[SMS] Rojas et al v. Marko Zaninovich, Inc. et al

Filing 35

ORDER Granting In Part and Denying In Part Stipulation to Amend Scheduling Order signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 4/21/2011. Defendants to disclose any rebuttal experts by 6/1/2011, deposition by 6/10/2011, and conclude 6/10/2011. Parties to disclose all mreits-related experts by 9/2/2011, rebuttal by 10/3/2011. Serve briefs related to class certification motion via email by 6:00 p.m. on due date. (Leon-Guerrero, A)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 SANTIAGO ROJAS, et al, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) MARKO ZANINOVICH, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) _______________________________________ ) Case No.: 1:09-cv-00705 AWI JLT ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART STIPULATION TO AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER (Doc. 34) 16 17 18 I. Background On April 6, 2011, through a stipulation, the parties sought amendment of the scheduling 19 order. (Doc. 32) At that time, the parties sought: (1) an extension of time for Plaintiffs to produce 20 their experts’ reports related to class certification issues, (2) an order requiring Plaintiffs to produce 21 these same experts for deposition on specified dates, (3) an extension of the deadline to “complete 22 expert discovery” to May 6, 2011, (4) an extension to May 16, 2011 for Plaintiffs to file their motion 23 for class certification, and (5) an order setting the dates for filing opposition to the class certification 24 motion and any reply thereto. 25 When ruling on this stipulation, the Court observed that “the parties do not outline facts upon 26 which the Court could conclude that they have exercised diligence in completing the discovery as 27 ordered by the Court and, more notably, do not explain why they waited until after the expert 28 discovery deadline had passed at a time when the class certification deadline is looming, to raise this 1 1 situation with the Court.” (Doc. 33 at 2-3) Nevertheless, the Court granted the request to amend the 2 scheduling order. Notably, the Court accepted the parties’ requested date to complete “expert 3 discovery” by May 6, 2011. Id. at 4. In the conclusion of the order, the Court noted, 4 Given the defects in the stipulation highlighted here, ordinarily the Court would reject it. However, it appears that granting additional time would be valuable to the Court to allow the proper consideration of this case. In doing so, the parties are cautioned that they must comply with the amended schedule and use all diligence to ensure that this occurs. Moreover, the parties and counsel are admonished that no further amendments to the scheduling order will be permitted absent a showing of exceptional good cause that is supported by facts rather than mere conclusions. 5 6 7 8 Id. at 3. 9 II. 10 Current Stipulation After the Court issued its order regarding the April 6, 2011 stipulation, the parties filed 11 another stipulation on April 18, 2011. (Doc. 34) In this new stipulation, the parties report that in 12 their earlier stipulation they failed to request an extension of time to disclose rebuttal experts1, that 13 they intended the amendment to the scheduling order to address only experts related to the class 14 certification motion, and that they need an extension of time to complete merits-related discovery. 15 III. Discussion 16 A. 17 The parties explain that they seek additional time to conduct rebuttal expert discovery related Rebuttal Class-related expert discovery 18 to class certification. (Doc. 34 at 2) The parties stipulate that in making this request, they do not 19 seek any modification of the briefing schedule set by the Court related to the class certification 20 motion. Id. Thus, the parties have stipulated and implicitly concede that they will not complete 21 expert discovery before the filing of the class certification motion. The Court accepts this stipulation 22 and concession. Based thereon and based upon the fact that this request does not impact the 23 schedule set forth on April 7, the request is GRANTED. 24 B. 25 In the scheduling order issued on March 26, 2010, the Court did not contemplate that expert Merits-related expert discovery 26 1 27 28 The Court is somewhat perplexed. The original stipulation specifically sought an extension of "expert discovery." The stipulation reads, "The deadline for the Parties to complete expert discovery shall be continued until May 6, 2011." (Doc. 32 at 2) The Court understood this in its plain meaning that the parties were not contemplating additional class-related expert discovery of any kind, after May 6, 2011. The parties fail to explain their change in position. 2 1 discovery would be conducted in phases. Instead, the order outlines one disclosure date for “all 2 expert witnesses” and one deadline by which “all expert discovery” would be completed. (Doc. 27 3 at 6.) Notably, the joint statement prepared for the scheduling conference took a similar tack and set 4 forth only one set of expert disclosure dates. (Doc. 25 at 8) 5 However, it appears that the parties have agreed informally to conduct expert discovery 6 related to the class certification issues first. (Doc. 34 at 2) Though the parties offer no explanation 7 for this change in methodology, and the Court does not condone this omission, the Court understands 8 that doing this could ease discovery costs. Thus, because the current case schedule set forth on April 9 7, 2011 is not impacted by this change, the request is GRANTED. 10 B. 11 In its April 7, 2011 order, the Court reminded the parties that to modify a scheduling Merits-related discovery 12 conference order, they are required to demonstrate good cause for the amendment. (Doc. 33 at 2) 13 The parties’ April 6, 2011 stipulation failed to meet this burden. Id. at 2-3. As a result, the Court 14 was forced to admonish counsel that it would not again consider a requested amendment to the 15 scheduling order that failed to demonstrate good cause. Id. at 3. Nevertheless, here the parties 16 request an extension of the merits-discovery deadline without providing any detail about discovery 17 efforts made thus far, what discovery is still needed to be completed or why it cannot be completed 18 within the time remaining. The parties do not explain why they need more than five months to 19 complete this discovery despite that it has been ongoing for more than a year. (Doc. 27) Finally, the 20 proposed deadline for merits discovery is nearly one month after the deadline for filing dispositive 21 motions and only three weeks before the last day to hear that motion. This is not workable. 22 23 In light of the fact that the stipulation fails to demonstrate good cause to amend the scheduling order for merits-related discovery, the request is DENIED. 24 ORDER 25 Based upon the foregoing, the Court GRANTS IN PART and DENIES IN PART the 26 27 28 stipulation and ORDERS: 1. The stipulation regarding rebuttal expert discovery related to class certification issues is GRANTED; 3 1 a. Defendants SHALL disclose any rebuttal experts, related to the class 2 certification issues, no later than June 1, 2011. In doing so, Defendants 3 SHALL produce full and complete reports that satisfy all of the requirements 4 of Rule 26 for each of their rebuttal expert witnesses; 5 b. 6 certification issues, for deposition no later than June 10, 2011; 7 c. 8 9 Defendants SHALL produce their rebuttal expert witnesses, related to class All rebuttal expert discovery related to class certification SHALL conclude no later than June 10, 2011; 2. 10 The stipulation regarding expert discovery related to merits issues is GRANTED; a. The parties SHALL disclose all merits-related experts no later than September 11 2, 2011. In doing so, the parties SHALL produce full and complete reports 12 that satisfy all of the requirements of Rule 26 for each of their expert 13 witnesses; 14 b. The parties SHALL disclose any rebuttal merits-related expert witnesses no 15 later than October 3, 2011. In doing so, the parties SHALL produce full and 16 complete reports that satisfy all of the requirements of Rule 26 for each of 17 their rebuttal expert witnesses; 18 3. The request to modify the scheduling order related to merits discovery is DENIED; 19 4. Based upon the parties’ stipulation, they are authorized to serve their briefs related to 20 the class certification motion, via e-mail provided that the briefs are transmitted no 21 later than 6:00 p.m. on the day they are due. 22 23 IT IS SO ORDERED. 24 Dated: April 21, 2011 9j7khi /s/ Jennifer L. Thurston UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 25 26 27 28 4

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