Stemage Skin Care, LLC v. NuGene International, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Receipt No: 0973-16047671 - Fee: $400, filed by Plaintiff Stemage Skin Care. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H) (Attorney Robert J Parks added to party Stemage Skin Care(pty:pla))(Parks, Robert)

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Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 1 of 24 Page ID #:1 5 ROBERT J. PARKS, ESQ. (SBN 103014) ROBERT K. EDMUNDS, ESQ. (SBN 89477) BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY LLP 600 West Broadway, Suite 1100 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: 619 239 8700 Fax: 619 702 3898 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff Stemage Skin Care, LLC 1 2 3 4 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN DIVISION 10 11 STEMAGE SKIN CARE, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, 12 Plaintiff, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 vs. NUGENE INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nevada corporation; NUGENE, INC., a California corporation; MOHAMMAD ALI KHARAZMI, an individual; MOHAMMED SAEED KHARAZMI, an individual; KATHY IRELAND WORLDWIDE, a California corporation; STEPHEN ROSEBERRY, an individual; STEVE ROSENBLUM, an individual; ERIK STERLING, an individual; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No. COMPLAINT FOR: (1) COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT; (2) INTERFERENCE WITH CONTRACT; (3) INTENTIONAL INTERFERENCE WITH PROSPECTIVE ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE; (4) NEGLIGENT INTERFERENCE WITH PROSPECTIVE ENCONOMIC ADVANTAGE; AND (5) CONSPIRACY DEMAND FOR A JURY TRIAL Defendants. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 2 of 24 Page ID #:2 COMPLAINT 1 2 This is an action by Stemage Skin Care, LLC (“Plaintiff”) for damages and 3 injunctive relief arising from infringement of Plaintiff’s copyright in an audio-visual 4 work of authorship. Plaintiff also seeks damages for interference with contract, 5 intentional interference with prospective economic advantage; negligent interference 6 with prospective economic advantage; and conspiracy. In support of this Complaint, 7 Plaintiff alleges as follows. THE PARTIES 8 9 1. Plaintiff is a North Carolina limited liability company and maintains a 10 place for the transaction of business at 520 Elliot Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 11 28202-1366. 12 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 13 NuGene International, Inc. (“NuGene International”) is a publicly traded Nevada 14 corporation, with addresses at 1645 Village Center Circle, Suite 170, Las Vegas, 15 Nevada 89134, and 1184 Virginia St., Far Rockaway, New York 11619. On 16 information and belief, Defendant NuGene International, during periods of time 17 relevant to this Complaint, has authorized, directed, and participated substantially in 18 the unlawful conduct alleged hereunder, and has acted as the alter ego of Defendant 19 NuGene for all material purposes. 20 3. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 21 NuGene, Inc. (“NuGene”) is a California corporation, with an address at 17912 22 Cowan, Irvine, California 92614, and that NuGene is a wholly owned subsidiary of 23 NuGene International. 24 4. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 25 Mohammad Ali Kharazmi (“MA Kharazmi”) is a California resident located and 26 doing business at 17912 Cowan, Irvine, California 92614. On information and belief, 27 Defendant MA Kharazmi is a principal officer, director and/or shareholder of 28 Defendants NuGene International and/or NuGene and, during periods of time -1COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 3 of 24 Page ID #:3 1 relevant to this Complaint, has authorized, directed, participated substantially in the 2 unlawful acts alleged hereunder. 3 5. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 4 Mohammad Saeed Kharazmi (“MS Kharazmi”) is a California resident located and 5 doing business at 17912 Cowan, Irvine, California 92614. On information and belief, 6 Defendant MS Kharazmi is a principal officer, director and/or shareholder of 7 Defendants NuGene International and/or NuGene and, during periods of time 8 relevant to this Complaint, has authorized, directed, participated substantially in the 9 unlawful acts alleged hereunder. 10 6. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 11 Kathy Ireland Worldwide (“Kathy Ireland Worldwide”) is a California corporation, 12 with an address at P.O. Box 1410, Rancho Mirage, California 92270. 13 7. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 14 Stephen Roseberry (“Roseberry”) is a California resident located and doing business 15 at 2029 Century Park East, 14th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90067. On 16 information and belief, Defendant Roseberry is a principal officer, director and/or 17 shareholder of Defendant Kathy Ireland Worldwide and, during periods of time 18 relevant to this Complaint, has authorized, directed, participated substantially in the 19 unlawful acts alleged hereunder. 20 8. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant 21 Steve Rosenblum (“Rosenblum”) is a California resident located and doing business 22 at 2029 Century Park East, 14th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90067. On 23 information and belief, Defendant Rosenblum is a principal officer, director and/or 24 shareholder of Defendant Kathy Ireland Worldwide and, during periods of time 25 relevant to this Complaint, has authorized, directed, participated substantially in the 26 unlawful acts alleged hereunder. 27 28 9. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant Erik Sterling (“Sterling”) is a California resident located and doing business at 2029 -2COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 4 of 24 Page ID #:4 1 Century Park East, 14th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90067. On information and 2 belief, Defendant Sterling is a principal officer, director and/or shareholder of 3 Defendant Kathy Ireland Worldwide and, during periods of time relevant to this 4 Complaint, has authorized, directed, participated substantially in the unlawful acts 5 alleged hereunder. 6 10. Plaintiff lacks knowledge or information as to the true names and 7 capacities of defendants sued herein as Does 1 through 50, inclusive, and therefore 8 sues these defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff is informed and believes and 9 thereon alleges that each of Does 1 through 50, inclusive, is liable for the obligations 10 and claims alleged herein. Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to allege their true 11 names and capacities when ascertained. 12 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 13 11. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s copyright 14 15 infringement claim pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 501 and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a). 12. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s claims arising 16 under the laws of the State of California pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a) because 17 these claims are so related to Plaintiff’s claims under federal law that they form part 18 of the same case or controversy and derive from a common nucleus of operative fact. 19 13. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) and § 20 1400(a) because (a) the facts of infringement and other wrongful conduct alleged in 21 this Complaint occurred in the Central District of California: (b) the Defendants are 22 doing business and may be found in the Central District of California; and (c) 23 Defendants have a sufficient connection with the Central District of California to 24 make venue proper in this District, all as alleged in this Complaint. 25 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 26 Ireland’s Ambassador Agreement with Plaintiff 27 14. At all relevant times, Plaintiff is, and has been, in the business of 28 developing and commercializing certain skin care products, based on supplements -3COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 5 of 24 Page ID #:5 1 derived from human adult stem cells called Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (the 2 “Products”). 15. In or about August, 2012, Plaintiff retained the services of Kathy Ireland 3 4 (“Ireland”), to provide certain so-called “Ambassador Services” promoting the 5 Products. At the time, Forbes Magazine had recognized Ireland, a super model 6 swimsuit icon, as having built a licensing empire by making herself, her name, and 7 her likeness available to others for the promotion of their products. A true and 8 correct copy of the article in the February 27, 2012 edition of Forbes is attached 9 hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 16. On or about August 20, 2012, Ireland’s company, kathy ireland, inc. 10 11 (“KII”), and Plaintiff entered into that certain Commercial Ambassador Agreement 12 (the “Ambassador Agreement”) dated August 20, 2012, pursuant to which KII made 13 Ireland available to perform the Ambassador Services. Ireland signed the 14 Ambassador Agreement on KII’s behalf, and she signed a personal guaranty of KII’s 15 obligations under the Ambassador Agreement. For the purposes of this complaint, 16 Ireland and KII are referred to collectively and/or interchangeably as “Ireland.” A 17 true and correct copy of the Ambassador Agreement with Ireland’s guaranty is 18 attached hereto as Exhibit B and is incorporated herein by this reference. 17. The Ambassador Agreement contained, among others, the following 19 20 material provisions: (a) 22 23 Pursuant to Section 1(d), the initial term was to end on December 31, (b) 21 Pursuant to Section 5(a), Plaintiff agreed to pay (and paid) Ireland an 2017. 24 “Ambassador Fee” of $100,000.00. The fee was for appearing on the “Show,” 25 defined as “a one half-hour television direct response program, which demonstrates, 26 promotes and sells a line of skin care products presently known as Stemage.” 27 28 (c) Pursuant to Section 2(f), Plaintiff agreed to pay all of the production costs for the Show. -4COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 6 of 24 Page ID #:6 1 (d) Pursuant to Section 2(j), Ireland agreed that Plaintiff would own all of 2 the rights related to the Show and that Plaintiff agreed to give Ireland a royalty-free 3 license in perpetuity to use any excerpts from the Show solely for Ireland’s own 4 promotional and marketing purposes. 5 (e) In addition to the Show, Ireland agreed, pursuant to Section 2(b)(i), to 6 make herself “available, subject to her personal schedule, to support ongoing 7 promotional activities including but not limited to: speaking engagements, TV and 8 media appearances, and online social media venues such as web blogs, Twitter, 9 Facebook and related vehicles.” Plaintiff agreed to pay the expenses for travel and 10 11 hotels that Ireland incurred in connection with these additional services. (f) Plaintiff agreed that “[p]rior to use, all marketing materials, 12 advertisements, packaging, on-line content, images, and the like to be used [by 13 Plaintiff] with the Products shall be submitted to [Ireland] for review and approval. If 14 [Ireland] has not approved or rejected such materials with five (5) business days of 15 [Plaintiff’s] submission, then any such material shall be deemed approved by 16 [Ireland].” 17 (g) Plaintiff agreed that Ireland could represent “other cosmetic products so 18 long as those products are not Competing Products.” The Ambassador Agreement 19 defined “Competing Products as “any stem cell based skin care products.” 20 (h) Ireland agreed that without Plaintiff’s prior written consent, she “will not 21 engage in or be involved with endorsing, sponsoring, promoting, manufacturing, 22 advertising, marketing or distributing any Competing Products for a period 23 commencing on the date of this Agreement and ending at the time that this 24 Agreement expires or is otherwise terminated as set forth herein except for 25 termination pursuant to Section 7(c) hereof in which event this Section 3 shall survive 26 until the natural expiration of this Agreement.” 27 28 (i) Ireland agreed that her services under the Ambassador Agreement were “of special and extraordinary character, which gives them unique value,” and the loss -5COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 7 of 24 Page ID #:7 1 of those services “could not be adequately compensated for by damages; a breach of 2 any provision hereof would cause [Plaintiff] irreparable harm” where Plaintiff would 3 be “entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief.” Further, if Ireland “indicates she 4 does not intend to perform, it shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement and 5 [Plaintiff’s] remedies hereunder shall be cumulative.” 18. From 2012 to approximately October 2014, Plaintiff and Ireland worked 6 7 together to produce the Show and other direct response infomercial, and to present 8 the Products to the market in other venues, such as news programs, television shows, 9 public appearances, and the like. 19. The Show first aired and was published publicly on or about April 29, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2013. 20. In or about May 2013, Ireland’s role on behalf of Plaintiff’s Products was announced publicly in press releases. One press release read, in part, as follows: LOS ANGELES, May 22, 2013/PRNewswire/ -- Kathy Ireland, CEO and Chief Designer of kathy ireland Worldwide (kiWW) and leading women’s health advocate, and world-renowned board certified surgeon Dr. David Scharp today announced their collaboration in bringing to the beauty market a stem cell-derived product brand named Stemage. They note that the unique aspect of the natural skin rejuvenation system is that it targets visible signs of aging through the unique and proprietary use of human Mesenchymal stem cell derivatives, not stem cells but rather active ingredients or derivatives of which stem cells are comprised. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 It is a first venture into the science of stem cells for Kathy, whose kiWW is the 25th most powerful brand name worldwide on Licensing Global Magazine’s top 125 brands list. Ireland’s firm designs and markets more than 15,000 individual products throughout the world. “Skin care is one of my passions. My work and my life were impacted by troubled skin. Stemage is new, powerful and extraordinary. Expect to feel and see something different. Our relationship with the researchers and executive team at Stemage is responsible for a strategic alliance, between our two companies. -6COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 8 of 24 Page ID #:8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Stem cells are the next phase of health and personal care. My skin feels healthier, trouble free and finally, I’m able to wear less makeup. I love Stemage. I believe you will too,” says Kathy Ireland, CEO and Chief Designer of kathy ireland Worldwide. The contents of this press release were published, and may still be found, on several beauty-related and cosmetics-related websites. A true and correct of the press release is attached hereto as Exhibit C and is incorporated herein by this reference. 21. On or about May 31, 2013, Ireland’s launch with Plaintiff was published in an article in License! Global Magazine. A true and correct copy of the article is attached hereto as Exhibit D and is incorporated herein by this reference. 22. Ireland also participated in several programs, such as infomercials and one appearance on Marie (i.e., Marie Osmond’s television show), in which Ireland appeared and promoted Plaintiff’s Products. The most recent of the programs located appears to have aired in March, 2014. 23. In early 2014, Plaintiff and Ireland mutually decided to consider different ways of bringing the Products to the market, including, without limitation, a rebranding of the Products. 24. By March 2014, Plaintiff had developed a new marketing strategy for the Products. As required under Section 3(d) of the Ambassador Agreement, Plaintiff submitted the new strategy to Ireland for her review and approval. Section 3(d) of the Ambassador Agreement provided that Ireland had five (5) business days following Plaintiff’s submittal of its new marketing strategy to reject or otherwise disapprove it, and that if Ireland did not approve or reject Plaintiff’s submittal within those five (5) business days, Ireland would be deemed to have approved Plaintiff’s submittal. Ireland did not approve or reject Plaintiff’s submittal of its new marketing strategy within the five (5) business day period, and was therefore deemed to have approved Plaintiff’s new marketing strategy. 25. On or about May 8, 2014, Ireland participated with Plaintiff in the development of a new direct response video to be played on television for -7COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 9 of 24 Page ID #:9 1 promotional purposes. On or about May 20, 2014, Ireland approved the video. 26. On or about June 9, 2014, Ireland emailed Plaintiff to ask Plaintiff to 2 3 participate in a “multi-partner Design and Retail Synergies” conference telephone 4 call. Plaintiff participated in the conference call. 27. On or about July 19, 2014, Ireland sent Plaintiff an email, requesting 5 6 Plaintiff’s new marketing plans. On or about July 21, 2014, Plaintiff replied to 7 Ireland’s email by submitting the details of its marketing plan including a rebranding 8 plan. Plaintiff indicated in its reply that it hoped to launch the new marketing 9 strategy by August 1, 2014. Ireland did not approve or reject the new marketing 10 materials, including, without limitation, the rebranding plan, within the five (5) 11 business days following Plaintiff’s submission to Ireland. Under Section 3(d) of the 12 Ambassador Agreement, Ireland was deemed to have approved Plaintiff’s marketing 13 plan. 14 28. On or about August 14, 2014, Ireland sent Plaintiff an email, requesting 15 samples of the marketing materials to be mailed to Ireland at an address in Rancho 16 Mirage, California. Plaintiff sent the samples as requested. Ireland did not approve 17 or reject the samples within the five (5) business days following Plaintiff’s 18 submission to Ireland. Under Section 3(d) of the Ambassador Agreement, Ireland 19 was deemed to have approved Plaintiff’s samples. 20 29. On or about August 15, 2014, Ireland invited Plaintiff to participate in 21 another "Retail Task Force" conference call. On or about August 20, 2014, Ireland 22 sent an email to Plaintiff, thanking it for its participation in the Retail Task Force 23 conference call. 24 25 26 30. As of October 1, 2014, Plaintiff had performed all of its obligations under the Ambassador Agreement, except those that Ireland had excused or waived. 31. On or about October 1, 2014, Ireland informed Plaintiff that she had 27 decided to cease performing services for Plaintiff under the Ambassador Agreement. 28 Ireland attempted to justify her decision by, among other things, knowingly, -8COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 10 of 24 Page ID #:10 1 intentionally, falsely, and fraudulently claiming that she had good cause to terminate 2 the Ambassador Agreement because Plaintiff had breached the Ambassador 3 Agreement by, among other things, changing its marketing strategy for its Products 4 without first obtaining Ireland’s approval and over her objections. Under Section 5 2(k) of the Ambassador Agreement, Ireland’s announced intention to no longer 6 perform under the Ambassador Agreement constituted a deemed breach of the 7 Agreement. 32. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Ireland’s 8 9 purported termination of the Ambassador Agreement was pretextual and was 10 intended to conceal, and did conceal, her material breach of Section 3(a) the 11 Ambassador Agreement, pursuant to which Ireland had agreed that, without 12 Plaintiff’s written consent, she would not “engage in or be involved with endorsing, 13 sponsoring, promoting, manufacturing, advertising, marketing or distributing any 14 Competing Products.” 33. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that before 15 16 October 1, 2014, Ireland had been engaged and involved in negotiations with 17 Defendants NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi for the purpose of endorsing, 18 sponsoring, promoting, advertising, marketing, and distributing NuGene’s stem-cell 19 based skin care products that were competitive with Plaintiff’s Products. 34. On or about November 4, 2014, Defendants Kathy Ireland Worldwide 20 21 and NuGene entered into that certain License Agreement (the “NuGene License 22 Agreement”) dated November 4, 2014, pursuant to which Kathy Ireland Worldwide 23 agreed to make Ireland available to NuGene for the purpose of providing to NuGene 24 and its competing products the same types of ambassador services that Ireland had 25 agreed to render to Plaintiff and its Products under the Ambassador Agreement. A 26 true and correct copy of the NuGene License Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit 27 E and is incorporated herein by this reference. 28 //// -9COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 11 of 24 Page ID #:11 1 35. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Ireland 2 breached the Ambassador Agreement in order to enter to the NuGene License 3 Agreement because the NuGene License Agreement was more lucrative for her. For 4 example, Plaintiff paid Ireland an up-front of $100,000, whereas NuGene agreed to 5 pay, and paid, Ireland an up-front fee of $350,000. NuGene also agreed to pay 6 Ireland a royalty equal to five percent (5%) of the net sales of NuGene products, with 7 guaranteed minimum royalty payments of $100,000 in Year 1, $150,000 in Year 2, 8 $200,000 in Year 3, and $250,000 in Year 4. 9 10 11 36. Plaintiff did not learn that Ireland had entered into the NuGene License Agreement until on or about February 3, 2015. 37. On or about March 5, 2015, Plaintiff learned that NuGene had posted a 12 number of audiovisual presentations on its website at 13 (“NuGene Videos”). 14 38. Plaintiff’s claims against Ireland for her breach of the Ambassador 15 Agreement are the subject matter of that certain arbitration pending before the 16 American Arbitration Association entitled kathy ireland, Inc. v. Stemage Skin Care, 17 LLC, AAA Case No. 01-15-0002-7331, including certain related counterclaims. Ireland’s License Agreement with NuGene 18 19 20 21 39. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Defendant NuGene is a California corporation formed on or about December 5, 2006. 40. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that on or about 22 March 29, 2011, NuGene obtained registration with the United States Patent and 23 Trademark Office of the trademark “NuGene” in International Class 003 consisting 24 of, among other things, anti-aging moisturizer, eye contour cream, non-medicated 25 anti-aging serum, skin lotion, and hydrating sunscreen cream.” A true and correct 26 copy of the trademark registration obtained online from the United States Patent and 27 Trademark Office’s website is attached hereto as Exhibit F and is incorporated herein 28 by this reference. - 10 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 12 of 24 Page ID #:12 41. On or about November 4, 2014, NuGene entered into the NuGene 1 2 License Agreement with Kathy Ireland Worldwide and Ireland. 42. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that on or about 3 4 December 29, 2014, NuGene merged with an entity known as NG Acquisition Inc., a 5 wholly owned subsidiary of Bling Marketing, Inc., a publicly traded Nevada 6 corporation, and that as a result of the merger, Defendant NuGene, Inc. became a 7 wholly owned subsidiary of Bling Marketing, Inc. 43. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that on or about 8 9 10 January 15, 2015, Bling Marketing, Inc. changed its name to NuGene International, Inc. 11 44. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that in an article in 12 License! Global Magazine dated on or about March 25, 2015, NuGene, Kathy Ireland 13 Worldwide, and Ireland announced a campaign to “re-launch” skin care products, 14 stating that “[t]he campaign will include a re-branded Internet presence and new 15 videos featuring Ireland.” A true and correct copy of the article is attached hereto as 16 Exhibit G and is incorporated herein by this reference. 17 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 18 (Copyright Infringement Against NuGene International, 19 NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi) 20 45. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of 21 the preceding paragraphs 1 through 44, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 22 46. The principal obligation undertaken by Ireland in the Ambassador 23 Agreement was to provide the services of hosting one or more half-hour television 24 direct response programs demonstrating, promoting and selling Plaintiff’s Products. 25 Section 2(a) of the Ambassador Agreement provides in relevant part: 26 As part of the “Ambassador Services," [Ireland] shall make the 27 Ambassador available as an on-camera and voice-over performer, 28 sufficient to provide material for the Show as Company shall - 11 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 13 of 24 Page ID #:13 1 reasonably require and as the Ambassador's personal schedule 2 permits, provided that the Ambassador uses reasonable efforts to 3 make herself available. 4 47. In Section 2(j) of the Ambassador Agreement, Ireland assigned all right, 5 title and interest in the “result and proceeds” of the agreement, including copyright 6 ownership. Section 2(j) provides: 7 Ownership of Results and Proceeds. Except as otherwise set out in 8 this Agreement, the Company shall be entitled to, and shall own, 9 solely and exclusively, all of the result and proceeds thereof as a 10 work-for-hire, and all rights of every kind therein in perpetuity 11 throughout the universe, including the copyright in the Show. 12 However, Company hereby grants Lender a non-royalty license in 13 perpetuity to use any excerpts from the Show solely for Lender's own 14 promotional and marketing purposes. Except as set out in this 15 Agreement, Lender and the Ambassador hereby assign and transfer to 16 the Company all right, title and interest in such results and proceeds 17 without reservation, condition, or limitation, and shall execute 18 separate assignments upon requests. This Section 2(j) shall survive 19 expiration or termination of this Agreement. 20 48. Pursuant to Section 2 of Ambassador Agreement, the parties produced a 21 number of audio-visual presentations (the “Stemage Videos”) consisting entirely of 22 original authorship. 23 49. On June 29, 2015, Plaintiff obtained from the U.S. Copyright Office 24 registration of copyright in the audio-visual presentation illustrated at 25 (hereinafter “Plaintiff’s copyrighted work”). A copy 26 of the registration as it appears on U.S. Copyright Office’s website, U.S. Copyright 27 Registration # PA0001947991, is attached hereto as Exhibit H and incorporated 28 herein by this reference. Pursuant to Section 2(f) of the Ambassador Agreement, - 12 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 14 of 24 Page ID #:14 1 2 Plaintiff owns all right, title and interest to this copyright. 50. On or about March 5, 2015, Plaintiff learned that Defendant NuGene had 3 posted an audiovisual presentation on its website at bearing 4 substantial similarity to Plaintiff’s copyrighted work. That presentation, entitled 5 “Kathy Ireland – Talks with Tommy Mehare & Selina Lopez about the NuGene 6 Difference,” is available for inspection at 7, A side-by-side comparison between 8 Plaintiff’s copyrighted work and Defendant NuGene’s audiovisual presentation is 9 illustrated at 10 51. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and alleges thereon, that NuGene 11 International, NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi (collectively, “NuGene 12 Copyright Infringers”), and each of them, copied Plaintiff’s copyrighted work in 13 violation of Plaintiff’s exclusive rights under Section 106 of the United States 14 Copyright Law, 17 U.S.C. § 106. After contracting with Plaintiff and accepting 15 payment from Plaintiff to produce a creative work of authorship, and after assigning 16 all right, title and interest in that work of authorship, for which she was paid in full, 17 Defendant Ireland accepted payment by Defendant NuGene, a direct competitor of 18 Plaintiff, for a substantially similar work of authorship within the meaning of the U.S. 19 Copyright Law, thereby infringing Plaintiff’s exclusive rights in a combination of 20 creative elements, including similarities to Plaintiff’s script, similarities in the 21 number, identity and appearance of the actors, similarities in the format and length of 22 Plaintiff’s copyrighted work, and the total “look and feel” of Plaintiff’s copyrighted 23 authorship. By its acts alleged above, the NuGene Copyright Infringers have 24 willfully, intentionally, with willful blindness to and in reckless disregard of 25 Plaintiff’s rights, infringed Plaintiff’s exclusive rights in its copyrighted work. 26 52. As a result of their wrongful conduct, the NuGene Copyright Infringers, 27 jointly and severally, are liable to Plaintiff for copyright infringement pursuant to 28 Section 501 of the United States Copyright Law, 17 U.S.C. § 501. - 13 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 15 of 24 Page ID #:15 1 53. Plaintiff has suffered damages as a proximate result of the copyright 2 infringement by the NuGene Copyright Infringers, and, pursuant to Section 504 of the 3 United States Copyright Law, is entitled to recover such damages, including any and 4 all profits that each of the NuGene Copyright Infringers has earned as a result of its 5 wrongful conduct. 6 54. Plaintiff is also entitled to injunctive relief against the NuGene Copyright 7 Infringers pursuant to Section 502 of the United States Copyright Law, 17 U.S.C. § 8 502, and to an order impounding any and all infringing materials pursuant to 17 9 U.S.C. § 503. 10 55. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the NuGene Copyright 11 Infringers’ wrongful conduct because (i) Plaintiff’s copyrights are unique and 12 valuable property which has no readily determinable market value; (ii) the NuGene 13 Copyright Infringers’ infringement harms Plaintiff such that Plaintiff could not be 14 made whole by any monetary award; and (iii) the NuGene Copyright Infringers’ 15 wrongful conduct, and the resulting damage to Plaintiff, is continuing. 16 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 17 (Intentional Interference with Contract Against NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and 18 MS Kharazmi) 19 56. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of 20 the preceding paragraphs 1 through 55, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 21 57. At all times relevant hereto, the Ambassador Agreement between Ireland 22 23 and Plaintiff was valid and in full force and effect. 58. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times 24 relevant hereto, NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi (collectively, the 25 “NuGene Defendants”) knew of the Ambassador Agreement and knew that the 26 Ambassador Agreement was valid and in full force and effect. 27 28 59. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times relevant hereto and before entering into the NuGene License Agreement, the NuGene - 14 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 16 of 24 Page ID #:16 1 Defendants knew that commencing in 2013 through and including 2014, Ireland had 2 endorsed, and was rendered ambassador services to, Plaintiff and its Products. 60. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times 3 4 relevant hereto, the NuGene Defendants knew that the skin care products for which 5 they wanted to retain Ireland’s services as an ambassador were directly competitive 6 with Plaintiff’s Products. 61. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times 7 8 relevant hereto, the NuGene Defendants intended to induce, and did induce, Ireland 9 to breach her Ambassador Agreement with Plaintiff and to enter into the NuGene 10 License Agreement. 11 62. Ireland did, in fact, breach the Ambassador Agreement by, among other 12 things, knowingly, intentionally, falsely, and fraudulently claiming that Plaintiff had 13 breached the Ambassador Agreement when, in fact, Ireland knew that Plaintiff had 14 performed all of its obligations under the Ambassador Agreement. 63. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that the NuGene 15 16 Defendants’ unjustified conduct was a moving and procuring cause for Ireland’s 17 breach of the Ambassador Agreement. 64. As a direct and proximate cause of the NuGene Defendants’ intentional 18 19 inference with Plaintiff’s Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, Plaintiff has been 20 damaged in an amount according to proof. 65. In doing the acts herein alleged, the NuGene Defendants acted willfully 21 22 and with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff. Each of the NuGene Defendants is 23 therefore guilty of malice and/or oppression and/or fraud in conscious disregard of 24 Plaintiff's rights, thereby warranting an assessment of punitive damages in an amount 25 appropriate to punish each of the NuGene Defendants and to deter others from 26 engaging in similar misconduct. 27 //// 28 //// - 15 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 17 of 24 Page ID #:17 1 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Intentional Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage Against 3 NuGene, MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi) 66. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of 4 5 the preceding paragraphs 1 through 65, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 67. At all relevant times, the NuGene Defendants knew of, among other 6 7 things, Plaintiff's Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, Plaintiff’s use of and reliance 8 on Ireland in the promotion, marketing, and sales of Plaintiff’s Products to its 9 customers, and Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in connection with Plaintiff’s 10 relationships with its suppliers and vendors. 68. 11 Despite knowing of the Ambassador Agreement and Plaintiff’s existing 12 marketing, promotional, and sales activities involving, and business relationships 13 with, its customers, suppliers, and vendors, the NuGene Defendants intentionally 14 interfered with those activities and business relationships by inducing Ireland to 15 breach the Ambassador Agreement. 69. 16 As a direct result of the NuGene Defendants’ actions and omissions, 17 Plaintiff was damaged in an amount according to proof due to sudden loss of Ireland 18 as an ambassador, spokesperson, and promoter of Plaintiff’s Products after Plaintiff 19 had invested in substantial amounts of time and resources in developing marketing, 20 promotional, and sales campaigns featuring Ireland and in building a distribution 21 network for its Products. 70. In doing the acts herein alleged, the NuGene Defendants acted willfully 22 23 and with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff. Each of the NuGene Defendants is 24 therefore guilty of malice and/or oppression and/or fraud in conscious disregard of 25 Plaintiff's rights, thereby warranting an assessment of punitive damages in an amount 26 appropriate to punish each of the NuGene Defendants and to deter others from 27 engaging in similar misconduct. 28 //// - 16 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 18 of 24 Page ID #:18 1 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Negligent Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage Against NuGene, 3 MA Kharazmi, and MS Kharazmi) 4 71. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of 5 the preceding paragraphs 1 through 70, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 6 72. At all relevant times, the NuGene Defendants knew or should have 7 known of, among other things, Plaintiff's Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, 8 Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in the promotion, marketing, and sales of 9 Plaintiff’s Products to its customers, and Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in 10 11 connection with Plaintiff’s relationships with its suppliers and vendors. 73. The NuGene Defendants knew, or should have known, that in inducing 12 Ireland to breach her Ambassador Agreement with Plaintiff, the NuGene Defendants 13 was negligently interfering with Plaintiff’s existing marketing, promotional, and sales 14 activities involving, and business relationships with, its customers, suppliers, and 15 vendors. 16 74. As a direct result of the NuGene Defendants’ actions and omissions, 17 Plaintiff was damaged in an amount according to proof due to sudden loss of Ireland 18 as an ambassador, spokesperson, and promoter of Plaintiff’s Products after Plaintiff 19 had invested in substantial amounts of time and resources in developing marketing, 20 promotional, and sales campaigns featuring Ireland and in building a distribution 21 network for its Products. 22 FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 23 (Intentional Interference with Contract Against Kathy Ireland Worldwide, 24 Roseberry, Rosenblum, and Sterling) 25 75. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of 26 the preceding paragraphs 1 through 74, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 27 76. At all times relevant hereto, the Ambassador Agreement between Ireland 28 and Plaintiff was valid and in full force and effect. - 17 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 19 of 24 Page ID #:19 1 2 3 77. Defendant Kathy Ireland Worldwide was not a party to the Ambassador Agreement. 78. At all times relevant hereto, Defendants Kathy Ireland Worldwide, 4 Roseberry, Rosenblum, and Sterling (collectively, the “Worldwide Defendants”) 5 knew of the Ambassador Agreement and knew that the Ambassador Agreement was 6 valid and in full force and effect. 7 79. At all times relevant hereto and before entering into the NuGene License 8 Agreement, the Worldwide Defendants knew that commencing in 2013 through and 9 including 2014, Ireland had endorsed, and was rendered ambassador services to, 10 11 Plaintiff and its Products. 80. At all times relevant hereto, the Worldwide Defendants knew that the 12 skin care products for which NuGene wanted to retain Ireland’s services as an 13 ambassador were directly competitive with Plaintiff’s Products. 14 81. At all times relevant hereto, the Worldwide Defendants intended to 15 induce, and did induce, Ireland to breach her Ambassador Agreement with Plaintiff 16 and to enter into the NuGene License Agreement. 17 82. Ireland did, in fact, breach the Ambassador Agreement by, among other 18 things, knowingly, intentionally, falsely, and fraudulently claiming that Plaintiff had 19 breached the Ambassador Agreement when, in fact, Ireland knew that Plaintiff had 20 performed all of its obligations under the Ambassador Agreement. 21 83. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that the 22 Worldwide Defendants’ unjustified and unjustifiable conduct was a moving and 23 procuring cause for Ireland’s breach of the Ambassador Agreement. 24 84. As a direct and proximate cause of the Worldwide Defendants’ 25 intentional inference with Plaintiff’s Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, Plaintiff 26 has been damaged in an amount according to proof. 27 28 85. In doing the acts herein alleged, the Worldwide Defendants acted willfully and with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff. Each of the Worldwide - 18 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 20 of 24 Page ID #:20 1 Defendants is therefore guilty of malice and/or oppression and/or fraud in conscious 2 disregard of Plaintiff's rights, thereby warranting an assessment of punitive damages 3 in an amount appropriate to punish the Worldwide Defendants, and each of them, and 4 to deter others from engaging in similar misconduct. 5 SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION 6 (Intentional Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage Against Kathy 7 Ireland Worldwide, Roseberry, Rosenblum, and Sterling) 8 9 10 86. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of the preceding paragraphs 1 through 85, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 87. At all relevant times, Kathy Ireland Worldwide knew of, among other 11 things, Plaintiff's Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, Plaintiff’s use of and reliance 12 on Ireland in the promotion, marketing, and sales of Plaintiff’s Products to its 13 customers, and Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in connection with Plaintiff’s 14 relationships with its suppliers and vendors. 15 88. Despite knowing of the Ambassador Agreement and Plaintiff’s existing 16 marketing, promotional, and sales activities involving, and business relationships 17 with, its customers, suppliers, and vendors, the Worldwide Defendants intentionally 18 interfered with those activities and business relationships by inducing Ireland to 19 breach the Ambassador Agreement. 20 89. As a direct result of the Worldwide Defendants’ actions and omissions, 21 Plaintiff was damaged in an amount according to proof due to sudden loss of Ireland 22 as an ambassador, spokesperson, and promoter of Plaintiff’s Products after Plaintiff 23 had invested in substantial amounts of time and resources in developing marketing, 24 promotional, and sales campaigns featuring Ireland and in building a distribution 25 network for its Products. 26 90. In doing the acts herein alleged, the Worldwide Defendants acted 27 willfully and with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff. The Worldwide Defendants 28 is therefore guilty of malice and/or oppression and/or fraud in conscious disregard of - 19 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 21 of 24 Page ID #:21 1 Plaintiff's rights, thereby warranting an assessment of punitive damages in an amount 2 appropriate to punish the Worldwide Defendants, and each of them, and to deter 3 others from engaging in similar misconduct. 4 SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION 5 (Negligent Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage Against Kathy 6 Ireland Worldwide) 7 8 9 91. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of the preceding paragraphs 1 through 90, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. 92. At all relevant times, the Worldwide Defendants knew or should have 10 known of, among other things, Plaintiff's Ambassador Agreement with Ireland, 11 Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in the promotion, marketing, and sales of 12 Plaintiff’s Products to its customers, and Plaintiff’s use of and reliance on Ireland in 13 connection with Plaintiff’s relationships with its suppliers and vendors. 14 93. The Worldwide Defendants knew, or should have known, that in 15 inducing Ireland to breach her Ambassador Agreement with Plaintiff, the Worldwide 16 Defendants was negligently interfering with Plaintiff’s existing marketing, 17 promotional, and sales activities involving, and business relationships with, its 18 customers, suppliers, and vendors. 19 94. As a direct result of the Worldwide Defendants’ actions and omissions, 20 Plaintiff was damaged in an amount according to proof due to sudden loss of Ireland 21 as an ambassador, spokesperson, and promoter of Plaintiff’s Products after Plaintiff 22 had invested in substantial amounts of time and resources in developing marketing, 23 promotional, and sales campaigns featuring Ireland and in building a distribution 24 network for its Products. 25 EIGHTH CAUSE OF ACTION 26 (Conspiracy Against the NuGene Defendants and the Worldwide Defendants) 27 28 95. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each of the allegations contained in all of the preceding paragraphs 1 through 94, inclusive, as if fully set forth at length herein. - 20 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 22 of 24 Page ID #:22 1 96. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times 2 relevant hereto, the NuGene Defendants and the Worldwide Defendants, and each of 3 them, knowingly and willfully conspired and agreed among themselves to interfere 4 with Plaintiff’s Ambassador Agreement with Ireland by inducing Ireland to breach 5 the Agreement, as alleged in the Second and Fifth Causes of Action herein. 6 97. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times 7 relevant hereto, the NuGene Defendants and the Worldwide Defendants, and each of 8 them, knowingly and willfully conspired and agreed among themselves to interfere 9 with Plaintiff’s prospective economic advantage by inducing Ireland to breach the 10 Agreement, as alleged in the Third, Fourth, Sixth, and Seventh Causes of Action 11 herein. 12 98. The NuGene Defendants and the Worldwide Defendants, and each of 13 them, did the acts and things herein alleged pursuant to, and in furtherance of, the 14 conspiracy and the above-alleged agreement. 15 99. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the last overt 16 act in pursuance of the above-described conspiracy occurred on or after November 4, 17 2014, on which date NuGene and Kathy Ireland Worldwide entered into the NuGene 18 License Agreement. 19 20 21 100. As a proximate result of the wrongful acts herein alleged, Plaintiff has been damaged in amount to be proven at the time of trial. 101. In doing the acts and things herein alleged, the NuGene Defendants and 22 the Worldwide Defendants, and each of them, acted willfully and with the intent to 23 cause injury to Plaintiff. The NuGene Defendants and the Worldwide Defendants, 24 and each of them, were therefore guilty of malice and/or oppression and/or fraud in 25 conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights, thereby warranting an assessment of punitive 26 damages in an amount appropriate to punish the NuGene Defendants and the 27 Worldwide Defendants, and each of them, and to deter others from engaging in 28 similar misconduct. - 21 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 23 of 24 Page ID #:23 1 PRAYER 2 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants NuGene 3 International, NuGene, Inc., Mohammad Ali Kharazmi, Mohammed Saeed Kharazmi, 4 Kathy Ireland Worldwide, Stephen Roseberry, Steve Rosenblum, and Erik Sterling as 5 follows: 6 A. As against Defendants NuGene International, NuGene, Inc., Mohammad 7 Ali Kharazmi, Mohammed Saeed Kharazmi (collectively, the “Copyright 8 Defendants”), jointly and severally, (1) 9 A declaration that: a. 10 The Copyrights Defendants, and each of them, have 11 infringed the federally registered copyright U.S. Copyright Registration # 12 PA0001947991 in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 501; and b. 13 The Copyright Defendants’ infringement of Plaintiff’s 14 copyrights was intentional, willful and, at a minimum, with willful blindness and 15 reckless disregard of Plaintiff’s rights. (2) 16 A preliminary and permanent injunction prohibiting each of the 17 Copyright Defendants and their respective directors, principals, officers, agents, 18 representatives, servants, employees, attorneys, successors and assigns, and all others 19 in active concert or participation with NuGene, from imitating, copying, or making 20 any other infringing use or infringing distribution of Plaintiff’s copyrighted videos 21 covered by U.S. Copyright Registration # PA0001947991. (3) 22 23 the Copyright Defendants’ infringing videos. (4) 24 25 26 An order, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 503, impounding all copies of An award of damages and the Copyright Defendants’ profits pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(b). (B) As against Defendants NuGene, Inc., Mohammad Ali Kharazmi, 27 Mohammed Saeed Kharazmi, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, Stephen Roseberry, Steve 28 Rosenblum, and Erik Sterling, jointly and severally, consequential damages in an - 22 COMPLAINT Case 8:15-cv-01078-AG-JCG Document 1 Filed 07/08/15 Page 24 of 24 Page ID #:24 1 2 amount according to proof. (C) As against Defendants NuGene, Inc. Mohammad Ali Kharazmi, 3 Mohammed Saeed Kharazmi, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, Stephen Roseberry, Steve 4 Rosenblum, and Erik Sterling, jointly and severally, punitive damages in an amount 5 according to proof. 6 (D) For reasonable attorneys’ fees according to proof; 7 (E) For costs of suit herein incurred; and 8 (F) For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. Trial by Jury 9 10 11 Pursuant to the Seventh amendment to the constitution of the United States of America, Plaintiff is entitled to, and demand, a trial by jury. 12 13 Dated: July 7, 2015 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY LLP 14 15 16 By: /s/ Robert J. Parks ROBERT J.PARKS, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff Stemage Skin Care, LLC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 23 COMPLAINT

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