Figueroa, et al. v. City of Fresno

Filing 98

STIPULATION and ORDER Regarding Expert Disclosure and Discovery: (1.) Defendants shall designate and disclose a new expert, to be filed with the Court by no later than June 9, 2017 (per the Courts Order Denying Plaintiffs Request to Seal Documents and Amending Pretrial Scheduling Order (Dkt. No. 55)); (2.) Defendants shall serve on Plaintiffs the full report of their new expert by no later than June 9, 2017; (3.) Defendants new expert shall not offer any opinions on issues or topics diffe rent from those disclosed in the July 29, 2016 expert report of Romeo F. Ingresonamely, Defendants new experts opinions will be limited to those regarding (i) entry into the house, (ii) use of the canine, and (iii) whether the use of force was reason able; (4.) Plaintiffs reserve the right to object and/or to serve a rebuttal report should any of Defendants new experts opinions differ from those disclosed in the July 29, 2016 expert report of Romeo F. Ingreso; (5.) Defendants will not provid e their new expert with any of Plaintiffs expert reports until after Defendants new expert has served his new report; (6.) The depositions for both parties expert witnesses will be rescheduled to July 6 and July 7, 2017 at the San Francisco office of Plaintiffs counsel and shall be held in the following order: (i) Defendants expert, (ii) Plaintiffs expert James L. Norris, (iii) Plaintiffs expert D. P. Van Blaricom, and (iv) Plaintiffs expert Ernest Burwell, unless otherwise agreed to by the pa rties in writing; and (7.) Defendants shall reimburse Plaintiffs for reasonable cancelation costs incurred in rescheduling air travel arrangements for Plaintiffs experts. signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 5/16/2017. (Herman, H)

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1 7 ARTURO J. GONZALEZ (CA SBN 121490) ALEXANDRIA A. AMEZCUA (CA SBN 247507) CHRISTOPHER J. WIENER (CA SBN 280476) SABRINA A. LARSON (CA SBN 291661) MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 425 Market Street San Francisco, California 94105-2482 Telephone: 415.268.7000 Facsimile: 415.268.7522 8 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 2 3 4 5 6 BRUCE D. PRAET (CA SBN 119430) FERGUSON, PRAET & SHERMAN 1631 East 18th Street Santa Ana, California 92705-7101 Telephone: (714) 953-5300 Fax: (714) 953-1143 Attorneys for Defendants 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 12 FRESNO DIVISION 13 14 15 AURORA FIGUEROA, on her own behalf, and as successor in interest to MARTIN FIGUEROA, and LIZETTE FIGUEROA, on her own behalf, Plaintiffs, 16 17 18 19 20 Case No. 1:15-cv-00349-DAD-BAM STIPULATION AND ORDER REGARDING EXPERT DISCLOSURE AND DISCOVERY v. CITY OF FRESNO, a municipal corporation, OFFICER ROBERT ALVAREZ, individually and in his capacity as a police officer for the CITY OF FRESNO, and OFFICER MIKAL CLEMENT individually and in his capacity as a police officer for the CITY OF FRESNO, Trial Date: August 22, 2017 21 Defendants. 22 23 Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 144, Plaintiffs Aurora Figueroa and Lizette Figueroa, and 24 Defendants City of Fresno, Mikal Clement, and Robert Alvarez (collectively, “the parties”) by 25 and through their respective counsel, stipulate to the following terms regarding expert witness 26 disclosure and discovery in light of Defendants’ desire to designate and disclose a new expert 27 witness: 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER REGARDING EXPERT DISCLOSURE AND DISCOVERY CIVIL CASE NO. 1:15-CV-00349-DAD-BAM sf-3767483 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, in its July 22, 2016 Stipulation and Order, the Court set an expert disclosure deadline of July 29, 2016 (Dkt. No. 48); WHEREAS, on July 29, 2016, both parties disclosed their experts and provided expert reports, with Defendants’ report from Romeo F. Ingreso, Jr.; WHEREAS, on April 10, 2017, the parties scheduled expert depositions for May 15 and May 16, 2017 at Plaintiffs’ counsel’s San Francisco office; WHEREAS, on May 10, 2017, Defendants’ counsel informed Plaintiffs’ counsel that 8 Mr. Ingreso is no longer able to serve as an expert in this matter and that Defendants desire to 9 retain a new expert; 10 11 WHEREAS, in light of this change, the parties agreed to postpone the scheduled May 15 and May 16, 2017 expert depositions; 12 WHEREAS, two of Plaintiffs’ experts had already made air travel reservations; 13 WHEREAS, the parties wish to work together to come to an agreement regarding 14 15 Defendants’ substitution of expert witness and rescheduling of expert depositions, NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby stipulate that 16 1. Defendants shall designate and disclose a new expert, to be filed with the Court by 17 no later than June 9, 2017 (per the Court’s Order Denying Plaintiffs’ Request to Seal Documents 18 and Amending Pretrial Scheduling Order (Dkt. No. 55)); 19 20 2. Defendants shall serve on Plaintiffs the full report of their new expert by no later than June 9, 2017; 3. Defendants’ new expert shall not offer any opinions on issues or topics different 21 22 from those disclosed in the July 29, 2016 expert report of Romeo F. Ingreso—namely, 23 Defendants’ new expert’s opinions will be limited to those regarding (i) entry into the house, 24 (ii) use of the canine, and (iii) whether the use of force was reasonable; 25 4. Plaintiffs reserve the right to object and/or to serve a rebuttal report should any of 26 Defendants’ new expert’s opinions differ from those disclosed in the July 29, 2016 expert report 27 of Romeo F. Ingreso; 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER REGARDING EXPERT DISCLOSURE AND DISCOVERY CIVIL CASE NO. 1:15-CV-00349-DAD-BAM sf-3767483 1 5. Defendants will not provide their new expert with any of Plaintiffs’ expert reports 1 2 until after Defendants’ new expert has served his new report; 6. The depositions for both parties’ expert witnesses will be rescheduled to July 6 and 3 4 July 7, 2017 at the San Francisco office of Plaintiffs’ counsel and shall be held in the following 5 order: (i) Defendants’ expert, (ii) Plaintiffs’ expert James L. Norris, (iii) Plaintiffs’ expert D. P. 6 Van Blaricom, and (iv) Plaintiffs’ expert Ernest Burwell, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties 7 in writing; and 8 9 10 7. Defendants shall reimburse Plaintiffs for reasonable cancelation costs incurred in rescheduling air travel arrangements for Plaintiffs’ experts. IT IS SO STIPULATED. 11 12 Dated: May 15, 2017 13 MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP By: /s/ Arturo J. González ARTURO J. GONZÁLEZ 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 15 16 FERGUSON, PRAET & SHERMAN 17 By: /s/ Bruce D. Praet (as authorized on 05/15/17) BRUCE D. PRAET 18 Attorneys for Defendants 19 20 21 22 IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: May 16, 2017 /s/ Barbara A. McAuliffe _ UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER REGARDING EXPERT DISCLOSURE AND DISCOVERY CIVIL CASE NO. 1:15-CV-00349-DAD-BAM sf-3767483 2

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