Ameripride Svc Inc v. Valley Industrial, et al

Filing 1142

ORDER signed by District Judge Morrison C. England, Jr. on 01/26/17 ORDERING that Texas Eastern Overseas Inc.'s 1141 Notice of Request to Seal Documents is GRANTED; the following documents are APPROVED for filing under seal: (1) Texas Eastern Overseas Inc.'s Post-Trial Brief Re the Method to Credit Plaintiff's Settlement for Response Costs; (2) the Declaration of Erin Poppler in Support of the Post-Trial Brief and Exhibit A thereto. (Benson, A)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FRED M. BLUM, ESQ. (SBN 101586) ERIN K. POPPLER, ESQ. (SBN 267724) VIVY D. DANG, ESQ. (SBN 297714) BASSI, EDLIN, HUIE & BLUM LLP 500 Washington Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: (415) 397-9006 Facsimile: (415) 397-1339 Attorneys for Defendant TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC. 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC., ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) ) VALLEY INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC., ) a former California corporation, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 2:00-cv-00113-MCE-EFB DEFENDANT TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC.’S REQUEST AND ORDER TO SEAL DOCUMENTS Trial Date: October 17-19, 2016 Closing Argument: November 15, 2016 Judge: Hon. Morrison C. England, Jr. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1913518 1 DEFENDANT TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC.’S REQUEST AND ORDER TO SEAL DOCUMENTS Pursuant to Local Rule 141 and the Stipulation and Protective Order entered by 1 2 the Court on January 12, 2017, Defendant TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC. 3 (“TEO”), by and through its respective counsel, respectfully submits this request for the 4 Court to enter an order sealing the documents listed below. Dkt. 1139.1 The documents to be approved for filing under seal include: (1) Defendant Texas 5 6 Eastern Overseas, Inc.’s Post-Trial Brief Regarding the Method to Credit Plaintiff 7 AmeriPride Services Inc.’s (“AmeriPride”) Settlement for Response Costs; (2) the 8 Declaration of Erin Poppler in Support of Defendant Texas Eastern Overseas, Inc.’s 9 Post-Trial Brief Re the Method to Credit AmeriPride’s Settlement for Response Costs, 10 and Exhibit A thereto. The total number of pages to be sealed is twenty-three (23) 11 pages. TEO requests that the documents be sealed indefinitely, unless the parties to this 12 13 Action agree otherwise or as ordered by the Court. The only persons permitted access 14 to the sealed documents, other than the Court and its personnel, will be those who have 15 been granted access by AmeriPride and have completed the “Acknowledgment And 16 Agreement To Be Bound,” attached as Exhibit A to the Stipulation and Protective Order, 17 Dkt. 1139. The basis for sealing these documents is the confidential nature of the materials, 18 19 as set forth in the Stipulation and Protective Order, Dkt. 1139. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 “Dkt.” refers to the Court’s ECF Docket number for this action. 1913518 2 DEFENDANT TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC.’S REQUEST AND ORDER TO SEAL DOCUMENTS The Request and Proposed Order to Seal Documents, the accompanying Notice, 1 2 and all documents covered by the request are being served on all parties on the same 3 day as this notice. 4 5 Date: January 23, 2017 BASSI, EDLIN, HUIE & BLUM LLP 6 7 By: /s/ ERIN K. POPPLER ____________________________________ FRED M. BLUM ERIN K. POPPLER VIVY D. DANG Attorneys for Defendant TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC. 8 9 10 11 12 13 ORDER Defendant Texas Eastern Overseas, Inc.’s request is GRANTED. The following 14 documents are approved for filing under seal: (1) Defendant Texas Eastern Overseas, 15 Inc.’s Post-Trial Brief Regarding the Method to Credit Plaintiff AmeriPride Services, 16 Inc.’s Settlement for Response Costs; (2) the Declaration of Erin Poppler in Support of 17 Defendant Texas Eastern Overseas, Inc.’s Post-Trial Brief Re the Method to Credit 18 Plaintiff AmeriPride Services, Inc.’s Settlement for Response Costs, and Exhibit A 19 thereto. IT IS SO ORDERED. 20 21 Dated: January 26, 2017 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1913518 3 DEFENDANT TEXAS EASTERN OVERSEAS, INC.’S REQUEST AND ORDER TO SEAL DOCUMENTS

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