Viola Coppola, et al v. Gregory Smith, et al

Filing 217

STIPULATION and ORDER Setting Scheduling Conference pursuant to Dkt. 214: (1) the Court will hold a SCHEDULING CONFERENCE on July 1, 2014 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 8 (BAM) before Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe. (2) The parties are direc ted to file a Joint Scheduling Conference Statement by June 24, 2014. (3) The parties are further directed to set up a conference call and dial into the Judge's chambers by dialing (559) 499-5789 at the time of the conference. signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 5/27/2014. (Herman, H)

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1 GREBEN & ASSOCIATES 125 E. DE LA GUERRA ST., STE 203 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL: 805-963-9090 FAX: 805-963-9098 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jan A. Greben, SBN 103464 Brett A. Boon, SBN 283225 Attorneys for Plaintiffs VIOLA M. COPPOLA IRREVOCABLE TRUST, GARY COPPOLA, and THE TRUST OF ANTHONY M. COPPOLA 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA - FRESNO DIVISION 11 12 VIOLA M. COPPOLA IRREVOCABLE TRUST, Case No.: 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM GARY COPPOLA, and THE TRUST OF 13 ANTHONY M. COPPOLA; 14 Plaintiffs, 15 v. STIPULATION AND ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE PURSUANT TO DKT. 214 16 GREGORY SMITH, an individual; RICHARD LASTER, an individual; and THE JANE HIGGINS 17 NASH TRUST; JANE NASH AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF DECATUR HIGGINS, 18 HARLEY MILLER, an individual; CHERYL MILLER, an individual; MARTIN AND MARTIN 19 PROPERTIES, BENART MAIN STREET PROPERTIES, CAL WATER SERVICE 20 COMPANY, the CITY OF VISALIA, NASH PROPERTIES LLC [DOE #1], DAVID H. NASH, 21 as the successor co-trustee of the WILLIAM P. NASH and JANE H. NASH REVOCABLE TRUST 22 [DOE #2], RICHARD P. NASH, as the successor co-trustee of the WILLIAM P. NASH and JANE H. 23 NASH REVOCABLE TRUST [DOE #3], and 24 DOES 4-20, inclusive; Defendants. 25 RELATED CROSS AND COUNTER26 CLAIMS 27 28 /// -1STIPULATION & ORDER RE: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM 1 Pursuant to the Court’s May 14, 2014 Order on Defendant Cal Water’s Motion to Dismiss 2 (Dkt. 214) (the “Order”), the parties hereby submit this stipulation setting a scheduling conference: 3 WHEREAS, the Order required the parties to contact Magistrate Judge McAuliffe’s 4 5 6 chambers for the purpose of conducting a scheduling conference; WHEREAS, the parties have conferred and agreed upon a preferable date to hold the scheduling conference; 7 WHEREAS, the parties have represented the preferable date to Judge McAuliffe’s chambers; 8 WHEREAS, Judge McAuliffe’s chambers directed the parties to file a stipulation and 9 10 11 12 13 proposed order memorializing said agreement. Accordingly, the following IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the parties: 1. A telephonic scheduling conference will be held with Judge McAuliffe on July 1, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. 2. A Joint Scheduling Conference Statement shall be filed by June 24, 2014. 14 15 Approved as to form by: 16 Dated: May 27, 2014 GUALCO LAW 17 18 /s/ Lori J. Gualco Lori J. Gualco Attorney for Defendants RICHARD LASTER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Dated: May 27, 2014 GUALCO LAW /s/ Lori J. Gualco Lori J. Gualco Attorney for Defendants GREGORY SMITH 26 27 28 -2STIPULATION & ORDER RE: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM 1 Dated: May 27, 2014 WILLIAMS, JORDAN, BRODERSEN & PRITCHETT LLP 2 3 /s/ Steven R. Williams 4 Steven R. Williams Attorney for Defendant JANE NASH, as TRUSTEE OF THE JANE HIGGINS NASH TRUST 5 6 7 8 9 Dated: May 27, 2014 WOOD, SMITH, HENNING & BERMAN LLP 10 11 /s/ David F. Wood David F. Wood Patrick S. Schoenburg Attorneys for Defendant CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dated: May 27, 2014 DOOLEY, HERR, PEDERSEN & BERGLUND BAILEY, LLP 18 19 /s/ Leonard C. Herr Leonard C. Herr Ron Statler Attorney for Defendant CITY OF VISALIA 20 21 22 23 24 Dated: May 27, 2014 ALLEN, MATKINS, LECK, GAMBLE, MALLORY & NATSIS LLP 25 26 27 28 /s/ Emily L. Murray Emily L. Murray Tim C. Hsu Attorneys for Defendant MARTIN AND MARTIN PROPERTIES -3STIPULATION & ORDER RE: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM 1 2 Dated: May 27, 2014 GREBEN & ASSOCIATES 3 4 5 6 7 /s/ Jan A. Greben Jan A. Greben Brett A. Boon Attorneys for Plaintiffs VIOLA COPPOLA, GARY COPPOLA, and the TRUST OF ANTHONY M. COPPOLA 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4STIPULATION & ORDER RE: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM 1 2 3 ORDER 1. Pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, the Court will hold a telephonic scheduling conference on July 1, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. with Judge McAuliffe. 4 2. The parties are directed to file a Joint Scheduling Conference Statement by June 24, 2014. 5 3. The parties are further directed to set up a conference call and dial into the Judge’s chambers 6 by dialing (559) 499-5789 at the time of the conference. 7 8 9 10 IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: /s/ Barbara May 27, 2014 A. McAuliffe _ UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -5STIPULATION & ORDER RE: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 1:11-CV-01257-AWI-BAM

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