Novak v. Merced Police Department, et al.

Filing 46

ORDER Granting Stipulation (Doc. 45) and Request to Modify/Amend Scheduling Order: that the May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling Order is further amended as follows: (1) Non-party discovery completion shall be extended from September 29, 2015 to Decem ber 1, 2015; (2) Expert discovery completion shall be extended from October 16, 10 2015 to December 1, 2015; (3) All other dates in the May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling Order shall remain intact. signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 10/29/2015. (Herman, H)

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1 2 3 4 5 Douglas C. Smith, Esq. (State Bar No. 160013) Nathan A. Perea, Esq. (State Bar No. 235791) SMITH LAW OFFICES, LLP 4204 Riverwalk Parkway, Suite 250 Riverside, California 92505 Telephone: (951) 509-1355 Facsimile: (951) 509-1356 Attorneys for Defendants THE MENTOR NETWORK, LOYD’S LIBERTY HOMES, 7 INC.,CAREMERIDIAN, LLC (erroneously sued as Meridian Care, LLC), CHRISTINA TRIGG, and JOELLA BREWER 6 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA - FRESNO DIVISION 11 12 NANCY JUNE NOVAK, Plaintiff, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 vs. CITY OF MERCED, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, MERCED POLICE OFFICER RASMUSSEN (#161), INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS A POLICE OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF MERCED, SGT. STRUBLE (ID #UNKNOWN), INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS A POLICE SERGEANT FOR THE CITY OF MERCED, OFFICER CHAVEZ (#156), INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS A POLICY OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF MERCED, THE MENTOR NETWORK, LOYD’S LIBERTY HOMES, INC., A MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA, CHRISTINA TRIGG, AN INDIVIDUAL, JOELLA BREWER, AN INDIVIDUAL, MEREDIAN CARE, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION, and DOES 1-50, inclusive, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.: 1:13-CV-1402-BAM [Assigned to Hon. Barbara A. McAuliffe] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION AND REQUEST TO MODIFY/AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER First Amended Complaint Filed 3/20/2014 P:\WORDP\Case Files\MENTOR\MENTR 0117.Novak\p-[Prop.] Order Amending1May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling Order.wpd [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION AND REQUEST TO MODIFY/AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER 1 THIS MATTER having come before the Court on Stipulation of the parties 2 3 through their respective counsel, good cause having been shown that modifying 4 the May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling Order would serve the interests of justice; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling 5 6 Order is further amended as follows: 1. 7 8 29, 2015 to December 1, 2015; 2 9 10 Non-party discovery completion shall be extended from September Expert discovery completion shall be extended from October 16, 2015 to December 1, 2015; 11 3. All other dates in the May 12, 2015 Amended Scheduling Order shall 12 remain intact. 13 IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: October 29, 2015 /s/ Barbara A. McAuliffe _ UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

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