- Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal et al v. Bowen et al

Filing 95

JOINT STATUS REPORT by Timothy Hodson, Eugene Huguenin, Jr, Robert Leidigh, Ray Remy, - Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal, Dennis J. Herrera, National Organization for Marriage California - Yes on 8, Sponsored by National Organization for Marriage, Debra Bowen, Edmund G. Brown, Jr, Dean C. Logan, Department of Elections - City and County of San Francisco, John Doe #1, Jan Scully, Ross Johnson. (Bieniek, Scott)

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P r o t e c t M a r r i a g e . c o m - Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal et al v. Bowen et al D o c . 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 l1 t2 13 I4 15 16 1.7 18 l9 20 21. 22 z-) /1 /1 Bar James Bopp,Jr.(lnd.State No. 2838-84)* (ind.State No. 11527-70)+ Bar R i c h a r d Coleson E. (Ind.State No.11912-84)E Bar B a r r yA. Bostrom (Wis.State BarNo. 1061515)* S a r a h Troupis E. Bar State No. 6295901)* ScottF. Bieniek(I11. BOPP, & COLESoNBosrRoM 1 SouthSixth Street IN T e n eHaute, 47807-3510 T elephone : (812)232-2434 235-3 685 F a c s i m i l e : (812) Counsefor A1l Plaintiffs l (Cal.State No. 234325)** Bar T imothyD. Chandler FUND A L L I A N C E DEFENSE 1 0 1Parkshore Drive,Suite100 F o l s o mCA 95630 , T elephone : (916)932-2850 932-2851 F acsimile: (91.6) Counsefor All Plaintilfs l B e n j a m i n Bull (AZ BarNo. 009940)* W. FLIND A L L I A N C E DEFENSE North90thStreet 15100 ScottsdaleArizona 85260 , T elephone : (480) 444-0020 F acsimile: (480)444-0028 Counsefor A1lPlaintiffs l a Aclmitted Hac Vice Pro ** Designated Counsel Servtce for U N I T E D STATESDISTRICT COURT E A S T E R NDISTRICT OF.CALIFORNIA S A C R A M E N T ODIVISION No. C a s e 2:09-CV-00058-MCE-DAD et P r o t e c t M a r r i a g e . c o m ,al., Plaintiffs, D e b r aBowen, al., et J O I N T STATUS REPORT Jr. Monison C. England, Judge z) 26 27 J o i n t Status Report 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8, Pur s u a nto this Courl'sorderof January 2009,PlaintiffsProtectMariage.comYes t for (""); NationalOrganization on 8, a Projectof CalifomiaRenewal for by ManiageCalifomia- Yes on 8, Sponsored NationalOrganization Marriage(.'NOMDebraBowen,EdmundG. Brown,Jr.,DeanC. Califomia" ),andJohnDoe #1, andDefendants RossJohnson, DennisJ. Herrera, Depafiment ofElections, Logan, Scully,SanFrancisco Jan Huguenin, RobertLeidigh,andRayRemy,now fi1etheir Joint Jr., T imothyHodson, Eugene Status Repofi. ( a ) a brief summaryof the claims: to constitutional challenge Califorfacial,andas-applied T his is a pre-enforcement, Code$ 81000et seq. nia's PoliticalReformAct of 1974("the Act"),CalifomiaGovemment and and NOM-Califomia, JohnDoe #1 seekdeclaratory, 1 . 2 injunctive thattheyviolatetheFirst to reliefwith respect poftionsofthe Act on the ground 13 I4 15 16 17 18 I9 20 2l 22 23 ') /l by to as Constitution, incorporated the states theFourteenth Amendmento theUnitedStates t Constitution. Amendmento theUnitedStates t and NOM-Califomia, JohnDoe#1, Spec i fi c a l l, , to requirements applied themandal1similarlysituated as challenge ofthe Act's disclosure all requireprobability thatthe Act's disclosure thatthereis a reasonable persons the ground on and harassment, reprisals. mentswill resultin threats, the and NOM-Califomiachallenge Act's Fufthermore, both faciallyandas Cal. contributors, Gov't Codesection 84211, threshold reporling for $ a is that to applied them,on the grounds thethreshold not narrowlytailoredto serve compelConstituto interest, violationof theFirstAmendment theUnitedStates in ling govemment Amendment. of to tion, asincorporated the State Califomiaby theFourleenth and NOM-Califomia, JohnDoe#1, challenge F in a l l y ,Plaintilfs,, 25 26 27 28 to requirements, faciallyandasapplied, the extentthatthe Act both the Act's disclosure to that Califomiacontinues and afterthe election to the extent requires Plaintiffsto file reports R J o i n tS t a t u s e p o r t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T4 15 T6 that to repoftsavailable thepublicafterthe election.Plaintiffsfuithera11ege said to is post-electi oreporling n with respect ballotmeasures not narrowlytailoredto servea govemment to interest violationof theFirstAmendment theUnitedStates in compelling Amendment. by Constitutio nasincorporated theFourleenth , (b) statusof serviceupon all defendants: has on Serv i c e beeneffected all defendants. joinder of additional parties: ( c ) possible partiesand/or ofjoining additional the At this time,Plaintiffscontemplate possibility of and sttucture to in amending their complaint reflectchanges thepurpose organizational parliesshould effected July 31, be by of Joinder additional someofthe partyorganizations. 2009. ( d ) contemplated to amendments the pleadings: parties and/or the At this time,Plaintiffscontemplate possibilityofjoining additional structure oIand their complaint reflectchanges thepurpose organizational to in arnending someof theparlyorganizations. (e) the statutory basisfor jurisdiction and venue: to Amendments T his actionarises under42 U.S.C.S 1983andtheFirst andFourteenth jurisdictionto adjudicate of al1 This courthassubj matter ect theUnitedStates Constitution. Districtof The 1 by of P l a i n t i f f sclaims reason 28 U.S.C. 133 and1343(a). Eastem ' $$ Defendants because for under11U.S.C.$ 1391(b) Califomiais thepropervenue this case District performtheir official dutiesin the Eastem others, Bowen,Brown,andScully,among in Plaintiffshavetheirprincipalplaceof business Califomia,and of Califomia,Commrttee John Doe,41 resides Califomia. in r'7 18 l9 20 2l 22 24 25 zo 27 28 J o i n t StatusReport 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 79 20 2I 22 23 1A (f) anticipateddiscoveryand the scheduling discovery, of including: ( l ) what changes, any,shouldbe madein the timing,form, or if includinga statement r e q u i r e m e nfor disclosures t underRule26(a), weremadeor will be a sto whendisclosures underRule26(a)(1) made: underRule26(a)(1) should madeby April 1, 2009.Any disclobe Init i a l disclosures issued with shouldbe consistent this Court'spreviously sures madeunderRule26(a)(1) protective ect resewed right to object. order,subj to Defendants' ( 2 ) the subjects which discovery may be needed; whendiscovery on and whether discoveryshouldbe conducted s h o u l dbe completed, i n phases: period,runninguntil October1, on T hepafiieshaveagreed a six monthdiscovery afterthe the ofnew witnesses otherevidence or 2009.Shouldanyparlydiscover existence as the limiteddiscovery to this new closeof this period,Defendants reserve right to conduct evidence to conduct and depositions saidwitnesses. of (3 ) what changes, any, shouldbe madein the limitations on if imposed underthe Civil Rulesand what other discovery l i m i t a t i o n sif any,shouldbe imposed: , with this Court's should consistent be Any disclosures madeunderRule26(a)(1) previously protective issued order. and (4 ) the timing of the disclosure expertwitnesses information of re q u i re d by Rule 26(a)(2): shouldbe and required RuIe26(a)(2) by Dis c l o s u l e expertwitnesses infotmation of 25 e f f e c t e by July 1, 2009. d 26 21 28 J o i n t StatusReport i (5 ) proposeddatesfor discoverycut-off: O c t o b e1,2009. r motionsshall be filed: Al1non(g) proposeddate by which all non-discovery judgment, 16, by shallbe fi1ed November includingmotionsfor summary discovery motions, 2009. ( h ) proposed and dates final pretrial conference trial: for for by in T heparliesbelievethatall issues this actioncanbe resolved cross-motions judgment, er which should filed by Novemb 16,2009.Inthe eventa trial is be summary 15, be wouldpropose pretrialconference heldon January 2010. the necessary, parties the (i) estimateof daysof trial, and whether any party has demandeda jury: absent needfor trial, shoulda the believethatthis actioncanbe resolved Whi l e parties that,if a Defendants havedemandedjury in this case.Thepaftiesestimate trial be necessary tkee weeks. a necessary,trial wouldtakeapproximately to master procedures ( i ) appropriateness special suchasreference a special of judge pursuant to to or agreement try the matter beforea magistrate 2 8 U.S.C. 636(c): master or procedures asreference a special to such T heparties not believespecial do judgeareappropriate this case. in trial beforea magistrate due to the special (k) proposedmodificationof standardpretrial procedures n a t u r eof the case: None. including any matter (l) whether the caseis relatedto any other case, i n v o l v i n gbankruptcy: pending case. to T his case not related anyothercurrently is should conference including whether a settlement (m) prospects settlement, for b e scheduled: 2 3 4 5 6 'l 8 9 10 11 72 13 I4 15 16 tl 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J o i n t StatusReport 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 I6 t7 18 19 20 21 22 in is or T heparliesdo not believesettlement feasible appropriate this case. (n) any other mattersthat may be conductive the just and expeditious to will waive any including whether counsel dis p o s i ti o nof the case, judge: dis q u a l i fi c a ti o nand stipulateto the trial judge acting as a settlement in or T heparties not believethis is eithernecessary appropriate this case. do 1/l 25 lo 2'/ 28 J o i n t StatusReport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 t] 18 Dated:March6, 2009 (lnd.BarNo.11912-84) B a r r yA. Bostrom (Wis.BarNo. 1061515) S a r a h Troupis E. Bar ScottF. Bieniek(I11. No. 6295901) BOPP, COLESON & BOSTRoM 1 SouthSixthStreet Terre Haute, 47807-3510 IN P h :(812) 232-2434 F x : (812)235-3685 Counsefor All Plaintiffs l (Cal.Bar No. 234325) T imothyD. Chandler A L L I A N C E DEFENSE FUND 1 0 1Parkshore Drive,Suite100 F o l s o mCA 95630 , Counsefor Al1Plaintiffs l DesignateCounsel Service d for Benjamin Bull (AZ Bar No. 009940) W. A L L I A N C E DEFENSE FL'ND 1 5100Nodh 90thStreet ScottsdaleArizona85260 , Ph: (a80) 444-0020 F x: (480) 444-0028 Counsefor All Plaintiffs l r9 20 2T 22 LJ 24 25 26 27 28 J o i n t StatusReport I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 L4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 Zackery PaulNfurazzini A t t o m e yGeneral's Officefor theState Califomia of 1 3 0 0 Street I S a c r a m e n t.o 94244-2550 CA P h :(916)445-8226 F x : (916)324-5567 Bowen,andEdmund Brown,Jr. G. C o u n s efor Debra l z5 26 27 28 J o i r t Statur Report 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 Woodlock /s/ Lawrence Thomas Lawrence Thomas Woodlock Commission CalifomiaFair PoliticalPractices 428J Street, Suite620 S a c r a m e n,t o 95814 CA P h :(91O322-5744 F x : (916)32'/-2026 TimothyHodson, Counsefor RossJohnson, l RoberlLeidigh,ard RayRemy Eugene Huguenin, Jr., B 9 10 11 72 l_f l4 15 t6 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 1/1 25 26 27 28 J o i n t StatusReport 09:07am rom-00vBrn||IEnt F Ssrv icE 03-03-09 c0vER0 +21361fi182 T - 3 5 8 P.02/02F-440 1 4 q 6 7 I I l0 ll t7 l? aa gtrcer 500 TemDle W LoseageleslC* 90ana7]a , (213) 974-18a5 Ph: 617-7182 Fx:(211) C. Counsel Dean Ingan for l5 t6 t'l l8 l9 ?0 1L 22 23 /+ ,\ )A ,1 28 J o i r r sr4trr Brporl fieq-45-24b9 !?t 48 S F CI TY ATTORI']EY'S OFFICE 4 1 5 =54 4?4? P.A2/@2 I J 4 5 o ,7 I o l0 ll LZ IJ SanFrancisco City Attorncys Office City Hall Place I Dr. Carlton Goodlett B. Room234 SanFranciscoCA 94102 , P h :(415) 554-470s F x: (415)554-4745 Counsefor DennisJ. Herrera l and Departmenof Elections City atrd t Countyof SanFrancisoo t4 lq l6 17 18 t9 20 21 22 23 25 26 )1 28 J o i t r rStatusRcF0n l0 T I T N L P. E2 P0RTER |IIEIBERG SC0TT Fax; 02;20pm P002/002 l l a r 5 2009 4 7 R Ph:(916)929-1481 x316 F x:(916)927-3746 Counsefor JauScully l , cA 95825 9 10 il \2 l4 15 i6 tt 18 19 20 21 ,t T5 24 7\ 7F, 27 'R J o i t r t Sistqf Report 11

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