Coleman, et al v. Schwarzenegger, et al

Filing 8299

ORDER signed by Chief District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller on 06/27/24 GRANTING 8298 Motion for Extension and GRANTING Defendants' a ten-day extension to file the certifications and deposit funds with the Court beginning with the May 2024 that is EXTENDED to 07/08/24. In addition, the Court clarifies the June 8291 order as follows: Defendants' deadline to file staffing vacancy reports for May 2024 is 06/28/24; Defendants shall have ten days from the filing of each monthly staffing report to deposit any accrued fines set forth in the report; Defendants Gavin Newsom, Joe Stephenshaw, and Stephanie Clendenin shall have ten days from the filing of each monthly staffing report to review and submit certifications regarding data in t he monthly staffing reports; and Defendants Gavin Newsom, Joe Stephenshaw, and Stephanie Clendenin, each may submit the required certifications through an authorized designee only if the defendant is unavailable. As used in this order "unavailab le" means the named defendant is unable to review the monthly report and sign the required certification within the ten day period set by this order due to (1) illness; (2) pre planned vacation; or (3) work commitment during the ten day period t hat makes review of the report and certification impossible. The reason(s) for signature by a designee shall be included in any certification signed by that designee. If a designee signs on behalf of a defendant as provided here, the defendant shall be held to the designee's certification. (Licea Chavez, V)

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1 ROB BONTA, State Bar No. 202668 HANSON BRIDGETT LLP Attorney General of California PAUL B. MELLO, SBN 179755 2 MONICA N. ANDERSON, State Bar No. 182970 SAMANTHA D. WOLFF, SBN 240280 Senior Assistant Attorney General KAYLEN KADOTANI, SBN 294114 3 DAMON MCCLAIN, State Bar No. 209508 DAVID C. CASARRUBIAS, SBN 321994 Supervising Deputy Attorney General CARSON R. NIELLO, SBN 329970 4 ELISE OWENS THORN, State Bar No. 145931 1676 N. CALIFORNIA BLVD., SUITE 620 NAMRATA KOTWANI, State Bar No. 308741 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 5 Deputy Attorneys General TELEPHONE: 925-746-8460 1300 I Street, Suite 125 FACSIMILE: 925-746-8490 6 P.O. Box 944255 Attorneys for Defendants Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 7 Telephone: (916) 210-7318 Fax: (916) 324-5205 8 E-mail: Attorneys for Defendants 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 SACRAMENTO DIVISION 12 13 RALPH COLEMAN, et al., Case No. 2:90-CV-00520- KJM-DB 14 ORDER 15 Plaintiffs, v. 16 GAVIN NEWSOM, et al. 17 Judge: Hon. Kimberly J. Mueller Defendants. 18 19 On June 26, 2024, Defendants filed an ex parte request for leave to file an ex parte request 20 for clarification and application for an order extending the deadline to deposit funds with the Court 21 and to file certifications as required by the Court’s June 25, 2024 order on staffing contempt, ECF 22 No. 8291. ECF Nos. 8298, 8298-1. The court granted the first request by bench order at a status 23 conference on June 27, 2024. That order is confirmed. 24 Good cause appearing, Defendants’ request for a ten-day extension to file the certifications 25 and deposit funds with the Court beginning with the May 2024 staffing reports and for all future 26 reports is granted, and the deadline to deposit funds with the Court and to file certifications for the 27 May 2024 staffing reports as required by the Court’s June 25, 2024 order is extended to 28 July 8, 2024. In addition, the Court clarifies the June 25, 2024 order as follows: 18995858.1 ORDER 1 1. Defendants’ deadline to file staffing vacancy reports for May 2024 is June 28, 2. Defendants shall have ten days from the filing of each monthly staffing report to 2 2024; 3 4 deposit any accrued fines set forth in the report; 5 3. Defendants Gavin Newsom, Joe Stephenshaw, and Stephanie Clendenin shall have 6 ten days from the filing of each monthly staffing report to review and submit certifications 7 regarding data in the monthly staffing reports; and 8 4. Defendants Gavin Newsom, Joe Stephenshaw, and Stephanie Clendenin, each may 9 submit the required certifications through an authorized designee only if the defendant is 10 unavailable. As used in this order “unavailable” means the named defendant is unable to review 11 the monthly report and sign the required certification within the ten day period set by this order 12 due to (1) illness; (2) pre-planned vacation; or (3) work commitment during the ten day period that 13 makes review of the report and certification impossible. The reason(s) for signature by a designee 14 shall be included in any certification signed by that designee. If a designee signs on behalf of a 15 defendant as provided here, the defendant shall be held to the designee’s certification. 16 This order resolves ECF Nos. 8298 and 8298-1. 17 IT IS SO ORDERED. 18 DATED: June 27, 2024. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18995858.1 -2ORDER

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