Anthony Ayala v. U.S XPRESS ENTERPRISES, INC et al

Filing 60

PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Kenly Kiya Kato re Stipulation for Protective Order 59 (SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS) (dts)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Christopher C. McNatt, Jr. (SBN 174559) SCOPELITIS, GARVIN, LIGHT, HANSON & FEARY, LLP 2 North Lake Avenue, Suite 460 Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 795-4700 Fax: (626) 795-4790 James H. Hanson, Pro Hac Vice (IBN 0810049) SCOPELITIS, GARVIN, LIGHT, HANSON & FEARY, PC 10 West Market Street, Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel: (317) 637-1777 Fax: (317) 687-2414 Attorneys for Defendants, U.S. XPRESS ENTERPRISES, INC. and U.S. XPRESS, INC. (Additional Counsel listed below) 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 ANTHONY AYALA, individually and on behalf of all those similarly situated, 18 Plaintiffs, 19 20 21 v. U.S. XPRESS ENTERPRISES, INC., U.S. XPRESS, INC., and DOES 1-100, Defendants. 22 Case No. 5:16-cv-00137-GW-KK [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER Complaint Filed: December 23, 2015 23 NOTE CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT 24 25 26 27 28 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 2 3 Upon the stipulation of the parties, a protective order is granted and entered as follows: 1. Purposes and Limitations. 4 Discovery in this action is likely to involve the production of confidential, 5 proprietary, or private information for which special protection from public 6 disclosures and from use for any purpose other than prosecuting this litigation may 7 be warranted. Accordingly, the parties stipulate to and petition the Court enter the 8 following Stipulated Protective Order (“Protective Order”). The parties 9 acknowledge that this Protective Order does not confer blanket protections on all 10 disclosures or responses to discovery and that the protection it affords from public 11 disclosure and use extends only to the limited information or items that are entitled 12 to confidential treatment under the applicable legal principles. The parties further 13 acknowledge that this Protective Order does not entitle them to file confidential 14 information under seal; Civil Local Rules 79-5 sets forth the procedures that must 15 be followed and the standards that will be applied when a party seeks permission 16 from the Court to file material under seal. 17 2. Good Cause Statement. 18 This action is likely to involve commercial, financial, and/or proprietary 19 business information for which special protection from public disclosure and from 20 use for any purpose other than prosecution of this action is warranted. Such 21 confidential and proprietary materials and information consist of, among other 22 things, confidential business or financial information, information regarding 23 confidential business practices and organization, confidential commercial 24 information (potentially including information implicating the privacy rights of 25 third parties, information otherwise generally unavailable to the public, or 26 information that may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under 27 state or federal statutes, court rules, case decisions, or common law. Accordingly, 28 2 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 to expedite the flow of information, to facilitate the prompt resolution of disputes 2 over confidentiality of discovery materials, to adequately protect information the 3 parties are entitled to keep confidential, to ensure that the parties are permitted 4 reasonable necessary uses of such material in preparation for and in the conduct of 5 trial, to address their handling at the end of the litigation, and to serve the ends of 6 justice, a protective order for such information is justified in this matter. It is the 7 intent of the parties that information will not be designated as confidential for 8 tactical reasons and that nothing be so designated without a good faith belief that it 9 has been maintained in a confidential, non-public manner, and there is good cause 10 11 why it should not be part of the public record of this case. 3. Nondisclosure of Confidential Documents. 12 (a) "Document" means, without limiting its generality, any physical thing 13 containing information or any written, recorded, graphic or other matter, whether 14 produced, printed, reproduced, or stored on paper, cards, tapes, disks, belts, 15 charges, film, computer storage devices or any other medium, including but not 16 limited to all documents necessary to the comprehension or understandings of any 17 designated document, such as computer code or metadata, and includes but is not 18 limited to originals, drafts, redrafts and each separate copy of each document. 19 (b) Except with prior written consent of the party designating a document 20 to be protected from disclosure or as set forth in Paragraph 2 below, no document 21 designated as CONFIDENTIAL may be disclosed to any person or entity. A party 22 who produces material may designate it as CONFIDENTIAL when the party in 23 good faith believes it contains proprietary information, trade secrets, privileged 24 information, or nonpublic technical, financial, personal or business information. A 25 document designated as CONFIDENTIAL means any document which bears the 26 legend CONFIDENTIAL or, if it is not feasible to label the document, which the 27 28 3 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 producing party indicates via cover letter or otherwise at the time of production is 2 being produced as CONFIDENTIAL. 3 (c) Except with prior written consent of the party designating a document 4 to be protected from disclosure or as set forth in Paragraph 3 below, no document 5 designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY may be 6 disclosed to any person or entity. A party who produces material may designate it 7 as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY when the party in good 8 faith believes it contains highly sensitive proprietary information, trade secrets, 9 privileged information, or nonpublic technical, financial, personal or business 10 information. A document designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S 11 EYES ONLY means any document which bears the legend CONFIDENTIAL - 12 FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY or, if it is not feasible to label the document, 13 which the producing party indicates via cover letter or otherwise at the time of 14 production is being produced as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES 15 ONLY. 16 (d) A party receiving from another party any document that has been 17 designated as CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S 18 EYES ONLY may object in writing to the designation and must state the reasons 19 for such objection with respect to each item. The parties shall then meet and confer 20 in good faith regarding the designation. If the parties are unable to come to an 21 agreement regarding the designation, the party challenging the designation shall be 22 obligated to file a motion with the Court challenging such designation. Any such 23 motion shall be filed in strict compliance with Local Rules 37-1 and 37-2 24 (including the Joint Stipulation requirement). 25 (e) This Stipulated Protective Order shall be without prejudice to the right 26 of any party to: bring before the Court at any time that is consistent with the 27 Court's Scheduling Order the question of whether any information or documents 4 28 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 2 3 4 5 are confidential; object to the production of any information or documents it reasonably considers not subject to discovery or object to their use at trial; and/or apply to or move the Court for an order compelling production of information or documents or modifying this Stipulated Protective Order. 4. Court Use and Court Personnel. 6 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Protective Order: 7 (a) Any use of material designated CONFIDENTIAL or 8 CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY at trial or other court 9 hearings or proceedings shall be governed by the orders of the trial judge. 10 (b) The terms of this Protective Order do not apply to the Court and court 11 personnel, who are subject only to the Court’s internal procedures regarding the 12 handling of material filed or lodged, including material filed or lodged under seal. 13 5. Permissible Disclosures of CONFIDENTIAL Documents. 14 15 Notwithstanding paragraph 1, documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL may be disclosed to: 16 (a) the parties and their legal counsel in these proceedings; 17 (b) partners, associates, secretaries, paralegal assistants, and employees of 18 such counsel to the extent reasonably necessary to render professional services in 19 the litigation; 20 21 (c) CONFIDENTIAL and confidential information contained therein; 22 23 persons with prior knowledge of the documents designated as (d) experts who will be providing professional opinions based upon a review of the CONFIDENTIAL information; 24 (e) court officials involved in this litigation, including court reporters; and 25 (f) any person designated by the Court in the interest of justice, upon 26 such terms as the Court may deem proper. 27 28 5 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 (g) any other individual who has been advised of the contents of this 2 Protective Order and has signed a non-disclosure agreement in the form of Exhibit 3 "A." Insofar as disclosure of CONFIDENTIAL information to Professional 4 Vendors, meaning persons or entities that provide litigation support services (e.g. 5 photocopying, videotaping, translating, preparing exhibits or demonstrations, and 6 organizing, storing, or retrieving data in any form or medium) and their employees 7 and subcontractors, it shall suffice that an authorized representative of the 8 Professional Vendor signs Exhibit “A”. 9 6. Permissible Disclosure of Confidential - For Attorney's Eyes Only 10 Documents. 11 Documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES 12 ONLY may only be disclosed to (a) counsel for the parties; (b) partners, associates, 13 secretaries, paralegal assistants, and employees of such counsel, to the extent 14 reasonably necessary to render professional services in the litigation; (c) persons 15 with prior knowledge of the documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL – FOR 16 ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY and confidential information contained therein; (d) 17 experts who will be providing professional opinions based upon a review of the 18 CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY information; (e) court 19 officials involved in this litigation, including court reporters; (f) any person 20 designated by the Court in the interest of justice, upon such terms as the Court may 21 deem proper; and (g) Professional Vendors, meaning persons or entities that 22 provide litigation support services (e.g. photocopying, videotaping, translating, 23 preparing exhibits or demonstrations, and organizing, storing, or retrieving data in 24 any form or medium) and their employees and subcontractors. A party wishing to 25 disclose documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES 26 ONLY to any other person or entity must first obtain prior written consent from the 27 producing party or the Court. 28 6 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 7. Securing Confidential Documents and Information. 2 Counsel for the parties must keep all documents designated as 3 CONFIDENTIAL and all documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR 4 ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY which are received under this Stipulated Protective 5 Order in a secure area. Prior to receiving any document designated as 6 CONFIDENTIAL, Plaintiff or any person identified in Paragraph 2(d) or 2(g) shall 7 be provided with a copy of this Stipulated Protective Order and agree to be bound 8 by its terms, and shall certify such agreement by signing a document of the form 9 set forth as Exhibit “A” to this Stipulated Protective Order. Prior to receiving any 10 document designated as CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY, 11 any person identified in Paragraph 3(d) and a person representing any Professional 12 Vendor identified in Paragraph 3(g) shall be provided with a copy of this 13 Stipulated Protective Order and agree to be bound by its terms, and shall certify 14 such agreement by signing a document of the form set forth as Exhibit “A” to this 15 Stipulated Protective Order. Such persons provided CONFIDENTIAL information 16 shall return all CONFIDENTIAL information to Counsel upon termination of this 17 litigation. Counsel making disclosure to any person described herein shall retain 18 the original executed copy of the certificate until final resolution of this litigation. 19 Prior to receiving any document designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR 20 ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY, and after written consent to such production has 21 been obtained from the producing party or Court, any person other than those 22 identified in Paragraph 3 shall be provided with a copy of this Stipulated Protective 23 Order and agree to be bound by its terms, and shall certify such agreement by 24 signing a document of the form set forth as Exhibit “A” to this Stipulated 25 Protective Order. Such persons provided CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S 26 EYES ONLY information shall return all CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S 27 EYES ONLY information to Counsel upon termination of this litigation. Counsel 28 7 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 making disclosure to any person described herein shall retain the original executed 2 copy of the certificate until final resolution of this litigation. 3 8. Confidential Documents and Information in Depositions. 4 (a) A deponent may during a deposition be shown and examined about 5 documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL and CONFIDENTIAL - FOR 6 ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY or confidential information contained therein only if 7 the deponent is one of the persons or entities designated in Paragraph 2 or in 8 compliance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 and/or Paragraph 3, as applicable. 9 Deponents shall not retain or copy portions of the transcript of their depositions 10 that contain confidential information not provided by them or the entities they 11 represent. A deponent who is not a party or a representative of a party shall be 12 furnished a copy of this Order before being examined or asked to produce 13 documents potentially subject to this Order. 14 (b) Parties (and deponents) may, within 30 days after receiving a 15 deposition transcript, designate pages of the transcript (and exhibits thereto) as 16 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY by 17 underlining the portions of the pages that are confidential and marking such pages 18 with one of the following legends, as applicable: 19 CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY. Until the expiration of the 20 30-day period, the entire deposition will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL pursuant 21 to this Order. If no party or deponent timely designates information or testimony 22 in a deposition as CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S 23 EYES ONLY, then none of the transcript or its exhibits will be treated as material 24 protected by this Order. 25 (i) CONFIDENTIAL or (ii) 9. Filing. 26 Any party seeking to file material designated as CONFIDENTIAL or 27 CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY shall seek to file it under 28 8 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 seal according to the provisions of Civil Local Rule 79-5. Material designated as 2 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL-FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY may 3 only be filed under seal pursuant to a court order authorizing the sealing of the 4 specified material. If a party’s request to file material designated as 5 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY is 6 denied by the court, then the Receiving Party may file the information in the public 7 record unless otherwise instructed by the Court. 8 10. Inadvertent Disclosure. 9 (a) If a party, through inadvertence, produces any information or 10 documents without labeling or marking or otherwise designating it as 11 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY in 12 accordance with the provisions of this Order, the producing party may give written 13 notice to the receiving party that the document or thing produced is deemed 14 confidential and should be treated as such in accordance with the provisions of this 15 Order. The receiving party must treat such documents and things as confidential 16 from the date such notice is received. Disclosure, prior to the receipt of such 17 notice, to persons not authorized to receive confidential information shall not be 18 deemed to be a violation of this Order. 19 (b) If a party, through inadvertence, produces any document or 20 information that it believes is immune from discovery pursuant to an 21 attorney/client privilege or the work product privilege, such production shall not be 22 deemed a waiver of any privilege, and the producing party may give written notice 23 to the receiving party that the document or information produced is deemed 24 privileged and that return of the document or information is requested. Upon 25 receipt of such written notice, the receiving party shall immediately gather the 26 original and all copies of the document or information of which the receiving party 27 is aware and shall immediately return the original and all such copies to the 28 9 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 producing party. The return of the document(s) and/or information to the 2 producing party shall not preclude the receiving party from later moving the Court 3 to compel production of the returned documents and/or information. 4 11. Use. 5 (a) Persons or entities obtaining access to documents designated as 6 CONFIDENTIAL or documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR 7 ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY and confidential information contained therein under 8 this Order shall use the information only for preparation and trial of this litigation 9 (including appeals and retrial), and shall not use such information for any other 10 purpose, including business, governmental, commercial, administrative, or judicial 11 proceedings. 12 (b) If another court, administrative agency, tribunal, person, or entity 13 subpoenas or orders production of information or documents designated as 14 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY that a 15 party has obtained pursuant to this Order, that party shall promptly notify the 16 producing party of the subpoena or production order. Such notice must be provided 17 in sufficient time to give the producing party, if possible, the opportunity to 18 participate in quashing, modifying, or otherwise responding to any compulsory 19 process in an appropriate and timely manner. Upon the filing by the producing 20 party of a motion to quash or for protective order, the subpoenaed party shall 21 withhold production of documents during the pendency of the motion, unless 22 required by law (or court order) not to withhold production. Nothing in this 23 Protective Order shall be construed as authorizing a party to disobey a lawful 24 subpoena or court issued in another action. 25 (c) By stipulating to the entry of this Protective Order no party waives 26 any right it otherwise would have had to object to disclosing or producing any 27 information or item on any ground not addressed in this Protective Order. 28 10 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 Similarly, no party waives any right to object on any ground to use in evidence of 2 any of the material covered by this Protective Order. 3 12. Non-Termination. 4 The provisions of this Order shall survive the termination of this action and 5 continue in full force and effect until further order of this Court. Within 60 days 6 after final conclusion of all aspects of this litigation, documents designated as 7 CONFIDENTIAL, documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL - FOR 8 ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY, or documents containing confidential information, 9 which include but are not limited to, all copies, abstracts, compilations, summaries, 10 and any other format reproducing or capturing material designated as 11 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL – FOR ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY, and 12 all copies of same, shall be returned upon written request to the party or person that 13 produced such documents, or, at the option of the producer, destroyed, except that 14 counsel may retain one copy of all such documents as part of a permanent 15 litigation file that is otherwise subject to the confidentiality restrictions set forth 16 herein. The foregoing shall not be construed as creating any obligation to disclose 17 documents protected by the attorney-client privilege or subject to the attorney work 18 produce rule. 19 13. Modification. 20 Nothing in this Stipulation and Protective Order shall prevent any party or 21 other person from seeking modification of this Stipulated Protective Order or from 22 objecting to discovery that it believes to be otherwise improper. Any motion 23 brought by any party seeking to modify this Protective Order must be brought in 24 strict compliance with Local Rules 37-1 and 37-2 (including the Joint Stipulation 25 requirement). 26 27 28 11 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 14. Matters of Public Record. 2 3 This Stipulated Protective Order shall not apply to any document or materials obtained by counsel which that counsel can demonstrate: 4 5 (a) (b) became a matter of public record after discovery without fault, or 6 7 were already a matter of public record before its receipt by discovery; negligence or a violation of this Stipulated Protective Order. 8 9 IT IS SO ORDERED. 10 SEPTEMBER Dated this _____ day of ________________, 2016. 8TH 11 12 BY THE COURT: 13 14 ___________________________________ The Honorable Kenly Kiya Kato United States Magistrate Judge 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 EXHIBIT "A" 1 2 NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 3 4 The undersigned, _________________________________(print or type 5 name of person) hereby acknowledges that he or she received a copy of the 6 Stipulated Protective Order entered into in the case entitled Anthony Ayala v. U.S. 7 Xpress Enterprises, Inc. et al., has read the Stipulated Protective Order, agrees to 8 be bound by all the provisions thereof, and hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the 9 United States District Court for the Central District of California for the purpose of 10 enforcement of the terms of the Stipulated Protective Order and the punishment of 11 violations thereof. 12 Dated: __________________________ 13 ________________________________ 14 [Signature] 15 ________________________________ 16 ________________________________ 17 [Address] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 By 1 2 3 4 5 6 /s/James H. Hanson James H. Hanson E. Ashley Paynter SCOPELITIS GARVIN LIGHT HANSON & FEARY, P.C. 10 West Market Street, Suite 1400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel: (317) 637-1777 Fax: (317) 687-2414 Fax ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS 7 U.S. XPRESS ENTERPRISES, INC. and U.S. XPRESS, INC. 8 9 By 12 /s/ Justin L. Swidler Justin L. Swidler, Esq. SWARTZ SWIDLER, LLC 1101 Kings Hwy N., Suite 402 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Tel: (856) 685-7420 Fax: (856) 685-7417 13 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS 10 11 14 By 20 /s/ David Borgen David Borgen (SBN 099354) James Kan (SBN 240749) Raymond A. Wendell (SBN 298333) GOLDSTEIN, BORGEN, DARDARIAN & HO 300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 Tel: (510) 763-9800 Fax: (510) 835-1417 21 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS 22 25 /s/James M. Sitkin James M. Sitkin (SBN 107650) LAW OFFICES OF JAMES M. SITKIN 255 California Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: (415) 318-1048 26 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 27 28 2 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5 1 ATTESTATION OF FILER 2 I, David Borgen, attest that the other Signatories concur in the 3 foregoing and authorize the filing of this document. Signed this 7th day of 4 September, 2016. 5 6 Respectfully submitted, 7 8 Dated: September 7, 2016 GOLDSTEIN, BORGEN, DARDARIAN & HO 9 /s/ David Borgen David Borgen 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 ATTESTATION OF FILER - CASE NO. 5:16-CV-00137-GW-KK 634230.5

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