Coleman, et al v. Schwarzenegger, et al

Filing 7757

ORDER signed by Chief District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller on 03/10/23 REQUIRING affidavits to be filed by 03/23/23. The court will only accept evidence from principals and hear argument from counsel who have timely filed the affidavit required by this order. (Licea Chavez, V)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 RALPH COLEMAN, et al., 12 Plaintiff, 13 14 15 v. No. 2:90-cv-0520 KJM DB P ORDER GAVIN NEWSOM, et al., Defendants. 16 17 On February 9, 2023, plaintiffs filed a motion requesting, among other things, clarification 18 of the scope of the data remediation process started after the court found defendants had 19 knowingly presented misleading information to the court. See generally December 17, 2019 20 Order, ECF No. 6427; Pls.’ Motion, ECF No. 7721. The motion is set for hearing on March 24, 21 2023, ECF No. 7735, and defendants have filed an opposition, ECF No. 7752. On March 9, 22 2023, the Special Master filed a Report and Recommendations on disputes in the data remediation 23 process. ECF No. 7755. The parties’ responses to that report and recommendations are due in 24 thirty days. See July 29, 2019 Order, ECF No. 6230. 25 To ensure all briefing and argument about the motion and report and recommendations 26 will assist the court and will not contradict the court’s previous findings and orders, all counsel 27 and all principals who participate in preparation of briefing, presentation of evidence, or oral 28 argument on the pending motion must file an affidavit attesting they have read the following: 1 1  Coleman v. Wilson, 912 F. Supp. 1282 (E.D. Cal. 1995) 2  Twenty-Fourth Round Monitoring Report of the Special Master, ECF No. 4205, pages 10-761 3 4  August 30, 2012 Order, ECF No. 4232 5  Twenty-Fifth Round Monitoring Report of the Special Master, ECF No. 4298, 6 pages 10-51, and Corrections thereto, ECF No. 4420 7  February 28, 2013 Order, ECF No. 4361 8  April 23, 2013 Orders, ECF Nos. 4561, 4562 9  Special Master’s Report on Defendants’ Quality Improvement Process, ECF No. 10 4730 11  March 3, 2014 Order, ECF No. 5092 12  Twenty-Sixth Round Monitoring Report of the Special Master, ECF No. 5439, 13 pages 11-142 14  August 9, 2016 Order, ECF No. 5477 15  Twenty-Seventh Round Monitoring Report of the Special Master, ECF No. 5779, 16 pages 15-149 17  July 12, 2018 Order, ECF No. 5852 18  December 17, 2019 Order, ECF No. 6427 19  December 23, 2019 Order, ECF No. 6435 20  September 3, 2020 Order, ECF No. 6846 21  December 16, 2020 Order, ECF No. 6996 22  Twenty-Eighth Round Monitoring Report of the Special Master, ECF No. 7074, 23 18-216, and addendum, ECF No. 7251  24 25 26 27 28 Special Master’s Report on the Continuous Quality Improvement Tool Key Indicators, ECF No. 7151 1 Citations to page numbers in documents filed in the Court’s Electronic Case Filing (ECF) system are to the page numbers assigned by the ECF system and located in the upper right hand corner of the page. 2 1  July 1, 2021 Order, ECF No. 7216 2  July 14, 2021 Order, ECF No. 7229 3  February 7, 2022 Order, ECF No. 7456 4  January 4, 2023 Order, ECF No. 7695 5 The court will only accept evidence from principals and hear argument from counsel who 6 have timely filed the affidavit required by this order. Affidavits required by this order must be 7 filed by March 23, 2023. 8 9 IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: March 10, 2023. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3

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