Thomas Bodnar v. County of Riverside et al

Filing 142

ORDER by Judge Dale S. Fischer GRANTING Stipulation to Dismiss With Prejudice 141 . (Made JS-6. Case Terminated.) (SEE ORDER FRO SPECIFICS). (jp)

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JS-6 1 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP ARTHUR K. CUNNINGHAM, SB# 97506 E-Mail: 2 STEPHANIE J. TANADA, SB# 257769 E-Mail: 3 650 East Hospitality Lane, Suite 600 4 San Bernardino, California 92408 Telephone: 909.387.1130 5 Facsimile: 909.387.1138 6 Attorneys for Defendants COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, SHERIFF STAN 7 SNIFF, CAPTAIN DAVID KONDRIT and SERGEANT KEVIN GEMENDE 8 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, EASTERN DIVISION 12 13 THOMAS BODNAR, CASE NO. 5:17-CV-01463-DSF (PLA) Plaintiff, ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE 14 15 vs. 16 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, et al., 17 Defendants. 18 Trial Date: None Set 19 20 GOOD CAUSE APPEARING AND THE PARTIES HAVING 21 STIPULATED THERETO, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 22 1. The Complaint, in its entirety and as to each and every claim for relief 23 and any and all defendants, is dismissed with prejudice. 24 2. The settlement is further memorialized in a written settlement 25 agreement and release. 26 3. The parties shall bear their own costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees 27 arising out of and/or connected with this matter, including any such fees or expenses LEWI S BRISBOI S BISGAARD 28 potentially recoverable under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1988. 4849-1901-4051.1 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE 1 4. This Order is the result of a compromise of disputed claim. It is not to 2 be considered as an admission of liability and/or responsibility with regard to the 3 incident, occurrence, casualty or event referenced in the pleadings herein. 4 5. The Court shall retain jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcement of the 5 terms of the settlement agreement between the parties. 6 IT IS SO RECOMMENDED: 7 8 DATED: September 20, 2019 9 By: 10 Hon. Paul L. Abrams United States Magistrate Judge 11 12 13 14 IT IS SO ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED. DATED: September 20, 2019 15 Honorable Dale S. Fischer UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LEWI S BRISBOI S BISGAARD 28 4849-1901-4051.1 2 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE

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