McMaster v. Spearman et al

Filing 113

ORDER Granting 106 Defendant Pease's Motion to Compel Plaintiff's Deposition and Extending Discovery Deadline Sixty Days, signed by Magistrate Judge Sheila K. Oberto on 10/19/15. (Gonzalez, R)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 DANA MCMASTER, Plaintiff, 11 v. 12 13 M. E. SPEARMAN, et al., 14 Defendants. _____________________________________/ Case No. 1:10-cv-01407-AWI-SKO (PC) ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT PEASE’S MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF’S DEPOSITION AND EXTENDING DISCOVERY DEADLINE SIXTY DAYS (Doc. 106) 15 16 I. Background 17 Plaintiff Dana McMaster (“Plaintiff”), a former state prisoner proceeding pro se and in 18 forma pauperis, filed this civil rights action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 on August 6, 2010. This 19 action is proceeding on Plaintiff’s second amended complaint, filed January 3, 2013, against 20 Defendants Carlson, Garcia, Sedwick, Espitia, and Pease (“Defendants”) for failing to protect him, 21 in violation of the Eighth Amendment, and against Defendant Carlson for retaliation, in violation 22 of the First Amendment. The events giving rise to Plaintiff’s claims allegedly occurred between 23 March 7, 2009, and April 20, 2009, at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, California. 24 On May 14, 2015, Defendant Pease filed a motion seeking an order compelling Plaintiff’s 25 deposition, Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(a), and on May 15, 2015, the Court ordered Plaintiff to file a 26 response within twenty-one days, Local Rule 230(l). Plaintiff subsequently sought and was 27 granted two extensions of time to respond. Plaintiff’s most recent extension of time expired on 28 1 October 8, 2015, and he did not file a response or otherwise contact the Court. Fed. R. Civ. P. 2 6(d). 3 II. Discussion and Order 4 On April 22, 2015, Defendant Pease served Plaintiff with a notice that his deposition was 5 scheduled for May 7, 2015, at 1:30 p.m. in Sacramento, California, and that he was required to 6 produce documents at the deposition. Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(1), (2). However, Plaintiff failed to 7 attend his deposition and he failed to contact counsel to notify her that he was unavailable. After 8 waiting thirty minutes, counsel released the court reporter. Counsel thereafter contacted the 9 litigation coordinator at Avenal State Prison and was informed that Plaintiff was a known transient 10 prior to incarceration and he was fully released from custody rather than released on parole. 11 Defendant Pease is entitled to depose Plaintiff, within the parameters of the Federal Rules 12 of Civil Procedure and orders of the Court. Fed. R. Civ. P. 30; Doc. 103, Disc. & Sched. Order. 13 The Court finds that Defendant Pease met his initial burden as the party moving for relief. Fed. R. 14 Civ. P. 37(a). Plaintiff failed to respond to the motion and accordingly, the Court HEREBY 15 ORDERS as follows: 16 1. 17 Defendant Pease’s motion to compel Plaintiff’s deposition, filed on May 14, 2015, is GRANTED; 18 2. Defendant Pease is granted a sixty (60) day extension of the discovery deadline to 19 facilitate re-noticing Plaintiff’s deposition and moving for further relief if 20 necessary; and 21 3. Plaintiff is warned that if Defendant Pease re-notices the deposition, his failure to 22 either appear for the deposition as scheduled or contact Defendants’ counsel in 23 advance of the deposition to communicate any issues with his ability to comply 24 will result in the imposition of sanctions, up to and including dismissal of the 25 action, with prejudice. 26 27 IT IS SO ORDERED. 28 Dated: October 19, 2015 /s/ Sheila K. Oberto 2 1 UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3

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