Economides v. Hireright, LLC

Filing 19

STIPULATED FRE 502(d) and (e) CLAWBACK ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 06/06/2024.(Flores, E)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DANIEL “SPARKY” ABRAHAM, Bar No. 299193 JUBILEE LEGAL 300 E. Esplanade Dr., Suite 900 Oxnard, CA 93036 Telephone: (805) 946-0386 Fax No.: (805) 620-7834 MICHAEL F. CARDOZA, Bar No. 194065 LAUREN B. VEGGIAN, Bar No. 309929 THE CARDOZA LAW CORPORATION 548 Market St., #80594 San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 488-8041 Fax: (415) 651-9700 Attorneys for Plaintiff MICHAEL ECONOMIDES 11 Additional Counsel listed on next page 12 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 MICHAEL ECONOMIDES, Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 18 Plaintiff, 19 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER v. 20 HIRERIGHT, LLC and ROES, 1-10, 21 Defendants. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 2 3 4 ROD M. FLIEGEL, Bar No. 168289 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, California 94105 Telephone: 415.433.1940 Fax No.: 415.399.8490 5 6 7 8 9 10 RACHEL E. SIMONS, Bar No. 322804 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 500 Capitol Mall Suite 2000 Sacramento, California 95814 Telephone: 916.830.7200 Fax No.: 916.561.0828 Attorneys for Defendant HIRERIGHT, LLC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 2 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to stipulate to protect certain privileged and otherwise 2 protected documents, data (including electronically stored information) and other information, 3 including without limitation, metadata (collectively “Documents”), against claims of waiver and 4 inadvertent production if they are produced during this litigation whether pursuant to a Court Order, a 5 parties’ discovery request or informal production. 6 WHEREAS, both parties may have to produce large volumes of Documents. The parties wish 7 to comply with discovery deadlines and complete discovery expeditiously, while preserving and 8 without waiving any evidentiary protections or privileges applicable to the information contained in 9 the Documents produced, including as against third parties in other Federal and State proceedings, and 10 in addition to their agreement, need the additional protections of a Court Order under FRE 502(d) and 11 (e) to do so. 12 WHEREAS, to comply with applicable discovery deadlines, a party may be required to 13 produce certain categories of Documents that have been subject to minimal or no attorney review (the 14 “Disclosures”). This Stipulation and Order is designed to foreclose any arguments that by making 15 such Disclosures, the disclosure or production of Documents subject to a legally recognized claim of 16 privilege, including without limitation the attorney-client privilege, work-product doctrine, or other 17 applicable privilege: 18 (a) was not inadvertent by the Producing Party; 19 (b) that the Producing Party did not take reasonable steps to prevent the 20 disclosure of privileged Documents; 21 (c) 22 that the Producing Party did not take reasonable or timely steps to rectify such Disclosure; and/or 23 (d) 24 that such Disclosure acts as a waiver of applicable privileges or protections associated with such Documents. 25 WHEREAS, because the purpose of this Stipulation is to protect and preserve privileged 26 Documents, the parties agree they are bound as follows from and after the date their counsel have 27 signed it, even if such execution occurs prior to Court approval. 28 /// LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 3 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 2 3 Accordingly, the parties hereby STIPULATE, and the Court hereby ORDERS pursuant to Federal Rules of Evidence 502(d) and (e), as follows: 1. The disclosure or production of Documents by a Producing Party subject to a legally 4 recognized claim of privilege, including without limitation the attorney-client privilege and the work- 5 product doctrine, to a Receiving Party, shall in no way constitute the voluntary disclosure of such 6 Document. 7 2. The inadvertent disclosure or production of any Document this action shall not result 8 in the waiver of any privilege, evidentiary protection or other protection associated with such 9 Document as to the Receiving Party or any third parties, and shall not result in any waiver, including 10 11 subject matter waiver, of any kind. 3. If, during this litigation, a party determines that any Document produced by another 12 party is or may reasonably be subject to a legally recognizable privilege or evidentiary protection 13 (“Protected Document”): 14 (a) the Receiving Party shall: (i) refrain from reading the Protected Document any 15 more closely than is necessary to ascertain that it is privileged or otherwise 16 protected from disclosure; (ii) immediately notify the Producing Party in 17 writing it has discovered Documents believed to be privileged or protected; (iii) 18 specifically identify the Protected Documents by Bates number range or hash 19 value, and, (iv) within ten (10) days of discovery by the Receiving Party, return, 20 sequester, or destroy all copies of such Protected Documents, along with any 21 notes, abstracts or compilations of the content thereof. To the extent that a 22 Protected Document has been loaded into a litigation review database under the 23 control of the Receiving Party, the Receiving Party shall have all electronic 24 copies of the Protected Document extracted from the database. Where such 25 Protected Documents cannot be destroyed or separated, they shall not be 26 reviewed, 27 Notwithstanding, the Receiving Party is under no obligation to search or review 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 disclosed, or otherwise used by the Receiving Party. the Producing Party’s Documents to identify potentially privileged or work 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 4 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 product Protected Documents. 2 (b) If the Producing Party intends to assert a claim of privilege or other protection 3 over Documents identified by the Receiving Party as Protected Documents, the 4 Producing Party will, within ten (10) days of receiving the Receiving Party’s 5 written notification described above, inform the Receiving Party of such 6 intention in writing and shall provide the Receiving Party with a log for such 7 Protected Documents consistent with the requirements of the Federal Rules of 8 Civil Procedure, setting forth the basis for the claim of privilege or other 9 protection. If any portion of a Protected Document does not contain privileged 10 or protected information, the Producing Party shall also provide to the 11 Receiving Party a redacted copy of the document that omits the information that 12 the Producing Party believes is subject to a claim of privilege or other 13 protection. 14 15 4. If, during this litigation, a party determines it has produced a Protected Document: (a) the Producing Party may notify the Receiving Party of such inadvertent 16 production in writing, and demand the return of such documents. Such notice 17 shall be in writing, however, it may be delivered orally on the record at a 18 deposition, promptly followed up in writing. The Producing Party’s written 19 notice will identify the Protected Document inadvertently produced by bates 20 number range or hash value, the privilege or protection claimed, and the basis 21 for the assertion of the privilege and shall provide the Receiving Party with a 22 log for such Protected Documents consistent with the requirements of the 23 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, setting forth the basis for the claim of 24 privilege or other protection. If any portion of the Protected Document does 25 not contain privileged or protected information, the Producing Party shall also 26 provide to the Receiving Party a redacted copy of the Document that omits the 27 information that the Producing Party believes is subject to a claim of privilege 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 or other protection. 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 5 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 (b) The Receiving Party must, within ten (10) days of receiving the Producing 2 Party’s written notification described above, return, sequester, or destroy the 3 Protected Document and any copies, along with any notes, abstracts or 4 compilations of the content thereof. If a Protected Document has been loaded 5 into a litigation review database under the control of the Receiving Party, the 6 Receiving Party shall have all electronic copies of the Protected Document 7 extracted from the database. 8 5. If the information contained in a Protected Document has already been used in or 9 described in other documents generated or maintained by the Receiving Party prior to the date of receipt 10 of written notice by the Producing Party as set forth in paragraphs 3(b) and 4(a), then the Receiving 11 Party shall sequester such documents until the claim has been resolved. If the Receiving Party disclosed 12 the Protected Document before being notified of its inadvertent production, it must take reasonable 13 steps to retrieve it. 14 6. The Receiving Party’s return, sequestering or destruction of Protected Documents as 15 provided herein will not act as a waiver of the Requesting Party’s right to move for the production of 16 the returned, sequestered or destroyed documents on the grounds that the documents are not, in fact, 17 subject to a viable claim of privilege or protection. However, the Receiving Party is prohibited and 18 estopped from arguing that: 19 (a) 20 the disclosure or production of the Protected Documents acts as a waiver of an applicable privilege or evidentiary protection; 21 (b) the disclosure of the Protected Documents was not inadvertent; 22 (c) the Producing Party did not take reasonable steps to prevent the disclosure of 23 the Protected Documents; or 24 (d) 25 26 the Producing Party failed to take reasonable or timely steps to rectify the error pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(5)(B), or otherwise. 7. Either party may submit Protected Documents to the Court under seal for a 27 determination of the claim of privilege or other protection. The Producing Party shall preserve the 28 Protected Documents until such claim is resolved. The Receiving Party may not use the Protected LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 6 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 2 Documents for any purpose absent this Court’s Order. 8. Upon a determination by the Court that the Protected Documents are protected by the 3 applicable privilege or evidentiary protection, and if the Protected Documents have been sequestered 4 rather than returned or destroyed by the Receiving Party, the Protected Documents shall be returned or 5 destroyed within 10 (ten) days of the Court’s order. The Court may also order the identification by the 6 Receiving Party of Protected Documents by search terms or other means. 7 9. Nothing contained herein is intended to, or shall serve to limit a party’s right to conduct 8 a review of documents, data (including electronically stored information) and other information, 9 including without limitation, metadata, for relevance, responsiveness and/or the segregation of 10 11 12 13 privileged and/or protected information before such information is produced to another party. 10. Once executed by all parties, the Stipulation shall be by treated by the parties as an Order of Court until it is formally approved by the Court. 11. By operation of the parties’ agreement and Court Order, the parties are specifically 14 afforded the protections of FRE 502 (d) and (e). 15 IT IS SO STIPULATED, THROUGH COUNSEL OF RECORD. 16 Dated: June 5, 2024 17 18 /s/ Daniel "Sparky" Abraham (as authorized on 6/5/24) DANIEL “SPARKY” ABRAHAM JUBILEE LEGAL Attorneys for Plaintiff MICHAEL ECONOMIDES 19 20 21 22 Dated: June 5, 2024 23 24 /s/ Lauren B. Veggian (as authorized on 6/4/24) MICHAEL F. CARDOZA LAUREN B. VEGGIAN THE CARDOZA LAW CORPORATION Attorneys for Plaintiff MICHAEL ECONOMIDES 25 26 27 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 7 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM 1 Dated: June 5, 2024 2 3 /s/ Rachel E. Simons ROD M. FLIEGEL RACHEL E. SIMONS LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. Attorneys for Defendant HIRERIGHT, LLC 4 5 6 7 8 ORDER Having considered the parties’ stipulated FRE 502(d) and (e) Clawback Order, and finding 9 good cause, the Court adopts the stipulated order. (Doc. 17.) 10 11 IT IS SO ORDERED. 12 13 Dated: /s/ Barbara June 6, 2024 A. McAuliffe _ UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LITTLER MENDELSON, P.C. 101 Second Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 415.433.1940 4880-3394-8358.1 / 084143-1100 STIPULATED FRE 502(d) AND (e) CLAWBACK ORDER 8 Case No. 1:24-cv-00145-JLT-BAM

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