROYH WKH XVH RI FHUWLILHG FOHDQ FRQWDLQHUV IRU VDPSOH FROOHFWLRQ DQG FOHDQ SRZGHUIUHH QLWULOH JORYHV GXULQJ VDPSOH FROOHFWLRQ DQG KDQGOLQJ $V GLVFXVVHG LQ 6HFWLRQ  DGRSWLRQ RI D FOHDQ VDPSOLQJ DSSURDFK ZLOO PLQLPL]H WKH FKDQFH RI ILHOG FRQWDPLQDWLRQ DQG TXHVWLRQDEOH GDWD UHVXOWV  &KDLQ RI &XVWRG\ 7KH VDPSOH &R& LV DQ LPSRUWDQW GRFXPHQWDWLRQ VWHS WKDW WUDFNV VDPSOHV IURP FROOHFWLRQ WKURXJK DQDO\VLV WR HQVXUH WKH YDOLGLW\ RI WKH VDPSOH 6DPSOH &R& SURFHGXUHV LQFOXGH WKH IROORZLQJ x x x 3URSHU ODEHOLQJ RI VDPSOHV 8VH RI &R& IRUPV IRU VDPSOHV DQG 3URPSW VDPSOH GHOLYHU\ WR WKH DQDO\WLFDO ODERUDWRU\ $QDO\WLFDO ODERUDWRULHV XVXDOO\ SURYLGH &R& IRUPV WR EH ILOOHG RXW IRU VDPSOH FRQWDLQHUV $Q H[DPSOH &R& LV LQFOXGHG LQ 0,3 $WWDFKPHQW  ³([DPSOH )RUPV´  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan  'DWD 9HULILFDWLRQ $IWHU UHVXOWV DUH UHFHLYHG IURP WKH DQDO\WLFDO ODERUDWRU\ WKH GLVFKDUJHU ZLOO YHULI\ WKH GDWD WR HQVXUH WKDW LW LV FRPSOHWH DFFXUDWH DQG WKH DSSURSULDWH 4$4& UHTXLUHPHQWV ZHUH PHW 'DWD PXVW EH YHULILHG DV VRRQ DV WKH GDWD UHSRUWV DUH UHFHLYHG 'DWD YHULILFDWLRQ ZLOO LQFOXGH x x x x x &KHFN WKH &R& DQG ODERUDWRU\ UHSRUWV Make sure all requested analyses were performed and all samples are accounted for in the reports. &KHFN ODERUDWRU\ UHSRUWV WR PDNH VXUH KROG WLPHV ZHUH PHW DQG WKDW WKH UHSRUWLQJ OHYHOV PHHW RU DUH ORZHU WKDQ WKH UHSRUWLQJ OHYHOV DJUHHG WR LQ WKH FRQWUDFW &KHFN GDWD IRU RXWOLHU YDOXHV DQG IROORZ XS ZLWK WKH ODERUDWRU\ Occasionally typographical errors, unit reporting errors, or incomplete results are reported and should be easily detected. These errors need to be identified, clarified, and corrected quickly by the laboratory. Especially note data that is an order of magnitude or more different than similar locations, or is inconsistent with previous data from the same location. &KHFN ODERUDWRU\ 4$4& UHVXOWV EPA establishes QA/QC checks and acceptable criteria for laboratory analyses. These data are typically reported along with the sample results. Evaluate the reported QA/QC data to check for contamination (method, field, and equipment blanks), precision (laboratory matrix spike duplicates), and accuracy (matrix spikes and laboratory control samples). When QA/QC checks are outside acceptable ranges, the laboratory must flag the data, and usually provides an explanation of the potential impact to the sample results. &KHFN WKH GDWD VHW IRU RXWOLHU YDOXHV DQG DFFRUGLQJO\ FRQILUP UHVXOWV DQG UHDQDO\]H VDPSOHV ZKHUH DSSURSULDWH Sample re-analysis should only be undertaken when it appears that some part of the QA/QC resulted in a value out of the accepted range. Sample results may not be discounted unless the analytical laboratory identifies the required QA/QC criteria were not met and confirms this in writing. )LHOG GDWD LQFOXGLQJ S+ PHDVXUHPHQWV DQG YLVXDO REVHUYDWLRQV PXVW EH YHULILHG DV VRRQ DV WKH 9LVXDO 2EVHUYDWLRQ DQG 6DPSOLQJ /RJV DUH UHFHLYHG W\SLFDOO\ DW WKH HQG RI WKH PRQLWRULQJ HYHQW )LHOG GDWD YHULILFDWLRQ ZLOO LQFOXGH x x x x x &KHFN ORJV WR PDNH VXUH DOO UHTXLUHG PHDVXUHPHQWV ZHUH FRPSOHWHG DQG DSSURSULDWHO\ GRFXPHQWHG &KHFN UHSRUWHG YDOXHV WKDW DSSHDU RXW RI WKH W\SLFDO UDQJH RU LQFRQVLVWHQW Follow-up immediately to identify potential reporting or equipment problems, if appropriate, recalibrate equipment after sampling; 9HULI\ HTXLSPHQW FDOLEUDWLRQV 5HYLHZ REVHUYDWLRQV QRWHG RQ WKH ORJV DQG 5HYLHZ QRWDWLRQV RI DQ\ HUURUV DQG DFWLRQV WDNHQ WR FRUUHFW WKH HTXLSPHQW RU UHFRUGLQJ HUURUV  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan  5(&25'6 5(7(17,21 5HFRUGV RI VWRUPZDWHU PRQLWRULQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG FRSLHV RI UHSRUWV LQFOXGLQJ $QQXDO 5HSRUWV PXVW EH UHWDLQHG IRU D SHULRG RI DW OHDVW ILYH  \HDUV IURP GDWH RI VXEPLWWDO RU ORQJHU LI UHTXLUHG E\ WKH 5HJLRQDO :DWHU %RDUG 5HVXOWV RI YLVXDO REVHUYDWLRQV ILHOG PHDVXUHPHQWV DQG ODERUDWRU\ DQDO\VHV PXVW EH NHSW LQ WKH 6:333 DORQJ ZLWK &R&V DQG RWKHU GRFXPHQWDWLRQ UHODWHG WR WKH PRQLWRULQJ 5HFRUGV WR EH UHWDLQHG LQFOXGH x x x x x x x x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alphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0,3 $77$&+0(17 ϭ 021,725,1* 5(&25'6 3ODFH YLVXDO REVHUYDWLRQ ORJV VDPSOLQJ ORJV DQG DQDO\WLFDO UHSRUWV LQ WKLV DWWDFKPHQW  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0,3 $77$&+0(17 Ϯ (;$03/( )2506  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0,3 $77$&+0(17 ϯ ),(/' 0(7(5 ,16758&7,216 ,QVHUW ILHOG PHWHU LQVWUXFWLRQV LQ WKLV VHFWLRQ LI DSSOLFDEOH   Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0,3 $77$&+0(17 ϰ 27+(5 5(*8/$725< '2&80(176 ,QVHUW RWKHU UHJXODWRU\ GRFXPHQWV DV QHHGHG HJ RWKHU UHJLRQDO ERDUG GLUHFWLYHV VSHFLDO PRQLWRULQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV HWF«  Ralphs Compton Distribution Center Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan  5()(5(1&(6 6WDWH :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV &RQWURO %RDUG   2UGHU ':4 13'(6 *HQHUDO 3HUPLW 1R &$6 1DWLRQDO 3ROOXWDQW 'LVFKDUJHV 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