Chess v. Dovey et al

Filing 125

ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd on 12/07/11 ordering ( Pretrial Conference set for 1/30/2012 at 03:00 PM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Jury Trial set for 4/24/2012 at 10:30 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Judge Lawrence K. Karlton.)(See order for further details) (Plummer, M)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 MICHAEL CHESS, 11 Plaintiff, 12 vs. 13 No. CIV S-07-1767 LKK DAD P J. DOVEY, et al., 14 15 16 Defendants. ORDER / Plaintiff is a state prisoner proceeding through counsel with an action under 42 17 U.S.C. § 1983. This case was referred to U.S. Magistrate Judge Gregory G. Hollows to conduct 18 a settlement conference on October 25, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. Magistrate Judge Hollows has 19 notified the court that the case did not settle at that time. 20 Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 21 1. Pretrial Conference is set in this case for January 30, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. in 22 Courtroom 4 before the Honorable Lawrence K. Karlton. The Pretrial Conference will not 23 require the attendance of the plaintiff-prisoner. All counsel are cautioned that counsel appearing 24 for Pretrial Conference will in fact try the matter. Counsel for all parties are to be fully prepared 25 for trial at the time of the Pretrial Conference, with no matters remaining to be accomplished 26 except production of witnesses for oral testimony. Counsel are referred to Local Rules 280 and 1 1 281 relating to the contents of and time for filing Pretrial Statements. In addition to those 2 subjects listed in Local Rule 281(b), the parties are to provide the court with a plain, concise 3 statement which identifies every non-discovery motion tendered to the court, and its resolution. 4 A FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL RULES 280 AND 281 WILL BE GROUNDS FOR 5 SANCTIONS. 6 2. The parties shall file Separate Pretrial Statements, the contents and timing of 7 which are set forth in Local Rule 281, except that the parties are to prepare a JOINT 8 STATEMENT with respect to the undisputed facts and disputed factual issues of the case. See 9 Local Rule 281(b)(3), (4), and (6). The parties are reminded to include in their joint statement all 10 disputed and undisputed special factual information as required by Local Rule 281(b)(6). The 11 undisputed facts and disputed factual issues are to be set forth in two separate sections. In each 12 section, the parties should identify first the general facts relevant to all causes of action. After 13 identifying the general facts, the parties should then identify those facts which are relevant to 14 each separate cause of action. In this regard, the parties are to number each individual fact or 15 factual issue. Where the parties are unable to agree as to what factual issues are properly before 16 the court for trial, they should nevertheless list in the section on “DISPUTED FACTUAL 17 ISSUES” all issues asserted by any of the parties and explain by parenthetical the controversy 18 concerning each issue. Each individual disputed fact or factual issue shall include the following 19 introductory language: “Whether or not . . . .” The parties should keep in mind that, in general, 20 each fact should relate or correspond to an element of the relevant cause of action. 21 Notwithstanding the provisions of Local Rule 281, the Joint Statement of Undisputed Facts and 22 Disputed Factual Issues is to be filed with the court concurrently with the filing of plaintiff's 23 Pretrial Statement. If the case is tried to a jury, the undisputed facts will be read to the jury. 24 3. Pursuant to Local Rule 281(b)(10) and (11), the parties are required to provide 25 in their Pretrial Statements a list of witnesses and exhibits that they propose to proffer at trial, no 26 matter for what purpose. These lists shall not be contained in the Pretrial Statement itself, but 2 1 shall be attached as separate documents to be used as addenda to the Final Pretrial Order. 2 Plaintiff's exhibits shall be listed NUMERICALLY; defendants’ exhibits shall be listed 3 ALPHABETICALLY. In the event that the alphabet is exhausted, defendants’ exhibits shall be 4 marked “2A-2Z, 3A-3Z, etc.” The Pretrial Order will contain a stringent standard for the 5 proffering of witnesses and exhibits at trial not listed in the Pretrial Order. Counsel are cautioned 6 that the standard will be strictly applied. On the other hand, the listing of exhibits or witnesses 7 which counsel do not intend to call or use will be viewed as an abuse of the court's processes. 8 4. Pursuant to Local Rule 281(b)(12), a party is required to provide a list of all 9 answers to interrogatories and responses to requests for admission that the party expects to offer 10 at trial. This list should include only those documents or portions thereof which the party expects 11 to offer in its case-in-chief. Unless otherwise barred by a rule of evidence or order of this court, 12 the parties remain free to tender appropriate discovery documents during trial for such purposes 13 as, but not limited to, impeachment or memory refreshment. 14 5. Pursuant to Local Rule 281(b)(8), the parties’ Pretrial Statements shall contain 15 a “statement of legal theory, etc.” Each party shall commence this section by specifying as to 16 each claim whether federal or state law governs, and if state law, the state whose law is 17 applicable. 18 6. Counsel are reminded that, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 16, it will be their duty 19 at the Pretrial Conference to aid the court in (a) formulation and simplification of issues and the 20 elimination of frivolous claims or defenses; (b) settling of facts which should be properly 21 admitted; and (c) the avoidance of unnecessary proof and cumulative evidence. Counsel must 22 prepare their Pretrial Statements, and participate in good faith at the Pretrial Conference, with 23 these aims in mind. A FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN THE IMPOSITION of 24 SANCTIONS which may include monetary sanctions, orders precluding proof, eliminations of 25 claims or defenses, or such other sanctions as the court deems appropriate. 26 ///// 3 1 7. This matter is set for jury trial before the Honorable Lawrence K. Karlton on 2 April 24, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. in Courtroom 4. 3 DATED: December 7, 2011. 4 5 6 DAD:9 ches1767.41aty 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4

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