United States of America v. Mark B. Capps, Corporate Vice President, Mustang Ranch II, Inc.

Filing 4

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re enforcement of Internal Revenue Service summons. Respondent is ORDERED to appear and show cause why he should not be compelled to obey the IRS summons served on 4/30/2012. The SHOW CAUSE HEARING is set for 2/22/2013 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8 (BAM) before Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe. Within fourteen days after service of this Order, respondent is FURTHER ORDERED to file and serve a written response to the petition to enforce summons and accompanying papers. Petitioner may file a reply. Order signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 12/3/2012. (Rooney, M)

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1 2 3 4 5 BENJAMIN B. WAGNER United States Attorney YOSHINORI H. T. HIMEL #66194 Assistant United States Attorney Eastern District of California 501 I Street, Suite 10-100 Sacramento, CA 95814-2322 Telephone: (916) 554-2760 Facsimile: (916) 554-2900 Email: yoshinori.himel@usdoj.gov 6 Attorney for Petitioner United States of America 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) ) Petitioner, ) ) v. ) ) ) MARK B. CAPPS, Corporate Vice ) President, Mustang Ranch II, Inc., ) ) Respondent. ) ) ) __________________________________ ) 1:12-cv-01959-LJO-BAM ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE: ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SUMMONS Taxpayer: MUSTANG RANCH II, INC. Date: February 22, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m. Ctrm: 8, 6th Floor Honorable Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe 18 19 Upon review of the Verified Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Service 20 Summons and the Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed in support of the petition 21 by the United States of America, 22 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Respondent, MARK B. CAPPS, Corporate Vice 23 President, Mustang Ranch II, Inc., appear before United States Magistrate Judge Barbara 24 A. McAuliffe, in Courtroom No. 8, 6th Floor, in the United States Courthouse, 2500 Tulare 25 Street, Fresno, California, 93721, on February 22, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. to show cause why 26 Respondent should not be compelled to obey the Internal Revenue Service summons 27 served upon Respondent on April 30, 2012, and attached to the United States’ Verified 28 Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Service Summons. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE: ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SUMMONS Page 1 1 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause, 2 together with one copy each of the Verified Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Service 3 Summons and the Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed in support of the petition, 4 shall be served upon Respondent by any means of service permitted by Fed. R. Civ. P. 5 4(e). To allow adequate time for Petitioner and the Court to deal with any written 6 response filed under the next paragraph, service should be performed on or before 7 December 24, 2012. If Petitioner is unable to serve Respondent despite making 8 reasonable efforts to do so, Petitioner may request a court order granting leave to serve by 9 other means. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 81(a)(5). 10 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that within 14 days of service of a copy of 11 this Order to Show Cause and accompanying papers, Respondent shall file and serve a 12 written response to the Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Service Summons, supported 13 by appropriate declaration(s), as well as any motions the Respondent desires to make. 14 Petitioner may file a reply. Only issues raised by the written response and supported by 15 declaration(s) will be considered on the return date of this Order, and any uncontested 16 allegations in the Verified Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Service Summons will be 17 deemed admitted. If the summons is enforced, the Court is expected to retain jurisdiction 18 to enforce its order by its contempt power. 19 20 IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: 10c20k December 3, 2012 /s/ Barbara A. McAuliffe UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE: ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SUMMONS Page 2

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