Wolfe v. Tehachapi Unified School District

Filing 42

STIPULATION and ORDER 41 to Continue Briefing Schedule, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 6/29/2017. Merits Briefing Schedule: Opening brief due by 7/21/2017; Opposition due by 8/21/2017; Reply due by 9/6/2017; Hearing CONTINUED to 11/7/2017 at 08:30 AM in Courtroom 5 (DAD) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. Further Scheduling Conference CONTINUED to 1/8/2018 at 08:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Hall, S)

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1 McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte & Carruth LLP 2 Anthony N. DeMaria, #177894 Todd W. Baxter, #152212 3 7647 North Fresno Street Fresno, California 93720 4 Telephone: (559) 433-1300 Facsimile: (559) 433-2300 5 Attorneys for TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL 6 DISTRICT 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, FRESNO DIVISION 10 11 J.T. (A minor, by and through his grandparent and Guardian ad Litem, JANICE WOLFE), 12 Plaintiff, 13 v. 14 TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL 15 DISTRICT, 16 Case No. 1:16-cv-01492-DAD-JLT STIPULATION TO CONTINUE BRIEFING SCHEDULE AND HEARING AND FURTHER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND ORDER THEREON Defendant. 17 18 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, by and between the parties, through their respective counsel, 19 Defendant TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (“Defendant”) and Plaintiff, J.T. (a minor, 20 by and through his grandparent and Guardian ad Litem, JANICE WOLFE) (“Plaintiff”), as follows: 21 1. In light of on-going conflicts with counsel’s work schedules, the merits briefing 22 schedule shall be amended as follows: 23 a. Plaintiff’s opening brief shall be filed no later than July 21, 2017. 24 b. Defendant’s opposition brief shall be filed no later than August 21, 2017. 25 c. Plaintiff’s reply brief, if any, shall be filed no later than September 6, 2017. 26 2. The hearing on this matter shall be set before the Honorable Dale A. Drozd, United 27 States District Court Judge, in Courtroom 5, on October 3, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. 28 / / / MCCORMICK, BARSTOW , SHEPPARD, W AYTE & CARRUTH LLP 7647 NORTH FRESNO STREET FRESNO, CA 93720 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE BRIEFING SCHEDULE AND HEARING AND FURTHER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND ORDER THEREON 1 3. The further scheduling conference currently scheduled for October 2, 2017 will be 2 continued to October 16, 2017 at 9:15 a.m. The parties shall file a joint status report seven days prior 3 to the hearing. 4 4. All other orders in this matter, unless specifically modified herein, shall remain in full 5 force and effect. 6 7 Dated: June 29, 2017 LAW OFFICE OF ANDREA MARCUS 8 9 /s/ Andrea Moore Marcus Andrea Moore Marcus Attorneys for J.T. (a minor, by and through his grandparent and Guardian ad Litem, JANICE WOLFE) By: 10 11 12 13 Dated: June 29, 2017 McCORMICK, BARSTOW, SHEPPARD, WAYTE & CARRUTH LLP 14 15 16 /s/ Todd W. Baxter Todd W. Baxter Attorneys for TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ORDER By: 17 18 19 The Court GRANTS the stipulation to amend the case schedule as follows: 20 1. 24 27 The hearing on this matter shall be set before the Honorable Dale A. Drozd, United States District Court Judge, in Courtroom 5, on November 7, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. 25 26 Plaintiff’s reply brief, if any, shall be filed no later than September 6, 2017. 4. 23 Defendant’s opposition brief shall be filed no later than August 21, 2017. 3. 22 Plaintiff’s opening brief shall be filed no later than July 21, 2017. 2. 21 5. A further scheduling conference is set on January 8, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. /// /// 28 MCCORMICK, BARSTOW , SHEPPARD, W AYTE & CARRUTH LLP 7647 NORTH FRESNO STREET FRESNO, CA 93720 2 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE BRIEFING SCHEDULE AND HEARING AND FURTHER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND ORDER THEREON 1 Counsel are advised that no further extensions of time will be granted absent a 2 showing of exceptional good cause. Having a busy schedule does not constitute good cause, 3 let alone exceptional good cause. 4 5 6 IT IS SO ORDERED. 7 8 Dated: June 29, 2017 /s/ Jennifer L. Thurston UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MCCORMICK, BARSTOW , SHEPPARD, W AYTE & CARRUTH LLP 7647 NORTH FRESNO STREET FRESNO, CA 93720 3 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE BRIEFING SCHEDULE AND HEARING AND FURTHER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND ORDER THEREON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MCCORMICK, BARSTOW , SHEPPARD, W AYTE & CARRUTH LLP 7647 NORTH FRESNO STREET FRESNO, CA 93720 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE BRIEFING SCHEDULE AND HEARING AND FURTHER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND ORDER THEREON

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